Then, Nietzsche heard the sound of several glass bottles being broken.

"You are worthless to me! I can save you, change your life, make you respected and favored by countless honors, but I won't, because I don't want to do it!"

"You are afraid of yourself, because I have surpassed you cowards! I am a god who can release lightning from my fingertips! Admit it, Remus, you are not even as good as that wild dog!"

Snape clenched his fist and tried his best to mock, but Lupin did not refute at all, at most he just coughed a few times.

"Cough... Yes, I am not as good as them, after all, I have relied on the relief of those people to survive."

After the deafening thunder gradually subsided, Professor Lupin leaned against the wall and panted proudly. His werewolf was more like a stray dog ​​who had seen through it. Snape punched the cotton with one fist.

Just as Nietzsche thought, Snape would not be happy because of his resignation.

He hoped that Lupin would be as painful as him, but... failed.

PS: Sort of, sort of, Fox wants to write a metaverse infinite flow comic for the next book (probably a group of players go to various worlds such as Star Wars, Warhammer, Deep Rock Galaxy to play the plot, similar to "Ready Player One")

Volume 1: Chapter 203 Exploded

The reason why Lupin resigned is very simple. After he lost Snape's wolfsbane potion, he became uncontrollable again and saw himself again-he is a werewolf after all.

If Lupin continues to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts, who can guarantee that his wolfsbane potion can be taken on time every time?

If he misses it once, it may kill people, so he told his idea to Dumbledore and other professors...but unexpectedly, Snape's reaction was the biggest among all.

"At least I know that I am not suitable to be a professor." Lupin said with a smile.

"You'd better know..."

"But what about you?" Lupin interrupted Snape, "We have all walked out of those years, only you---you are still stuck in more than 20 years ago, Severus, you are surrounded by good people, and you should be much happier than you are now."

He never refuted the other party's sarcasm, because he was indeed surpassed and stepped on by others.

Look at Snape's current status---he is not only the youngest potion master today, but also the dean of Hogwarts, and his status is almost second to none.

Nietzsche didn't hear any movement for a long time, worried that Lupin, who had exposed his disguise, would end up like Black, so he secretly stuck his head out of the door and saw the figure standing at the door of the office in the distance staggering a few steps.

It was Snape. Lupin seemed to drop two punches on his heart, hitting him back again and again.

"Of course you can let it go, but that's for you!" The dean accused angrily.

"Does Lily want you to be like this now?" Lupin pursed his lips, and when he spoke again, his voice became very trembling, "She never hated you, she was just disappointed in you..."

Snape began to panic, just like those Muggles studying quantum physics.

The crazy scolding, ridicule, and sarcasm were meaningless at this moment, and could not cover up Snape's emptiness and confusion. In the end, facing the calm Lupin, he returned to the office and closed the door.

Only the vicissitudes of life Lupin was left, sighing heavily.

However, he still spent his last days in school. When the transcripts were issued, which was the last day of the semester, the students who returned from Hogsmeade could see Professor Lupin sitting at the dinner.

This year, Gryffindor won the college cup thanks to Harry's performance in Quidditch and Snape's usual mercy.

The whole hall was decorated with red and gold, which looked like a farewell to Lupin.

"Quiet down~" Dumbledore waited until the Gryffindors had made enough noise before he pulled his throat and let the sound gradually subside.

He gave up his seat and let Lupin stand up.

Everyone knew what was going on - they would never see Professor Lupin again next year.

Lupin stood at the guest of honor seat, his eyes taking in all the students of Hogwarts. After a long time, he said: "To be honest, Dumbledore's invitation to me is already the biggest help."

Nietzsche noticed the flames of hundreds of candles above his head, which illuminated the tears in his eyes.

"But it's worth it now. I can go find Black next..." Lupin blinked at the Gryffindor table, "and my body is not strong enough to support it, so I won't bother Severus."

If Nietzsche hadn't heard about what happened back then, he would have almost thought that he and the dean were good friends.

Friends? No.

But the friendship of life and death can barely be considered...

But other people don't know, for Gryffindor, it's like a heavy bomb thrown into the Black Lake, exploding fish and water.

George: "What? Snape, the old bat, will help people?"

Fred: "Help, Professor Lupin is under the control of the Imperius Curse."

