"The murderer is a wizard." He pressed his hand, signaling Hermione to lower her voice, "From Ron Weasley, it is clear that Malfoy and his group started out as dark wizards."

"That doesn't make sense... I mean, it could be any dark wizard!"

However, Nietzsche knew much more details than Hermione.

He began to gradually sort out the thoughts in his mind: "It's not a religious murder, but someone is destroying the relationship between wizards and the British government."

Nietzsche took out a magic card from his pocket that came with the chocolate frog. The character on it was a white-bearded old man, and the reason Harry gave it to him was because the other party already had one.

The silver-haired old man with a crooked nose and wiping his half-moon glasses was Albus Dumbledore.

Nietzsche turned the card over and handed it to Hermione.

"The current headmaster of Hogwarts, the greatest wizard... defeated Grindelwald in 1945..." Hermione finally saw the handwriting clearly in the moonlight, "He is indeed the most pro-Muggle wizard."

"The You-Know-Who died in 1981, and since then, Malfoy's faction has withdrawn."

"You mean, the murderer may be related to Malfoy?!"

Hermione's logical thinking is not bad, so she quickly reacted.

"Not entirely correct." Nietzsche hesitated, paused and continued, "I think it is related to the entire faction that supported the You-Know-Who back then..."

The You-Know-Who fell, and the wizards who believed in blood superiority hid behind the scenes. At the same time, the pro-Muggle wizards came to power.

But even with such inferences, there are still many doubts.

The problem is that from Ron and Neville's chat, it can be learned that wizards have no clue about the development of the outside world. How can they know where the top leaders of the Church of England live?

Not to mention wizards, even ordinary people can't know.

"But the mysterious man is dead. There is no reason for them to risk being discovered and murder a few ordinary people."

"Yeah..." Nietzsche had a headache.

But anyway, he would send the known information to Mycroft and Sherlock tonight.

"So, this is why you are so scared?"

"No... yes, that's about it."

Hermione pursed her lips and looked at Nietzsche standing on tiptoe behind the stopped crowd. She knew that he was not completely afraid because of this incident. The way he looked in the car could not be described as "scared".

Compared with the usual Nietzsche, he seemed to have been drained of all positive emotions at that time, and only despair remained.

The shivering and curled up in the corner...

"No more than four people on each boat!" Hagrid's loud voice overwhelmed everyone, "We are already below Hogwarts."

Hermione raised her head, and the sky was completely dark at this time.

On the shore of a wide lake, a castle stood on the edge of a steep cliff, and those neatly arranged windows were all emitting orange lights.

This was good news for her: Hogwarts was closer to a fairy tale than she had thought on the train.

As the last to board, Hermione and Nietzsche were lucky enough to squeeze into a wooden boat alone. When they traveled a certain distance, Hermione could feel the ivy curtain above her head caressing her head.

Finally, they arrived at the dock below the castle.

"Don't think about those things for now, be happy." Hermione looked at Professor McGonagall, who was wearing an emerald green wizard robe in front of the oak door, and was a little nervous, "It's better to think about the sorting later."

Well, as the one who took action on the train and was the most serious, she suddenly regretted it.

Teachers seemed to have a natural suppressive power for Hermione.

But after Professor McGonagall looked around seriously, he didn't deliberately stay on her for a long time, and Hermione was relieved.

"You're about to tear my uniform, Train King."

"Even if you don't speak, I won't treat you as dumb, Nietzsche!"

"Hehe... I think Neville is right, you are indeed suitable for Ravenclaw." Nietzsche smoothed the hem of his robe that was wrinkled by her, "It is said that this college is full of mavericks."

But who is Hermione?

She and Nietzsche have been arguing for two whole years.

"Are you talking about yourself?" Hermione laughed as she walked on the luxurious marble stairs, "Oh, no, maybe you are more suitable for a place like Slytherin."

"There is no reason for that."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Nietzsche, why did you deliberately not fight back on the train? Admit it, you are a guy who will do anything to achieve your goals!"

"But I didn't hurt Neville, nor did I hurt you."

"I think this is my credit, so I don't need to say 'thank you'."

For the subsequent ceremony, Professor McGonagall carefully mentioned the four colleges of Hogwarts again. After making sure that everyone had finished tidying up, she took them out of the empty room next to the hall.

After passing through the hall, behind a door is the auditorium.

There are four long tables in the whole space, half of which are filled with senior students, and the other half is for freshmen.

The candles on the table are floating in the air, and the tableware on the table is all glittering gold plates and crystal goblets.

Hermione thought she had accidentally walked into some old aristocratic banquet.

There are also some white ghosts floating above the four dining tables, and the vaulted ceiling at the top is exactly like the starry sky outside the house. It seems that all the students are dining under the stars.

"That's Headmaster Dumbledore."

Nietzsche saw an old man with silver hair standing in the middle of the teachers' bench at the front.

"Quiet!" Professor McGonagall moved a wooden chair in front of the freshmen and placed a dusty hat. "Whoever I call will put it on their head!!"

Then the dirty hat cracked open, and he read the lyrics in a weird accent.

"Maybe you belong to Gryffindor, where the bravery in your heart is hidden... Maybe you belong to Ravenclaw, where wise and knowledgeable people can always meet their colleagues..."

That's right, it doesn't sound like singing at all, it sounds like chanting.

Nietzsche wished that he could learn to listen with his ears closed in two months, so that he would not have to suffer.

