Fudge couldn't make up his mind. He said it was illegal, after all, Nietzsche didn't know about it from the Muggles. But he said it was not illegal, because exposure was always a risk.

"It's just a business, Mr. Minister." Nietzsche's eyes condensed, and he hurriedly stopped him, "And it's a business related to the British government, but... this is their dereliction of duty, you can hold them accountable for this."

"Oh?" Fudge became interested.

"Why did the Purgers touch the magic world and attack the Ministry of Magic's enforcement team? This is because the Muggles didn't do their job well! They should check their own internal affairs to see if someone secretly tipped off the Purgers."

The black player led away and launched a blitz.

What blocked Nietzsche's attack was Moriarty's shield, so he only needed to divert the attention of the British government to attack the 'Purgers' hiding behind.

Nietzsche unknowingly began to indulge in Moriarty's chess game.

"It seems... is that so?" Fudge took a breath, not understanding the twists and turns inside.

"But the problem is that there is a very important weakness here. This hidden danger will cause the British government to think that it is the problem of the individual purgers, not them."

"How to do it?"

"It's actually very simple. It just depends on your one thought---this is a legal and compliant business."

Now the two worlds are still in a semi-divided state. In addition, the British wizards in the Ministry of Magic always have an attitude of "standing on the sidelines" towards Muggle affairs, which makes Nietzsche unable to connect wizards and Muggles.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic must recognize that the wizard factory is a legal business.

Recognition means "protection", and it also means that the two governments must "take responsibility".

This is also true for Fudge. Recognizing the legality means that if the "Statute of Secrecy" is broken in the future because of the wizard factory, he will also bear the risk of being infamous for thousands of years.

But don't admit it... Even if the purgers kill all the people in the Ministry of Magic, it has nothing to do with the Muggle Prime Minister. It is purely for personal reasons. At most, they can help issue a wanted order.

Fudge looked down at the Leaky Cauldron below, where people were coming and going:

One person left, but after a while four more people pushed open the door, and gold Galleons, silver Sickles, copper Knuts and pennies collided with each other, making a jingling sound along with the doorbell.

"Did the Scourers come in from the Leaky Cauldron?" Fudge suddenly took a big gulp of wine.

"I don't know, maybe, who knows." Nietzsche shrugged, "Anyway... he didn't do it here, did he?"

Because this is a legal business, a place to invest, if you do it here, you'll have to wait for the public meal the next day!

"Then this is the problem, they actually let the wizards in your factory be exposed to the danger of the Scourers, this is dereliction of duty! I will sue him for this!"

Fudge slapped the solid wood table hard, not knowing whether the red palms were due to alcohol.

"Yes! Minister, you are wise." Nietzsche laughed brilliantly.

It's over, but the third volume begins! (Funny)

Ah...how should I put it, in fact, I rarely wrote fighting scenes throughout the third grade.

On the one hand, I am not good at it, and on the other hand, it is a foreshadowing - that is to say, the next volume is the highlight.

In fact, it is not perfect enough in the fox's heart, but the subscription has dropped a bit too much, so the fox has to speed up the plot development and try to end the third grade without appearing abrupt.

(Complaint, and the third grade itself is the matter of Sirius and Peter, which has nothing to do with the interests of the protagonist. At most, it is a bond with Snape.

Many contents in the original book are also for the fourth and fifth grades.)

However, let's say that even if the subscription of Wanshou is very bad, Fox will still insist on writing the finale. Even if it speeds up the plot, it will be done without interfering with the main line.

Alas~ Then let's do it, come on, if there are any bad places, please complain more and give suggestions.


Regarding the prime minister's recovery of the nobles, the royal fiefdom and the royal family's "slimming down", they all happened in reality. Now the entire royal family only has the queen and two direct princes.

So, don't think that Fox's writing is too outrageous, because these things are true! !

This is also why most of the famous stars in the British film and television industry are royal aristocrats (such as the actors who play the Ancient One and Doctor Strange, and Captain Depp). The royal aristocrats who lose their funding must be self-reliant.

(Complaint: Moreover, there are not many British actors to begin with, and "Love Actually" is a Christmas film that accounts for more than half of them.)

The reason for choosing the entertainment industry is also very simple. Some royal families have exposure because they attend various important occasions to attract sponsorship and set up funds.

Actors rarely have big scandals (even Depp, that was because he was abused by his ex-wife). After all, they are surrounded by the environment and have seen all kinds of storms and waves. They are the real British flag.

And this is the royal family layoff plan in 2001. There are only 4 people left, including the queen. At this time, in the magic world of HP world, Hermione Granger in 2001 should be the deputy director of the executive department with real power.

(It's too early to be a minister, at least 37 years old... until the 2010s).

The reason he became the Deputy Director of the Department of Enforcement was to help Kingsley Shacklebolt repeal laws that favored pure-bloods (probably graduated to the Department of Control of Magical Creatures, and then became the Deputy Director at the age of 20+).

Got it, Muggle wizards came to power and joined forces with the Muggle government to liquidate and suppress pure-bloods.

No matter what, the final version must have at least one million words!

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