"Sorry, Nietzsche, although you are also suitable for Gryffindor, if you want to get closer to that ideal, you must take practical actions, so that place will allow you to better display your talents."

It is an honor for Slytherin to have such courage and bravery there.

Although what it said would make Salazar Slytherin angry, but... he is not here anyway.

Isn't it?


When its hoarse announcement spread throughout the hall, the people who were almost asleep waiting below were dumbfounded.

Harry and Ron were stunned, Neville was numb, and Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table, watching Nietzsche get up from his chair in disbelief and walk down with his cane.

Even Malfoy was stunned...Is he a descendant of a magic family?

"Is that fool confused?!" Ron was still chewing chili beans in his mouth, "Hiss...The person who helped us is Slytherin? Harry, didn't he help you before!"

You know, they have been waiting below for almost ten minutes.

But the result...

That's it? ?

"That's where dark wizards gather!"

"It's over, this hat must be broken, I may not be able to enter Gryffindor like George and Fred."

Snape, who was sitting in the teacher's seat, was also very surprised when he heard the announcement of the Sorting Hat. He even took his eyes away from Harry and turned to Nietzsche who was sitting at the Slytherin table.

Could it be that he was of some holy family before he was adopted by Muggles?

Dumbledore was a little confused. He couldn't figure out the thoughts of the students below for a while.

What happened this year? It's okay to have two more hats, but why did they suddenly start to doubt that the Sorting Hat was confused after sorting into a house?

Some Slytherins were in the third carriage at that time, so they didn't welcome Nietzsche's arrival very much, nor would they be too cold.

After all, Dean Snape was still watching here.

"Quiet, the sorting continues~" Dumbledore tapped the wine glass with a spoon a few times, standing in the middle of the seats and said kindly, "The sorting hat is based on the character and partial wishes of the wizards, and basic respect is maintained."


But the fact is that the sorting hat is indeed not broken.

Malfoy did not enter Gryffindor, and Ron did not enter Slytherin.

After the end, Dumbledore announced the start of the meal. He looked at the students with a smile and opened his arms.

"Idiot! Crying! Residue! Twist!"

The banquet began, and all the golden plates suddenly appeared with food as the headmaster sat down. The pumpkin pie, steak, pork chop, carrot soup, fried lamb bones... and mint candies to eliminate breath filled the table.

To be honest, Nietzsche thought there were only British delicacies here---fish and chips.

"What family are you from?" Malfoy sat opposite Nietzsche, cutting steak slowly while introducing himself, "I'm Draco Malfoy, my father is the school director here."

It's interesting that the supporter of the mysterious man after the wizard war can actually become a school director.

This phenomenon is very interesting, and he will think about it carefully after he is full.


"I haven't heard of it. Is he famous?"

"Normally, my uncle only meets the Queen of England privately." Nietzsche directly scooped a spoonful of ketchup and poured it on the golden fried pork chop, "But I heard that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not be able to do well without him."

The Queen of Muggles.

Still... okay?

Malfoy imagined how Uncle Nietzsche pointed his fingers in front of the Muggle Queen, and was a little excited.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sounds very powerful. I heard that the Ministry of Magic seems to have similar professions, which are probably dealing with the Ministries of Magic of other countries.

In short, those who can enter Slytherin are at least mixed-blood.

"Then why are you still dealing with Muggle wizards?" Malfoy turned his head and looked at the girl from Gryffindor, "Huh... If I were you, I wouldn't stay with those people for a second."

However, it was such a coincidence.

Hermione at the Gryffindor table always looked at Slytherin. When she found that Malfoy was looking at her resentfully, her eyes, which were originally fixed on Nietzsche who was concentrating on eating, just collided with him.

Looking at Nietzsche who was still eating without conscience, Hermione was already irritated.

She was still explaining for him here.

So, Hermione transferred the anger that belonged to Nietzsche to Draco Malfoy.

Draco recalled the paralysis brought by the freezing spell, the feeling that almost put the brain into temporary dormancy, and made him turn around quickly.

