Heretic Doctor Zihou

Vol 4 Chapter 71: The regretful Mo Yunhuang

The Suzaku sacred flame in her body is undoubtedly because of Luo Junlin.

Unable to think about Zihou, that fatal burning sensation once again hit the senses of Zihou.

Waves of heat are like lava pouring on the skin!

However, this time, Zihou felt that the scorching heat was no longer as scary as before, as if it faded a little.

At least, although it is still very hot, it lacks the heat that is rooted in the soul.

Zihou felt tight and realized that it was probably the Suzaku holy flame that wanted to retract into Luo Junlin's body!

Zihou is so hurried to use mental power to control the surroundings and start trying to conquer!

Since the Suzaku sacred flame, the king of flames between heaven and earth, delivered it to her, how could she have any reason not?

Although she already possesses a flame of the supreme level of the Nether Fire, another Suzaku sacred flame is definitely the icing on the cake for her. From now on, she will have the Nether Fire in her left hand and the Suzaku sacred flame in her right hand.

Although the Suzaku Sacred Fire does not want to hurt Zihou, or that it cannot hurt Zihou for some reason, it obviously does not want to be subdued by Zihou.

The moment the Zihou spiritual power covered it, the Suzaku flame began to struggle.

However, the struggle of the Suzaku torch seems to be in vain. No matter how struggling, Zihou easily controlled it.

Zihou uses spiritual power to control the Suzaku sacred flame. The spiritual power of nothingness and substance is like a skynet, sparse but not leaking, and firmly controls the Suzaku sacred flame.

The golden flame rose for a while, and the golden flame was like a giant golden lotus. A series of fire snakes licked the void, carrying the heat enough to swallow everything.

The entire stone room space, because of this sudden change, suddenly became even more hot.

The golden fire light shone on the faces of many adventurers, making their faces hot red. Sweat beads of big beans rolled down from their cheeks...

Some adventurers with poor resistance even put their bodies on the wall in the corner of the stone room, hiding far away from the heat like the barbecue brought by the Suzaku flame!

However, the scorching heat that these adventurers felt was not as much as one in ten thousand that Zihou felt at this moment!

At the moment when Zihou used the spiritual force to guide the Suzaku sacred fire into the body, Zihou's already pale face was pale and scary!

The horror of the Suzaku sacred flame is far beyond the estimate of Zihou.

Although, after knowing the status of the Suzaku torch, she had already prepared in her heart. Knowing that the process of subjugating the Suzaku torch would be painful, but I didn't expect it to be so painful!

It is also a king-level flame. When she subdued the Nether Fire, although the process was extremely painful, it was not like it is now!

She almost fainted just as she entered the body! The process behind... she couldn't imagine it!

Zihou ignores that when she subdued the evil fire, the level of the evil fire was still very low. Even with supreme coercion, it can't compare with the Suzaku sacred flame right now!

Of course, Zihou does not have any extra thoughts now...


A painful groan overflowed from the lips of Zihou. Even though she had bitten her lower lip tightly, she still couldn't help it.

The expression in Zihou speaks of pain, and her facial features are distorted because of tolerance.

The wispy Suzaku flame penetrates the skin of Zihou and penetrates into the body of Zihou, and then, along the meridians of Zihou, it spreads at a very slow rate.

In the place where the Suzaku sacred fire passed, all the flesh and blood meridians were burned into nothingness, and then reborn in a magical posture!

The pain in the process of burning the meridian flesh and blood and recasting it can be imagined.

Of course, what Zihou bears at this moment is far from simple!

The Suzaku sacred fire is the sacred fire of the Lich family, and only the bloodline of the ancient behemoth Suzaku that has nine times of Nirvana is eligible to have the Suzaku sacred fire.

And the ancient behemoth Suzaku was also one of the overlords of the ancient times, let alone the Suzaku of Nirvana nine times?

Looking at the entire ancient gods continent, from ancient times to the present, for hundreds of millions of years, there is only one Suzaku who has Nirvana nine times!

Therefore, it is the Lich Throne that really owns the Xeon Vermilion Flame. As for Luo Junlin, who inherited the blood of the Lich Throne, he naturally inherited the Suzaku Sacred Fire!

The Suzaku sacred flame left behind by the Lich Throne, not to mention the powerful level strength, is beyond the imagination of ordinary people just because of the ancient aura.

What's more, to subdue it for human use?

While Zihou endures the pain of devouring blood and burning flesh, it also has to endure the spiritual and spiritual torture of the Suzaku sacred flame!

Yin Hong's blood fell from the lips of Zihou, and the bright color was especially shocking in the golden firelight and the pale complexion of Zihou!

