Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 70: Suzaku torch (modified!!!)

At this time, Luo Junlin's feet began to leave the ground, and little by little, they lifted into the air at a very slow speed.

His eyes were slightly knocked, his arms spread out, and the whole person returned to the original state of sleep. However, the slumber just now was not the same.

The gray-black breath filled his body, light and dark, which made people think of the *destroyed souls in hell.


The dark eyes of Zihou instantly reflect a touch of color.

That is a kind of green that symbolizes the most vigorous vitality!

The lush green light escaped from Luo Junlin's body, first little by little, like the broken light of stars. Soon, the little green light gradually condensed together, forming a faint light band. Later, this light band grew longer and longer, extending in the direction of Zihou...

That touch of green in the gray and black color is undoubtedly extremely eye-catching. So when Zihou saw this touch of color, the pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Soon, the green band of light extended to the front of Zihou)," estimated to be only a few inches from the heart of Zihou.

Zihou lowered his eyes slightly, looking at the weird green light extending towards him like vines, his complexion changed slightly, and he subconsciously looked towards Mo Yunhuang.

Mo Yun Dynasty Zihou nodded lightly.

After Mo Yunhuang responded like this, Zihou did not escape, but allowed the green light to spread towards itself, and then...into my heart!

The moment the green light entered the heart of Zihou, the color of the eyes of the Lich clan suddenly dimmed, and the ruddy young face was pale.

The moment the green light penetrated into the heart of Zihou, Luo Jun approached the whole body of the gray-black breath, and began to return to a faint golden color...

The moment the green light entered the heart of Zihou, the expression on Zihou suddenly froze.

Then, she raised her head suddenly, opened her arms, she couldn't help opening her mouth and let out a long scream.


Qingyue's long howl echoed in the stone room space with a force that seemed to relieve and burst.

At the same time, there was still a gust of wind blowing out of her body! That formidable strength almost didn't knock the surrounding adventurers to the ground!

The green band of light connecting Zihou and Luo Junlin, at this moment, there was a burst of golden light crossing from Luo Junlin to the Zihou at a very fast speed. .

The golden light followed the green light into the heart of Zihou, and then began to spread to the limbs of Zihou at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the body of Zihou shone with bright golden light.

Rao is so, and it is not over yet.

Around the body of Zihou, golden light gradually diffused. It is not accurate to say that it is golden light. The golden color is more like a flame burning.

"Ah, why is it so hot?!"

"So hot!"

"I'm so hot!"


At the moment when Zihou was filled with golden light, a heat wave swept around. Tens of thousands of adventurers in the stone room sweated almost in one breath.

The closer to the adventurers of Zihou, the more serious the situation. Those whose cultivation base is less than Xuanzun's face paled instantly!

"Damn! What is it?!"

In the crowd, someone yelled in an extremely frightened tone.

"Ah! Get away!"

"Oh my God!"

"He is terrible!"


The man screamed, and tens of thousands of adventurers suddenly exclaimed, and then rushed away from Zihou...

But seeing Zihou at this time, the golden light around my body has completely evolved into a golden flame at some point!

The clusters of flames are like fire dragons, with ferocious faces that make people feel terrified just by looking at them!

A large group of golden flames, like a huge lotus, a full diameter of one or two feet.

And Zihou, surrounded by flames like a lotus flower, you can see a face and the looming collarbone beneath it!

Obviously, the clothes on Zihou have long been burned by the fire!

And, that face...

Unparalleled and beautiful!

It looks like a peerless face that is all over the country!


She is clearly a woman!

Tens of thousands of adventurers were surprised by this look of Zihou before they were dazzled by the sudden and terribly hot flames.

I even forgot to run, I forgot to be afraid, I forgot that they were about to be scorched right now!

"No wonder!"

Someone suddenly realized.

No wonder Haifeng would call Ziyun the "Devil Concubine"; no wonder the clan veteran of the Lich clan just now called Ziyun a "girl"; no wonder Mo Yun Huanghui and Ziyun are close to each other like lovers.


It turned out that the so-called Master Ziyun was actually a woman!

They couldn't help thinking of the saying that came out of Mo Yun Emperor a few months ago.

It is said that Miss Feng Xianyin of Phoenix Valley at that time, because of her admiration for Emperor Moyun, led a group of elders from Phoenix Valley to Moyun City to be the concubine of Emperor Moyun.

However, that group of people was sadly ordered to be thrown out of Demon Cloud City by Emperor Mo Yun!

The main reason for this incident is said to be a girl named Zihou!

Not only that, this girl who called Zihou is also the demon concubine Mo Yun admitted personally!

