"As long as you draw a clear line with those mudbloods, you can make friends. I can help you with this."

"I'm full, how about you?" Nietzsche threw the napkin on his collar, picked up his cane and walked towards the Gryffindor table, "I'm going to chat with my friends, so I won't bother you anymore. See you later~"

This situation has never happened before.

A Slytherin raised his foot and walked towards the Gryffindor table.

Even some Slytherin wizards who have friends from other colleges in private dare not do these things openly.

Such behavior is tantamount to putting oneself on the fire.

"Who cares?" Nietzsche shrugged.

Volume 1: Chapter 15 Slytherin Dungeon

Compared to the dull and quiet atmosphere of Slytherin, Gryffindor is the other extreme.

One is extremely restrained and repressed, and the other is extremely ostentatious.

After all the wizards had eaten almost everything, the staple food on the table was replaced by various desserts and fruits, including Hermione's favorite strawberry pudding.

Just as she brought a small bowl of pudding to herself and was about to start eating, another silver spoon immediately scooped up more than half of it.

"Don't you Slytherins have your own food?" She turned around and said something before she could see clearly behind her.

Because she knew who it was, her words were so sharp.

"Don't you know a truth about food?" Nietzsche said seriously, with a look of surprise, "Only the food in other people's bowls is the most delicious... This mentality actually works for me too."

"Abandoning darkness and joining the light?"

"There are very few black wizards in Slytherin, and there is only Blaise Zabini among the freshmen..."

Hermione looked in the direction of Slytherin. Well, in a sense, it is indeed not considered "abandoning darkness".

It's really strange, a Slytherin actually mixed into a group of Gryffindors, and it seems that he is doing well?

The group of little snakes once wanted to see how Nietzsche was driven out, but when they saw the two red-haired boys hooking his shoulders, the little snakes frowned tightly together.

Can anyone tell them why the Sorting Hat put Nietzsche in?

"Draco, what is his background?" A girl with curly hair like an explosion sat next to Malfoy. She had short black hair, a shrill voice, and a bad attitude.

She pulled away another Slytherin next to Malfoy, but the other party did not dare to complain.

"I don't know, you can have fun with him, don't worry about me, Pansy." Draco raised his hands innocently and shook them, indicating that he should not care about himself, "Maybe you will make him realize what is the reality."

Strength and confidence, one must be the other.

Malfoy certainly didn't think that the Sorting Hat put him in Slytherin purely because of the belief in his bloodline. On the contrary, people like them just think they are the real Slytherins.

"Lucien Pol already dislikes him, but Prefect Gemma Farley doesn't want to get involved..."

"Enough." Draco thought about it and felt something was wrong, "Don't go too far, otherwise it will be too big and Snape will see it."

"In fact, this is all the attention of Goyle and Crabbe." Pansy shook her hair disapprovingly, leaned slightly, and rubbed his shoulder, "Let us deal with him."

If possible, she would also like to teach that Gryffindor girl a lesson.

"It's always right to be steady."

Goyle and Crabbe had a feud on the train, and they held back because Draco wanted to recruit Nicie.

And Prefect Lucien Pol was disgusted by Slytherin running to the Gryffindor table. The feud between Slytherin and Gryffindor is not comparable to the love-hate relationship between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

But Malfoy didn't care. He just hoped that Nietzsche Holmes could learn a lesson from what was going to happen next:

The weak need to find a big tree to shelter from the sun, otherwise, they will be burned to death by the sun.

"Ha, this year's Slytherin freshmen are still pretty good." Dumbledore also noticed the little snake that mixed into the lion group and twisted his beard, "Severus, he is much more cheerful than you were then."

Dumbledore used his elbow to nudge him every once in a while, and Snape was a little annoyed.

Yes, Nietzsche was just like his unkempt father, with the arrogance of a Muggle, he looked down on wizards who were out of touch with society.

When Nietzsche saw the girl from Gryffindor talking and laughing, his psychological impetuousness became more prominent.


"Oh, you are really brave. My name is George Weasley, and he is my brother Fred Weasley." Two red-haired boys who looked very similar walked around behind Nietzsche.

One of them was arm in arm, and when his greasy fingers accidentally brushed Nietzsche's shoulder, another took out a few eggs from his trouser pocket and stuffed them into his pocket.

"You are Fred..."

"Huh? You can tell them apart?!" Fred was shocked.

Nietzsche pinched his earlobe and said, "Your ears are a little different, but most people can't notice it... George! I don't have the habit of eating eggs before going to bed at night!"

George's eyebrows danced exaggeratedly, and he looked at Slytherin furtively and laughed.

"Listen to me, my friend, this is a rotten egg, not for eating. You will definitely be taught a lesson by those Slytherins when you go back tonight. Just consider this little thing as our reward to the most courageous Slytherin."

Compared to their younger brother, Ron Weasley, George and Fred were not too particular.

Good is good, bad is bad, and it has little to do with the college.

And Fred whispered: "If the effect is good, remember to find us in the future... 5 silver Sik per group, we only charge 10 knuts for running away."

Okay, Nietzsche understood.

They are doing a little business, there is no reason not to sell to some Slytherin students.

"Wait, this is just the beginning of the school, we can't make any more trouble."

Hermione protected the remaining pudding, and Nietzsche's spoon gave a warning growl as soon as it approached. After she slapped the other party's hand from a tricky angle for the fourth time, she waved her hand impatiently to drive it away.

It was as if there was a buzzing fly in front of her.

"In that case, you should go back quickly... I'm fine! Don't be punished on the first day of school. Don't forget that your dean doesn't have a good relationship with Mr. Holmes."

"Well... I now understand why Sherlock's father expressed condolences to Watson's father's marriage."