"You need to see a doctor."

"What? I... I'm fine!" Draco said, "Her spell only lasts for a few minutes."

After swallowing the last piece of pork chop, Nietzsche stood up and looked down at the other person while grabbing the steak: his hands holding the knife and fork trembled slightly subconsciously after seeing Hermione, and his muscles stiffened.

"You have some PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) caused by a Muggle wizard..."

Excessive startle reaction, high alertness, and involuntary recall of trauma-related memories, resulting in a serious reaction to the scene.

It was as if Hermione had cast a freezing spell on him again.

"What... what is that?"

"Psychological disorders after humans are overly traumatized in a short period of time." Although Nietzsche was staring at him, his hand cutting the steak did not stop, "It seems that the Malfoy family is very powerful..."

Not only that, it can be inferred that Draco is well protected.

This is an excessive fantasy of reality, which leads to trauma due to the gap.

Draco's idea of ​​the magic world in the family should be the kind of fantasy that the nobles have about the serfs, but the reality is that the serfs not only did not kowtow to the slave owners, but also slapped the slave owners.

"Maybe." Malfoy was stunned by what he said.

He didn't understand, but it sounded very professional.

It was just that Nietzsche's staring at him while cutting the steak made him a little chilly.

Well, it seems stupid... Nietzsche made a point in his mind. Since it was stupid, it would be easy to deal with, which meant that he could get more information from Draco Malfoy.

"Look, he is talking to Malfoy!" Ron held a chicken leg in his mouth and stretched his neck to look at the Slytherin table.

Ron Weasley had a good first impression of Nietzsche. After Hermione and he returned to their compartment, he heard Harry recalling those Muggle schools... They were all about beating up people like Malfoy, so it couldn't be too bad.

But the question is, how could a Muggle wizard enter Slytherin College?

"Oh, he must be trying to get you to say something." Hermione retracted her gaze and sneered.

"But you said Nietzsche was adopted. Is there a possibility... that his biological parents are wizards?" Ron swallowed the woody chicken with difficulty and continued, "Slytherin would never allow a wizard of Muggle descent to enter."


If Hermione was too nervous and didn't hear the nagging of the Sorting Hat, she would indeed be led astray.

"That's now. I heard the Sorting Hat clearly distinguish between 'now' and 'before' when talking about this. Maybe there weren't so many unspoken rules in the beginning of Hogwarts."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Hermione's strength in cutting steaks became stronger and stronger. Lavender and Parvati beside her felt their scalps numb as they heard the sound of the knife rubbing against the golden plate.

Miss Granger admitted resentfully that she did regard this piece of meat as Nietzsche.

Why is this so? Why is she angry?

She didn't know, maybe it was because he was not in the same school as her, after all, children of this age are inevitably emotional; or maybe it was because she saw his indifferent character...

"So you want to argue with me?" Hermione stuffed a piece of meat sprinkled with black pepper sauce into her mouth and said vaguely, "Nothing is impossible in this world, I'm happy for you to be serious with me!"

Harry originally thought that the girl in front of him just wanted to take out a notebook to write this down.

But to his surprise, Hermione Granger took out a heavy book directly from her schoolbag, with "History of Magic" written on the cover.

She had two copies of this 2 Galleons worth of wizarding history book, one of which she carried with her and the other in her suitcase. In fact, Hermione was just worried that she would forget to bring the book to class, so she prepared a spare copy for each class.

So Hermione slammed the book on the table.

"Are you crazy? Classes don't start until tomorrow." Ron wanted to slap himself twice.

Why was he so talkative and competing with this kind of academic bully who could cast spells before school started?

Hermione's fingers turned the pages of the book skillfully, twisting the paper with one hand and forking the New Zealand barbecue with the other hand. Once she was serious, she almost didn't care about other people's eyes.

She was more or less infected by Nietzsche.

"When Hogwarts was first established, it was a witch hunt. At that time, any wizard could enter. Who would set a bloodline threshold?"

"Maybe... maybe those who were not pure blood were accepted into the other three colleges..."

