Under his words, those royal families became those who groveled and begged the Malfoy family to accept the gold.

This actually made Pansy relax, and then he showed his mean and vicious face, and Goyle and Crabbe were not inappropriate. For them, as long as the Malfoy family was still in power, it would be fine.

Those with money will always have more opportunities than those without money.

"Did you hear that?" Pansy pushed aside the group of Gryffindors and said loudly, "It's the Muggles who are offering sacrifices..."

Nietzsche was struggling to hold Crookshanks with his left hand, and stroking the cat's tail with the back of his right hand. Like a 'princess', Hermione's 'knight' pulled her clothes, and he walked down slowly.

He nodded calmly.

Only Daphne knew what it meant - this was a good time.

"What? You actually have an interest relationship with Muggles?" She widened her eyes and made an incredible look in front of the public. "We always thought that you were a real pureblood!"

True pureblood... is nothing more than an excuse.

Neither Malfoy nor Parkinson could refute this excuse, because pure-blood fundamentalism focuses on "not involving" and "not caring", and always maintains a superior attitude.

So Daphne's 'anger' would not be suspected by anyone.

And Hermione also interjected: "Being invited to a dance by Muggles is also a confession? Tsk tsk, Muggles are really proud of themselves."

"It's really disgusting that you would be friends with Muggles just for their little money..." Daphne gritted her teeth and squeezed out the word that made many pure-blood Slytherins sigh, "Disgusting."

There’s something good to watch now~

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw couldn't walk either, and a large group of wizards were waiting at the door to watch this rare performance.

"I didn't mean that! I meant... they were just offering sacrifices. They were 'friends' on the surface." Malfoy explained excitedly, squeezing his neck.

How could Daphne give this a chance?

"Hmph, I should have believed in the Malfoy family's ability to adapt to the changing circumstances. You should really be ashamed of your pure-blood status!"

After saying that, Daphne slammed the door and rushed into the castle.

This time, she cut off all contact with these people from a commanding height, and it was reasonable from a pure-blood perspective. By the way, some other fundamentalists began to have a split with Draco.

How could a pureblood associate with Muggles?

Especially at prom?

Nietzsche stepped up the steps steadily, and when he passed Draco who was stunned, he whispered: "Sad~"

When Malfoy wanted to argue, the other party had already turned his back to him. Only Crookshanks still held his head up, looking down at him... Miraculously, Malfoy actually felt that the cat was mocking him. .

"Today is really rich." When Ron noticed the cat looking over, he immediately covered his bulging pockets.

On the right side of the hall is the auditorium. Nietzsche and Hermione were temporarily separated and sat at the table chatting and laughing with their companions. After the black pointed wizard hats were all crowded together, Dean Flitwick took the Sorting Hat and left. come out.

However, as soon as the sorting ceremony began, Nietzsche discovered that Hermione was called out by Professor McGonagall.

But he wasn't too boring today. At least he could welcome the new Slytherin students while pampering Granger... No, Crookshanks.

What's even more interesting is the guest of honor seat above, because the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's seat is right next to Dean Slytherin, so he can see Snape staring at Lupin with disgust.

No, it's not just disgust, it's hatred... It's the kind of expression that looks like you want your enemy to die.

And Snape rarely showed emotions. Even Lockhart last year only made him a little impatient.

"Welcome everyone, and I'm glad that no one among us is absent." Dumbledore waited for the last freshman to be sorted into the house, then stood up with a smile, "For safety, I decided to have two new students in the Dark Arts Defense class this year. professor!"

At this time, both Lupine and Grindelwald stood up.

"Professor Lupine and Associate Professor Glendale."

The auditorium immediately burst into warm applause, most of which was given to Grindelwald, and the other part was from the students in the same carriage as Professor Lupin.

From the perspective of the young wizards, Professor Glendale's amiable appearance was exactly the same as Principal Dumbledore's despite his advanced age, and many people saw the 'feat' around the train through the car windows. .

They didn’t know that it was Li Huo, and they didn’t know the danger of Li Huo, they just thought it was very handsome~

After all, it was a real train.

Volume One: Chapter 151: The Plan to Seize Power

It's not surprising that Snape hates someone.

