Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 52:

"Little Young Master Ziyun..." Mu Lie looked at Zihou subconsciously, with a few installments in his eyes.

These bones are really weird. Even if he was a high-rank Xuanzun, it was of no avail. That feeling is like hitting cotton with a fist, not painful or itchy.

Under normal circumstances, the bones of cultivators are not so strong. But now, these white bones are not only as indestructible as diamonds, but even connecting them to disperse them seems extremely difficult!

However, within a short period of more than ten breaths, some adventurers became the dead souls of the bones.

If this continues, the brothers in their alliance will be wiped out!

Such consequences will undoubtedly be a huge blow to their alliance!

Numerous adventurers originally occupied most of the space in the stone room, but now they were forced to retreat by the bone men, squeezing together one by one, and most of the space was occupied by the bone men.

Zihou did not go to see Mu Lie and did not respond to him. Her face was cold and her eyes kept patrolling all corners of the stone room.

The color of her eyes kept changing.

Suddenly, Zihou didn't know what he saw, the color under his eyes suddenly brightened, instantly like fireworks blooming in the night sky!

right here!

"Qing'er, be careful!" Mu Lie exclaimed in horror.

In the chaotic battlefield between the adventurer and the bone man, Mu Qing is very brave and does not fear the bone man at all. However, just as he was fighting freely, a white bone man behind him came silently behind him, and a white Sensen exuding a terrifying black and gray hand pierced Mu Qing's neck...

Mu Qing is seriously dealing with a large number of boneless people suddenly in front of him, and he has no time to take care of or realize the danger behind him...

Such a scene fell in Mu Lie's eyes, and Mu Lie was almost splitting.

He wants to go up and help, but the distance is too far, it's too late!

His feet are more like lead, so heavy that he wants to lift his feet has become a luxury!

That's it!

The feeling of despair is like the cold lake flooding Mu Lie...

However, at that moment, Mu Lie's desperate expression suddenly reversed into a full of surprises when he saw a figure flashing past Mu Qing like a streamer...

That figure is Zihou.

"Be careful!" Zihou came very quickly behind Mu Qing, and temporarily slapped the white bone man who wanted to attack Mu Qing with a palm, and then grabbed Mu Qing's general Mu Qingzheng and pulled him out. Circle surrounded by bone men.

"Thank you..." Mu Qing just reacted from the crisis just now.

He gratefully looked at Zihou with deep gratitude in his eyes. However, it was a brave warrior, he joined the battle again after thanking him.

However, Mu Qing never understood why he was so good, why was he suddenly attacked by a crowd of white bones?

Mu Qing doesn't know why, but Zihou does!

Shen Liang's gaze crossed the countless bones in front of him, and fell on the one hidden in the crowd of bones who was no different from other bones at first glance!

If you look closely, you can actually see an extremely inconspicuous formation pattern engraved on the bones of his eyebrows!

This pattern is exactly the same as that on the gate. It's only the size of a human pinky fingernail!

It is inscribed on the forehead of the white bone man, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

However, the circular pattern flashed one after another, which weakened the difficulty of finding it. Zihou was also discovered for this reason.

With such a difference, let Zihou be sure that this man of bones must be the eye of the big array!

Therefore, if you destroy this white-boned man, the frontal eye will be broken, not only will the big frontal be broken, but the related restriction on the gate will also be opened at the same time!

However, the white bone man engraved with the formation pattern is very cautious. He usually stays in the white bone crowd and does not easily come to the front line of the battlefield.

It is also very difficult for people to touch him, let alone hit him!

Just now I didn’t know if Mu Qing was too brave, the invasion was too deep, or the bone man was accidentally squeezed out in the chaos. In short, by a coincidence, Mu Qing actually attacked the bone man. !

This is why Mu Qing will be besieged!

It's just that these boneless people have been blessed with special energy. Even the ordinary white-bone people seem to be rock solid, and the powerhouses at the pinnacle of Xuanzun are powerless.

What's more, the eyes with the formation halo and body?

Zihou frowned slightly, his thoughts fluttered, his mind kept running, thinking about coping strategies.

However, the situation was really urgent, and she couldn't tolerate her spending too much time thinking. Because she thinks for a few more seconds, an adventurer will die...

"It should be possible, try!" Zihou didn't know what was thinking, clenched his fists and secretly said.

Immediately, Zihou raised her gaze and glanced at the many adventurers. She raised her voice, "After everyone knocks these bones into the air, then move back!"

The clear and clear voice is like a jade falling on a jade plate, and it sounds good and has a majesty that cannot be ignored.

The adventurer Judo was taken aback for a moment and then looked at Zihou. Seeing her face is cold and her eyes are clear, she exudes a convincing and admirable grace.

