Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 893 The difference between cloud and mud! My house is cold 2 more

"Boom! Boom..."

All the people and creatures in the entire heaven heard it at this moment! The sound of thunder originating from the north does not seem to be loud, but it is gradually surging like a tide! The beating made everyone's minds shocked, and their souls were in turmoil! Just give up.

so thunderous...


It is naturally throughout the heavens! There was an uproar, and even many people who were in the closed door were awakened by the thunder.

"what happened?"

"What kind of thunder is this!?"

"So domineering! So arrogant."


People in the entire heaven have discovered it! This thunder sound is clearly not shocking, all living beings can hear its existence and will not give up at all.

It is to let the whole heaven! Everyone in this world knows that it came into the world! All living beings must "welcome" it, and all have to get angry.

Do not retreat! Do not ignore! Do not ignore.

Anyone and living beings must pay attention to it! It is the Chaos Source Thunder. Even at this moment, no one can imagine that this thunder sound is a sign of the awakening of the Chaos Source Thunder. It is coming to this world.

But it still has to! Its chaos-level power overbearingly awakens all living beings in this world, it is just so tyrannical! It's that strong.

And this moment!


Ye Tianjiao just happened to be completely fused with Shengyuan, and his whole body was exuding the spirit of "will be the best! See the weakness of all living beings", but he was also very strong.

It's a pity that before Shengfa had time to be happy, he heard the world-shattering thunder sound that seemed to come from outside the sky, looking down on the world, the sound of thunder! It's domineering.



A strong person like Shengfa can still vaguely see that when this piece of thunder came to the world, there was an original blue color that was different from the blue sky, like lightning! spread everywhere.

Such a vision made Shengfa immediately order people to bring all kinds of ancestral books, and he quickly flipped through them! Then he saw that regarding the creation god——Pangu, among the powers he could use, there was an existence called Chaos Origin Thunder, which was in original blue.

This made Shengfa feel very different! I just think that Chaos Origin Thunder was born? If so...

"Come here, contact the patriarchs of the foreign families of all parties, and ask them to check the Chaos Source Thunder to confirm whether this celestial phenomenon is a sign of the Chaos Source Thunder coming to the world." Shengfa ordered immediately.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

"Announce to all parties, if it is true that chaos originates in the world! You must prepare early, after all, no one in the world can subdue this kind of power, and it may bring disaster to the world." Shengfa also said.

"Yes! Patriarch."

"Go, be sure to hurry up." After Shengfa waved his hand, he still felt a little uneasy, after all, the power of Chaos Origin Thunder was too terrifying.

It can annihilate any matter and power! If it cannot be controlled, it will be unstoppable, the heaven will be destroyed, and all living things here will cease to exist.

However, Shengfa's worries were quickly alleviated a lot by the sound of the clanging sword power! Not to mention, there is already a huge sword that soars to the sky, and it is ascending straight to the world at this moment.


The sonorous sword intent emanating from the giant sword completely enveloped the entire Holy Family Villa, causing countless weapons to rattle, clearly showing the tendency to command the troops.


Shengfa was overjoyed and flashed back to Ye Tianjiao's training place, and he could feel the supreme sword intent! They are constantly coming out of the training room where Ye Tianjiao is.

for a while...

"In the Holy Family Villa, Ye Tianjiao and the divine sword Shengyuan Renjian are united! The body is sanctified." This news was immediately spread by the branch of the Tokugawa Society located near the Holy Family, which became the headlines.

This caused the big shots of many forces to fall into deep thought! Especially the big bosses of the Nine Powers, they are even more thoughtful. After all, Ye Tianjiao, who is so young, can become a saint in the flesh! Obviously not to be underestimated.


"First Lei Yin shook the world, and then Ye Tianjiao became holy in body. Why do I think there is something else in it?" Dao Yuan said standing beside Dao Sheng.

"Indeed, didn't the news from the North Pole say that the sound of thunder should be emitted from the North Pole?" Dao Sheng replied in a low voice.

Hearing that, Dao Yuan's eyes lit up immediately, "Brother, what do you mean, Lei Yin was detonated by Ye Qianli?"

"I didn't say that." Dao Sheng said, but he obviously meant that! He also intuitively felt that the domineering and powerful Lei Yin was born because of Ye Qianli.


"Revelation suzerain! Shengfa Tianzun issued an urgent news at the level of Tianzun, please study quickly from Jiushi and Tianzun from all sides. The thunder sound just now is a sign of the chaos source thunder coming to the world."

Following the urgent news from Saint Fa Tianzun, Dao Sheng's eyes became a little subtle, and Dao Yuan opened his mouth wide! If there was no urgent news from Shengfa, he really didn't think so much.



Apart from Chaos-level power, what power can be so overbearing? Not only did it wreak havoc on the entire heaven, but it also had to wake up those who didn't care.

You know, there are quite a few people in their Taoist sect who have retreated to a critical juncture, and they almost didn't scold their mothers! If it wasn't for the thunder sound that made them feel awed, they would probably have scolded them.


"Brother, I want to go to the North Pole to see, is it possible?" Dao Yuan asked excitedly, he seems to have a look! He just thought, could it be that family's water that is using the power of Chaos Origin Thunder? Bar Bar……

"Don't go." Dao Sheng said decisively.

"Brother..." Dao Yuan wanted to cry.

"You go, that explains a lot of problems, don't go, wait for them to come." Dao Sheng said with deep meaning, and Dao Yuan understood his meaning to some extent.

It's just that he really wants to go secretly! But he also knows that there are eyeliners of various forces over there now, and it is not easy to sneak there. Maybe Tianzun has already gone to check, if Daoyuan goes! Where can I escape the eyes of those gods?

But he has the same idea as Daosheng! In fact, there was also Ye Lao Liu, he told Ye Wufang without hiding anything, and the latter's face turned green.

"You don't want to tell me that the eighth talent awakened by that little woman is Chaos Source Lightning, do you? Don't you think this is a joke?" Ye Wufang asked.

"It sounds like a joke, but if it's her, it might not be impossible, why don't I go and have a look?" Ye Laoliu begged for his life.

"No, Tianjiao has completely merged with Shengyuan, and he will come back soon. You should try to let him awaken the talent of the dark master as soon as possible. Time is running out." Ye Wufang said.

"That's fine." Ye Lao Liu didn't force it, he also knew that Ye Tianjiao was now the best hope for revitalizing the Abyss Ye family! If Ye Tianjiao can keep his top spot on the Tianxiu list, he can defeat Ye Qianli!

Then their Abyss Ye family will be able to avenge their shame! The lost face can be picked up again, without loss of honor! It is still the largest family and the largest force in the heavens.

If not...

Ye Laoliu also hopes that Ye Tianjiao will not lose too badly, at least he can stabilize the current position of the Abyss Ye family and not let the Abyss Ye family decline.


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