"Okay, the next class is your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. If you can develop a new path in common spells, then having your wand with unicorn hair will not be a stumbling block."

"Your professor is Quirinus Quirrell...my former student. You can ask him about the difference between curses and black magic, no problem."

Flitwick smiled as if he had won the duel competition for the first time when he was young.

Hmm... If he remembered correctly, Quirrell seemed quite introverted when he was a student, but it probably didn't matter. He helped him a few times back then.

"Thank you for the ten points for Slytherin. I think Gryffindor will thank you as much as we do."

Daphne casually reminded Nietzsche as he passed Malfoy.

The tips of her golden hair just touched her shoulders on both sides, with a hairpin on her head, and her bangs on her forehead were gathered to the right. Among Malfoy's small team, she was much more beautiful than Pansy.

Maybe it was because she and Nietzsche had no direct conflict, so she started trying to win over her...

"What do they think is none of my business?"

"Yeah, I really hope your little girlfriend can maintain the same idea in Gryffindor." Daphne smiled politely, "How long can she maintain it? It's a pity that her house is not Ravenclaw."

Was she wrong?

From a Slytherin standpoint, of course not.

After all, Gryffindor is a guy who seldom thinks carefully and is full of hostility towards Slytherin.

"Why do you think Hermione Granger would abandon herself in order to follow the crowd?" Nietzsche said, "After all, there are always a few people who don't care about such childish rules of the game."

"If that's the case, I can give her a high look..."

"Daphne, do you really have a good relationship with Parkinson?" Nietzsche turned his head and looked down at the other party with a joking look, "Or...are you happy because you are someone else's follower? It's really sad."

The relationship between Greengrith and Perkins is like that between Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy.

So Daphne was tricked by him.

"You will never end well if you go against the whole of Slytherin." Pansy suddenly shouted angrily.

But her peripheral vision was obviously looking at Daphne Greengrith, but the latter quickly suppressed her anger.

"Nietzsche, you must have ambitions when you come to Slytherin. Money, power...you will know what we have. Don't wait until someone breaks your spine to realize it."

"It's not important, dear, none of that is important!"

Nietzsche waved his hand and impatiently pushed Brace away, who stood up and deliberately blocked the road. He wanted to turn his wand into a whip and whip it.

There is always some magic spread in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts.

During the first class, many people were betting on how long the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would last, or would his tenure last exactly one year?

Nietzsche turned his head habitually, but found that it was not like elementary school, and Hermione was not sitting next to him.

"Professor! Did you just come out of the toilet?"

The speaker was a fat girl with a strong figure. She shrugged her nose. When Quirrell hurriedly opened the door and passed them, she felt a pungent smell that almost made her vomit.

"No, Millicent Burst... next time... next time you mock Professor... Professor like this, points will be deducted."

Quirrell covered his head with a hood that was raised high, and felt a little displeased when he heard the roar of laughter behind him.

His expression darkened, and when he stepped onto the podium and turned around, he immediately changed his appearance. He was as nervous as a squirrel, and he also stuttered when speaking.

"Bosted, do you usually eat in the toilet?" Nietzsche sniffed, "It seems you like to sit on the toilet and eat garlic bread...otherwise, how could you associate garlic with the toilet. "

"I hope your new protective umbrella is not a short-lived ghost!"

Nietzsche didn't bother to look back, he just leaned back lazily on his chair, raised his right hand, and made an international greeting gesture backwards.

Through a brief observation, it can be seen that Professor Quirrell's clothes have some floral prints, which are different from the traditional wizard robes of other professors. Maybe he is very curious about botany...

Garlic is edible, but in wizarding and religious cultures, it represents vampires.

When Quirrell turned his head and cast a grateful look at Nietzsche, the latter immediately stopped observing and smiled kindly.

He stuttered and read the list, but because some people deliberately pretended not to hear clearly, he had to read it several times.

"Nietzsche Holmes, haha... When I came here just now, I happened to bump into Professor Flitwick." Quirrell was not far from him, about an arm's length away. "By the way, Professor Sprout also mentioned you. ”

"Dark magic defense... defense technique, do you know what it is usually used against?"

