Malfoy was stunned for a moment, and even Crabbe and Goyle's strength was retracted a lot.

"Don't play this trick. The dean is not responsible for these things every year. He always goes back to his office after the welcome dinner." Lucien Boll's cold voice dispelled the fear of several people.

"I understand. You are very close to the Malfoy family."

But Lucien did not refute, just drove the freshmen into the dormitory and left.

"Who is not close?" Draco's face looked even paler under the weak firelight in the dungeon. "Reality is not like yours, Nietzsche, don't be as stupid as Potter, at least you have to abide by the rules of Slytherin."

"Wow, remind me, I didn't do it on the train."

As soon as the voice fell, Crabbe and Goyle punched him in the abdomen at the same time.

There was no dramatic rescue here. The sudden colic made Nietzsche's eyes widen, his eyes were blank and he opened his mouth, making a "ho ho" sound, and his saliva flowed to the ground with coughing.

Draco didn't expect it, and looked at Crabbe and Goyle with some hesitation.

But after a moment, he made up his mind.

"Now we remember you. Didn't expect that you would come to Slytherin?" Crabbe said proudly.

Although what happened was a little beyond Draco Malfoy's expectations, the two "bodyguards" had already fought, what else could he do?

"Nietzsche, you still have a choice, stay away from Gryffindor people, abide by the rules of Slytherin... After this, you will know which side can really help you achieve great things..."

And Nietzsche was like a fool, drooling.

The thoughts in his mind were spreading and associating rapidly, and basic logical deductions allowed Nietzsche to calculate the next few steps.

So, Nietzsche suddenly closed his mouth and sprayed Crabbe's face with the saliva accumulated in his mouth, and the latter was spit on the face by Nietzsche's saliva mixed with food residues.

Taking advantage of the moment when the other party let go of his hands, he immediately swung the cane in his right hand to the left.

Goyle only saw a flash of yellow light reflected by the metal, and his head began to buzz.

After swinging the heavy metal cane for the second time, Crabbe lay on the ground and rolled, and some blood flowed from his head.

One stick for each person, corresponding to the previous one punch for each person, it was very reasonable. Nietzsche kicked the two fat people rolling on the ground with the tip of his shoe, but it was not enough. In Sherlock Holmes-style terms, it was called: "Cut off the wings, sprinkle a little salt, and turn over."

Then he added a few more sticks, just like the butcher was patting the beef to make it looser.

"Draco Malfoy... You got it wrong. It's not that I was locked up in Slytherin, but you were forced to be locked up in the same college with me." Nietzsche took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, "I am not interested in so-called pure bloodism."

I thought Nietzsche would find a habitat because of the burning sun.

But in fact, he himself is a luminous, sun-filled sun god.

Draco would not know the feeling of the stick hitting his head, but just looking at the bright red blood left on Crabbe and Goyle's heads, his legs began to weaken.

As the apple of the eye of the family, she has always been dealing with the theory of blood superiority. Usually, she bullies others with the help of the two bodyguards or other people around her. It is the first time that she has encountered such a hard bone as Nietzsche.

"Aha, it seems that the blood of pure blood is also red..."

Nietzsche wiped his cane with Crabbe's wizard robe with disdain, and then went back to the dormitory. When he came out again, he had thrown the luggage of several people into the common room.

The door of the dormitory was closed, leaving the three of them in the common room.

Draco was in a daze, and was suddenly awakened by the sound of burning firewood. He realized that he might not be able to spend the night in the dormitory tonight, and the most urgent thing was Crabbe and Goyle who were rolling on the ground with their heads in their arms.

So he could only carry the two of them with great effort and walk out little by little...

Snape was sitting in the office, surrounded by various glass bottles and jars. Just as he laid the back of the soft chair flat and planned to take a nap, he was suddenly awakened by a cloud of white mist.

After the silvery fog dissipated, he put on his clothes again and walked towards the school infirmary on the second floor of the castle.

"Professor Snape, the freshmen in your college are really..." As soon as he entered the door, he saw a woman in a white nurse's uniform applying ointment on Crabbe and Goyle's heads, "This is just the first night of school."

"What happened?"

