"Petty is not dead, that's enough for us, Headmaster." Snape said slickly, "You're worried about the life of a traitor who killed dozens of Muggles? Of course, it's not impossible."

His cold eyes, like a hungry venomous snake, passed over the headmaster's shoulder and stared at the skinny Sirius behind him.

But now, this venomous snake has tasted the taste of blood, and its taste is called 'revenge'.

"I'm worried about you, Severus, you and I both know that hatred is a poison." Dumbledore glanced at Nietzsche standing against the wall quickly, and muttered in his heart.

Because Nietzsche didn't call them at the first time, giving Snape enough time to 'play freely'.

But this change made Dumbledore very puzzled. He couldn't tell whether Nietzsche was going with the flow or doing it intentionally... But no matter which situation, it was dangerous, but the former's means were more clever than the latter.

In fact, Nietzsche had already understood the resentment parasitic on Dean Snape when he saw the Marauder's Map.

Combined with Snape's disgust towards Harry, who had never been exposed to the magic world, in the first grade, all the clues told him that the four "plunderers" of Gryffindor had a grudge against Snape.

Nietzsche just couldn't determine the reason for Snape's hatred, but it didn't matter, Peter Pettigrew was his "truth serum".

"Peter, you can't deceive your memory." He gently raised his wand and pressed the other party on the chair.

"No need to say anything more to him!" Snape pressed his wand against the other party's temple, "How much did that stupid Potter like you, huh? But you killed her! Peter, look into my eyes!!"

Under the pressure on his head, Peter Pettigrew turned his head tremblingly.

At the moment they looked at each other, Nietzsche found that Dean Snape was as fascinating as Dumbledore, and seemed to be able to see through the heart, but his eyes were darker and crazier.


It seems that there are other stories between Snape and the Gryffindor raiders of the year~

"But I...but what can I do? Professor Dumbledore..." Peter Pettigrew said with a heavy breath while his memory was extracted, "Voldemort threatened me, but I have never been as strong as you."

He knew that he had no room to escape. After suffering inhuman torture, he could only pin his survival on the respected Hogwarts headmaster.

"You betrayed Lily and James to Voldemort. If it were me, I would have killed you." Black said with a clenched fist.

"Ha! Haha...What a great Black..." Peter Pettigrew's brain was searched, causing the whole person to twitch like a stroke patient, his hands atrophied, and his teeth bit his tongue from time to time.

Blood mixed with saliva began to flow from the corners of his mouth. Professor McGonagall couldn't bear it anymore and could only temporarily stop the blood from flowing slowly from his body.

The whole scene was similar to what Black thought, a group of people gathered at the Potter's house.

However, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black had changed too much in the past twelve years.

Snape extracted each other's memories bit by bit, but at the same time, Nietzsche also found that the look he gave Black was even more terrifying... no, it even exceeded his hatred for Peter Pettigrew.

Volume 1: Chapter 197 Slytherin Grudge

The memories that were forcibly pulled out by Snape were projected in the form of holographic images for everyone in the room to see that night at the Potter's house - after comparison, it was completely consistent with Black's memory.

In other words, it was Peter Pettigrew who was the secret keeper at the beginning.

"Okay, I will give Peter and Black, along with these two memories, to Fudge..." Dumbledore said.

"Can I go meet Harry?" Black did not feel happy after clearing his grievances, but was relieved.

"Not yet. At least you have to wait until Peter's trial is over and you are released from criminal status by the Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore coaxed, "In this way, you can greet him in the most perfect state."

Now Black's news in the newspaper is still a murderer. If Harry goes out now, he will have another unnecessary trouble.

Nietzsche looked at his dean and found that after he used unknown magic to interrogate Peter Pettigrew's head, he still stared at Black with hatred. Obviously, things are far from over.

Or... this is just the beginning...

"As a normal person? I don't think so." Snape said gloomily.

"It's all over, Severus." Professor McGonagall looked at him in confusion, "If it was because of that stupid thing that year, it wouldn't be involved..."

"That's the problem! You, you, and you! You are always like this, unlimitedly indulge your own college, the "good students" you value, I think I understand... She was killed by you!"

Snape was crazy, and he vented his hatred in his heart to everyone in the room except Nietzsche.

The birch wand pointed at Dumbledore, who was protecting Black behind him, and rudely interrupted McGonagall. In the dim light, Nietzsche saw the snake nerves inside the tip of the wand.