He forced a smile on his face and wanted to show off in the first class. Unfortunately, those Slytherins, under the instigation and leadership of Malfoy and others, did not give Quirrell any face.

Some of them scoffed: "Why are you wearing this hijab?"

"This was given to me by an African prince to thank me for defeating a resurrected zombie. Well...doesn't anyone know about Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

Nietzsche's eyes moved slightly downward, and he could see that Quirrell's fingers had been repeatedly stroking his wand guard.

Many people, in certain situations or emotions, would involuntarily repeat a certain action in order to seek pleasure and maintain balance, so as not to lose control of their emotions.

For example, Malfoy would shake his legs, Hermione would tap the table with her fingers, and Watson would turn his cane...

"To resist dark creatures, dark magic, and the practice of dueling."

"That's right, but you're not accurate enough, so you can only give Slytherin two points." Quirrell breathed a sigh of relief and stammered, "Not a duel, but... a fight."

The answer was not perfect. You could see it by just flipping through the book. He was just happy because someone could support him.

Because of his stuttering, not many people wanted to listen to Quirrell's lectures, not to mention that as long as Quirrell walked a little bit to the back of the seat, he could hear their discussions and ridicule of himself.

So it was obvious that Quirrell and Nietzsche "isolated" those Slytherins at the same time.

"Professor, I have carefully read the classification of spells. In addition to white magic, most of the defensive spells are still classified as evil spells, poison spells and curses of black magic."

In "Dark Magic: Self-Defense Guide", in addition to the spark spell like a flare and the smoke spell with the effect of a smoke bomb, the most classic repelling spell is also a kind of black magic.

Not to mention the crushing spell and the stun spell...

Quirrell seemed to have a headache. He rubbed both sides of his head with both hands and straightened his turban.

"In fact, due to the direct lethality of black magic, some of it is listed as "teachable spells" by the Ministry of Magic, and the other part is..."

"It is the strongest curse-the three unforgivable curses."

"You...you are really smart." Quirrell glanced around nervously and said intermittently, "Yes, the unforgivable curse requires the caster to maintain a strong hatred, just like the hatred you want those people to die..."

At the end of his words, fear suddenly appeared in his eyes and he stopped immediately.

"Sorry, this is not what you are exposed to now... Sorry, sorry." He whispered several times, lowering his head, wondering if he was talking to Nietzsche.

"So, the academic world distinguishes between black magic and the classification of evil spells, poison spells and curses, just according to the negative effects caused by spells?"

"That... you can understand it that way." Quirrell's forehead was sweating and his face was pale.

Nietzsche recalled the previous spell class, pondered for a while, and expressed some of his conjectures.

"Then what if I use strong negative emotions to cast some standard spells, making them dangerous?"

Volume 1: Chapter 20 The Dark Side of Magic


No, it should be unheard of.

No wizard... Even the Hogwarts professors who are famous in the academic world would not think so.

Because the Flying Spell, the Levitation Spell, and the Unlocking Spell are all spells created by wizards for "laziness". They seem to be born to help wizards do things and do not have any harm.

Naturally, no one would associate this kind of spell with black magic and white magic.

As long as you are not a Squib or a Muggle, even if you memorize the spell and form muscle memory with the gesture, it will work as long as it is correct.

The standard fool spell refers to this kind of spell.

"How can you...haha, no one would think so..." Quirrell laughed awkwardly, as if he was shocked by Nietzsche's idea, "I mean, why not just use black magic?"

"Personal reasons."

The wand with a unicorn feather core is the least likely to succumb to black magic, and at the same time the most loyal among the wands, regardless of whether the first owner is a highly accomplished wizard.

As a newborn calf, Nietzsche didn't know what dangerous things he was talking about.

He just thought that this kind of discussion was as common as discussing with his two fathers at home "which weapon is the most popular in the army during the war".

"It's like I use magic to make the table float, but I feel... I can use the hands holding the table a little harder..."

