Although he wanted to help Hermione, it was difficult for now, because she was always immersed in the utopian fantasy under the rules. If he wanted her to become like Nietzsche, the step on the train was just the beginning.

Nietzsche nodded in agreement, wrote a word game on the envelope, and finally sent it out by Mercury.

The classroom of the Herbology class was in the glass greenhouse next to the castle wall.

As soon as the door was opened, a strong stench could be smelled, just like a pile of rotten meat products stored in a box and opened it after a month.

A professor wearing a tattered wizard robe gave everyone a cotton plug to plug the nose.

Based on Malfoy's deterrence, or perhaps the news about Crabbe and Goyle, Nietzsche was naturally isolated.

"Wear dragon leather gloves, and when you fertilize the white fresh, if you don't want to be burned, be careful not to let your skin touch dragon feces."

She is the head of Hufflepuff and the professor of Herbology at Hogwarts.

Dragon dung is a good fertilizer, but because of the source of this stuff, many Slytherins can't accept it, and the whole greenhouse is filled with all kinds of retching sounds.

"We come to school... just to... vomit~ to do what my servants do?"

"Shut up, Pansy, be careful of being deducted points."

"Daphne, you're not much better... vomit!"

Professor Pomona Sprout walked around the greenhouse, and when she came to Nietzsche, her frown relaxed a little.

Nietzsche's nostrils were stuffed with cotton that the professor distributed before class. With his left hand, he dug up the soil under the white fresh water, and with his right hand, he held a spoon and stuffed the semi-solidified dragon dung into the soil.

This is indeed disgusting on a psychological level, but it's just the same after getting used to it.

It's better than Sherlock being bored at home, not sleeping, and spending five hours catching a bunch of flies and letting them lay eggs in the bottle.

"A little further out, although dragon manure is nutritious enough, if it gets close to the roots, it will hurt the rhizomes of most herbs..."

"So soil is the best insulation layer." Nietzsche was prompted and immediately took over the professor's words.

Sprout quickly let go of the stereotype of Slytherin in his heart. Although most of the little snakes are still the kind of noble young men who can't go down to the ground, the first impression of Nietzsche is still good.

Although the professor can understand that it is a bit forced to deal with dragon manure fertilizer in the first class, at least don't make that kind of sound, right?

"Yes, that's it... Does anyone know the role of white fresh water?"

Although she said so loudly, her eyes did not leave the soil in front of Nietzsche, as if she was deliberately asking him.

"As a raw material?"

Daphne on the opposite side raised her head. Her voice was very muffled because her nose was blocked. Unfortunately, Professor Sprout just nodded slightly and didn't say anything more.

"It is used to make Dictamni essence. Although it can be used to make potions to treat specific magical wounds, it also has extremely high healing properties."

"Nietzsche? John Holmes? Okay, five points for Slytherin. Pick two Dictamni leaves for me." Pomona was a little happy. "The essence made from these two leaves is enough for the infirmary to use for a month."

I don't know what happened to the school infirmary. They were eager to use Dictamni essence on the first day of school.

Nietzsche took off his dragon leather gloves, took out a notebook, and wrote down the advantages of Dictamni: small usage.

"Professor, is this herb scarce?"

"The planting conditions are not harsh, but there are too few wizards willing to spend time on herbal medicine." Her expression was a little lonely. She slowly walked to the side and said while grinding Dictamni leaves, "No one wants to deal with fertilizers and soil all day long."

Yes, Nietzsche knew it by looking at Slytherin's eyes.

Their eyes were full of contempt from top to bottom. This profession seemed to be exclusive to servants.

Why should you be stained by dirty mud when you can wear luxurious clothes and precious jewelry?

"This is really a misfortune..."

"What... did you say?" The professor was a little surprised. This was not something a Slytherin could say.

"A dereliction of duty, a misfortune for the entire human race, professor." Nietzsche looked at her eyes, pondered for a while and continued, "Instead of dividing the professions here, it is better to find a way to increase the production of dill!"

Of course, does this plant with magical effects work on ordinary people?

