Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 854 Daozong declares war! Broken bloody case 3 more

The Taoist sage had already waved his whisk, and said to the people who looked at the Abyss Ye clan indifferently, "This suzerain will die if he dies, but the tens of thousands of Taoist sects will be incompatible with the Abyss Ye clan!"

"You..." Ye Chongde's face changed slightly, he just felt that this Taoist is simply unreasonable! They all said that they would give him an explanation, but he didn't know what to do.

But Ye Shengqian's voice came out coldly at this moment, "Then you should die here."

As soon as this statement comes out!


All the bosses were shocked, and felt that their backs were sweating from the shock! Because Ye Shengqian was declaring war with Daozong, Daozong and Abyss Ye's actually declared war.

The innocence of the heavens is about to change.

This scene is getting bigger and bigger!

"Zu Zu, my brother didn't mean that, he just, just..." At this moment, Dao Yun, she really wanted to discourage this declaration of war, because she knew it very well! Once the Abyss Ye family and Daozong really go to war, she, the mistress of Daozong, will be very embarrassed.

But she couldn't tell why! She was already panicking, and she found that all of this was beyond the scope of her calculations.

"Okay, lady, step back." Ye Chongde had already ordered at this time, and Ye Wufang called two strong men from the Ye family to invite Dao Yun to the rear.

"No! I..." Dao Yun wanted to say that she would not retreat, that she was the mistress of the abyss, but Ye Wufang had already held her shoulder and said in a deep voice, "Do you want to kill your brother?"

"I..." Dao Yun was dumbfounded by the question.

"Retire if you don't want to, and stay quietly." After Ye Wufang said, he motioned for someone to take Dao Yun down. He knew that although his wife was smart, she was rather confused about major matters.

As soon as Daoyun was invited, Ye Chongde looked at Ziyuan Tianzun, who said something to Hong Xiaodao, and then Hong Xiaodao retreated to De Yunzhong.

But Tianzun Ziyuan did not retreat, even though Tianzun Feng Yuan "disliked" him, but at the end of the day, he still decided to stay.

Seeing Ye Chongde, he sneered and said, "Okay, it seems that Ziyuan Tianzun has also made a choice."

"That's right." Ziyuan Tianzun also nodded resolutely and said, "It's said that it's okay to die at night after hearing the Tao. Now I have enlightened Miss Ye Qianli. Although I haven't achieved anything yet, I should repay the kindness taught by my teacher."

"Okay, okay..." Ye Chongde said hello a few times, and retreated beside Ye Shengqian.

The rest of the Ye clan saints, Ye Wufang and a group of clan elders, as well as those Ye clan experts who were rescued before, all stood behind Ye Shengqian at this meeting.

But Ye Lao Liu and Ye Wuhao didn't move...

This made Ye Chongde's face change slightly! Ye Shengqian still stared at Ye Laoliu and asked, "You two, are you going to betray the abyss?"

"No, ancestor, I..." Ye Wuhao was about to explain, he just didn't think it was necessary! Isn't it just waiting for someone?

But Ye Shengqian interrupted word by word, "If you don't, just stand in, or you will be a traitor! Self-defeating, self-cultivation, and breaking into the seal of sinners."

That's it! Apparently it was also said to Ye Lao Liu, and the latter...

Ye Lao Liu! When he was looking at Ye Shengqian, he...he...

"Sixth! Come here, don't forget your mother's words." Ye Chongde yelled at this moment, he was afraid that this brat would be muddled and stubborn.

"I..." Ye Laoliu's eyes were red.

"Don't forget the oath you made!" Ye Chongde said again.

Ye Laoliu looked at Rong Mo, and then took a deep look at Gu Zhiyuan, but in the end he could only stand in the camp of the Abyss Ye family, after all, he was a member of the Abyss Ye family.

In this way, there are six saints on the Abyss Ye's side, and three on Rong Mo's side! The key is that Abyss Yeh still has home court advantage.

"I don't know how that Mr. Rong Xiaolang is going to fight against the enemy." Qilin King couldn't help but said, even though the Abyss Ye family has five sages and one Ye Laosix.

But the power that Rong Mo attracted before still gave Qilin King a certain amount of confidence in him! And not only him, but other bigwigs also looked at Rong Mo with reservations.

But he still didn't make much movement this time, and he didn't even gain momentum, which made Ye Shenggan's eyes darken slightly, but the epee in his hand had already shone with a thick purple-black light.

And the sword in his hand lit up...

"Buzz! Buzz..."

The weapons in the hands of everyone in the Abyss Ye clan lit up, with a ferocious aura! Like a beast, shrouded in the Abyss Ye's camp.

same moment!


Feng Yuan Tianzun also sacrificed his weapon, which is an ancient long halberd, the whole body is black! The array pattern is ancient, but there is blood on the blade of the halberd.

"Tianque!" De Yunzhong immediately clarified, "It is rumored that the long halberd Tianque is a fifth-order artifact, which can communicate the energy of heaven and earth, and its inner formations can be used in battle to kill people invisible."

But De Yunzhong had just finished speaking, and Ziyuan Tianzun also showed his magic weapon! As a result, the bright sun in the sky darkened, and the sky and the earth were covered with a layer of blood, and there seemed to be clanking and killing sounds in all directions.

"Excalibur, blood fiend!" Mozong's suzerain made a noise with great interest, obviously very fond of this divine weapon.

But Tianzun Ziyuan said Shi Shiran, "If the master of the Demon Sect likes it, how about helping me? If we can retreat completely, this Tianzun will offer blood to you in the future."

Feng Yuan Tianzun heard a burst of "...", is this okay?

The head of the Pianmo sect responded immediately, "Is this true?"

"Moses, you want to die too?" Ye Wufang shouted coldly.

"Hehe... Patriarch Ye, don't be nervous, this suzerain is just asking, just asking." The suzerain Mozong laughed lightly, with a young and willful voice.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Ye Shengqian had already exerted his strength! The epee "蹡" in his hand came out and pierced directly between Rong Mo's eyebrows.

Not only that!

"From the abyss."

Ye Shengqian also evolved after his death, a long ancient abyss, with terrifying abyss power, will come out of this abyss immediately! If the sea is overturned, the world will explode.


The epee pierced through the air, but in the blink of an eye, it pierced the front of Rong Mo's camp, and the abyssal power that swept out after that was like a thousand troops! Cut out.

But it's too late! then soon-

The moment Ye Shengqian exerted his strength!

"Nine Saints! Return to one."

Daoist Whisk made a sacrifice, and nine human figures appeared behind him, and quickly merged into his body, allowing his aura to rise directly from the peak of the ninth-level altar to the realm of a saint with a "swoosh" .

Daosheng himself is still in the process, growing nine times taller! He also fulfilled his declaration, standing in front of Rong Mo, obviously wanting to block this blow for Rong Mo.

But at this moment——


There are voices from beyond the sky that come from the past life and don't tell them! There is also a giant sword energy, like a Kunpeng of the Northern Darkness! After sweeping away the world, he immediately stood in front of the Taoist saint.


As soon as the terrifying abyss epee pierced, it wreaked havoc with this reborn Kunpeng! The shock wave that ravaged the sky and the earth burst out, magnificent and extraordinary.

But what no one noticed was that in the impact of such a dazzling sword energy, several fluttering silver hairs had calmly scattered from Rong Mo's hair...

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