They all nodded in agreement.

"I counted three times and everyone knocked them off together!" Zihou said again.

"Three,!" Hundreds of adventurers shot below the last word, a burst of profound energy attacked the bone man, and when they encountered the bone man, there was a burst of explosion.

Along with this endless explosion, a group of white bones were repelled, all turned into scattered parts, piles upon the other end of the stone chamber...

Among the pile of bones, one is still intact. But he was affected and knocked to the ground.

It's now!

Zihou felt a stunned heart, knowing that she didn't have much time to hesitate. Because the bones who were broken into a pile of parts are recovering as usual at an extremely fast speed!

Zihou the whole body's breath sank, and the whole figure jumped above the void in a flash, a black robe and long hair were windless and automatic.

The silver profound energy gradually escaped, engulfing her body, emitting bursts of dazzling silver light!

She stretched out her hand and grabbed it, and after the white light flickered, an extremely sharp sword appeared in her hand!

She was suspended in the void, with a compelling temperament. At this moment, with the sword in her hand, her body was full of killing and killing, like the ancient **** of war!

Many adventurers who watched such a scene stayed.

I even forgot that I was still in great danger.

However, they were not only shocked by the graceful temperament of Zihou, they were also shocked by the level of strength revealed by Zihou!

Previously, Zihou had never revealed his strength. So that most people don't know the real level of strength of Zihou.

They didn't pay too much attention to the fact that the Void Gate allowed practitioners above Profound Sage to pass through.

Now, when they saw Zihou show the strength of Xuanzun, they were taken aback!

Son Ziyun, he's only eighteen years old, right?

However, this strength...

Xuanzun third grade? !

With such strength at such an age, this picture is so beautiful!

"My God, evildoer!"

"I rely on, don't let people live!"

"What kind of world is this!"


Many adventurers did not hold back, and burst into foul language.

Mu Lie, the well-informed leader of the alliance, also said that he could not calm down at this moment.

I've seen countless strange people and strange things in my life, and I'm afraid the strangest thing I saw today!

As for the other people who understand Zihou, although they don't have such a big impact, they still have some shocking emotions every time they watch it.

Especially Lu Guang.

He had to lament the talent of Zihou again.

When Mu Xingcheng was parted, it has only been a few months now, this girl has gone from Xuansheng to Xuanzun!

Zihou at this moment has no extra attention to the reactions of others.

At this time, she was completely absorbed in her ultimate move.

She must win by one move, otherwise innocent adventurers will suffer the fate of death!

Zihou squeezed the Feng Xuan Sword in his hand for a few minutes, slowly closed his eyes, and the silver profound strength gradually poured into the Feng Xuan Sword. Then she raised her hand lightly, and raised the Feng Xuan sword to her door.

Feng Xuanjian automatically moved up slowly, reaching the top of Zihou. The silver figure vibrated slightly above the head of Zihou, making a humming sound.

The light of silver profound energy also flickered around Feng Xuanjian.

Suddenly, Zihou opened its eyes suddenly, and the red and blue colors seemed to burn in the dark pupils!

In the next instant, two flames, one red and one blue, spread like a fire dragon from the hilt of Feng Xuan Sword to the tip of Feng Xuan Sword!

At the moment when the red and blue flames were intertwined, the fire was shining, and the feeling of hot and cold instantly encroached on the entire stone room. Many adventurers in it feel that they are in the purgatory of ice and fire!

The kind of scorching heat that can burn the soul and the kind of cold that can freeze the entire world, make people feel endless fear in their hearts!

Zihou has complicated handprints on both hands. Every time the mudra is formed, the aura on the Feng Xuan Sword is even more terrifying!

"End of the World Sword, sacrifice!" A clear drink came out of the sky, seeming to carry the power to destroy the sky and the earth, and let people hear it.

Accompanied by the echoes, the wind mysterious sword that was floating above the head of Zihou suddenly turned into a ball of silver, red and blue intertwined streamer, and it moved towards the pile of white bones with earth-shaking power. It is said that the bone man with the formation pattern slammed away...


The sound of breaking through the air was heard from the path of Feng Xuanjian's streamer, and even where Feng Xuanjian passed, there were signs of space collapse...

The white-bone man seemed to feel the terrifying power of the Feng Xuanjian, and his humanity raised the skull, and in the deeply sunken eye sockets, the two black clusters of strong energy suddenly became a little loose...

At this moment, the streamer came to the bones of his brow...


Accompanied by a terrifying explosion sound, a burst of hot fire light spreads around with terrifying energy...

"Heat wind!" Zihou whispered.

As soon as the voice sounded, the figure of Haifeng still came to the front of the crowd.

With the big hand raised, a water-like barrier appeared in front of the crowd with blinking effort...

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