Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 851: The Dark Lord's Secret! Taiyi Zhenyuan 3 more votes

"Hmph!" Xiao Rongyi continued to snort coldly, but he didn't cry anymore, after all, he was kissed by his mother, which made him feel that he hadn't been completely rejected.

But Ye Qianli asked him, "Then do you know that you just disappeared to hold the beads like that, to your mother, you lost your mother? Do you think your beads are more important than your mother?"

Such a question obviously made Xiao Rongyi a little confused, after all he certainly didn't think so! But……


The little guy looked up at Ye Qianli, with nothing but ignorance in his big eyes, and Ye Qianli said to him seriously, "In my mother's eyes, your behavior like that means losing your mother, don't want her Kiss, I only want your beads."

"Ah wow..." Xiao Rongyi immediately shook his head and said, that's not the case! he just...

"In case you were swallowed by that snake and it disappeared again, didn't you leave mother behind? Are you sad that mother left you just now? Very wronged."

"Ah..." Xiao Rongyi nodded.

"Mother is the same, and she is even more sad and scared." Ye Qianli said cautiously. If it is too profound, the little guy may not be able to understand it, but she must make him feel the same, so that he will remember.

And when he heard her say that, and saw Xiao Rongyi with tears in her eyes, he just...he lowered his little head, and Ye Qianli hugged him tightly and said, "Do you know it's wrong now?"

"Ah wow..." Xiao Rongyi tried to explain, hurry up! The snake was disabled and could not catch up with him.

But Ye Qianli said to him, "You may be confident that you will not be caught by a snake, but mother doesn't know, just like mother actually didn't want to throw you away, but wanted you to understand how mother felt before, but you I don't know, do I?"

Xiao Rongyi: "..." He was speechless.

"So don't do such dangerous things in the future, even if you want beads very much." Ye Qianli just wanted the little one to take care of her mother when she did dangerous things in the future, and remember to protect herself at all times .

"Wow..." Xiao Rongyi responded a series of times, obviously not "yes", because he was telling Ye Qianli that if he did these things in the future, he would first let her know that he was not in danger up.

Then he moved up and hugged his mother's neck tightly, expressing that he would not "abandon" mother, definitely not.

Of course Ye Qianli couldn't understand his "ah wow wow", but she could roughly guess what he meant, and she didn't think about making this little one do everything she said.

As long as he knew and remembered how she felt when she almost lost him, it would be fine. Her little son is so smart, he knows how to cherish her as a mother before he was born, he must understand that he can't scare her anymore.


Xiao Rongyi knew it for sure, so he hugged his mother tightly, and Ye Qianli stroked his little soft back, rubbed his forehead and asked Xiao Huahua to heal him, and told him not to Knocking your own head like this will make you stupid!

"This is good." Ye Wuji breathed a sigh of relief, but he also noticed Ye Qianli's painstaking efforts. At the same time, he also knew that for an extraordinary child like Rong Yi, he said that when disciplined Really want to make a big deal.

This kid has a big idea! more tempered...

One is not educated well, and it is easy to go astray.

As for Ye Qianli at this meeting, she let go of Xiao Er, looked into his eyes and said, "Then mother will also tell you, no matter at any time! Mother loves you and will never lose you!" you."

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi nodded in satisfaction, and reached out to touch Ye Qianli's face, he knew that his mother loved him and would not lose him.

Ye Qianli was amused by how arrogant he was, just like his father, so she kissed his little hand again, then looked at the little snake curled up on his wrist and said, "Ask it, do you know what happened just now?" Why is the big snake missing?"

"Slap!" Xiao Rongyi slapped the unresponsive little colorful snake as soon as he heard it. The little snake immediately popped out of its head, nodded quickly, and flew out of the air as if to lead the way.

Ye Qianli hugged Xiao Rongyi and followed, Ye Wuji and Sirius Slaughter also followed, and the little colorful snake took them to the deepest part of the cave, and turned a blind corner! Found a secret passage! ?


"..." Sirius was obviously surprised, because it really didn't know that there was such a secret passage in this cave. The key is that it is very aware of the stones in this area, which cannot be excavated by the Dark Lord of the Abyss, especially hard.

So it said from the side, "This should also be dug by the Dark Lord."

"It's quite secretive." Ye Qianli said, and continued to light up the abyssal power around her, but after they walked for a short distance, they realized that there was no need for "lighting".

Because in front of them was already a piece of sparkle, and the walls of the surrounding caves emitted mysterious purple light, exuding an ancient and dreamy atmosphere.

"This is..." The magic box barked Ye Qianli in astonishment, "This is the source crystal, which contains the aura of primordial energy, and is a derivative of the aura of Shiyuan, with extraordinary energy."

"Gulu..." Xiao Rongyi was already swallowing his saliva, because he could sense that these things were quite delicious.

"Don't worry." Ye Qianli touched her son's bald head and continued to walk forward. She felt that the main event must be ahead, and it was indeed the case.

When Little Colored Snake stopped and should come, in front of Ye Qianli and the others, an obviously sealed stone room appeared. The point is, the stone chamber also exudes a kind of mysterious atmosphere, which makes the whole stone chamber look unreal.

Before the stone chamber, there are obviously a lot of snake skin debris, but they are all very old.

"It seems that the python king has been cultivating here, and because of the influence of this mysterious aura, he mutated and disappeared out of thin air." Killing Sirius said.

"Are you born here?" Ye Qianli asked Little Colored Snake, who shook his head hesitantly, then flashed towards the edge of the stone chamber door, and signaled Ye Qianli and the others to look over.

When they got closer, they saw that there was a small one here! The small hole is only about half the size of Ye Qianli's tail finger, and the little colorful snake means that it came out of here.

That is to say! It was born in the stone chamber, which made Ye Qianli look at the door of the stone chamber in surprise, and on this door, there were clear patterns engraved with a vague scene, which could be vaguely seen as a picture of pavilions and pavilions.

"I'm afraid it contains the treasure of the dark lord of the abyss, otherwise he wouldn't have decorated it so carefully." Ye Wuji said from the side.

Ye Qianli felt the same, and the mysterious aura emanating from this stone room always gave her a very kind feeling, so kind that she subconsciously reached out to touch the door of the stone room, touching those lines.

But when she touched these lines, the Tianyi True Water in her sea of ​​consciousness moved! It seems to have been greatly touched. As a result, it came out "swish", from Ye Qianli's sea of ​​consciousness, and flashed into the stone gate.

It's not over yet...

Because there is movement in Abyss City at this moment!

ps: Abyss City has been very "turbulent" recently, hahaha~ It's the end of the month, and the inventory of monthly tickets is also in turmoil. It should be cleared, don't forget it in a few days~

Another: The v group event will start at 8:00 tonight [Saturday 25th], remember to pay attention to the cuties in the group, those who have not entered can be verified by the administrator of the public group to join, or find out about the digression of the previous two days, there is a verification group The number can be verified~

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