Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 53: Ancient Altar

"Heat wind!" Zihou whispered.

As soon as the voice sounded, the figure of Haifeng already came to the front of the crowd.

Haifeng waved his hand, and in the blink of an eye, a barrier like a water curtain appeared in front of him.

That is to say, at that instant, the shock wave from the explosion and the sky full of fire slammed into the barrier, making a terrifying sound!

Can such a fragile barrier be able to withstand a terrifying explosion?

Many people are very worried!

If they can't resist it, they will definitely be fried into meat sauce, or roasted!

Facts have proved that everyone's worry is superfluous.

The barrier looked as thin as a cicada's wings, but it was unexpectedly blocking the extremely violent explosion!

For such a result, Zihou is not surprised.

Hayate's strength, if she didn't guess wrong, she was already a god! It is normal that the barriers summoned by Haifeng can stop her from making a sword sacrifice to the End of the World!

However, this is the case, Haifeng also suffered a little bit. After all, the power of the Nether Fire, even the powerhouse of the gods had to weigh it.

After a while, when the dazzling flame dissipated and the dust in the room settled, it was finally possible to see the scene in the center of the explosion again.

I saw that the pile of bones was burnt black, even if it hadn't turned into powder, it was still in pieces and messed up.

Not only that, but the pile of bones never returned to normal after being broken into pieces.


"Finally defeated them!"

"My God, I'm saved!"


After a brief silence, many adventurers had their eyes brightened and their faces were extremely surprised.

"Young Master Ziyun is really great!"

"Yes, it was Young Master Ziyun who saved us!"

"Prince Ziyun, thank you so much!"


After the surprise, a group of adventurers remembered the elegance of the sword in Zihou just now.

There is no room for resistance to these White-Bone People's Congress, who cannot kill many of their profound veterans with one move. This is no longer a genius, but a strong one!

For a while, everyone's eyes on Zihou also changed slightly.

If they learned that Zihou is Xuanzun, they just lamented that Zihou is a talented genius, and their hearts are more envy and shock, now they are a little more in awe.

Zihou almost nodded invisible, but his eyes kept falling on the pile of bones.

She has a hunch, things must not be so simple!

Although the third-style sacrifice of the Tianya Sword is a very powerful mysterious skill, after cooperating with the Nether Fire, its power is even harder to estimate. But she doesn't think that this way, these diamonds can be crushed by the indestructible and boneless people!

However, she didn't have time to think too much. The pattern on the door kept flashing, indicating that the restriction had been lifted and the door could be opened smoothly.

The eyes of Zihou flickered, and when she was about to let everyone leave, the corner of her eye just caught a glimpse of a boneless hand suddenly stretched out of a pile of bones...

Zihou his pupils shrank, and he pointed to the door with a clear shout, "Everyone, go, hurry!"

As soon as the cold voice of Zihou came out, the many adventurers who were secretly relieved for the rest of their lives changed their expressions. Before thinking about it, they subconsciously ran in the direction pointed by Zihou...

And just after they Sa Yazi ran for a few steps, a white bone man crawled out of the pile of bones.

There is a pattern on the center of his eyebrows that flickers...

It is the man with white bones!

And at the moment when the white bone man stood up, the surrounding white bones were also pieced together at an extremely fast speed, forming one white bone man after another!

Zihou looked intently, the expression on his face changed suddenly.

The black-gray weird energy in the deep recessed eye sockets of this group of white bones is actually twice as strong as before!

Even the whole body of this group of white bones is filled with black-gray energy, like a burning black-gray flame!

Zihou felt tight. She doesn't doubt, if they don't leave, they will probably never leave!

Many adventurers have also noticed the abnormality here, and they squeaked in their hearts, and the speed under their feet instantly mentioned that they were the fastest in their lives.

After all, the door of the stone chamber can allow people to go out at the same time. It would take some time for hundreds of people to escape from this stone room.

However, half of the people hadn't left yet, and the resurrected white bones over there had already swooped in like crazy.

Compared with the slow-moving group of bones before, the speed of this group of bones is almost comparable to that of Xuanzun, fast and flexible!

But after a few breaths, he chased me...

"Ziyun, go out first!" Long Mocang suggested.

"Yes, little brother Ziyun, you go out quickly, we will block here first!" Mu Lie echoed while directing his adventurers to retreat.