"Then it will break, why not just use the Shattering Spell?"

"But I can make it break or not, just in my mind." Nietzsche gave an example that came to his mind first, "Just like an automatic rifle, I can choose its bullet type."

Perhaps because he thought that the person in front of him was a wizard, he felt unsafe.

But strangely, Quirrell quickly understood Nietzsche's idea:

The Shattering Spell is like a huge trap, it must wait for the prey to step into the range before it will cause damage, just like the spell must hit the object to show the effect of breaking.

Admittedly, the Shattering Spell can be avoided, but the Levitation Spell acts directly on the object.

"So you want to build a shotgun directly, and equip it with ordinary hunting bullets and armor-piercing bullets?"

"You know..."

"Yes, I... I was originally a professor of Muggle Studies." Quirinus Quirrell was a little embarrassed, holding his hands like a squirrel, "Then you should first establish the direct relationship between magic and spells."

This is the way Ravenclaw thinks.

Although they are very strange compared to ordinary people, their thinking is very jumping. Being smart, far-sighted, and fond of studying their favorite things are the most obvious labels of Ravenclaw.

Quirinus Quirrell, as a mature Ravenclaw, is indeed the case.

"The essence of the levitation spell is gravity or control, the effect of magic and objects, controlled experiments of emotions and standard spells... There are too many, you need to try a little bit."

"Professor Flitwick said you could do it for me."

But Quirrell didn't respond immediately. Even when he heard the former dean's name, he just shook his body, his hands always pressing behind his ears.

Could it be that he had a headache... Nietzsche could only guess so.

"Let me think about it." The part of Quirrell's turban against his forehead was soaked with sweat.

He stuttered again and began to lecture, but his mind was not on it. As if he was possessed by Professor Binns, he stood in front of the podium in despair, reading from the textbook.

Until the bell rang.

Nietzsche, who did not get approval, could only put his books away and put them in his backpack. When he was the only one left in the classroom, the professor stopped him.

"I wonder why Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick mentioned you so often. Look...it seems that you are full of curiosity about magic. It doesn't matter. I...I was like this before..."

"I thought about it. This is a good research direction. Anyway, the first grade only has one Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson a week. How about you come and sit here with me every night before curfew?"

Sounds like the perfect time period.

It will not cause conflicts between professors and other colleges and upper-level courses. After sufficient thinking before going to bed, the quality of sleep will be greatly improved.

What a pity...

"But I have Snape's confinement at night, Professor." Nietzsche felt aggrieved.

"It's okay. I will discuss it with him." Quirrell waved his hand and walked up the spiral stone staircase at the front of the classroom. "This is an important academic matter. Time is money, my friend."

The stairs from the classroom lead directly to the office on the third floor. Quirrell leaned on the handrail and moved up bit by bit in the empty classroom.

The action of pushing the door open seemed to be the last bit of strength he had, because the moment Quirrell stepped into the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, he fell weakly to the carpet.

The muscles begin to feel sore and painful due to spasm.

"A Mudblood... It's a pity that he is a genius. He is exactly like me back then. I can smell his ambition. He is worthy of being a Slytherin..."

The hoarse and low voice was not Quirrell talking to himself, because his lips were pale and his whole body was lying on the ground twitching.

In fact, it came from inside Quirrell's turban.

"Master, I was wrong... I was wrong, please spare me."

"Hmph, I told you to promise him, but you still resisted." Some black air emerged from the gap in the turban, "Quilro, only power and strength are real, you have no choice."

"No, it's not... I'm just worried about attracting unnecessary attention. He's not part of the master's plan."

Perhaps Quirrell was right. The pain like an Egyptian torture insect gradually subsided. He finally took a breath, turned over, and looked up at the chandelier on the ceiling in a daze.

Yes, he has no choice now.

"It doesn't matter. If you give a smart man like this some benefits, he will naturally discover the secrets of black magic..." The voice began to become weak again, "Idiot, don't mess up the matter."


Quirrell shouted several times in succession, and after receiving no response, he put on new clothes.

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