"If he hadn't changed his mind temporarily, she wouldn't have died! Voldemort wouldn't have found their home!" he roared.

"Severus, but we didn't know in advance that Peter Pettigrew was an undercover agent lurking in the Order of the Phoenix." Dumbledore frowned and patiently advised, "Black can only be regarded as doing good things with bad intentions."

"Really? Even if he knew that Peter was a coward?"

Although Black had always regretted this matter, when Snape mentioned it now, Nietzsche found that he was inexplicably angry.

He said: "If the plan succeeds, everyone will only come to me, not to a timid rat hiding in the sewer... He betrayed Potter, it was his mistake!"

"Yes, it's his fault. His mistake was to make friends with people like you."

Snape's humiliation made Black ashamed.

And Peter Pettigrew, who was unconscious, making "woohoo" sounds unconsciously, and drooling at the corners of his mouth, was sandwiched between the two of them. He became Snape's weapon and became the past that Black was most reluctant to mention.

"Admit it, you sinner, you pushed them up there." Snape gritted his teeth and said.

"Me? After you saw his brain, you actually began to sympathize with a mouse? If it was Remus..."

"I was making medicine for Lupin, I was enduring everything --- enduring you, enduring Dumbledore's repeated requests, not you!"

After a few seconds, Black glanced at Nietzsche, and then seemed to have made up his mind.

"Look at yourself... No wonder Lily left you!" He suddenly roared in revenge.


"Iron armor." "The house collapsed."

But before he could finish, Snape and Dumbledore attacked at the same time, and the spell blew up the office, the potions on the shelves shattered instantly, and the glass shards and potions were swept into the smoke with a few roars.

Everything happened too suddenly, Nietzsche could only bend down and squat behind the dean's desk, and the shock wave emitted by the magic made him unable to even lift his head.

At the same time, he also knew how big the gap between professors and students was.

The light flickered in the smoke, which represented something that no one could believe when told out loud - Dumbledore and Snape had fought.

"Calm down... Severus, don't we feel sad about what happened to Lily?" Dumbledore said.

"He knew what kind of person Pettigrew was!" Snape roared, "God's Sharpness!"

Then, Dumbledore didn't know what spell he used, and a silver light whistled in the smoke. Then, Nietzsche saw Snape retreating again and again and hitting the wall...

The voice gradually calmed down, and Nietzsche carefully emerged from behind the table and found that Peter Pettigrew was gone, and there were several deep scratches where Sirius had just stood.

Snape panted and supported the armrests of the chair.

In fact, Nietzsche wanted to ask who that 'Lily' was, but seeing the crazy behavior of the dean just now, he still restrained himself.

"Professor? What did you see in Peter Pettigrew's mind?"

But Snape sat in the chair, just shaking his head, holding his head helplessly with his hands, his ten fingers scratching his scalp, lowering his head, letting his greasy hair cover his face.

Nietzsche opened his mouth, but finally did not interrupt.

"Reparo (repair as before)." He made the cracks in the office close.

After a long time, Snape made a hoarse sound.

"Peter Pettigrew... How could they try to understand a coward, hum... Knowing what kind of character he is, they still have to do this, just because of the so-called "trust", Gryffindor?"

"Because of their boring trust tricks, Voldemort took advantage of the loophole."

Snape seemed to be talking to himself, and Nietzsche had to get closer to hear what the dean was saying.

Obviously, the dean felt that Black's part of the responsibility was far greater than Pettigrew---Peter was Black's friend, and he knew who the other party was, but he still did this.

"You're right..." Snape raised his face in a trance.

Nietzsche had never seen the Slytherin Dean like this. The face that was once full of coldness and disgust was now very confused. After the great revenge, there was no happiness, but full of nothingness.

"Trust, love, honesty, honor... Everyone is playing that game. As long as our vision is a little bit longer, then a little bit will be fine."

In this way, nothing will happen.

"What did you see?" Nietzsche asked again softly after feeling sorry for the potion flowing on the ground.

"I saw Peter's life, Holmes, the life of a mouse." Snape's eyes became dull between breaths, and his tone was terribly calm, "He was afraid that Voldemort would kill him and his mother..."

"So Voldemort and the Death Eaters threatened him with his family?"

