When Nietzsche questioned the cat, Smaug moved slightly and squatted behind him, looking down at Crookshanks from above, as if to declare his victory in this way.

Crookshanks first called out twice, patted the floor with his paws, and then turned around and picked up a spider claw and a bald mouse from a pile of ashes.

I don't know if Peter Pettigrew is dead, and how he died...

"You accidentally ran to the territory of the eight-eyed giant spider because you were chasing it?"


"But Smaug? Then how did you burn this place like this?"

Crookshanks picked up the ignorant mouse and climbed up from Nietzsche's calf with his limbs. At this time, the fire dragon Smaug would rudely pull it off from his claws and bounce it onto the wall.

Obviously, because Crookshanks always likes to run to him, he will be stained with some other smell...?

"Do you think I was caught by the Acromantula?"


Although the Norwegian Ridgeback looks ferocious at first glance, after watching it for a long time, its movements are always a bit silly.

But that's not all. It landed on its front legs, opened its wings with spikes on its back, blocked the passage of the cave, pointed at Nietzsche with its claws, and then gestured to the Persian cat with cat-kneel ancestry.

Smaug: The reason you didn't come to me is that you have a new cat?

But Crookshanks probably didn't sense the danger from it, and just yawned lazily.

"That..." Nietzsche rubbed his hands and lied hesitantly, "How can it replace you? You are the first fire dragon I raised that defeated the basilisk! So strong and... so beautiful..."

In fact, an angry Smaug is sometimes more difficult to deal with than an angry Hermione.

He walked forward a few steps, approached her head resting on her paws and said, "I raised you myself, and I often ignored this male cat!"

Smaug glanced suspiciously, as if this praise made him feel flattered.

Of course, how can this male cat compare to her?

Crookshanks rolled his eyes: As expected, Hermione and Granger love him more.

Volume 1: Chapter 195 Snape's Lucky Day

Crookshanks unfortunately fell into the web of the giant spider when chasing the mouse Scabbers, and when they were dragged away, they were discovered by Smaug who was in a bad mood.

As a Norwegian ridgeback dragon that was given strict hunting skills by the centaurs, it was a simple matter to find prey by smell.

So the camp of Aragog's children was like this. When they were putting together the prey they had obtained in the day and preparing to share it, the fire dragon came over.

That's what happened. When it cleaned up the place, it found that there was no Nietzsche, but only a Persian cat!

Smaug: It's better to let Crookshanks die.

"Poor Aragog..." Hagrid walked behind the dragon, looking at Nietzsche riding on the dragon's back with envy, "I won it from someone else, but now, he's running away with someone else?!"

"The eight-eyed giant spider was originally a creature invented by you wizards." Ronan had no sympathy for the giant spider's experience, and he didn't think about his joys and sorrows. "Ruber, this is all natural..."

"I am also a part of nature!" The half-blood giant yelled at him.

"... choice."

After Ronan vented his inner grievances, he slowly continued to finish his words.

The mouse Scabbers is now in Hagrid's hands, because Nietzsche found that his breath was getting weaker and weaker, and he didn't know if he was pretending.

"It's dying." Hagrid held the mouse's tail and observed it for a while before saying, "Alas... Ron will definitely hate me to death. His mouse pet has been here for only a few days and it's dying."

No, Ron may just sigh at most... Nietzsche complained in his heart.

But Peter Pettigrew can't die yet, at least not now.

"There is a bite on its buttocks. I'm not sure if it was bitten by an acromantula." Hagrid said again, "But if it was bitten by a giant spider, ordinary animals would not survive until the next day."

"But Scabbers has been in the Weasley family for more than ten years. Maybe he is lucky." Nietzsche said while lying on a black jade-like ridge.

And Crookshanks didn't have such a good treatment. As Nietzsche's pet, it could only jump back and forth on the branches beside it, and Smaug would look at Crookshanks with his peripheral vision and flick his tail from time to time.

They came all the way from Aragog's lair to the edge of the Forbidden Forest before stopping.

"If he's poisoned, you might need to ask Snape for help."

