Both sides only have one minute to think in each round, and the emphasis is on playing steadily and adapting to changes.

"This is impossible. If you become a prefect, no other college will have any objections." Warrington retorted, "Because I will be promoted to sixth grade next year and will serve for two years at most, so you also have a share in the prefect position!"

Prefects of Hogwarts can only apply in their fourth year, and selection starts in their fifth year.

Because every fifth grade class will select a boy and a girl as new prefects. As long as they are not revoked, they will continue to serve. Therefore, there are 6 prefects in each college, and a total of 24 prefects in the school.

(Information about ‘Prefect’ is taken from Wikipedia)

Warrington is two grades older than Nietzsche, so when he is in seventh grade and about to graduate, Warrington will be promoted.

Moreover, after Lucian Ball graduates next year, the power of half-blood and Muggle wizards in Slytherin will reach its peak. Coupled with Warrington's care, the next prefect will also be a 'non-pure blood'.

"Warrington, I'm not going to be a prefect, and I don't have to be a prefect," Nietzsche said calmly.

He despises this kind of power that plays like a house in the school, and the reason why he became a non-prefect is also very simple - he is already strong enough, so strong that once he becomes a prefect, some power will be unbalanced.

Although Nietzsche did not want to speculate on others, now that he has reached this point, he has to do so.

And most importantly, he didn't want to attract any special attention from Principal Dumbledore.

The principal had experienced the precedent of Tom Riddle. This is not difficult to analyze. During the summer vacation, Nietzsche thought about Riddle for a while and came to the conclusion that Dumbledore's suspicion was seriously aroused by Voldemort.

So Nietzsche cannot become a prefect no matter what... abandoning the chariot to keep the commander in chief.

"But if this is the case, those people will not give up!" Warrington said seriously, "They can keep pretending to be dead in order to achieve their goal, but we cannot let their momentum weaken even an inch."

Although he ate one of Nietzsche's chariots, the price he paid was a bishop and a knight.

Nietzsche glanced at Warrington and sighed at the chessboard.

This is what worries him the most right now: he has to do everything by himself, as if if he doesn't help him, these people will immediately kneel down again.

If that's the case, then what's his purpose in dragging these people up? Can you make some progress?

"I can't break the balance in school. Secondly...can you use your brains? If this was a Quidditch match and you had to choose an enemy, what kind of enemy would you choose?"

This is a good question.

"If it is unavoidable, it is natural to choose someone who is easy to deal with and has a bottom line." Warrington said confused.

But what does this have to do with Quidditch... Wait! He seemed to understand something!

"What you mean is that we can take the initiative to select a pureblood when our advantage is greatest." Then he nodded to himself, "But whoever we can choose now, they are naturally not able to deal with us."

In Warrington's view, the bottom line of pure blood does not apply to people like them.

This thought made Nietzsche somewhat gratified, and then he used the knight to move the 'sun', and the horse passed the bishop and charged towards the chariot.

"Then pick the one with the greatest conflict and let Daphne go up."

Hiss ~ that girl?

Warrington was impressed, but wasn't the other party a standard pure-blooded person? Isn’t Nietzsche worried about being backlashed?

But as he always inquired about information from the Weasley twins, he immediately had some thoughts - Don't worry about Nietzsche, he must be sure to control the other party, but how can a Muggle wizard control a pure blood?

He had no intention of playing chess, so he ignored his king's scolding and said in a low voice: " are not the girl from Gryffindor..."

"Ah?" Nietzsche raised his head and looked at him.

"Although some Slytherins are very affectionate, but... don't imitate them." Warrington said sadly, "The relationship between Slytherins and other people is pretty good now. You can't put your efforts aside because of this kind of thing." It’s ruined.”

If word gets out in the future, do you still want to be famous?

He was afraid that one day in the future, new news would come out: In addition to being rich in dark wizards, Slytherin was also full of wizards who liked to play with people's hearts.

Thank you, then he would rather choose to become a dark wizard...

"What are you thinking!" Nietzsche was so angry that his voice trembled. "Is there a possibility that we can develop her into a double agent? Is your head filled with 'love water'?!"