"The two were hit by heavy objects, their scalps were slightly cracked, Crabbe's forearm bone was fractured... Goyle's nose was broken, and his ribs were broken in three places... I haven't counted the psychological trauma."

Snape turned his head indifferently and looked at Draco Malfoy on the chair opposite the bed.

As the dean of Slytherin, he naturally knew some of the shameful unspoken rules of his college. When freshmen were admitted, some of them would be selected as victims to scare the monkeys.

In simple terms: the old students gave the freshmen a warning, and at the same time continued the tradition of the college.

Because this year's victim may be the perpetrator of violence next year.

"You should feel lucky that the other party didn't use a spell." Snape looked around the infirmary and sneered, "Because it's a new semester at Hogwarts, there's usually not enough time to prepare too many medical potions."

"Professor, it's Nietzsche Holmes..."

"I know, it's late now, I'll look for him tomorrow morning."

"He beat Goyle and Crabbe like this. If I hadn't run fast, I would be like them!" Draco grabbed the life-saving straw and exaggerated the matter in a hurry. "Fire him, I will definitely Fire him!"

Unfortunately, Snape didn't show any sympathy or anger.

Draco raised his head cautiously and looked at his father's friend, Severus Snape. There was only indifference on his face. It was a kind of indifference to everything, even the dead. He has nothing to do with it.

"I'll take care of it myself, De-La-Co--"

At the same time, I started to judge Nietzsche Holmes again in my heart.

"They were seriously injured. Although some Slytherins have come to my place in the past, most of them were minor curses..."

"Mrs. Pomfrey, it's obvious that they have provoked some special people." Snape said impatiently, "Since there is still one person left to send over, it means that he has a certain size in his heart."

Snape rarely showed any obvious changes in emotion, but at this time of year, there was always a hint of disgust.

Even Draco could see the Dean's frown and displeasure, but he didn't know whether the Dean was dissatisfied with Nietzsche or with them... maybe because of Nietzsche.

"Okay, Draco, you will stay here for the night later, Madam Pomfrey, and don't call me about this kind of thing in the future."

Interestingly, not only did he not bow down to accommodate the environment, but he also resisted on his own.

How long can he last? Snape became a little curious about this issue... If he had... No, you can't think about these trivial things, Snape, you have to calm down...

But this is so similar - a Gryffindor girl and a Slytherin Muggle wizard.

Volume 1: Chapter 17 Sherlock Holmes in the Magical World

The sun still rises~

Slytherin's dormitory was like a bubble, protruding from the dungeon wall, and what woke Nietzsche was not the emerald green light through the black lake in the early morning, nor the expected knock on the door.

When he opened his eyes and saw Snape's stinky face on the ceiling, he felt as uncomfortable as being force-fed absinthe.

"The dean of Slytherin still has the responsibilities of a part-time priest?" Nietzsche grabbed the quilt and pulled it up.

"The first night of school." Snape ignored his hell joke. With a wave of his wand, a carved chair flew under his butt. "Tell me, do you want to be expelled or go to Azkaban?" ?”

"If I remember correctly, Hogwarts' school rules for expelling students clearly state that unless there are huge mistakes."

"It's not big enough that two students missed three days of classes in the new semester because of you... By the way, Malfoy's father is the school director here, so there is a little bit of other factors in this 'clearness'."

Snape spoke quickly and calmly, just like his old father Sherlock when he was thinking.

So Nietzsche slowly put on the wizard's robe, put the class schedule in his backpack, and said: "I regret what happened yesterday... I should have beaten Malfoy as well, and he would have been expelled anyway."

Even Snape, who always had a cold face, would twitch his facial muscles when facing Holmes.

Do Muggles today teach their children this way?

Wait a minute, according to common sense, wouldn't it be that Nietzsche struggled for a while, then began to recount what happened last night in front of him, emphasizing that he was acting in self-defense, and finally punished Nietzsche severely?

Really? Hob meat.


Nietzsche thought he had misunderstood. Just now he was thinking whether Gryffindor and Slytherin would have some concurrent courses.

"But this is your original intention. Seeing that you didn't reflect at all and even kicked others out of the dormitory, I decided to increase your confinement time for a week. I will tell you what to do next."

Snape glanced quickly at his timetable and coldly issued the highest order from the Headmaster.

Isn’t it just confinement?