Could it be that…


Many adventurers, whether their brains are good or not enough, after some contact and supplements from others, they finally realized and understood everything!

First of all, this son of Ziyun is a female!

Secondly, Ziyun is Zihou!

Finally, Ziyun is Zihou, Mo Yunhuang's demon concubine!


This fact makes tens of thousands of adventurers aroused...


Dare to love, in this period of time, a man and a woman who have been famous in the mainland are the same person at all? !

At this time, in Zihou in the burning fire, there is no extra thought to pay attention to other people's thoughts.

As early as the moment that golden light filled the body of Zihou, Zihou couldn't help but give birth to an illusion that it was about to be burned to ashes!

The golden flames flickered, and a little shadow hit the pale cheeks of Zihou. On her forehead, fine sweat came out, and the blink of an eye disappeared!

Zihou squinted his eyes, his eyelids were heavy, and the whole figure seemed to fall asleep soon!

"Is this the legendary...Suzaku sacred flame?!"

The person who said this was Phoenix Jade.

Because of her strength, Fengxianyu did not run around in embarrassment like other adventurers, but stood there without moving.

He wore a white robe, with high curly hair and a jade-colored face. Under the cover of the fire, Fengxianyu's posture was still high.

However, Fengxianyu stared at the flames around Zihou without blinking at the moment, surprise, shock, greed appeared in his eyes...

Many emotions are intertwined.

As soon as Fengxianyu said this, many adventurers looked blank. Obviously, they have never heard of the concept of Suzaku torch...

However, this does not mean that none of these people does not know the Suzaku Sacred Fire...

Such as Long Mocang.

His eyes trembled, and his always steady face suddenly changed. Looking at the flames around Zihou again, my eyes became different.


In Zihou in the chaos, I suddenly heard someone calling her in an affectionate tone.

Her sanity suddenly became clear.

She had been in a state of almost blankness before. At this moment, when Mo Yunhuang was awakened, she finally had the opportunity to look around.

The golden flames enveloped her body like a huge golden lotus blooming. Only exposed outside the shoulder collarbone and above the neck.

The long robes he had worn before have long since disappeared, and even the medicinal effect of Yi Rong Dan has disappeared in such a hot and terrifying flame.

"Emperor Yun!" Zihou shook his head lightly and turned to look at Emperor Mo Yun who had been with her.

Mo Yunhuang is the closest to Zihou even though he is outside the flames.

His tall figure, broad chest and handsome cold face, as well as the domineering and dignified atmosphere around him, have always given Zihou a kind of peace of mind.

That kind of feeling, it seemed that even if the sky fell, as long as Emperor Mo Yun was there, everything would be fine.

Mo Yunhuang's purple shining eyes first flashed a soft touch, and then he said in a solemn tone, "You are surrounded by the Suzaku sacred flame, try to subdue it!"

"Um!" Zihou was stunned before nodding.

There is not much emotion in her expression, but her heart is already turbulent.

Suzaku torch? !

It is said that the Lich Throne, one of the five great gods and demons in ancient times, is the Vermillion Bird of Nirvana nine times. Suzaku's natal flame is the Suzaku sacred flame!

Rumor has it that the Vermilion Bird at the pinnacle can burn a world!

What a terrifying ability should this be?

Among all the flames in the ancient land of God, the Suzaku Sacred Fire is the strongest, and it can be called the King of All Fires!

Even the Nether Fire that can swallow all flames, after reaching its peak, whether it can swallow the Suzaku sacred fire is still unknown!

Moreover, in the case that the Nether Fire cannot swallow the Suzaku's Sacred Fire, the Suzaku Sacred Fire is not comparable to the Nether Sacred Fire!

Of course, if the Suzaku sacred flame is swallowed by the evil fire...

Such a thing has never happened, so no one knows what the consequences will be!

However, at the moment, Zihou is not so much.

She only knows that what surrounds her is the Suzaku sacred fire that has burned hundreds of millions of ancient powerful powerhouses and can purify all the darkness in this world!

If you can get the Suzaku sacred flame, then...

Zihou is filled with enthusiasm!

"Come down and blend it into your body!"

Mo Yunhuang's low and steady voice pulled back the thoughts of Zihou.

Zihou nodded, took a deep breath and gradually closed his eyes, sitting cross-legged in the void...

At this moment, even if the green light band disappears, Zihou can still feel the subtle connection between her and Luo Junlin from the soul.

This connection is similar to a contract, but not a contract. What exactly it was, Zihou couldn't be said, but she knew from the bottom of her heart that she and Luo Junlin should have a special relationship in their souls.

This relationship is led by her.

As for the Suzaku sacred flame around her, it is undoubtedly because of Luo Junlin...

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