"I'm not your girlfriend either!" Hermione blushed, scratched her hair, and said unhappily, "They are not the ordinary people you beat before."


The lions smelled the melon~

Witches such as Lavender and Parvati narrowed their eyes. Although they were still tasting the food, their minds had already flown away.

"Also, the Watsons are entering the palace of marriage...""Grave"

"Their lives have just begun~""The end can be seen at a glance."

"Rebirth!" "The end of the world!"

"A destination." "A kind of bondage."

When Nietzsche and Hermione were discussing fiercely, the people around them had deliberately made the sound of eating quieter.

Finally, Hermione couldn't bear it anymore and stuffed a big spoonful of strawberry pudding into her mouth, knocked on the empty bowl, and said with raised eyebrows:

"But these are not the point! The point is... You, Nietzsche, must be more rational. I don't want to tell the Watsons that their son was finally bullied at school when I write a letter."

"So you are worried about me?" Nietzsche made a look of sudden enlightenment.

Hermione raised her head to refute, but when she saw his face, she couldn't help laughing. A sudden confidence emerged from her heart, and she became as calm as before.

Even Nietzsche didn't know why, her momentum suddenly overwhelmed herself.

"Your face..."

"Is there something dirty?"

"Red." Hermione nodded affirmatively, "You are right... About what I just mentioned, I am indeed worried about you."

Reversal of the two poles!

In the duel between masters, the victory or defeat is often only a matter of thought.

The only thing that can deal with Nietzsche is sincerity. Although Hermione knows that this is a self-injury of 800, as long as it can hurt the enemy 1,000, it is enough to turn the tide of the battle.

"Nietzsche, if you do this, Slytherin will be worried. I heard from Neville and Ron that most of those people are very cunning and calculating. I am worried that you will not win this time like usual."

She hid her hands in her sleeves, sweating from pinching them, but still forced herself to look at him.

When Nietzsche's eyes suddenly began to wander, Hermione finally breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, in his rehearsal, she would not say such words or simply ignore them.

"You are right, I will go and prepare..." Nietzsche laughed a few times and moved to the Slytherin table without looking back.

But just after turning around and taking a few steps, Hermione's face began to heat up.

"Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?" Parvati Patil asked her with a playful smile.

"Of course not! We are just ordinary friends!!"

"Ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"He and I are not friends! No!" Hermione was overwhelmed by their exploratory eyes, "He and I just knew each other in elementary school."

Parvati wanted to continue asking, but Lavender on the side slowly shook her head at her.

Some things can't be pushed too fast, it's interesting to explore slowly.

When Nietzsche returned to the Slytherin table and found an empty seat at the end, the remaining desserts disappeared immediately, and Dumbledore, the headmaster, also stood up.

The hall gradually became quiet.

"Before tomorrow's class starts, I need to tell the freshmen a few things to note:

No student is allowed to enter the school forest area. Other senior students should also pay attention to this...especially some energetic students in Gryffindor;

Secondly, the administrator Mr. Filch also asked me to remind you that it is forbidden to release magic in the corridor;

Finally, any student who does not want to experience pain or tragic death should not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor. I think Hogwarts does not need too many ghosts. Just a few of them are enough."

The four ghosts above the school table bowed slightly and nodded to show respect to Headmaster Dumbledore.

"Now, let's sing a school song before we go back to the dormitory!"

A row of golden ribbons emerged from the tip of the headmaster's wand, forming lines of lyrics in the air, so Nietzsche enjoyed inhuman torture:

A group of people sang in their favorite tunes.

Nietzsche's mouth opened and closed without making any sound, and taking this opportunity, Nietzsche also quickly looked at the other teachers in the teacher's seat.

There was a professor who was teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts this year. His head was wrapped in a white cloth like a Persian. He dodged his eyes and stayed on each table for only a few seconds.

"Slytherin, follow me."

After the school song ended, a tall witch with long hair came over.

Nietzsche and the freshmen followed the prefect Gemma Farley down the marble stairs to the underground.

Everything around was like a dungeon, exuding cold and damp all the time, until the prefect walked to a stone wall and said "pure blood", and it cracked into an arch like the Leaky Cauldron.

"The Slytherin lounge is behind the dungeon." Pansy said sinisterly, "Welcome to being locked up in Slytherin."

Thank you all for your support (by the way, please do not feed the fox before signing, everyone save it to buy yourself some delicious food

Volume 1: Chapter 16 Rorschach Manifesto

Is the founder of Slytherin like Snape?

He has a sullen face all day long and looks at everyone with a cold look, just like a real snake. Otherwise, why would the Slytherin lounge be behind the castle dungeon?

But apart from the dampness of the corridor, the lounge is quite nice inside.

The round, green-lighting lamp is chained to the ceiling, and the window on the other side can see the silver light of the moonlight passing through the Black Lake.

The carved wooden chairs and decorative skulls, as well as the tapestries describing the adventures of the founder of Slytherin, give the lounge a dark, cold tone and Gothic style.

"Be careful." Gemma Farley said as she stood at the door and waited for Nietzsche to pass by her.

At night, the sound of the lake hitting the dungeon windows echoed in the room. Soon, the freshmen walked into their dormitories across separate bridges with their full stomachs and tired hearts.

The prefects also left one after another, leaving only Nietzsche and a few others in the huge common room.

It was Goyle and Crabbe. The two of them grabbed his arms and pressed down on his shoulders on both sides. The few little snakes saw Nietzsche being surrounded and hesitated, but were eventually driven away by Lucien Boll.

Although he disliked this freshman, he did not intend to take action. If the dean really knew about it and the police inspected it, Malfoy would be fine, but his prefect would definitely do it.

"Hey! Professor Snape!" Nietzsche suddenly shouted at the other end of the corridor.

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