Even if you can't feel it personally, many adventurers seem to be able to empathize with the painful expression in Zihou!

This weird flame, they all felt hot as if they would be burned to ashes in the next second. Not only that, the sense of fear that originated from the soul made them feel a great fear of the flame in front of them.

They didn't even dare to approach, let alone Zihou was wrapped in the flame at this time?

How painful is that?

Dare not think about it!

Many people swallowed and sweated silently for Zihou.

Mo Yunhuang stood there from beginning to end, except that he was not in the flames, but closer to Zihou than anyone else.

His tall and stalwart body stood straight, as if a still mountain stepped on the sky above the earth, motionless.

The beauty of the peerless beauty that made the world look cold is now cold. The stiff eyebrows frowned tightly, and those deep purple eyes reflected the small figure in the firelight, dark and unclear.

His thin red lips pressed slightly, and the line of his chin was cold and tight!

His whole body is filled with a dense aura, cold and high-pressure, it seems to be surging with black magic breath, which is daunting and afraid to approach.


The painful voice of Zihou suddenly echoed in everyone's ears. A painful low roar has not dissipated yet, Zihou's body slanted to the ground, immersed in the hot golden flame!


Mo Yunhuang's purple eyes, which had always been quiet and deep, deepened, and a panic appeared on his cold handsome face...


A painful groan of Zihou came from the flame golden lotus.

Then, with this heart-shaking pain, the fallen body of Zihou swayed and sat up again. The appearance of clenching the teeth like that, struggling to almost exhaust all the strength, makes people tremble in the heart!

How much perseverance and courage should it take to fall from such a terrifying flame and get up again?

The red lips of Zihou have long been stained with blood, **** and horrible!

However, Zihou sat up without support for long, and fell to the ground again.

This scene of falling and getting up continued several times.

Seeing Zihou falling down and getting up so back and forth, many adventurers were surprised, not by being frightened, but by the tenacious stubbornness of Zihou and the kind of perseverance that refused to admit defeat. Touched!

At this moment, they also seem to understand why a person can become a Xuanzun at the age of a teenager, and at the same time be a great alchemist and a beast trainer.

Before encountering Zihou, they couldn't even think of such a thing!

However, this kind of impossible they never dared to imagine became a reality in this young girl!

Yes, with such perseverance to never give up, with such a perseverance, what else is impossible?

Zihou at this time is on the verge of collapse.

That kind of torture from both sexes and mentality almost made her sane.

"Give up, if you give up, you will no longer suffer from this inhuman torture!" There was a voice from the weakness of the soul and the root of human nature, telling her not to struggle and give up resistance...

The voice is soft and gentle, making people can't help but be intoxicated...

Zihou's complexion hidden in the firelight was misty for a while, as if it was about to go home.

No, no!

At this moment, the voice of reason also sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness in Zihou.

The mist on the face of Zihou disappeared in a flash.

Can not give up!

The conscious Zihou was shocked.

Just now, she almost fart!

If she followed the fragility of her soul, then she would...

She will fail!

Once the Suzaku cannot be subdued, the Suzaku will burn her. She will end up in ashes!

No way! She would never allow this to happen!

She still has too many unfinished dreams!

She wants to be with Mo Yunhuang, and the two will travel to every corner of the world together. In the future there will be their children and their homes!

She is going to find her parents, to solve those unknowns, to avenge Yunhuang!

If possible, she still wants to find Mo Jun and see if her best comrade-in-arms is doing well now!


So many things have not been completed, how can she give up lightly?


With a clear whistle, Zihou exploded with momentum, and the violent wind swept toward the surroundings and shocked all the adventurers.

Zihou at this moment is like reborn, the whole person seems to be different!

Even though her face was as pale as before, her lips were still bloody, but there was indeed something different!

It's the kind of temperament that radiates from her body...

Mo Yunhuang saw the transformation of Zihou in the bottom of his eyes, staring at the future without blinking. Those eyes with floating purple streamers are full of distress and guilt!

He regretted it!

Knowing that Zihou would endure such a great pain, he shouldn't have Zihou try to subdue the Suzaku flame!

Zihou is still the strength of the Xuanzun, and even the god-level holy body is not available, how can it withstand the Suzaku sacred fire left by the Lich Throne?

Even if he has the ability to guarantee Zihou even if it fails, there will be no major life problems!

But, in the end he was impatient!

I originally thought that this would allow Zihou to increase its strength, but invisibly made Zihou suffer so much!

If he could choose to start again, he would definitely not let Zihou try!

Therefore, Emperor Mo Yun, who has never regretted all his life, regretted it for the first time in his life!

His good-looking brows and eyes were frowning, and his eyes flickered with purple light, unabashed regret and distress!

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