"You go out first, after the wind breaks with me!" Zihou stared at a large group of white bones who came quickly, and said with a cold voice.


"I have my own way!" Zihou frowned slightly, and his voice raised a bit.

Mu Lie's words were interrupted, he murmured his lips, and what he wanted to say was that after all, he gritted his teeth and led many adventurers towards the door.

"Come on!" The moment her voice sounded, all the adventurers who hadn't left the stone room looked towards her...

What they never thought was that the sudden movement of Zihou not only did not retreat, but flew towards a group of bones...

All of a sudden, a group of adventurers almost disappeared without being scared by Zihou!



"Little Brother Ziyun!"


Various exclamations sounded together, echoing in the stone chamber.

However, these exclamations have not yet dissipated, and there is a picture reflected in their eyes: the whole body of Zihou suddenly shows a white light circle, which just surrounds Zihou!

In Zihou, in the light circle, the surrounding bones could not touch her!

However, this aperture did not last long, but after a few breaths of time, with Zihou as the center, bursts of dazzling white light...

The vision of many adventurers instantly turned into a chaotic white color. Before they could react, a clear voice echoed in their ears, "What are you still doing, hurry up!"



Across the heavy stone gate, you can still clearly hear the terrifying howling inside. The stone gate was hit hard from inside, trembling constantly, and dust accumulated on it for an unknown number of years fell...

"Huh~ escaped!"

"Mom, I was scared to death!"

"Ahem, I finally escaped!"


Outside the stone, a group of adventurers lie down or kneel in different poses. But both were panting, patting their hearts, as if they were lingering.

Zihou stands among a group of adventurers, a few feet away from Shimen. Unlike many adventurers, Zihou looks calmly at everything in front of him, breathing calmly.

With such a calm appearance, it seems that he has never experienced the shocking scene just now!

The scene in front of me was very similar to the stone room just now, both in terms of color and feeling.

However, the difference is that the space in this place is even larger. If it weren't for the wide range of the crystal nucleus in Haifeng's hand, it would be difficult to see the edge of the stone chamber under normal circumstances.

In addition, this stone chamber is even more circular in shape.

Zihou finally stayed in the center of the stone room after looking around.

Across a distance of tens of feet, in the center of the circular stone chamber is a high platform with a height of more than a foot and a diameter of more than a foot.

There are circular stairs around the high platform, which looks like an eighteenth session.

The entire high platform looks unremarkable. It is not large and there is nothing carved on it. However, it makes people feel inexplicably stunned at a glance, giving birth to an extremely heavy sense of depression.

Zihou's eyes trembled, and my heart was filled with that feeling.

"This is like an ancient altar." A low voice came from the ear.

Zihou raised his eyebrows slightly, and turned his face to see the gust of wind.

"Ancient altar?" Zihou looked at Haifeng and asked, but he was puzzled. The altars that have been handed down in this world are inherited from ancient times. Although not many, she had seen altars when she passed some cities.

Those altars are very big, and there are bound to be many things on them. For example, scrolls with various runes and animal heads.

In short, this altar does not look so simple right now!

"Things left over from ancient times naturally conceal mysteries. Especially this altar is still in the miracle of the Lich Throne, and it is even more difficult to figure out!" Haifeng pursed his lips after speaking, and his expression was solemn.

He knows something about the ancient legacy, but he can't understand the details. After all, it has been hundreds of millions of years since ancient times, and many things have long been buried in the long river.

Zihou nodded approvingly.

However, the seemingly simple altar in front of her inexplicably attracted her attention, making her eager to approach and find out!

She did the same.

In the deep eyes of the gust of wind, Zihou slowly walked towards the altar.

"Murphy!" Hayate exclaimed, and his face also showed some surprises.

There is an unknown danger in the altar left by the ancients. He does not dare to let the devil concubine take this risk, in case there is a long and two short...

"It's okay..." Zihou didn't look back, but spit out while shaking his head while walking.

"But..." Haifeng frowned, with undisguised worry on his face.

The movement here was quickly noticed by many adventurers. One by one, the adventurers gradually returned to their previous appearances, bewilderingly watching Zihou step by step towards the altar from the back.

The ground underneath is pure black obsidian, but it looks like a pale gray color because of the accumulation of dust.

Zihou soon walked to the side of the altar. Looking up at the altar in front of you, Zihou took a deep breath and lifted up to the first stone steps...

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