Snape ignored him and continued to say everything he had seen in his mind:

"I saw a person who had no power, was generally disliked by professors, and was laughed at by friends. Of course, he did not dare to resist Voldemort; I saw a poor guy being forced to move forward, and no one was willing to let him make a choice."

"Everyone is immersed in an illusory bubble, thinking that they will become heroes... The magic world is rotten, rotten! You are right."

Nietzsche was in a complicated mood. He didn't expect that the first person who understood his ideas in the whole school would be Snape.

Looking at the slightly trembling corners of the dean's mouth, he didn't know whether the ridicule was laughing at himself.

"Black and Potter have families with deep backgrounds behind them, Lupin has Dumbledore and Holmes behind him... What are those ordinary wizards who are swept away by the times behind them?" Snape asked in a lost heart.

"We have it, Professor." Nietzsche said with relief.

Volume 1: Chapter 198 Humble Lupin

After solving the problem of Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, they were hidden by Dumbledore in a place that no one knew.

Harry Potter, on the other hand, looked heartless. He carried a Firebolt every day and rushed to the Quidditch field when he had nothing to do... Sometimes Malfoy would look at him twice more when he saw him, perhaps thinking about the wealth he once had.

Although the news about him had died down, the students did not feel relieved, especially the third graders. For them, this year's homework was twice as much as last year's!

Even Nietzsche spent the entire Easter holiday catching up on homework.

"Have you thought it through?" Hermione took time to discuss white magic between doing homework and reading. "I've already told you the core of the Patronus Charm, understand? You have to look into your heart first..."

"I know, but there are only so many things that can make me remember!" Nietzsche buried his head in dealing with the scales of the basilisk.

He was honest enough with himself. During the entire Easter holiday, he searched his head and was sure that in addition to the complex ideals and theoretical knowledge, the only thing that could be called exciting was that one thing:

The cat-like Hermione in Madam Puddifoot's teahouse.

Unfortunately, that fleeting excitement only made the tip of his wand light up at most.

But the Patronus Charm could not be forced, and it was not successful by practicing more, so Nietzsche simply put aside white magic for the time being and shifted his focus to alchemy.

"It's okay. If you encounter Dementors next time, remember to stand behind me." Hermione patted his shoulder helplessly and deliberately provoked him.

If she were a cat, her tail would be up by now.

The one who changed the most was Snape. Ever since he and Dumbledore fought over Black, his mind had long been wandering outside. Every time he was in class, he would read the textbook stiffly and would not even bother Gryffindor.

Strangely enough, the Gryffindors who were suddenly not bothered by Snape were still a little uncomfortable...

"Will he be possessed by Professor Binns?" Seamus couldn't help but gossip.

His voice was not small, but Snape surprisingly ignored it after hearing it. He just mechanically read the contents of the textbook without even blinking.

To be honest, this was the most boring potions class they had ever taken. Compared with the teaching that was like chanting a spell without any fluctuations, all Slytherins and Gryffindors would rather Snape scold them a few times, even if they just sneered a few times.

At this time, Neville's cauldron exploded.

Everyone watched Snape excitedly walk over step by step... It's coming, it's coming...

However, he just waved his wand silently, cleaned up the messy table, and didn't even frown. The whole process took no more than half a minute, and then he turned around and continued to read.

"It's over." Neville said disappointedly, "Snape must think I'm hopeless. He would definitely scold me for doing something wrong."

"Forget it, it would be nice to shut him up."

Ron sighed, not knowing whether it was because of his friends or because of the potions class.

As soon as the bell rang, the others immediately carried their schoolbags and walked out of the classroom with suspicion.

Nietzsche was also planning to leave, but Hermione held him tightly, but Snape didn't seem to care about the reason why the two of them stayed in the classroom after class. He just threw the book and went to the potion storage room to sort it out.

At this time, the most unexpected person came to the potions classroom-Professor Lupin.

"Severus..." He looked at the two people sitting between the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables.

Because they were sitting on the dividing line between the two colleges, Hermione's left was Gryffindor, and Nietzsche's right was Slytherin, so it looked very strange to Lupin.

After coming to school for so long, Lupin's body was no longer as thin as before, but he just looked like a human being.

Nietzsche watched him lower his head, stand at the door and look for a long time, then stick to the wall and walk to the door of the storage room... I guess he needed potions again.

However, Hermione suddenly tensed her muscles and looked at them nervously. He thought she was going to attack the professor.

"Did you forget the potion this month..." Lupin said gently.

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