After resting for a long time, I decided to walk out of the office.

Hermione on the other side, compared to Nietzsche, did not go so smoothly. She even regretted entering Gryffindor.

Except for Nietzsche, who she met before school started, Harry and Ron all met on the train. Just when she thought everything was going according to plan and she was about to start a wonderful campus life, a problem arose:

The long-standing relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin has been passed down smoothly.

"No, no, no, no, Slytherin's points are almost all added by Nietzsche!" Ron looked at the college hourglass and wailed, "Hermione, can't you let him add a little less..."

"Do you want him to be a person who does all kinds of evil, and every professor will shake his head when he sees him?"

Ron Weasley wanted to nod, but when he saw Hermione with her hands on her hips and glaring angrily, she was exactly the same as his headmaster.

So...he's a little bit complacent.

"I added ten points yesterday and five points this morning, but your two brothers deducted twenty points in one night!" Hermione turned her head and said to Harry, "I know you want to go out at night, but Better not get caught by me..."

Harry couldn't understand how Nietzsche could stand her.

"My lord, Merlin, I didn't come to Hogwarts just to change places and enjoy the same treatment as at the Dursleys!"

"Can you be a little patient? If it were Nietzsche, he..."

"This is the third time you've said this in the first two days of school." Harry crossed his fingers and thought about it carefully, "Yes, we already know that. If it were him, he would definitely not be impatient."

Hermione's cheeks turned red after being slapped.

The door to the hall was open, and the cold September wind blew in from the valley. Hermione put her hands into her pockets.

"Maybe he is also wandering at night, but you don't know it." Ron retorted as he walked into the auditorium, "Don't forget, he is not in the same college as you now."

"No way, he's not that boring!"

Hell, why would she subconsciously defend Nietzsche?

No, no, it's just that she hates the antagonism between colleges due to stereotypes, and she's definitely not defending some glib guy.

"Who knows? Slytherins are all ambitious people. Maybe you have never seen through him... People change. Look at Percy. He was not such a stinker before he became a prefect."

Looking in the direction of Ron's mouth, one could see Percy puffing out his chest proudly, his prefect badge polished.

Harry didn't want to be in the middle of a few people.

Even Harry, who had little social experience, could detect Ron's general anger and disgust towards Slytherin, regarding the conflict between his father and the Malfoy family.

Ron believed that it was Hermione who helped him out that day, and it had nothing to do with Nietzsche.

But both Hermione and Nietzsche were the ones who helped Harry. He was in a dilemma, and at the same time he was also a little annoyed because of this kind of thing.

"By the way, I'm serious, what if Nietzsche is like those Slytherins?"

"No matter what, he is better than those idiots in Malfoy..." She carried her schoolbag and knocked Ron's shoulder away with a long stride, and added by the way, "Especially compared to you!"

Ron froze on the spot, staring straight at Hermione lost in the crowd.

Then he pulled Harry and said, "She actually thinks that Gryffindor is inferior to a Slytherin?!"

It's not that Harry doesn't want to find other people to be friends with, but except for Ron, who he met first, and Hermione later, everyone else has a... an inexplicable sense of expectation for him.

The wizards' constant attention only made him feel like he was being watched.

There are only a few people who can't do it, and among them there are three people, two are around him, and one is in the opposite college.

"Isn't that so? It's really hard to guess what a girl is thinking."

Harry shrugged, looking forward to his old Slytherin friend.

He hoped that the name he had often used to intimidate Dudley would not be as cold and heartless as those in Slytherin.

Hermione returned to the dining table and leaned weakly on the wooden chair. She felt bored when she saw that there were only a few rubies left in the Gryffindor hourglass above her head.

In fact, it was not only Nietzsche who was looked at with strange eyes, but also Hermione.

"Yo? Who made the future Head of Gryffindor angry?" Lavender sat next to her, her eyes filled with playful mockery, "Let me guess... he must have been caught last night. George and Fred."

"What the hell is Head of Gryffindor!!"

A makeup mirror suddenly appeared in front of Hermione's eyes. Parvati, the Indian girl opposite, took it out of her satchel.