If I have to give an example, from Hogwarts alone, Nietzsche can push out two-thirds of the Gryffindors without hesitation, and the remaining one-third still has no sense of existence...

"Come on, dean, everyone is like this." Theodore clapped and took time to chat.

Who doesn't know that Snape has been spying on the Defense Against the Dark Arts position for a long time.

Professor 'Grendel' was much more outgoing, smiling gently at the crowd, and even stood up and raised his right hand, waving back and forth to the students. Together with Principal Dumbledore, they waited until the applause stopped. Go down.

Everyone fell silent, wanting to hear what the new professor had to say.

"I'm very happy for Albus's invitation, and I'm happy to see some young faces, but you guys really don't dare to compliment me on Defense Against the Dark Arts... I know it's not your fault. After all, an excellent Defense Against the Dark Arts Professors are hard to come by.”

"Now you have seen that the dementors stationed at the school were sent by the Ministry of Magic. I hope you can learn some useful knowledge. At least you won't stand there crying when there is a conflict next time~"

"This is the Ministry of Magic's distrust of the school! A stupid political ploy..."

He paused, the gentleness on his face disappeared, and he glanced at the entire auditorium very calmly.

And these words obviously made sense, even Hufflepuff was seriously thinking about the issue of dementors stationed in Hogwarts.

Their emotions were easily aroused because of what happened on the train before.

Before his old friend could finish speaking, Dumbledore frowned and tugged on his clothes, motioning Grindelwald to sit down... and then cleared his throat, bringing the students back from their thoughts.

"I need to emphasize that no trick or disguise can fool the dementors, but--I don't want you to have any conflicts with them!" As he said this, he turned his head and glared at Grindelwald.

Grindelwald curled his lips and looked at the familiar starry sky above his head.

Finally, Dumbledore said another piece of good news: Rubeus Hagrid, who was responsible for guarding the hunting grounds, was promoted to Professor of Magical Zoology.

Before Grindelwald could say anything, he clapped his hands and quickly brought the food from the kitchen.

The banquet begins~

When rich and delicious food appeared, many people's mood became less bad. However, every few staple foods, Nietzsche could find a few small wooden baskets containing chocolate in the middle.

It seems that Principal Dumbledore knew about the incident, so he carefully prepared corresponding small measures.

The only one who has not improved is Snape. He is still staring at Professor Lupin with squinting eyes, as if he wants to inject some poison while the other person is distracted.

Nietzsche placed two plates in front of him, the nearest of which was Crookshanks' dining spot. The pet cat squatted on his lap, eating fish and carrots in small bites...

Although the vegetable part did not move, it was pushed to the other side.

"It's not good to be picky about food." Nietzsche said meaningfully, "I don't want to wake up every day with numb legs."

But Crookshanks doesn't care about this. He usually catches rats and small snakes in Diagon Alley just to deal with them. Now that he can eat and drink a lot, why does he care about whether he will gain weight?

After the banquet started, Hermione and Professor McGonagall also came back.

Nietzsche noticed that there was a pendant around her neck---it was something like a pocket watch.

So... Nietzsche looked down at his Persian cat and wondered if he should also buy it a pocket watch pendant?

"Do you know about this?" Hubble said vaguely with half a piece of pumpkin pie in his mouth, "They all say that the Malfoy family is hanging out with rich Muggles, but he wanted to help Slytherin last year. Let the people clean the school.”

Nietzsche shook his head.

Hermione told him about this, and discovered the Malfoy mother and son while attending the summit that day.

"What's the approval rating?" he asked.

"Daphne has drawn a clear line between them with her pure-blood doctrine. Blaise Shabini remains skeptical, but also lukewarm... That guy's mother is a famous poisonous widow."

Nietzsche turned his head and found several freshmen looking for their own places on the long table in confusion.

Except for that girl---Astoria Greengrass, who was pulled to sit next to Daphne. She seemed very nervous and always observed the students from other colleges involuntarily.

During the meal, Lucian Bol, as the prefect, planned to say a few words as a prelude.

Those clichés about Slytherin...

"Slytherin welcomes you new ambitious and smart people." He stood up with a smile to greet the new students. "When you come here, it means that you are different from others."

Nietzsche carefully covered Crookshanks' ears so that he wouldn't hear the pureblood nonsense.

Warrington whistled contemptuously.