The answer is yes.

In the "Natural History" mentioned by Sprout, it is written that Pliny the Elder saw a deer using dill on the wound after pulling out the hunter's arrow.

"Thank you, Mr. Holmes... If most people think like you, perhaps herbology would not be in such an embarrassing situation."

She handed one of the bottles of dill to Nietzsche with a very kind smile.

This action was beyond Nietzsche's expectation. He suddenly got a little flustered. He wiped his clean hands on his clothes before taking the small bottle with a cork, which was about five centimeters high.

The processed white mulberry essence inside, because Nietzsche held it above his head, gave off a white crystal luster under the sun.

"Don't think too much." She looked at the soil in front of the others, which had not been renovated much, "Just consider it as a reward for you. Sorry, an old man like me who wears tattered clothes doesn't have much spare money to pay."

The people around him regretted it.

This is not as simple as a white mulberry leaf.

The roasting and grinding process from ordinary fresh food to white fresh flavor is also laborious. On the market, a perfect flavor like salt crystals like the one in Nietzsche's bottle costs about five galleons at least.

Half a bottle is enough for a soldier whose legs were blown off by a cannonball to survive on the battlefield.

And it won't leave scars...

"Okay, get out of class is over!"

Pomona looked at Nietzsche's back that was out of tune with the others, feeling a little pity.

Such a good person, why did he end up in Slytherin?

Severus Snape was really cheap.

Volume One: Chapter 18 The Magical History of Snake and Lion

(PS: For the sake of plot and drama, Fox has slightly adjusted the class schedules of Slytherin and Gryffindor, so that not only flying and potions classes are taken together)


Slytherin's score was far ahead.

When the wizards went to the auditorium and prepared for a feast, they looked up and saw that the hourglass representing Slytherin had a few more gems than the hourglasses of other houses.

"Did you hear that Goyle and Crabbe entered the hospital last night?"

"What happened?" Harry Potter dragged his body that had just come out of the Transfiguration classroom and lay exhausted on the dining table. "For me, this is good news for the beginning of school."

"I don't know, it's pretty serious anyway. At least George and Fred saw that their arms were still in plaster."

Ron comically imitated Goyle's walking style and swayed, making many people laugh.

No Gryffindor didn't want to see Slytherin look defeated... except Hermione, who had already guessed something mentally when she heard Ron describing their injuries.

To be precise, it was probably her intuition that reminded her of the tragic situation of those people in elementary school.


Harry wanted to borrow the notes from the previous class, but the other party suddenly pulled out his chair and walked towards the Slytherin table angrily.

So, Nietzsche, who was sitting in the corner, had just taken a bite of bread when a huge black shadow enveloped him, as if he had offended the God of Bread by putting ketchup on the bread.

"Were you in trouble last night? You liar!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't act stupid, who else would make someone paralyzed in the infirmary except you." Hermione stood behind his chair and saw the small bottle on the table, "You have a criminal record... What is that? "

"White fresh essence."

Hermione, who had previewed part of "A Thousand Magic Herbs and Mushrooms", certainly understood the function of fresh herbs.

She pulled up Nietzsche's sleeves very quickly, but there were no scars under the black school robe, and then gently poked his back with her index finger.

"Stop!" Nietzsche was a little itchy after she poked an area. "I didn't get this bottle of fresh blood from the infirmary. Professor Sprout gave it to me. When did I lose?"

"So you admit you lied to me!"

"Speaking of this, then you are partly responsible..."

"Me?!" Hermione was made to laugh at his trick, "Okay, now it's my responsibility again..."

"It was you who attacked Malfoy with the freezing spell, and I was implicated. They came for you, Hermione! So I didn't violate the agreement between you and me, because I was passively protecting you."

There's nothing wrong with his logic.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the truth... No! Hermione, you cannot be deceived by a master of lies.

At lunchtime, a Gryffindor left the table and ran over to Slytherin.

Because their disputes were not as loud as most people's, from the perspective of others, Nietzsche and Hermione looked more like two old friends joking with each other, talking and laughing.

