Hermione activates her skill - diverting trouble to the east.

"I don't know... Daphne said this desk has no name." Nietzsche tilted his head and said in a drawl, "If it doesn't have a name, it will be on a first-come, first-served basis."

Daphne, who thought she had everything under control, also nodded.

As expected of Nietzsche's deskmate, Hermione immediately turned the match in her pocket into a silver needle and carved the initials of Hermione Joan Granger on the edge of the wooden table.

Perfect transfiguration and application, but unfortunately this is not a transfiguration class.

So Hermione gained the advantage in the head-to-head confrontation, and Daphne could only return to the seat next to her in despair. Before leaving, she took out a handkerchief and wiped the place where Hermione had touched her.

"When did you get together with that group of ladies from the old aristocracy?"

"Maybe they took the initiative to look for me." Nietzsche immediately held her hand and whispered softly, "The reason why you couldn't find it a few days ago was not because of them. I was always in the library and Professor Quirrell's office. organising materials."

Nietzsche anticipated Hermione's attack.

Perhaps it was because there was only the last Potions class in the morning on Friday, which made the little wizards very energetic. They looked at the glass jars placed on both sides of the classroom and whispered.

Snape picked up the list and stopped when he clicked on Harry Potter.

"Harry Potter, a famous person!"

Malfoy and his animal friends immediately covered their mouths and snickered, but it was not over yet. They also stopped when they read Slytherin's name.

"I almost forgot, we have a person here who is not inferior to the savior." He raised his eyes to his seat, and the students who were whispering immediately held their breath, "I hope your ability to configure magic is as high as your ability to make trouble."

No one knew what was going on inside Slytherin. You must know that Snape was a well-known protector and the dean who favored his own people the most among the four houses.

Perhaps it was because he was sitting next to Nietzsche that Snape looked at her together.

But half a minute later, it stopped at Harry. Harry felt that the professor didn't like him from the beginning, but he didn't lower his head. Instead, he stared back at Snape.

Soon, the professor turned around.

"You don't need to wave your magic wand stupidly here. If you don't have a troll head, you can truly appreciate the beauty of the fragrance coming out of the slowly simmering cauldron..."

"I can teach you how to boil honor, steep reputation, and even brew death."

When everyone began to fall into fantasy because of Snape's opening remarks, even Hermione leaned forward slightly. Nietzsche, who had been her classmate for two years, knew that this showed that Hermione was very interested in this class. Heart.

However, Snape suddenly pointed his finger at Harry in the back row.

"Potter, what would I get if I added narcissus root powder to a mugwort infusion?"

Unfortunately, Malfoy did not see the scene he wanted to see:

He thought Harry Potter would stand there like a fool, stunned with that Ron Weasley.

"I'll... I'll get a very powerful sleeping pill..." Harry answered awkwardly, and then immediately changed his words, "It's the water of life and death."

Now it was Snape's turn to freeze on the spot, his eyes looking into Harry's green eyes, hesitantly.

"Then let me ask you again, Potter." Snape's voice was much gentler than before, and his originally contemptuous eyes became hollow again, "Where can I find the bezoar?"

"In the cow's stomach."

"Very well, Potter's reputation does not include ignorance. Sit down, one point for Gryffindor..."

Extra points? ?

The Head of Slytherin actually gave Gryffindor points? !

Harry fell in the chair with relief. The chair legs made a sharp scraping sound against the stone. He looked at Hermione gratefully.

In fact, he refused at first. When he first entered the school, the professor looked at him with boredom, but Hermione analyzed through his words that he might be making things difficult in today's Potions class.

Because of this slight possibility, Harry really spent some time in the lounge on Thursday night.

"I give up. I have to say that although she is very wordy, she makes a lot of sense..." Harry patted Ron on the shoulder. "I understand why Lavender and Neville called her 'Little Big Brother'." '

Harry grinned at Malfoy and the others with provocative eyes, returning the ridicule.

However, a series of changes could not escape Snape's eyes. When he saw the proud look on Potter's face, he immediately took back that precious point.

"One point deducted from Gryffindor for vain Potter's attempt to disrupt class."

"I knew it!" Ron stamped his foot angrily.

