The sales of "Daily Prophet" exceeded 20,000, and wizards throughout the UK had a copy.

Professor Lu Ping also saw this news. He sat at the guest of honor table during lunch and didn't even take a few bites of food. He kept reading this news that subverted his cognition.

It's just that his body is weaker, and some of his fingernails are turned outwards, so when he greets students, he always puts his hands into his sleeves first, but when he sees Snape, he still Give the person a gentle smile.

"Nietzsche, do you still remember the order of making Wolfsbane Potion?" Hermione asked at the door of the auditorium, "Don't worry, I can debug it before the full moon..."

Although she doesn't know the weight of materials such as moonstone, morning dew, and aconite (wolfsbane), she can slowly try it based on Gorbalot's three laws.

"Are you sure you want to be hated by Snape?"

"Don't be stupid. Professor Snape only said that he couldn't make it himself. He didn't say that we couldn't do it... He just showed it to you on purpose. Do you understand? We didn't block the professor's choice." Hermione asked. The guests looked at it twice.

In fact, Professor Lupine has always been the most innocent.

It was hard for Nietzsche to refute. Seeing how stubborn she was, he could only write down the operating procedures and ratios of certain materials that he remembered in a notebook. Blake was still very accurate in judging people---as long as Hermione intervened, the potion would be Success is only a matter of time.

While debugging the Wolfsbane potion, Lupine still maintained his old style. He was still so funny in class, as if Wolfsbane could not affect him.

But in the last Defense Against the Dark Arts class before the final exam, the professor announced something important.

"I plan to resign." He looked at the Slytherin students who were practicing counter-spells and said suddenly in the second half of the class.

But the professor didn't seem that disappointed. On the contrary, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Nietzsche could understand that after losing the palliative that inhibited wolfsbane, Professor Lupine needed to restrain the bloodthirsty instinct of the werewolf among the crowd on the one hand, and on the other hand, he had to maintain a normal life and appearance.

This was extremely tiring because his previous life had been a simple upheaval.

"Why?" "Don't you teach well?"

The Slytherins were all confused by the professor's sudden announcement.

Only Malfoy was sneering. Ever since his father's accident, he had become more interested in other people's jokes.

"I'm just a little tired." Lu Ping said with a smile, "It has nothing to do with anyone, it's just my own problem...I...I want to rest for a while, okay, think on the bright side, you guys Aren’t the professors each better than the other?”

He made a joke and complimented himself.

This is actually true, the first year student is Voldemort, the second year student is just a showman, but at least he is a human being, and the third year student still has two qualified professors.

By fourth grade, they couldn't even think about it.

He and Grindelwald would tell this news again when they taught classes in each college. In just two or three days, everyone knew about it, and everyone felt sorry for him.

Finally, Hermione collected some herbs from the centaur tribe, looked at the moon profit and loss chart in the Room of Requirement, and used the materials to pile up a small bottle of wolfsbane potion before the full moon.

She pulled Nietzsche and ran non-stop to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

"Please...ahem, please come in..." Professor Lupine's hoarse throat would hurt if he raised his voice even slightly.

But as soon as Nietzsche opened the door, he froze on the spot. He saw Voldemort standing in front of Professor Lupin, his wand pointed directly at his Tianling Cap, his scarlet eyes exuding cruelty, and he turned to look at the two people who had just entered.


When did Voldemort come to Hogwarts?


Professor Lupine immediately took out his wand, turned Voldemort into a round moon, and stuffed it into the drawer with difficulty.

"Don't worry, it's just a Boggart." He smiled at Nietzsche, "Don't blow up the office. I spent a lot of effort to catch these things from the Forbidden Forest for your final exam."

Hermione and Nietzsche breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

The office was like a breeding farm, with iron cages holding red hats and water tanks with lids... all of which were dark creatures they had known before.

"But we also learned about werewolves~" Nietzsche said curiously, pretending not to know anything and looking around.

Lupine: If you can't speak, don't speak.

Seeing the professor's smile gradually solidify and disappear, Hermione stepped on Nietzsche and quickly took out a small bottle from her pocket. It looked like a small bottle of whiskey commonly found in convenience stores.