"Hannah? Abbott!!"

The first one to go up was the silver-haired girl who had provided Neville Longbottom with the whereabouts of the toad. Her head just touched the hat, and it screamed out the toad's whereabouts.


"Terry Boot." "Ravenclaw."

"Hermione Granger!"

The curly-haired girl standing next to Nietzsche walked up nervously. After taking three steps, she turned back to look at Nietzsche.

To her, this is like dividing classes. If a good friend is no longer in the same class as her, will their relationship be weakened in the future?

When a person is nervous, countless thoughts will arise.

"Hmm... It's really difficult." The Sorting Hat's voice sounded in Hermione's head. Its voice did not sound like an old man who had been baptized by the years. "It has lofty ideals, is brave, and is also very smart... .”

"Am I going to offend the three founders at once? Forget it, they are gone anyway."

"Can you read minds?" Hermione's hands clasped the edges of the wooden chair.

"Of course not. I just... let's put it this way, it's intuition. The human mind is too complicated. How can I understand it? I'm just a novice at painting, and I can barely distinguish the classification of each color."

The Sorting Hat was unaware of the change in time, and even curiously asked about Hermione's attitude.

"So where do you want to go."

"Nietzsche and I are in the same school!"

"Which...ah, he is behind you, dear." The Sorting Hat muttered, "Although Slytherin is very suitable for an aspiring little wizard like you, I don't recommend you go. Today's Slytherin is too focused. Bloodline."

Hermione noticed the other person's choice of words.


"Ahem... The sense of adventure in you is so rich. I've thought about it... Gryffindor!" After it announced, it whispered, "Don't worry, before you realize your ideal, it's just a battle. Great adventure.”

When Hermione put down the Sorting Hat, she realized that the people underneath were looking at her and whispering.

At this time, Professor McGonagall took her down and said softly: "You have just been up there for about five or six minutes, Miss Granger."

"So long? But I feel..."

Hermione saw that almost everyone else solved it within half a minute.

"I understand, you go down first." Mag's originally serious face relaxed slightly, "I was just like you back then, which is actually a good thing."

But when the professor raised his head, the corners of his originally raised lips pursed again.

"Next, Nietzsche John Holmes!"

Nietzsche looked at the hat in front of him with some disgust. He leaned his cane on the chair, suppressed the desire to clean up in his heart, and gently placed it on his hair.

The movements were gentle and gentle, completely different from those wizards who suddenly slapped him on the head.

As he placed the hat on his head, a murmur sounded in his mind.

"Why is there such a complicated person here again? Can't there be some simple-minded guy like before?"

Good guy, before he started to dislike the Sorting Hat, the Sorting Hat disliked himself first.

"Hurry up, any house will do, just Gryffindor."

"What are you doing? 'Hurry up! Any one will do'... Do you think this is chopping vegetables?" The Sorting Hat imitated his tone and muttered, "Really, I don't have any patience at all."

But the Sorting Hat is also somewhat contradictory.

Although dealing with such a complex wizard is troublesome, there is a joy all its own.

"I can feel your helpfulness...like the sun, ho ho, it reminds me of Lady Helga, Hufflepuff? In that respect, it suits you quite well."

"Although I'm a bit verbose, your attitude towards ideals is greater than that of the girl just now. Although you don't like to pursue honors, believe me, Slytherin is also very suitable for people like you."

"Trouble...Trouble~ Why don't you chat with me for a while, and say whatever you want."

One moment, he was still in the branch hospital, and the next moment, he started to engage in family affairs.

Nietzsche responded in his mind: "What do you want to talk about?"

"If you are willing to talk about ideals, after all, you have honesty, courage, ideals and wisdom. But sometimes I will also sort the houses according to the wizard's ideas."

The difference between ideal and fantasy is that it is the goal that human beings strive for throughout their lives.

And what is Nietzsche’s ideal?

Perhaps this has to start from the day when he first discovered magic and named it "the Force".

Nietzsche, who was adopted by the Watsons, grew up in the Holmes family. After seeing some classic cases, he always felt that he would be needed in the future after discovering his own differences.

That was an intuition, a yearning for utopia.

So Nietzsche answered another question with one question.

"Do you think it's boring to see the sun rise in the east and set in the west every day?"

Volume 1: Chapter 14 Slytherin without anyone cheering


The Sorting Hat was actually thinking about this question.

"If it could talk, it would probably be boring, after all, it rises in the east and sets in the west every day."

But Nietzsche said very decisively that the Sorting Hat was wrong. Such a decisive mind made it see Nietzsche's arrogance that was different from anyone else.

The Sorting Hat really couldn't think of any other words to describe it...

"But its rising and setting in the east is to bring sunshine to people on the other side of the earth. Only when it shines on everyone, it is recognized as the greatest star, and wizards... are people full of light."

"I... probably understand."

This answer sounds very boring.

But thinking carefully, a kind of transcendent excitement suddenly filled the Sorting Hat, and it began to shake on Nietzsche's body.

The dust fell because of its shaking, revealing its originally comfortable fabric.

Which wizard doesn't think that he is independent of humans? Even the most courageous wizards think that they are lucky. Only Nietzsche is an alternative.

He actually thinks that the reason why wizards are called "wizards" is because they can bring better changes to the world.

"Excuse me, those old unspoken rules of Slytherin should have died long ago. So, for your ideal, I know what to do."

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