The person in the mirror is calm and has a serious expression. Her brown curly hair makes her look like an angry lion. She is completely opposite to the playful and smiling Lavender beside her.

"If you don't like it, there's another...little grid."

As if to seek approval, Parvati kicked Neville who was closest to her. The little fat man who was sitting there, deep in thought, noticed the lion turning his head and couldn't help but start to dodge his eyes.

"'s quite similar." Neville saw Hermione's raised eyebrows and immediately responded, "Of course, most of the reason is because of your excellent transfiguration."

Very good, perfect self-help.

Although Hermione knew that he had come up with it on the spur of the moment, it still worked.

Hermione, who was more or less infected with some of Nietzsche's communication methods, was no longer as dull as she was in elementary school. Although she retained the habit of preaching, at least no one dared to think that she was wrong.

As a result, the title "Little Grid" spread among some people.

"Ha! You little traitor!" Lavender was a little stunned when he heard Longbottom saved himself.

"As for the guidance on Transfiguration, I remembered...Mr. Longbottom seems to have been earlier than you." Hermione leisurely put her right leg on her left leg and took out a notebook from her bag, "First come, first served" Yes, ladies."

What a joke~ I really thought she couldn’t control these people.

"I will definitely support Dean Hermione's great cause."

"Very well, Neville Longbottom. I hope you can become a knight who breaks the old school of Hogwarts. At least you don't have to worry about failing the exam."

Hermione squinted her eyes, enjoying the awe in Neville's eyes.

That's right! She saw that some conservative-minded wizards in Gryffindor were very unhappy. Not only Gryffindor, but the entire Hogwarts was made to look like a joint venture between four schools.

It has become a battle between the four countries.

"Hmph, you are simply a Gryffindor who is even more Slytherin than Slytherin..."

Lavender looked at the top-secret information that slipped away from her palm, feeling unwilling to do so. After hearing her complaint, Hermione pursed her lips and smiled.

What's wrong?

There's nothing wrong with it. Hermione firmly believes that she can do some things more perfectly than Nietzsche.

Volume 1: Chapter 21: Big Brawl in Potions Class

For Slytherin, this year's Academy Cup is not that easy to win.

Don't ask, just asking is "damn Mudblood" and "Professor McGonagall's favoritism", but thankfully, those two idiots from Gryffindor lost almost all their previous points because of their night outing.

But for now, the biggest threat to Slytherin is Hermione Granger, the ruthless score-boosting machine, the hand-raising maniac, and the little girl.

The real Headmaster McGonagall had some thoughts on whether to set Hermione up as a candidate for Gryffindor prefect in advance.

Because Nietzsche had to go to Professor Chilo's office every night, he did not speak much on the following Wednesdays and Thursdays. He occasionally took over what the teachers said, averaging only two or three points per class.

So because of his mistake, Hermione quickly caught up with Gryffindor.

There was only one Potions class on Friday morning.

Daphne looked around, and there was no sign of that person at any table.

"Gryffindor has tied with Slytherin in terms of scores because of two Charms classes." She said while taking a sip of hot milk.

Even Malfoy had to admit that most of the points came from Nietzsche.

"This is impossible!" Prefect Lucian frowned and said, "Gryffindor people like to party and go out at night, and never speak in class. How can there be such a big change?"

Opposite Malfoy, on his left sat Pansy Parkinson, and on his right sat Goyle and Crabbe, who had just been discharged from hospital yesterday.

The two of them looked much better, and the potion prepared with white fresh essence did not leave any hidden wounds on them.

"Because of that Granger, I heard other people's conversations in the school infirmary. There seems to be a small group within Gryffindor centered around Granger. Most of Gryffindor's points are from their hands. ”

There is indeed such a thing.

Neville, Lavender, Parvati and other new students in Gryffindor, thanks to Hermione's tutoring and Charms preview, they were able to show off their skills in the two Charms classes and the Herbology class.

Hermione finally didn't have to do it herself.

As soon as Malfoy raised his head, he saw Neville Longbottom's proud face.