"The lyrics of the Sorting Hat are the key!" Hermione interrupted Harry, "Those insidious and cunning people will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals... Character is the key, bloodline is just one of the factors."

What era is it, and we are still talking about bloodline theory.

The last Muggle who promoted the bloodline theory was beaten down by the red giant before it collapsed.

"Maybe so, the Sorting Hat also said that Slytherin can make me achieve great things... If it was really bloodline, it should have mentioned my parents."

Harry thought about it and thought that there was nothing wrong with what Hermione said.

The key point is that the Sorting Hat clearly pointed out his strong determination to prove himself. It was because of this kind of thought and emotion with a strong purpose that it felt that he could also go to Slytherin.

Looking back, everything can be equated with those lyrics.

Even if Ron was a little dissatisfied, he could only nod temporarily because of Hermione's overwhelming logic and Harry's approval... The latter was the main reason.

"Ha~ It seems that Harry adapts quickly."

Dumbledore saw it clearly from the top of the phone. He took a sip of wine and smiled in the direction of Gryffindor with relief.

"The son of the Weasley family... a clever girl who likes to show off the spells she just learned before school starts." Snape said coldly, "Others may just see the 'savior'."

The corners of his mouth were pulled up, and his smile was quite ironic, as if he was mocking those who only saw the halo above Harry Potter's head, or perhaps he was mocking Harry who made the atmosphere lively for no reason.

What happened on the train was naturally heard from Malfoy.

However, Professor McGonagall was very happy. On the contrary, the short headmaster next to her, who looked like a Gringotts goblin, turned his head to the other side, with an expression of "If you are unhappy, don't call me."

"Okay, Filius, this is all arranged by the Sorting Hat~" McGonagall was the happiest smile.

Look, a student who can use magic just by relying on the first two months of school is not from Ravenclaw!

"Humph, two hats are embarrassing, it's okay to give them to Gryffindor, but why did another one go to Slytherin?" The headmaster of Ravenclaw looked at Snape's horse face, and his teeth itched, "What a waste!!"

A ghost suddenly floated over the Slytherin table.

It was very scary, with dull dead fish eyes, wearing French aristocratic dresses, and passed through the wall with the ghost lady of Ravenclaw and sat next to Malfoy.

Nietzsche had just finished watching the ghost above the Gryffindor table next door perform a French magic:

Where is the magic head.

"Why are you looking at me?" Nietzsche said eagerly, "Why, do you want to learn to perform like it? It doesn't matter, you don't have to look at me, just do whatever you want."

This bloody ghost was sitting next to Malfoy. After hearing what Nietzsche said, he shook his head repeatedly.

"Humph, I'm not sent to the guillotine, I'm the Bloody Baron!!"

The blood on Baron's face, coupled with the voice of the} man, made the surrounding snakes move to the other end of the dining table. It originally wanted to scare this rude little wizard, but unfortunately, Nietzsche had no reaction.

Oh ~ that's it?

Nietzsche, who had experienced opening the refrigerator early in the morning and seeing a human head, not only did not feel hideous and terrifying, but even wanted to laugh.

"Yeah, okay... Then why do you still have so much blood on you?" Nietzsche stared at the Bloody Baron and analyzed curiously, "This kind of blood that permeates the whole body is not just bleeding from the aorta."

"Did you die in the war and be stabbed by dozens of cavalrymen?"

That's not quite right. Baron's clothes are intact. Such nobles generally cannot die on the battlefield.

"It's obvious, kid! These are not my own blood!" Baron said fiercely, "If you have this energy, you might as well think about how to let Slytherin win seven consecutive championships!"

It floated away after saying that.

The Slytherins around looked at this unwelcome newcomer and felt a little numb. The Bloody Baron couldn't stand his probing eyes and ran away...ran away? ! !

Is this still the Baron that scares 'Nearly Headless Nick'?

Even Malfoy swallowed his throat involuntarily. After weighing the pros and cons, he felt that it would be better to turn the enemy into a friend.

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