Nietzsche, who originally wanted to put some water in and play slowly, commanded the army and directly flattened Black, while letting White's King crush Black's King to ashes.

"Between Gryffindor and Slytherin, you are still the first~" Warrington realized something was wrong, immediately rolled up his clothes and ran to the dormitory, saying without looking back, "Anyway, we... ..Looking after you.”



Nietzsche looked at the empty lounge and suddenly let out a clear laugh.

In fact, Warrington's becoming a prefect has nothing to do with him. It's just that the dean and the principal wanted to calm down the noise in Slytherin. In addition, the other deans also had good feelings towards Warrington, so it was a smooth process. That's the prefect.

It was so smooth that he didn't need to deliberately compete.

"Meow?" Crookshanks heard his laughter and raised his head in confusion.

"Do you think Granger is a good prefect?" Nietzsche pinched its ears, then waved and extinguished the stove.


"Of course, she is a Gryffindor, so I don't need to worry so much."

Volume 1: Chapter 153 Snape's Summons

Early the next morning, the hall was full of third-year wizards. They were all exchanging course schedules with each other. Nietzsche could hear a few loud laughs from time to time, which meant that those people's elective courses just happened to collide with each other.

Slytherin's first Transfiguration class was at ten o'clock in the morning, while Gryffindor had its first elective class at nine o'clock.

"Harry, you also chose Divination?" Nietzsche limped to the Gryffindor table.


"Principal Dumbledore said something, and I plan to listen to what Divination can do for me." Harry looked at his awkward walking posture and felt a little strange, "Neville and Ron signed up with me."

The other two people just saw that Divination was relatively simple.

After all, the remaining Alchemy and Arithmancy were more difficult than each other. For the sake of their final grades, Ron and Neville chose Magizoology and Ancient Runes.

The first one had Hagrid, so it was definitely no problem to pass it. The second one could at least go to the library to look up the dictionary.

Nietzsche rubbed his sleepy face. Well... their purpose of taking these electives was very clear, all for the sake of grades.

At this moment, a pair of hands suddenly slapped Nietzsche's thighs, which instantly turned his brain into a TV snow screen with no signal, and the owner of those hands was the evil Hermione Granger!

"Hiss---" Nietzsche took a long breath.

"What's wrong with your legs?"

Hermione ignored the other's reproachful eyes, and chopped the sausages carelessly, giving one to herself and one to Mercury's mouth.

"It's strange, Crookshanks also-likes to sleep on my legs." He waved his hands exaggeratedly, gesturing how big his dormitory was, "But there is still a space as big as three beds in the room!"

Three empty beds!

But Crookshanks didn't go anywhere, and had to climb into his bed in the middle of the night...

But what can Nietzsche do? He can only admit that he is unlucky and take it as the price of petting the cat, just like he always jokes with Hermione, and she will get revenge one day.

"Aha, you should be glad that I don't know the password of the Slytherin Common Room." Hermione looked at her new schedule and sneered like Snape, but the expression on her face was serious like McGregor.

Her roommate Lavender quietly moved away.

Just one McGreg is scary enough, if you add some Snape elements... Lavender can't imagine it, so she can only believe Nietzsche.

"Why do you have three classes at nine o'clock in the morning?" Nietzsche leaned over, thinking of finding the time of the same elective class.

"Didn't I tell you that I've signed up for all six electives?"

"But I thought you would just fill up your schedule, not... not take three classes at the same time." He raised his eyebrows and shouted to attract the attention of others, "Are you also planning to divide your soul into several parts?"

Voldemort: It seems someone is calling me.

But Nietzsche couldn't think of any other way.

"Don't be silly. There is only one professor teaching each course at Hogwarts. If you think about it carefully, it's not as easy as filling up the schedule like in Muggle universities. Anyway, Professor McGonagall has a way." Hermione pushed his head away.

"Is it some new spell---" Nietzsche's eyes lit up, as if he saw a golden goblin.

"Secret!" Hermione first said to him fiercely, and then her tone became very light, like coaxing a child, "Okay, Gollum, I'm going to throw the ring into the volcano."