The time has come, and some things can end in this class. Everything they have suffered will eventually stop in their hands. This is Slytherin's 'gift' to the new students...

"Yes, it is different. This also means that you have abandoned the vulgar and sad concept of 'big fish eating small fish'." Nietzsche told them plainly like a bard.

Compared to the oppressive speeches of Marcus and Lucien, the freshmen certainly preferred his approachability.

Dozens of freshmen immediately looked at each other and understood something immediately. Astoria also looked at Nietzsche with the same curiosity. She suddenly discovered that Slytherin was not all what the family said.

It's not filled with any 'Muggle dregs' comments.

Warrington stood up immediately and attracted the attention of the freshmen with his tall body: "This is the second senior who once teamed up with Gryffindor to kill the basilisk, Nietzsche Holmes~"

Upon hearing the name, their eyes immediately shone with admiration.

"I've read his book!" Astoria suddenly raised her hand excitedly, blushing and saying, "I like the real founder of Slytherin very much."

"But your father doesn't like it." Daphne pressed her hand down forcefully.


Nietzsche hugged Crookshanks with his left hand, picked up the wine glass with his right hand, and snatched his eyes from him, which made the prefect very dissatisfied, but he had no choice for the time being, so he could only sit down with gritted teeth.

There's no way, times have changed~

"Cheer up, everyone, we are Slytherins, not man-eating beasts, those dark jungle theories don't count for us, let's talk about something interesting---let's raise a glass for the new prefect."

Nietzsche looked deeply at the opposite side.

This time Lucien Boll couldn't sit still, he held the wine glass full of juice stiffly, but the other party didn't look at him, only the cat rubbed his mouth with the tablecloth, and looked seriously at the end of the Slytherin long table.

It was as if those words were actually spoken by the cat.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, you will graduate next year, of course you have to give up the position of prefect." Nietzsche blinked innocently and said in a cheerful tone, "So please let us congratulate Senior Warrington for becoming the new prefect."

Warrington widened his eyes and stood there at a loss.

Just stood there awkwardly straight, the prefect badge gleaming under the light.

This is indeed something worth celebrating, but it is limited to their group of people. All the Muggle wizards and half-blood wizards in Slytherin raised their glasses enthusiastically. It was a done deal when it came out of Nietzsche's mouth.

They would never doubt Nietzsche's decision, and Warrington's becoming a prefect also meant something to them.

"He is just lucky, not someone you say is..." Malfoy said with a gloomy face.

"Of course, it's not me who has the final say, it's them, the majority of people who have the final say." Nietzsche chuckled to the freshmen again, "This is the first lesson you have learned - the more friends you have, the greater your power."

It doesn't matter which college you are in, what matters is which path you take.

Even in Slytherin, the number of pure bloods will never be greater than that of half-blood wizards... and Nietzsche naturally makes the freshmen feel that they are needed.

Yes, they are part of the majority, they are important, instead of following behind the pure bloods and acting as lackeys, why not better play their own value and become the wizard who is needed?

With just a few words, the freshmen immediately fell in love with Nietzsche and others.

Finally, the chocolate in the glass bowl disappeared. After Dumbledore announced that the students could return to the lounge to sleep, Nietzsche was surrounded by the crowd and rushed to the basement.

Hermione and Grindelwald watched him being surrounded by people from a distance, and they had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Volume 1: Chapter 152: Step by step, plan to kill the heart

In the lounge, Warrington took the job of prefect on his own initiative. After introducing the lounge and passwords to the freshmen, he was able to return to the stove and find Nietzsche.

"Next year you will be a fourth-year student. In another year, you can also become a prefect." Warrington said while sitting on a chair.

The firelight under the Black Lake stretched the shadows of several people very long.

Warrington sat under the glass where he was beaten by Marcus, but as time went by, he became a recognized good captain in the Quidditch team because he never played tricks or schemed.

A game is a game, and losing is losing.

"I can't be a prefect." Nietzsche looked at Crookshanks lying on his abdomen with a gleaming look, "Play a one-minute fast game?"

The soft and warm fur made him save the blanket... Everything is good, but it's a bit too heavy.

Since they were free anyway, Warrington took out a set of wizard chess from the dormitory, while Nietzsche took out a device that combined two alarm clocks.

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