"Why not you? He's your dean." Hagrid was a little reluctant, after all, he didn't like Snape at all.

But it's not that simple.

"Do you think I can leave now?" Nietzsche touched the smooth back, lowered his head, and looked at Hagrid helplessly, "If I leave now, I won't have a chance to climb up for the rest of my life."

"Really?!" Hagrid said with joy.

"Just because I can't doesn't mean you can..." He said with a dark face.

But what made Hagrid even more sad was that he was pushed by Smaug's tail, which almost cut off Hagrid's last thought. He carried the mouse Scabbers and left this sad place.

The fire dragon was brought by him, but it does not belong to him.

The centaur was his friend, but now he no longer belonged to him.

While Nietzsche was accompanying the fire dragon, Hagrid put the dying rat in his pocket and went to the basement alone. He stood at the door of the dark office, swallowed and muttered something.

'Severus, I want to ask you... No, my relationship with him is not that good yet... Professor Snape? Yes, this is good. 'He was rehearsing the conversation in his head.

But at this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Hagrid, who was in a daze, was hit on the nose.

"little bastard..."

Because the first person I saw was Draco Malfoy, I subconsciously cursed what was in my heart, but the other party didn't curse back this time. It was as if he didn't hear him and just ran away with red eyes.

Then, Hagrid saw the hands pushing open the door, and he smiled awkwardly.

"Don't worry, Hagrid." Snape looked at him levelly and could only see his chest. "I can understand whatever a mixed-race giant who was abandoned since childhood can say."

The apology that Hagrid had just felt disappeared immediately.

"Do me a favor, it's dying." He took the mouse out of his arms and stretched out his hand blankly.

"In this case, I only have one suggestion..." Snape's eyes twitched and he took a few steps back.

"What advice?"

"You go to the Forbidden Forest... and catch a few more damn rats for your stinking Care of Magical Creatures class!" Snape gritted his teeth, his voice gradually getting louder, "Or go find your useless No way Dumbledore!"

What did he think was going on? It turned out that the reason why this stupid giant came to him was to resurrect a mouse?

This is an insult!

Hagrid grabbed the door frame with his other hand, and after taking a few deep breaths, he continued: "This is Ron's pet. It was originally placed with me, but it ended up slipping out on its own and was accidentally killed by the Acromant." The spider bit me..."

"Weasley's rat?" Snape held back his wand.

"Nietzsche said only you can make this antidote."

This statement made Snape like it very much - he was the only one. Of course, was there a second Potions Master in Hogwarts?

Then he frowned and let Hagrid in and placed the mouse on his table. Logically speaking, unless it was the moment of poisoning and other methods were used to stop the spread of the poison, it would be killed on the spot within a few minutes.

"Your mind is really stupid..." Snape mocked, "You can leave now, and you can ask Nietzsche to come over when the time comes."

"Yes, yes, I can't make an antidote~" Hagrid nodded impatiently and left the basement without looking back.

But he wasn't mocking Hagrid for not knowing how to make potions, but he was mocking Hagrid for not understanding the Acromantula venom.

After hearing the footsteps disappear, Snape hesitated for a moment, but still took out his wand, tied the mouse's limbs with the deformed snake-shaped rope, and pulled it into the air.

Then the wand sprayed out a blue light. In an instant, the rat covered in white ashes began to twist from its head, then its limbs and torso.

Not long after, a short, fat man who had fallen asleep appeared.

"Pettigrew...Peter..." Snape took a bottle of sobriety potion from the shelf and poured it into the other person's mouth.

Now he could no longer contain his excitement.

The effect of the potion was very quick, and it didn't take long for Peter to wake up. He vaguely saw Snape's twisted, malicious smile. He couldn't help but tremble, and he made running movements like a mouse in the air.

But Snape poured himself a glass of wine and watched this scene with interest.

"You were poisoned by the Acromantula... But before that, you must have used magic to stop the poison from spreading, right." He said slowly, "So, the venom of the Acromantula is only suitable for Used to synthesize poison."

But Peter was in no mood to listen to Snape's lecture here.