"That's not important. What's important is that Harry broke Gryffindor's curse." Neville leaned on the table and whispered, "You know, Snape gave Gryffindor points!"

While the scores didn't change, it was the behavior that mattered.

Since Harry broke the curse, it means that Snape will get extra points for the second and third time!

"Nietzsche? John Holmes! Let's take a look at this future master of spells." In order to scare the monkeys, Snape quickly found a new chicken, "How many methods are there for making potions?"

What I just asked Harry was just about the basic knowledge of herbalism. It can even be said that you can know it as long as you listen carefully to Professor Sprout's class.

So the difficulty immediately went up a level.

"Seven kinds, in addition to the decoction, brewing, and infusion you mentioned first, there are also poultices, tinctures, washings, and ointments."

"What will I get if I brew the powder of the albizzia flower with unicorn hair and peppermint?"

This kind of question is obviously beyond the scope of the first grade, and even Hermione on the side gradually retracted her hand, unless she had finished reading "Advanced Potion Making".

Hermione muttered indignantly: "This is unfair, professor!"

"Because Miss Granger questioned the professor, Gryffindor will deduct another point." Snape said indifferently, "Although Nietzsche wants to pursue the same fame as Mr. Potter, it seems that there is still a difference..."

Nietzsche put his left hand in front of his chest, his right elbow rested on his left arm, and his knuckles dragged his chin, like a standing statue of a thinker.

"According to Magical Potions and Liquids, most potions always have one or two common ingredients with color-adjusting functions, and peppermint is generally used to refresh the mind..."

"Let me think about it, this potion must have strong side effects, a golden potion."

"The purpose of the potion is the most important." Snape taunted sarcastically, "Don't use potions to save people in the future. I'm worried that your reasoning show will use poison as a healing ointment."

Malfoy's luck is still good. Although he can't see Harry Potter make a fool of himself, at least there is a Nietzsche.

A piece of fun to find every day, if it's missing, who will give him a supplement!

"Hermione, what is the flower language of acacia?" Nietzsche didn't look down to see the worry in her eyes, but looked directly at Snape and asked.

"Happiness... short-lived, fleeting happiness."

"The answer is obvious, isn't it? This golden potion can bring people short-lived and intense happiness, so peppermint is needed to keep the brain awake to ensure balance."

Nietzsche sighed, and because he was bored, he didn't give everyone time to think, and directly said the answer.

Behind him was Tracy Davis, who was completely shocked by Nietzsche's inference. He flipped through all the potion books he could touch.

"But why is the unicorn feather not included in the inference?"

"Do I need to ask this?" Nietzsche turned his mind, as if the person sitting behind him was the dumbest ogre in the Lord of the Rings, "Magic potions certainly need several raw materials with magical properties."

It's not the deer antlers and snake skins commonly seen in Muggles. The raw materials with magical effects are the most critical and cannot be imitated by ordinary people.

At this time, Hermione had found the answer in "Advanced Potion Making".

That's right, the description and Nietzsche's inference are almost consistent, only... She turned the page and turned to her deskmate.

"Professor Snape, is the euphoria potion described like this?"

The young Slytherins were taught a lesson by Nietzsche Holmes again.

Volume 1: Chapter 22 Gryffindor's Victory

Although the answer was correct.

But Snape did not give Slytherin extra points for this.

This year is really strange. In the usual potion class, Gryffindor will definitely not get any benefits, while Slytherin will take advantage of this class to fill up his house hourglass with points.

"Why don't you write these down?!" Snape shouted angrily, "Next time, I hope you can directly say the name of the potion instead of showing off your ridiculous reasoning!"

The potion class continued with the rustling sound of quills and parchment.

Interestingly, after the freshmen entered the school in the first year, the crucibles and other instruments they bought from Diagon Alley that were not suitable for carrying around appeared on their desks after Snape waved his wand lightly.

For Gryffindor, this class has just begun.

Snape will guide the people from the two colleges to mix a potion. He flies between the tables and chairs like a bat.

Every few minutes, Nietzsche and Hermione in the front row can hear the scolding from behind:

"Move the crucible away from the fire before throwing the porcupine quills, move it away! How many times do I have to say it before your mountain troll head can remember it clearly!"

