Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 894 The Ninth Talent! Liangqin is super awesome 3 more votes

Ye Lao Liu knows! The Abyss Ye family will be completely finished in the end, even though Guangxia's Gao Wei! It doesn't take a day to tear down, but once the foundation is destroyed, it will be a matter of time.

Ye Laoliu actually knows better than anyone in the Abyss Ye family! Ye Qianli didn't fight to the end with their Abyss Ye family, and she had strategic considerations for killing people of their clan.

She wants it! With the least loss, nibble away the Abyss Ye family and complete the ultimate revenge.

She knows it! She has no foundation, even if she kills the direct branch, the other eight major forces, especially the Buddha sect and the demon sect, will be the ones who will get the most out of it.

But if she uses Wangyue City, Ice Snow City, and Dongguo as points, if she slowly erodes the Abyss Ye's territory, she will be able to complete the smoothest transition.

Even if there is a final battle in the future! At that time, her foundation has been stabilized, and it will not be difficult for her to swallow the Abyss Ye family, and it will not be cheap for the oriole.

Ye Laoliu saw it very clearly, but he didn't say it because...

"Ye Qianli, I can awaken the Abyss Ye's blood, the price is your father's death." Ye Lao Liu has been thinking about this question, especially when he is alone.

After all, Ye Wuji once said it! When Ye Qianli was still in her infancy, she lost her father. According to Ye Qianli's age, she was only in her twenties.

And he can sense it too! Ye Wuji's originally sealed abyss bloodline was extraordinary, so he told his niece Jiaojiao that before.

Now that I think about it carefully, Ye Lao Liu thinks! His talent in this body was plundered from Ye Qianli's father, and he...he had no choice but to be loyal to the Abyss Ye family because of his blood oath.

But if the Abyss Ye family is defeated in the end, and the winner is Ye Qianli! He is willing to see it, just as Ye Qianli said, their lineage should be the real orthodoxy.

Ye Laoliu's lineage, I'm afraid it's long gone...

What's more, why were the ancestors of Ye Qianli's line back then convicted! He couldn't find out the sealing and expulsion at all, but as far as he knew, they were expelled far, far away...

"Ye Qianli..."

Ye Laoliu was standing on the roof of a certain Ye family in the abyss, looking to the north! He knew she was there, he knew she might be awakening Chaos Source Thunder, and he blessed her, hoping she would succeed.


And when Ye Lao Liu basically guessed the truth again, Ye Qianli had indeed completed the awakening of the Chaos Source Thunder, and her whole body had been purified by the Chaos Source Thunder.



The pure power of thunder from chaos is still floating on her skin! This made her whole body exude an extremely pure original blue light.

"She succeeded." Killing Sirius was shocked! Even because of the cover of the magic box, it couldn't fully see the appearance of its owner.

But these original blue thunder lights made it certain that Ye Qianli succeeded! What's more, the previous vision of heaven and earth also foreshadowed everything, that is, the chaos source thunder has completely descended into the world! The Astronomical Awakened.

"Unbelievable..." Ye Wuji hugged Xiao Rongyi in his arms in a daze, feeling too shocked! His granddaughter is going against the sky.

Oh, no, she has been going against the sky! It's just that this time it's especially awesome.


Xiao Rongyi applauded again, and he smiled reservedly with crooked eyebrows, and he could naturally feel that his mother is awesome.

"Is this true?" Old Wolf Ancestor asked Ye Wuji ignorantly, thinking that it might be false, could it really have witnessed it! Chaos source thunder was awakened as a natural power?

"I'm afraid it is, old wolf! Prepare yourself, you will become a general under my command in a few days." Ye Wuji patted the wolf beast of the old wolf ancestor and said.

"Get out!" Old Wolf Ancestor slapped his hand away, it hadn't been petted like this for many years, but Ye Wuji was laughing loudly.

"Don't go back on your word, let me tell you! What is my granddaughter going to do in a while, Tian Brahma City! Yes, Tian Brahma City will participate in the Tianxiu list, and you, Lao Lang, will personally lead a thousand snow wolf elites to appear as my granddaughter." Guard of honor! What do you think?" Ye Wuji also said.

"You old bastard is fooling me again. I am so old, how can I get out of the nest? If I want to go, I will go to the little wolf!" The old wolf ancestor immediately said, and the little wolf in his mouth was naturally the Snow Wolf King.

"Hahaha! It's fine, it's fine, but you don't want to follow my granddaughter to play tricks and scare fools from other forces?" Ye Wuji said temptingly.

"I'll think about it." Old Wolf Ancestor was a little moved! Considering that the snow wolves have never frightened people except in the North Pole, it sounds pretty cool.

And at the moment when it's heartbeat!


An ultimate thunder sound, the final word is finalized! While shaking the world, it also made the chaotic source of thunder in Ye Qianli's body completely merge with her.

It's not Xiaochengjing fusion! It is not the integration of Dacheng Realm, but the integration of Dzogchen...


There is a pure and bright blue lightning imprint, jumping between Ye Qianli's eyebrows, vivid! It is a ray of real chaotic source thunder.

But Ye Qianli hasn't left the level yet, she's obviously still getting used to the power of Chaos Source Thunder, and she's still trying! Harmonize the various natural forces and Chaos Origin Thunder.

After all, she is someone who wants to summon the eight talents together! Naturally, it is necessary to understand first, and integrate the power of these major talents well, so as not to make any mistakes.

During this period……

"The first grandmother of the second idiot seems to have some background." The magic box was studying the wife of the "Dark Lord of the Abyss", and felt that the existence of this statue was very strange.

It knows! In the end, Chaos Yuanlei will be so honest, and so straightforwardly merged with Ye Qianli, this "beauty" is the key.

But it doesn't know it! It has never heard of the background of the human daughter-in-law of the dark lord of the abyss. It is said that she is an ordinary and beautiful woman.

But now it seems that the beauty of the family is true, but it is absolutely unusual! Chaos Yuanlei is not a fool, it must have a reason for being able to "coax" it immediately.

"I'm afraid the answer to this mystery will not be known until the second idiot awakens the ninth talent." The magic box muttered to itself, and then felt Ye Qianli's cultivation progress.

As for Ye Qianli, she opened her eyes on the twelfth day after she fully awakened the Chaos Source Lightning! And as soon as she opened her eyes, Xiao Rongyi, who was riding the Sirius Wolf, sensed it.


After the little guy yelled! He ignored Ye Wuji and disappeared from Ye Wuji's arms, scaring Sirius to catch a certain little one immediately.

But he is so fast! By the time Old Wolf Ancestors noticed something, he had already flown towards that piece of snow-blue thunder! It was about to rush in.

"Yi'er!" Ye Wuji was so frightened that he almost had a heart attack! The old wolf ancestor was also so frightened that his wolf hair stood on end, he only felt that the little baby was going to be cold.



Just when Xiao Rongyi was about to pounce into the snow blue thunder light, the snow blue thunder light that fell like a waterfall from the sky disappeared without a trace as if it had never appeared before.


Xiao Rongyi is at this very moment! He pounced on Ye Qianli who was sitting cross-legged in the air.

ps: Hey, I’m afraid I’ll have meat when I go back this time~233333~

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