At first, his hands were trembling, but the positive feedback brought by his friends' surprise and the professor's praise greatly improved Neville Longbottom's self-confidence.

"Then why don't we set up an organization like a club..." Malfoy was a little disdainful.

"But what should we do?" Daphne roughly tore up his fantasy and said calmly, "I mean, even if we spend time and know those knowledge points, the professors' eyes will not be on us."

She was right.

Herbology, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts... not to mention Professor McGonagall as Head of Gryffindor.

"To increase others' ambition, to destroy one's own prestige..."

"No, Pansy, she's right." Malfoy slammed the table, very angry, "These professors have been fooled by him, unless we can attract more attention than Nietzsche."

Malfoy did some mental calculations and came up with an idea that even he had to admit.

If they want Slytherin to win seven consecutive championships this year, it means that they must personally show their kindness to Nietzsche, and the last thing Malfoy wants to do is to lower his noble head like others.

Especially for Nietzsche who was born into a Muggle family.

"Where are the others?"

"Who knows, either in the library or already in the Potions classroom."

However, the truth is just as Daphne guessed, Nietzsche has arrived at an underground classroom. Walking in from the corridor, after turning a few corners, you can see the dungeon stone wall leading to the lounge.

While others were still enjoying their breakfast slowly, he was already playing with the crucible with a piece of bread in his mouth.

"Nietzsche Holmes, even if you find Professor Quirrell to act as a shield, the confinement will only be extended..." Snape stood in the center of the classroom, staring at him with his dark eyes.

His eyes are always so empty and indifferent, like two abandoned train tunnels.

"Let me guess, this series of plans is about half a year long." Nietzsche smiled politely at him and whispered, "Sorry, maybe my confinement does need to be extended."

But his smile was a provocation to Snape.

The professor walked to Nietzsche's face. Now, he could hear the grinding of Snape's teeth, adding a bit of heaviness to this cold classroom that looked like a Frankenstein laboratory.

"Do you think that your little cleverness is enough to challenge the authority of the dean..."

"If you are talking about the tacit acceptance of the college tradition, my answer is-wrong." Nietzsche made a look of sudden enlightenment and continued, "Authority and authority, Slytherin should obviously be the latter."

"Just hope that Quirrell, the coward, will protect you."

Snape glanced at the students who came in one after another at the door, and the sarcastic smile on his mouth gradually faded.

This student is as disgusting as his Muggle father.

Friday's potion class is for Gryffindor and Slytherin together, so when people from the two colleges enter the door, they are almost secretly pushing each other.

Suddenly a girl sat next to Nietzsche and put her textbook on it.

"I don't think you will mind such a small matter, right?" Daphne smiled at him, "There is no name engraved on this table."

"Of course I won't drive you away." Nietzsche smiled back and cast his eyes behind her.

Very good, as a Malfoy diplomat, Daphne Greengris breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, at least she did not show much disgust.

Unfortunately, the next second, two stacked potion books fell heavily, and a pair of hands pressed on them, pushing all the way over, pushing Daphne's own textbook open.

"I swear, it was not me who drove you away."

Of course it was not Nietzsche, because Daphne saw the names of their owners written on the covers of the two books.

"Don't you see that there are already people here?" Daphne was not angry, but looked very aggrieved, "When did Gryffindor become so domineering... If you don't mind, you can sit at the table next to Nietzsche."

Hermione crossed her arms and looked down at the golden and white venomous snake.

Lavender, who was sitting at the back desk, nudged her roommate with her elbow and reminded him, "The show is about to begin!"

"I've seen this scene in a movie!" Parvati thought about it and said, "Isn't this a typical internal fight between the wife and the mistress? Usually, the heroine slaps the hero in the face as the ending."

But Daphne is not an ordinary girl. She was deeply influenced by certain family knowledge and behaved very naturally.

She knew that Nietzsche and Hermione were good friends, so she changed the direction flexibly: "I think you don't need a class period, right? Just treat it as a friendly exchange between about it?"

The sweet smile stunned Theodore next to her, but unfortunately, none of the two people around her bought it.

"What do you think?"

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