This is no different from the previous academic probation.

"I thought you wanted to ask me to change colleges or something for his father's sake..."

"The Sorting Hat's decision cannot be changed. As for expulsion...if you ask, I can spare half an hour to go to the principal's office and apply for you."

Nietzsche frowned, a little panicked by Snape's emotionless gaze.

As if there were several spiders crawling around on his cerebral cortex, he quickly put "A Thousand Magic Herbs and Mushrooms" and "History of Magic" into his backpack, and immediately walked through the bridge-like passage to the common room.

He didn't do it on purpose, it was just the fear of peeling a person apart to see the inner structure that drove him to leave.

Nietzsche left here with some looks of surprise and surprise.

There are more than 140 staircases in Hogwarts, and this is just the central moving staircase, which changes every five days, not including whether the middle staircase will suddenly disappear.

In addition to the stairs, the people in the paintings hanging on the walls of the movable stairs would visit each other. Unfortunately, they were all magical figures that Nietzsche did not know.

But Nietzsche was not stupid, so he naturally followed the other senior students to the first floor.

Exiting the door of the hall, passing through the central courtyard, you arrive at an open plain. The herbal medicine classroom is in a glass greenhouse next to the wall. A little further forward, you can see the hills and the owl wigwam.

But now, for Nietzsche, who had just woken up, it was most important to fill his stomach first.

"This way!" Hermione sat in a corner with less crowds.

In fact, she came early and even declined the breakfast invitation from her roommates Lavender and Parvati.

"We have just known each other for a long time, we are not boyfriend and girlfriend~" Lavender secretly looked at Nietzsche who was sitting over, and imitated Hermione's words in a sinister way, "But the reason for rejecting us is obviously that Slytherin."

Parvati on the side nodded in agreement.

But her sister Padma, who was assigned to Ravenclaw, smiled, lowered her head and whispered, "Hasn't the relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin always been bad?"

"That's just right! Hey, a forbidden love... Everyone, don't you want to witness the birth of history?"

Lavender pounded the table excitedly.

But the two parties involved, who had no idea, had already begun to eat porridge.

When Nietzsche first sat down, he saw Hermione's class schedule. She was holding bread in her left hand and writing and drawing on the class schedule with a quill in her right hand. When she saw him coming over, she tapped the table with her greasy fingers.

"Class schedule, hurry up!"

"The schools are different, how can it be the same?" Nietzsche handed it to the table.

Mercury, who stopped on the table and was jumping happily, became quiet after seeing Nietzsche sitting over, and ate the nuts Hermione put on the table.

"Let me look for it..." Hermione changed to red ink, her eyes swept back and forth between the two class schedules, and finally her brows relaxed a little, "History of Magic class on Monday afternoon, and flying class on Tuesday and Wednesday. , and Potions class on Friday.”

But after returning the red-circled schedule to Nietzsche, she added: "I just wanted to remind you not to be late."

Nietzsche hesitated for a moment, but after thinking about it, he finally exposed Hermione's lie...

She was so bad at lying that she couldn't even think of a reason.

"In that case, why don't you go through all the classes?"

"If you ask!"

Hermione tried to snatch it back, but Nietzsche moved faster. When she reached out, the other party had already taken back the schedule.

Good, now he knew the Gryffindor and Slytherin co-op classes without any effort.

Nietzsche took a sneak peek at the other party while he was eating porridge, and suddenly a strange feeling emerged in his heart... His thoughts about Hermione were naturally different from those of ordinary friends.

But he couldn't describe the relationship between the two in words.

Are you in tune with each other?

Half a childhood sweetheart?

"What's on my face?" Hermione asked a little strangely.

"No, maybe I was dazzled."

"By the way, nothing happened after you returned to Slytherin, right?"

"I will not be expelled on the first day of school!" Nietzsche said angrily.

Although he didn't make it clear, he didn't lie either, so Hermione just breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can't be like before, I will keep an eye on you...No refutation! Mr. Watson told me." Hermione began to babble again, "If they give you trouble, I will tell Mai Dean Ge!”

Wait a minute, he is from Slytherin, what does he have to do with the Head of Gryffindor?

Forget it, it's better not to disturb Hermione, otherwise you don't know how long it will take to read.

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