Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 852 The Eighth Talent! Dark Lord's Wife 1 More

"This, this is... what?"

"No, I don't know..."

Everyone in Abyss City realized at this moment that they were surrounded by a layer of water waves, and the entire city seemed to be surrounded by a drop of water in an instant.

"This..." Many powerhouses were even more astonished, because they couldn't perceive it. What is the situation? Is there hostility or what?

Not to mention that ordinary strong people can't perceive clearly, even Ye Chonghua in Ye Mansion, he is also confused! Because he can't perceive it, what's going on? Where did this water wave come from?

I don't know...

No one knows!

The big men on the edge of the abyss didn't know, neither did Ye Shengqian. He could only look at Ye Lao Liu, but Ye Lao Liu shook his head.

"Ancestor, this..."

Ye Wufang looked at Ye Shengqian hesitantly, even though he firmly believed that his eldest son, Ye Tianjiao, would not have any major changes, at most, he would not be able to awaken the talent of the dark master.

But what happened now? Waiting like this, I'm afraid it's really not a problem.

Ye Shengqian just lowered his old eyes and didn't give any response, as if he had made up his mind that he would never act rashly again.

But Rong Mo stretched out his hand, which made many people stare at him subconsciously, but he just let the virtual water wave flow over his slender fingers, and he waved lightly, as if he was playing around.


"This kid..." Dao Yuan murmured speechlessly, only thinking that Rong Mo was the person he couldn't see through the most, but neither he nor anyone present knew that Rong Mo was not kidding.

He knew that this was the talent of his little leopard. He thought that his little leopard might be about to awaken a new talent, and it was still the Taiyi series.

In fact, Ye Qianli in the abyss also had the same premonition as him, because when the Taiyi real water popped up, the Taiyi God Flower sent her a voice transmission and said, "Miss sister, I want to go out too. I can feel it, there is a power that makes me feel very kind.”

"Okay." Ye Qianli released the Taiyi Divine Flower.

same moment!


A very huge purple flower bloomed above Abyss City, causing an uproar! First the water waves, and then the flowers bloom, this doesn't look like a normal phenomenon.


"So that's how it is." From somewhere in the shadows of Abyss City, there was a murmur that no one else could hear, and the person who uttered the murmur was the Darkness who came out of Ice and Snow City.

He stood in the darkness, looked at the Taiyi God Flower in the sky, and stretched out his hand like Rong Mo, letting the water flow through his pale, slender fingers.


"It really is her." Ming An murmured softly, and disappeared in the shadows, as if he had never appeared before, and everything was a phantom.

But when he disappeared, under the abyss! Ye Qianli had already pushed open the stone door under Little Colorful Snake's shocked gaze, and walked into the stone room.

Only when she stepped in with one foot, Ye Wuji pulled her back and said, "Be careful, let grandpa go ahead."

"It's okay." Ye Qianli had an intuition that there would be no danger here, but Ye Wuji must go ahead, so she could only follow behind him.

However, after Ye Wuji entered the stone room, he really didn't find any danger, what caught his eye was just an ordinary bedroom, with stone beds, stone tables, stone chairs and other simple layouts.

The only unique thing is that there is an easel next to the stone table, and there is a figure painting on it, which shows a slim woman covered with a light veil.

"This is..." Sirius recognized, but this woman is the wife of the dark lord of the abyss! It was also the human woman who made him weaker and weaker.

It can be seen that this place is really the place where the dark lord of the abyss collects his "treasures". He has treasured the portrait of his most cherished wife here.

Ye Qianli took a closer look at the painting, and could tell that the woman should be beautiful. Although her face was covered by a light veil, her eyes were like flowing water, soft and charming, clear and agile, with graceful eyebrows and a slim figure. Absolutely a first-class beauty.

She didn't need to ask, she knew that this must be the wife of the dark lord of the abyss, but this painting didn't seem to be drawn by him, because although the painting was vivid, the tone was not right.

Ye Qianli thought, if it was painted by the dark lord of the abyss, since he treasured the painting here, he must have a lot of love for the people in the painting, but there is no trace of emotional sustenance in this painting.


"Did you draw it yourself?" Ye Qianli looked at the painting thoughtfully, but the little one in her arms was not very honest, he suddenly reached out to grab the painting!

Seeing that Ye Qianli quickly grabbed his little hand, it was too late! The little guy touched the painting, and... before Ye Qianli and the others could react.


"Buzz! Buzz..."

The whole stone chamber trembled violently, as if a mechanism had been touched! It was about to collapse, and even the entire ancient abyss was trembling violently!


Ye Qianli...

She really wanted to slap the little guy's little ass again.


But Xiao Rongyi was obviously also confused, he didn't understand why it was like this?


Ye Qianli squeezed his little hand, and Ye Wuji said in a deep voice, "Go, let's go out first! This stone room is going to..."

But before Ye Wuji could finish his words, Sirius screamed in shock, "Master! Be careful!"

"What..." Ye Qianli raised her eyes and was about to ask, but she didn't have time to ask, because the "person" in the painting in front of her and Xiao Rongyi, "she" had already rushed towards her at this moment.


Xiao Rongyi immediately yelled! But Ye Qianli turned around immediately, and she blocked it with her back. This "person" rushed to protect the son in her arms.

But she herself was fully defensive at the first time! At the same time, Ye Wuji also merged with Slaughter Sirius, and Ye Wuji pulled her aside with quick eyesight and quick hands.

It's too late! Fast then.


The dark lord of the abyss in Ye Qianli's body, "he" has appeared at this moment! He also took the "figure" that flashed out of the painting into Ye Qianli's body with the other hand.

Ye Qianli...


what's the situation? !


Ye Qianli touched her chest, then her face, then looked at Ye Wuji in astonishment, "Grandpa, what's going on?"

Ye Wuji: "..." How did he know what was going on?

Don't say he doesn't know! The magic box couldn't even figure it out, and it even asked Ye Qianli in a barrage, "Is this your eighth talent? The wife of the dark lord of the abyss? He wants to spend a long time with his wife in the form of talent." Together?"

"..." |

Ye Qianli's head was suddenly full of black lines, and she just thought that she must have been hit by the "mouth" of the magic box! After all, she really has this intuition.

But the key is! She couldn't perceive at all, where did the "woman" who was "caught" in her body go! ? Did the "Dark Lord of the Abyss" hide "her"?

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