Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 853: Xilai Shengfa! Complete war 2 more


Ye Qianli was in a daze, but the stone room stopped trembling! It seemed that everything had returned to calm, except Ye Qianli's heart was very restless.

When she "released" Sirius, she couldn't figure out why, after all, Sirius was also very confused, but the painting also "disappeared".

Ye Qianli...

But Ye Wuji asked clearly that after Ye Qianli had no discomfort, he suggested, "Why don't you go back and let your grandson-in-law take a look, maybe he will know?"

"That's the only way." Ye Qianli looked at the clean drawing paper, then reached out to put away the drawing paper, so that Prince Mei could look at it together.

Ye Wuji pinched Xiao Rongyi's tender face right now, "Don't touch me casually next time, let's see you this time! Fortunately, your mother is fine, otherwise you would have no mother, you little troublemaker!"

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi covered his face unconvinced, Ye Wuji touched his little bald head, and he covered his face with one hand and his head with the other, unable to cover it at all.

Afterwards, Ye Qianli and Ye Qianli searched together, but found nothing unusual, so the magic box urged her to move the stone table away! After all, they are source crystals.

It's a pity that it can't be moved at all! Ye Wuji turned into a silver wolf, and then picked up the mace transformed by the magic box, even a single source crystal could not be smashed! It also made Ye Qianli just watch.

However, both Taiyi Zhenshui and Taiyi God Flower are attached to the wall, constantly absorbing the mysterious atmosphere in the stone room, Ye Qianli didn't ask any more questions this time, because she could sense that Xiao Huahua was very busy.

"Cai'er, you were born here out of thin air? Don't you have any eggshells?" Ye Qianli asked about the little colorful snake wrapped around the little guy's hand.

The little colorful snake thought for a while, then nodded and vomited the snake letter, and made a gesture of eating, obviously there was an eggshell, but it ate it by itself.

Ye Qianli: "..." All right, this is really in line with its code of conduct, isn't it just for the sake of eating in one bite, that it submits to the "pretentious power" of her child.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ye Qianli asked Ye Wuji to accompany Shi Sirius to melt back into his body. Ye Wuji originally refused, after all, he didn't know where the half-disabled python king was, but Ye Qianli said that once they left, she could After closing the door, Ye Wuji left.

However, he and Slaughter Sirius still tried outside the door for a long time, and after confirming that they could not open the door of the stone chamber no matter what means they used, they left with confidence.

But they don't know, above the abyss! As well as Ye Mansion and Abyss City, due to the abnormal changes in Ye Qianli's talent, unusual phenomena appeared.


As for Ye Shengqian, at this moment, he silently raised his wrinkled old eyelids, and looked at Rong Mo and Feng Yuan Tianzun, which made the latter's eyes darken slightly.

he knows! Here comes the main event.


Not only Feng Yuan Tianzun knew, but also all the powerful people. They opened their eyes from sitting cross-legged and adjusting their breath, and looked at Ye Shengqian and Rong Mo.

Everyone knows that after waiting for so long, the Abyss Ye family can't wait any longer, but they don't know that they can't communicate with the outside world! What "arrangements" have been made during this period of time?


Just when Ye Shengqian finally locked his eyes on Rong Mo, the latter raised his eyes to look at Yuankong, his expression changed quite a bit, which also made all the big guys "look" at him subconsciously.

But except for Rong Mo, no one can "see" it, in the far west of Abyss City! There is a group of strong men with hundreds of people coming with their swords.



This group of strong men flying through the air with their swords has a very high level of cultivation, and they all have a minimum of ninth-level gods! No, not all of them, there is one person who is not, that is a young man, he is sitting on a huge sword, but the person flying with the sword is not him, but an old man with white eyebrows and black hair.

And this person, Rong Mo recognized.

He is still the head of the Holy Family, Dao Yun and Dao Sheng's grandfather Sheng Fa, a god-level blacksmith, array mage, and divine pattern master, and his cultivation is in the realm of saints.

He came, and was invited by the young man sitting on his sword——Ye Tianjiao. Although the latter was still pale at the moment, his cultivation was obviously not completely broken, and he survived.

The key is……

"Who is watching?" Shengfa still felt something at this moment! Sweeping in the direction of Rong Mo's location, Rong Mo frowned slightly because of his high level of spiritual power.

"Young Master, what's the matter?" Feng Yuan Tianzun asked worriedly.

But before Rong Mo could respond, Ye Shengqian had already stood up and said, "Half an hour is enough."

"Ancestor?" Ye Wuhao was still a little puzzled, he obviously didn't understand what Ye Shengqian meant, but Ye Wufang understood right away.

Ye Shengqian also said in an old spirit, "Half an hour is enough for my Ye Mansion to send the core juniors to a safe place, and the life and death of the rest of them is no longer a concern for this Heavenly Venerable and my Ye family. "

Hearing Ziyuan Tianzun felt bad and said, "What does Qian Tianzun mean?"

"What do you mean? A war is about to start." Ye Shengqian said indifferently, it was in his hands! An epee has already appeared, and there is a taboo atmosphere of Senhan on it.



Ye Chongde and other four saints of the Ye family also sacrificed their weapons at this moment, either knives or swords! They are all spirit-level artifacts, and they are full of evil spirits.

Such a scene...

It could be seen that the Qilin King, the Demon King, the Sect Master of the Demon Sect, the Living Buddha of the Buddha Sect, the City Lord of Luojia City, the president of the Shenwen Teachers' Union, and Na De Yunzhong had all retreated to the side, but Ziyuan Tianzun did not retreat. , Taoist! nor.

This made Ye Wufang immediately say, "Brother, do you really want to stand on the opposite side with me, Abyss Ye?"

"Brother, you..." Dao Yun also wants to persuade from the side at this moment.

But Dao Sheng interrupted softly, "Dao Yun, don't call me elder brother of the suzerain from now on. From the moment you do today's matter, you should understand that Dao sect will cut off all kindness and righteousness with you."

"I..." Dao Yun looked at Dao Sheng in disbelief, although she knew it! After today's incident, her relationship with Daozong and Daosheng will definitely not be very good, but she didn't expect it! Taoist is so decisive.

But this is not over yet, Dao Sheng still looked at Ye Wufang and said, "Patriarch Ye, my uncle can't bear that sentence of yours, since you allowed Dao Yun to slander my Dao Sect, no matter how this situation ends, Dao Zong and Abyss Ye have no kindness."

"Little Saint, I, the Ye family, will give you an explanation to Daozong about this matter. Does your father know that you are so impulsive?" Ye Chongde said in a low voice.

"Thank you Chongde Tianzun for asking, but my Daozong's matter, my suzerain is in charge, and I don't need Tianzun to worry about it. Today! Whoever dares to move his face will be against my Daozong, and he will step on my way." Saint's corpse." Daosheng said decisively.

As soon as this statement came out...

"!" All the bosses were stunned! None of them thought that the Taoist saint, who has always been gentle, would be so decisive! ? this……

It's still not over!

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