She quickly grabbed her backpack and ran out of the auditorium.

But Nietzsche didn't think much about it. Since the professor had a way, there was no problem. He just wanted to find a way to teach a class. It wouldn't involve time travel... right?

Slytherin's first class was Transfiguration, and the focus of Professor McGonagall's knowledge was cross-species transformation.

"Animagus is the transformation between humans and animals. Of course, this is just the most basic knowledge." Professor McGonagall knocked on the blackboard and said very seriously, "Qualified Animagus must be supervised and carried out safely."

However, at present, the third grade is more about theoretical knowledge.

These complex theories are all preparations for next year's cross-species transformation.

However, Nietzsche flipped through the "Intermediate Transfiguration" and found it a bit puzzling: in addition to the Transfiguration Spell, the Vanishing Spell, which is simpler than the Summoning Spell, is actually the most difficult magic in the Owls Transfiguration Exam.

"Before the Animagus transforms, you need to prepare a Mandrake leaf... Nietzsche, do you have any complex questions?"

"Why is the Vanishing Spell the most complicated part of Transfiguration?" Nietzsche asked, "Because most of the content only involves the Transfiguration Spell, and the wizard just transforms one object into another."

The essence remains unchanged.

For example, when a wizard transforms a knife into a piece of candy, the soft rubber effect of the candy replaces the sharp effect of the knife, which does not mean that it can be eaten.

In other words, the wizard did not make anything disappear while transforming.

The Slytherins sighed, looking at Professor McGonagall's surprised smile, and picked up their quills in unison - good, it seems that they can't slack off in the first class of the new semester.

"I'm glad you've finally become interested in Transfiguration." Professor McGonagall then asked, "Can Transfiguration create something out of nothing?"

"No." Nietzsche answered honestly.

"Since we can't create something out of nothing, it means we can't make things disappear... We just make something become nothingness, and become everything, and the conversion spell is much simpler than the vanishing spell in concept."

Yes, in Professor McGonagall's eyes, this conversion spell is the "simplest" thing.

The wizards just changed the effect of an object, which is similar to the meaning of magic.

"Stretch out your hand." McGonagall ordered.

In front of them, Professor McGonagall pressed an iron nail into Nietzsche's palm. This act that looked like lynching made Malfoy's eyes widen, but unfortunately he was disappointed.

The iron nail was like rubber, and it became soft and bent with a little force.


With the professor's spell, the soft nail disappeared.

"Now, it disappeared?" Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "No, it 'disappeared' from our sight." Then, Nietzsche saw the professor touch the air with his wand again, and under the other party's concentration, the iron nail fell back on the table, and everyone saw the professor 'create' it. "And a wizard as powerful as Dumbledore can easily change the flow of water and fire." This is the power of the vanishing spell. After understanding the conversion spell, Nietzsche can only switch the form of things back and forth, and if he understands the essence of the vanishing spell, he can 'create' and 'delete' like God, making everything return to its original state. Nietzsche suddenly thought of something-in this way, shouldn't the vanishing spell be listed as a forbidden spell? 'Magic transformation? ' He couldn't help but think so in his mind. Even after class, Nietzsche kept his head down thinking about the harm of the ‘Vanishing Spell’ and the ‘Transformation Spell’ to the human body. What if… He was just what if…

What if he used the Transformation Spell to turn human bones into mud, would the other party directly turn into an invertebrate, or directly decompose the person---No, he couldn't think about it, Nietzsche only cared about feasibility.

Suddenly, with his eyes dull, he bumped into someone.

Bad luck!!

"Sorry, Snape... Professor." He was going to go around.

"Come with me." Snape said with a dark face, lifting his collar, "I have a potion to help you cure your eyesight."

To be precise, he had not had a good face since he came to school yesterday.

But Nietzsche didn't think the professor would be so kind, probably... he asked him to get some materials again.

Volume 1: Chapter 154 Unlucky Nietzsche

"Aconitum, sap grass... As long as they are picked during the non-full moon period, they will be fine. In addition, a batch of moonstones, morning dew, and nettles are also needed."

As Snape gave instructions, Nietzsche wrote down helplessly like a servant.

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