"Haha, Nietzsche likes the Mudblood of Gryffindor~" Malfoy whistled contemptuously.

But Hermione was made red-faced by some people who were gradually booing her, so she couldn't bear it and took out her wand and pointed it at the instigator-Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy stiffened and began to move closer behind the others.

"How long are you going to hide behind women?" Pansy stood in front of Malfoy and pointed the finger at Nietzsche. "It's really embarrassing to Slytherin. You'd better go back to Gryffindor with this little Mudblood." Bar!"

Nietzsche swallowed the bread slowly and said: "Do you know the current situation of Goyle and Crabbe?"


"I advocate the equality between men and women advocated by British gentlemen, so if there are extra beds in the campus hospital, you can reserve them in advance..."

"If you have the ability to duel like a wizard!" Pansy threatened with a trembling voice, "Huh, if you do it like a Muggle, you will have the same virtues as those stupid lions in Gryffindor...ahhhhhh !”

A black shadow passed over the college table and hit Pansy on the head accurately.

Judging from the pervasive stench, it was obviously a rotten egg created by George and Fred. Nietzsche silently put the nasal plug back on.

"Who? Who is it?!"

Pansy turned her head and looked around angrily, but unfortunately the Gryffindors were completely unaware, all of them lowered their heads and suppressed laughter.

Hermione and Nietzsche had no intention of participating in the ensuing farce. Before leaving, they ran back to Gryffindor and put a few chicken sandwiches in their pockets.

"I forgot to tell you, I was far ahead in yesterday's Transfiguration class!" Hermione remembered that she had made some changes to the match before, and raised her proud smile again.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. At least you may not get my white essence."

The afternoon class is History of Magic, and the classroom is on the second floor of the castle.

It was not until after class that Nietzsche and Hermione learned that the History of Magic professor was not a person at all. To be precise, he was not even a living thing---a gray translucent ghost floated directly from behind the blackboard.

Professor Binns shocked the students when they met for the first time...

Because the entire History of Magic class was extremely boring, he always took "History of Magic" and read from the textbook, with a drawl in his voice. In less than half an hour, half of the people in the two colleges were asleep.

There are only a few people sitting in the front row of the classroom.

"Look at Malfoy's character, Harry... tell Hermione to be careful and don't get too close to Slytherin. They will definitely want to make a joke about this."

Harry rolled his eyes. He couldn't understand Ron's brain.

So he could only lie down on the table, put up "History of Magic" in front of him, and whispered: "Hermione and Nietzsche knew each other before they came to Hogwarts. They are friends...what does it have to do with us. "

"That's not what I meant. It's just that, didn't you hear Malfoy making fun of Gryffindor with the two of them?"

That's it?

Harry ignored Ron's cries, sorry, he'd gotten more spankings at Muggle school.

"They can laugh all they want, but I advise you not to tell Hermione this." Harry added, "Unless you can beat her and don't need the notes she took in class."

Ron didn't calm down until he heard these words, but he still tore a piece of paper from his notebook, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it on the head of the snickering Malfoy.

The trigger of the first Paper Ball War---Ron's assassination of Malfoy.

"Poor Weasley, maybe you can find a rich lady here in Slytherin! If they are willing."

It was obvious that Malfoy knew what kind of sarcasm was most effective and most direct at the dignity of others.

He gave all the trash talk and sarcasm that had no effect on Nietzsche to Harry and Ron without reservation.

Immediately afterwards, Malfoy counterattacked, and the entire second half of the classroom was filled with paper airplanes and paper balls, flying back and forth between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

"Professor, aren't you going to take care of it?" Hermione couldn't bear the noise.

She looked at the desk, where Binns Cuthbert, who was still awake wearing a pair of small round glasses, was floating swaying in the air, similar to the character in "Hogwarts: A School History". The description is very inconsistent.

It is hard to imagine that for such a lifeless professor, before he became a ghost, students who had taken History of Magic would always reluctantly leave the classroom before leaving.

"Ah...Miss Greenland, it would be great if you could stop me."

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