There was a black dog squatting in the corner of the hall. No student knew that Sirius was staring at Harry and Lupin...When he heard that the first thing Lupin did after leaving was to find him, he excitedly said "hello":

He opened his mouth and barked a few times.

"What about Professor Glendale?" The Ravenclaws noticed the old professor who also had no presence. "Will he also leave with you?"

Their hearts clenched.

"Don't worry, I don't have any thoughts of leaving." Grindelwald swallowed a piece of steak and said slowly, "As Albus's friend, I also hope that I can retire at Hogwarts in the next few days. Woolen cloth."

His cold humor made the originally sad atmosphere dissipate a little.

However, except for Hermione and Nietzsche, no one else knew his true intention of staying in the school--only he could guard Voldemort's Horcrux on behalf of Principal Dumbledore and work out a way to fight it.

Nietzsche looked at his old dean again and found that Snape's face looked better than before.

Although he didn't expect the other party to be as kind as Lupine and Dumbledore, compared to having a gloomy face every day and looking unhappy at everyone, the indifferent calm now was good enough.

Can it be considered an improvement?

After the dinner, when Lupine returned to the office to pack his tattered suitcase, Hermione followed quietly.

The next day, as the Hogwarts Express left Hogsmeade platform, Hermione told Nietzsche some great news:

"I wrote down the method of making Wolfsbane potion on paper and gave it to Professor Lupin."

"Are you sure a homeless werewolf can have money to buy a magic potion?" But what Nietzsche is best at is pouring a bucket of cold water on her when she is happy.

"It's okay. I sent a month's supply of doses and potion raw materials in advance so that he can find a job until the day of paycheck... Please, you can think of it, how could I not think of it."

But Hermione had just enjoyed a moment of sunshine and tranquility when she was disturbed by Sirius Black who walked onto the train with his tail between his legs.

"You guys am I going to see Harry as godfather?" The big black dog gradually grew limbs, and he completed an Animagus in front of the two of them.

Nietzsche crossed his legs, covered his face with a newspaper, and sat silently aside.

In fact, after seeing the Animagus, he was thinking about something very interesting: Since this kind of human body transformation includes clothes, would it be wrong if he plucked out the Animagus's hair? Just tear the clothes into pieces?

"Why are you looking at me? Do I know Harry very well?" Hermione said angrily.

She stretched her legs under the dining table and rested them on the knees of Nietzsche who was sitting opposite. She could maintain the most comfortable stretched position in a closed and crowded space. Of course, her boots were cleaned with a cleaning spell.

And Crookshanks can still walk up and down the 'Tower Bridge' under the table.

Nietzsche was in a daze when suddenly the newspaper in front of him was torn down.

"But we said it, can you listen?" He glanced at Hermione helplessly.

"I heard that he was very unhappy in the Muggle family. I just want to make up for it as much as possible..." Black tried hard to put away the anger in his heart and said softly, "I have done a lot of things wrong, so I don't want to do them again. Stupid thing."

Black's desire to visit Harry was not that simple.

First, he had to consider and handle Harry Potter's own emotions, and second, the Dursley family's attitude towards wizards.

"It's very simple, you go buy the most expensive clothes for non-wizards." Nietzsche said, "No matter how much the Dursleys hate wizards or James Potter, you have to endure it."

Having to endure criticism and ridicule from others for no reason was already making Blake uncomfortable.

This is not in line with his style.


"You can also lose your temper...if you can't shoulder the responsibility of 'godfather'." Hermione interjected.

"But think on the bright side, as long as you endure it, you can take Harry for a spin at the amusement park. Believe me, no child who is locked up at home every day will not like it there."

All Blake had to do was wait for Harry to relax and tell the story slowly.

Sirius was very concerned about Harry's affairs. He planned the goals for the holiday over and over again. It was not until the express train pulled into King's Cross Station that Hermione and Nietzsche calmed down.

He lay by the window and looked at Harry, who was dragging his luggage and walking lifelessly to Uncle Vernon.

"Aren't you leaving?" After Hermione walked out of King's Cross Station, she hugged her parents and stood next to the car and said doubtfully, "Mr. Holmes and Mr. Watson are not here today, so we can take you back."

After she saw Nietzsche throwing the luggage into the trunk, she took a few steps back.