Professor Lu Ping was stunned for a moment, took the bottle in surprise, and couldn't help but sniff it in front of the students.


"It's us!" Nietzsche clicked his tongue, "But most of it is due to Hermione."

The one who opened his mouth was the dean, but Professor Luping was the one with the most wishful thinking.

" know?" Lupine looked at Hermione. Looking into her complicated eyes, the experienced professor immediately understood what was going on, so he smiled bitterly.

Hermione nodded and chose to avoid the topic of identity: "You don't have to worry about these things now. Although you are not yet skilled enough, you can barely brew this palliative."

Sadly, there is no antidote to wolfsbane.

There was a daily newspaper neatly spread out on the desk, with neat folds on it, and it looked like he would take it out and read it repeatedly. This showed that Professor Lupin was extremely careful in dealing with things and was reluctant to break anything.

"Although it's not as perfect as Severus's, it's already very good for students..." Lupin took a small bite, and his eyes sparkled with joy.

Obviously, it worked.

Hermione was also happy that she could save a professor from his predicament.

"Then you can stay and continue teaching next year, so that Headmaster Dumbledore doesn't have to worry about you... uh... losing control?" She approached the injured lone wolf cautiously like a cat.

From the student's perspective, Nietzsche didn't think Lupin was derelict in his duty. Rather, he was almost the most competent one.

As long as he could be effectively controlled, there was nothing wrong with staying.

"Hmm? Sorry." Lupin put his hands in his pockets awkwardly, "I may not continue to serve... It's not because of Professor Dumbledore, I applied for it myself... Granger, Holmes, you are very smart."

"But... why?"

"Oh, how should I put it, probably because of some stupid things in the past." Lupin licked the bitter potion on his lips, "I can understand Severus, he has put a lot of effort to let people know that I am a werewolf."

Assigning werewolf homework, and using werewolves as examples in the potion class.

But he continued: "I don't blame him, really... I've been thinking about whether I have never thought about bringing some irreversible influence to others. I didn't know it before, but now I can at least stop it in advance."

Lupin's words made Nietzsche's thoughts jump to Hermione, who once said the same thing about herself.

"But you did nothing wrong."

"I did nothing wrong, but he did nothing wrong, think about it, kid, if I continue to do this, one day I will be known as a werewolf, and on that day, what if a student plays a bad joke on me?"

What he said makes sense, and this has happened before.

A joke can make one person full of hatred, and another person live with inferiority and self-blame for the rest of his life.

Hermione's silence made Lupin realize something, he knew the two little ones must have heard something.

"Severus told you, right? The impact of the festival in school days... We were so stupid back then, always thinking that we were playing the role of a savior who defeated the dark wizard..."

"Forget it, I can just make time to go find an old friend." He glanced at the head portrait in the newspaper.

Lupin let the two leave the office, he was not unhappy at all, leaving was his own choice, just like Snape had no obligation to continue to prepare potions for him.

On the way back, Hermione was very abnormal, she never stopped talking.

"Do you think Professor Snape will be happy?"

"According to my understanding, he shouldn't be."

"Why? He has succeeded."

Hermione couldn't understand---Professor Snape stopped the supply of wolfsbane potion, wasn't it to avenge the past festival, so that Professor Lupin would resign voluntarily or be forced to resign?

If it were her, she would definitely be happy to see the enemy who bullied her in the past frustrated.

No matter what others are like, anyway, when Nietzsche beat people in elementary school, at least she was a kind of entanglement with a smile, but felt very violent.

"But Lupin is relieved, you know? He accepted the fact that he had caused the impact." Nietzsche shook his head, always feeling that this matter could not end so lightly.

According to Snape's temperament, his revenge should make Lupin in a kind of pain of hatred for his own identity, rather than relief.

Aha, the taste of homomorphic revenge~

Exam week has begun. The first day of the exam is Transfiguration. The test questions are to turn dead objects into living things and conversion spells. Nietzsche effortlessly turned the teapot into a turtle.

It's just that everyone else has a standard pet turtle, while his is... a snapping turtle.

But it's better than Hermione's turtle.

The next day was the Confusion Charm of Potions class. In order to prevent cheating, Snape split all the seats into individual ones. When facing the colorful cauldrons, he calmly drew a zero for most people.