"Weasley, if you don't do it again, I will make you steam slugs all night!"

Even some people in Slytherin were not spared. Only the slug in Malfoy's hand was used as a model. Snape asked them to see the other party's perfect handling method.

There were also some Slytherins who had not been scolded yet, but might be affected later. They could only lower their heads and move slowly to the side of Nietzsche's seat.

Behind the two of them, as soon as Snape turned around to look for the next unlucky person, the wizards immediately stretched their necks and stood on tiptoe, just to imitate how Hermione stirred and how Nietzsche ground the venomous snake teeth.

But when all the materials were processed and they were waiting for the last step, they did not see Nietzsche's next step.

"Are you waiting for them to grow legs and jump in by themselves?" Hermione rolled her eyes and complained while stirring her potion.

"Of course... No, I'm just curious about what this 'appropriate' means." Nietzsche held back the mood of scolding the author Arsene Giger, "In terms of dosage, it's as ugly as the way British delicacies are made."

Appropriate dried nettles, a little porcupine quills, a spoonful of venomous snake tooth powder...

This meaningless and seemingly casual description made Nietzsche's obsessive-compulsive disorder worse, so the water in the crucible in front of him was about to boil dry.

"That's it, take your hand away!"

Hermione looked back and saw that Snape had walked to the end of the classroom and was about to turn back at any time, so she quickly slapped Nietzsche's hand away and threw his materials in one by one.

"Just throw it in according to the amount... When it's simmering, remember to move the crucible away first, and then throw in the porcupine quills..."


Just as she watched Nietzsche nod silently, wondering if he was playing dumb again, a scream from the back of the classroom interrupted many people's thoughts.

Gryffindor stood on the stool first to look out, and then some Slytherin followed suit.

"Longbottom, you idiot! Seamus Finnigan, take him to the infirmary!" Snape waved his hand and cleaned up all the potions that were spilled on the ground and soaked his robes.

Neville's exposed skin was covered with red boils. He was supported by Seamus, who had short brown hair, and Seamus' hair still had traces of burning.

Draco Malfoy smiled even more happily.

"If you don't want to end up like him, remember the time to throw the porcupine quills." Hermione glared at him unhappily, and then stuffed the materials that were not thrown into his hand back into his hand.

But stirring the potion is always boring.

Not long after, Hermione took the initiative to break the quiet atmosphere between the two.

"I said, you can come to my place... I usually help the Gryffindor group with homework at noon. If you don't have friends in Slytherin,..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, as if she was unwilling to expose Nietzsche's current situation.

"When did Sherlock ask you to investigate the wizarding world?"

"Huh?" Hermione's hand, which was stretched towards his waist, stopped in mid-air. She finally held back, "I... yes, I just think it will be more convenient for you to investigate this way."

When Nietzsche threw the last porcupine quill into the crucible and turned it clockwise with a spoon, his originally serious expression immediately couldn't be held back.

Then, Hermione heard a "puff" of suppressed laughter from the side.

"Whether I have friends in Slytherin or not has no effect on me." He blinked and grinned.

"You... you are really playing dumb!" Hermione's right hand finally turned away, "You clearly heard it from the beginning, and you are still talking nonsense to me here!!"

"Ah... I didn't expect you to really believe it."

"Always, Nietzsche, you always have a reason! You just want to see me..."

But Snape had come behind them without knowing when, and said coldly: "This is not a small teahouse in Hogsmeade Village, Slytherin and Gryffindor will each deduct... five points!"

Who knows if there are some other ideas mixed in here.

Listening to the resentment here, Nietzsche said that this old bat with hair that can be squeezed out of oil and walking without sound probably thought of some psychological trauma again.

At this time, he had already scooped a spoonful from the crucible in front of the two people, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, and then took two transparent bottles to store Nietzsche and Hermione's potions separately.

One of the bottles of potion was slightly turbid; while the other bottle was emerald green and translucent, with some sediment at the bottom.

"It seems that our future magic genius is not omniscient and omnipotent."

Damn it, why didn't he inherit something from Sherlock's medical doctor title?

"I just..." Nietzsche looked at the girl's happy profile, his heartbeat increased a few times compared to the first half of the class, "I just gave up a little space for others, no need to thank me."

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