He ran away from death and instinctively sought all the help he could get from his surroundings.

"help me..."

"Of course...of course I will save it, but before Nietzsche comes..."

Snape flicked his wrist and cut a wound on his buttocks. Black blood mixed with Acromantula venom flowed out of his body and fell into the bottle at the bottom drop by drop.

Normally, the injured person would be so weak that he would faint after being bled.

But Peter couldn't. He had been given a whole bottle of sobriety agent in advance and could only be in a 'semi-coma' state. He could clearly hear the sound of blood dripping while knowing what he was going through.

This torture made Peter Pettigrew burst into tears after a while.

"Please, don't kill me." The muscles in his limbs twitched because of fear, "Severus? Please... I didn't want to harm you..."

But Snape seemed not to hear him, pulled out a chair and sat in front of Pettigrew.

"You won't die, and I won't let you die, but I will at least collect the interest owed for twelve years...from each of you."

Volume One: Chapter 196 The Tragic Mouse

As soon as Nietzsche opened the door to his office, he smelled a strong smell of blood. The dark room became Peter Pettigrew's hell - he was hung in the air and was being bled like a pig.

If you get closer, you can still find dozens of cuts of the same depth on his body. His whole body is like a torn umbrella, leaking water to the ground.

"Professor, you won't play him to death, right?"

Nietzsche knocked on the door and woke up Dean Snape, who was napping on his chair.

My dear, I slept soundly.

He rubbed his eyes, stood up, and gently slapped Peter Pettigrew's pale and stiff face. Then Nietzsche saw the other party let out a weak groan. Snape crossed his arms and raised his chin.

‘Isn’t this still alive? ’——This is what the dean conveyed.

"Bloodletting was the most common treatment method for wizards and Muggles before the antidote was invented in ancient times." He said softly, "Anyway, it won't cause him to lose too much blood, so just treat it as weight loss."

The serpentine rope retracted, causing Peter Pettigrew to fall.

Although he was still conscious, listening to the "tick-tick-tick" sound of his own blood dripping for a long time had already made his spirit begin to collapse.

Peter tried to stand up, but his lower body seemed to be paralyzed and he couldn't use any strength.

"I am not a murderer... My child, you have wrongly blamed me..." Peter Pettigrew collapsed on the cold ground, grabbing Nietzsche's shoes with his two short, fat hands that were missing a finger.

If you were an ordinary student, you would feel a little pity when you see such miserable people.

But Nietzsche didn't. He kicked hard and kicked Pettigrew. He had no sympathy for the person who had lived in secret for twelve years. In his eyes, the other person was just a tool.

Even Peter's last thought of escaping from school was killed by Nietzsche's psychological suggestion.

"It's hard for me to trust someone who has been hiding with an Animagus for twelve years."

"No! That's because Black and his followers want to kill me!" Peter cried like a baby, making a blood-curdling cry, "Please... please, Severus, don't torture me. ..”

After he heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, his whole body curled up and shook like a sieve.

"It seems that you tortured him quite a lot." Nietzsche said lightly, biting a licorice wand.

"Humph... I prefer this person to be Black." Snape's eyes radiated with crazy light, and he was already trying his best to control himself from losing his last sanity, "Peter! I really want to kill him with my own hands. about you!"

Following Nietzsche came Principal Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, as well as Sirius Black.

They were all shocked by the crazy Snape. Even Black, who always liked to quarrel with him, instinctively shut his mouth and remained silent after seeing the miserable condition of Peter Pettigrew.

Because the dean looks like a real stereotypical Slytherin - crazy, vicious, bloody and cruel.

"He is actually still alive." Professor McGonagall exclaimed, then turned around and said, "By the way, does Weasley know about this?"

"Based on whether it would leave a shadow on Ron's heart and the impact it would have on Mr. Weasley, I kept them away from the center of the incident." Nietzsche responded calmly, "They will only know the truth twelve years ago. "

All you need to know is this...

"Very good." Mag nodded.

Dumbledore on the other side looked unbearable. He looked at Snape and sighed: "Severus?"

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