"Think about it on the bright side. The zero may be the letter 'O'." Hermione could only comfort her roommate.

The exam in Runic Literature on Wednesday was about translation, which could be passed by rote memorization. The most terrible thing was alchemy. He needed to make a magical device that combined runes. Fortunately, he already had a model in advance.

After he put the lathe model on it, the effect seemed to be pretty good.

On Thursday, it was Lupin's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The exam was not held in the classroom, but outdoors.

And not only that, while Gryffindor was passing through a series of different venues such as the Red Hat Pit and the Hinkpunk Swamp, he had to avoid the interference of Slytherin outside the venue.

This is what Grindelwald came up with...

If they are unfortunately hit by the curse, they must find a way to use the dark magic counter-curse taught by Grindelwald to remove the effect and continue running to the finish line.

This is a timed obstacle race.

"Out, next~" Nietzsche waved his hand absentmindedly and threw Seamus into the swamp.

"Use your smart mind to think of a way." Lavender used Hermione as a shield and hid behind her, "If I fail the exam, I will curse you two to break up!"

"Iron armor for protection."

Hermione used the Iron Armor Charm to support the three of them, resisting the effects of magic around her.

"Quick! Confuse him...wink or something..." Parvati didn't care about anything for the exam.

"I have a better way." Hermione looked at the two people behind her.

"any solution?"

But before Lavender and Parvati could be happy, the armor spell protecting them disappeared. Immediately afterwards, Nietzsche pinched their necks and threw them into a pond full of kaba.

This is Hermione's method - save some energy, and when rushing towards the finish line, you can still have energy to counterattack off the field.

The destination was the letter room next to the Owlery. After Hermione stumbled in, within a few minutes, Nietzsche heard a roar from inside.

"Ni! Tsai!"

The whole wooden house collapsed.

"What's going on?" Grindelwald stood on tiptoes and looked over, "I don't remember that I have extra magic traps."

"Miss Granger, you are still not calm enough in the face of emergencies. That's a Boggart!" Lupine shouted in surprise, "I'm sorry, your grade can only be regarded as 'passing'."

Hermione gritted her teeth and crawled out of the ruins, standing silently on the sidelines.

But when it was Slytherin's turn to take the exam, it was Gryffindor's turn to stand on the sidelines and interfere. The lions vowed to make the vipers spit out what they had just eaten.

As for Hermione, her target is only one person--Nietzsche Holmes.

All day Thursday, anyone standing inside the castle could see spells flying across the lawn.

Hermione and Nietzsche also returned to the castle in disgrace. It seemed that they didn't expect each other to rush to the finish line safely, so it was not a good thing to maintain a tacit understanding on everything.

"What did you see?" Nietzsche pulled the water plants off his head.

"It's not a good thing anyway, especially after hooking up with you." Hermione, like a gourd, refused to say what the Boggart had done.

The school was on holiday the day after the exam, but the students had to wait until their report cards came out before they could go home, so they simply left the school and planned to spend the rest of the day in Hogsmeade.

Now that the dementors have left, I heard that there is 'solar snow' in Hogsmeade.

But Hermione didn't go. She planned to make a large pot of wolfsbane potion before Professor Lupine left school, so Nietzsche lay on the back of the fire dragon, basking in the sun while lazily collecting the needed morning dew. And the moonstone on the edge of the black lake.

He clicked his fingers and sent the object flying into the wooden basket that straddled Smaug's long neck.

It wasn't until evening that I returned to the basement.

While Hermione was repeatedly brewing Wolfsbane potion in the Potions classroom, several angry curses echoed in the corridor. Nietzsche and she thought it was Snape, but it turned out that he was not scolding them.

"You bastard, coward..."

Nietzsche turned down the heat a little and moved closer to the classroom door.

The sound was very small, coming from the other side of the basement corridor, probably... Snape's office?

"Severus..." Lupine's voice was full of fatigue, "See, I didn't ask Dumbledore to force you. I have already given my resignation letter to the principal. I don't owe you anymore."

"Are you pitying me? Do you think you have much influence on me?!"

Snape was roaring, and as he went crazy, he didn't care whether anyone else would hear him.

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