"You guys go back first, I have to go to the Leaky Cauldron."

Volume 1: Chapter 204 Yes, Mr. Minister!

The Leaky Cauldron has changed a lot. After just one semester, Nietzsche found that the space of the entire bar had nearly doubled, and the record stores and bookstores on the left and right were integrated into it.

But those Muggle items have not disappeared: the original books in the bookstore are still there for wizards to browse, and in the middle, there is a sacred Muggle record player.

After the expansion, the decoration was naturally not as dark and dirty as before. Not long after Nietzsche came in, he saw several ordinary people paying pounds.

"it's here!"

Nietzsche raised his head and discovered that the second floor was not just a guest room, but also a corridor with a zigzag structure, and Fudge was sitting on a chair saying hello.

After he sat down, he didn't say anything, and someone brought him a glass of mead and iced strawberry sparkling water.

"Since you set up a wizard factory, the Muggle government learned that this bar was the entrance and exit of wizards, so they bought the shops on both sides and gave it to old Tom... Tsk... What a blessing."

Tom Abbott doesn't have to worry about Galleons for the rest of his life. He can get money just by sitting here.

"Do you know the history of this bar?" Fudge took a sip of mead and had a preconceived idea.

"Mr. Minister, you know I'm a Muggle wizard." Nietzsche gave him the limelight temporarily for the free drink.

The view on the second floor is very good. You can see all kinds of people when you look down. The wizards in robes are not too shocking compared to Muggles.

In addition to the workers who just got off work and didn't have time to take off their work clothes, there are also a few people wearing punk leather jackets with spikes. These ordinary people sat next to the wizards and didn't find the topics they talked about absurd.

In fact, ordinary people today have heard of things that are more sensational than magic and potions.

"As No. 1 Diagon Alley, the Leaky Cauldron existed two centuries before the birth of the Statute of Secrecy, so it was the first bar in the UK, and Muggles would come here at that time,"

"Can you imagine? Muggles thought wizards were aliens at the time, but now... they are somewhat popular?"

Fudge pointed to the group of people in the corner, allowing Nietzsche to see a few drunk wizards who used the Vanishing Charm to make empty bottles disappear in front of a few young people, and those young people were clamoring to come again.

But everything has a price...

Then, he saw Hannah Abbott running over angrily and adding two more items to the bill.

"Nothing remains unchanged, and wizards always have a chance to stand up again." Nietzsche also spoke, "We don't have to limit the magic world to the end of the seventeenth century. I can guarantee... they need us."

The matter is here.

The person sitting here is not a famous wizard in the magic world, nor a headmaster or professor, but Fudge who has power and the right to speak among wizards... As long as he is still here, he has power.

It is meaningless to cheat in front of the violent machine used to maintain order.

This is also the reason why Moriarty is close to the Prime Minister and government officials of various countries.

He just wants to do these things openly.

"Is it necessary..." Fudge looked at the underage wizard in front of him.

With his powerful wrist and the power behind him, Nietzsche was not a young wizard who was ignorant and knew nothing by pulling the Malfoy family into the abyss.

"But you see, nothing is absolute. When you open a gap to Muggles, you will also let in some criminals, and you can't filter them." Fudge lowered his voice and talked about the Purger.

Before the Muggles took the initiative to expose themselves, no one knew whether the next one to come in would be the Purger.

"It's the Ministry of Magic that has no way." Nietzsche corrected his wording, "Before the Purgers entered the magic world, their identities belonged to Muggles, not wild people from the mountains."

"Do you have a way?"

"You need to negotiate a strict review mechanism with the British government. This is not the 16th and 17th centuries. It is not necessary to visit the local area to investigate a person. With just one button, a person's life can be presented."

Fudge was a little creepy, because in the Ministry of Magic, no wizard was recorded casually, and even the truth serum was strictly used and required to be applied in advance.

"The Statute of Secrecy is still there." The minister cleared his throat and reminded.

Nietzsche smiled noncommittally, but he sneered in his heart.


He would not take the initiative to disturb the Statute of Secrecy. Leading a small group of British wizards to resist the entire magic world and breaking the Statute of Secrecy, such a sacred task, naturally should be given to Voldemort.

This is the pioneer.

"But your factory with Miss Granger..."

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