Some Gryffindors came to visit their extracurricular "professor", while another group of Slytherins came to visit Malfoy... Although they said so, the snacks and drinks were placed next to Nietzsche's bed.

God knows how painful it was for Hermione to hold back her laughter.

When those people passed by the end of Nietzsche's bed, they casually placed the cards and gifts next to him, and then walked to Malfoy and Pansy with empty hands and smiles on their faces to express their condolences.

"You know, I want to study and further my studies in the Ministry of Magic in the future." The little snake excitedly took Malfoy's hand, "We are all Slytherins~"

At first, Draco really enjoyed their admiration, but over time, seeing the food piled up next to Nietzsche's bed, he began to feel something was wrong.

No matter how you look at it, they came to shake hands with him, just like a formality...

"So why did you put all the things with him?" Draco shrugged his nose.

"Isn't he from Slytherin?" The little snakes looked at each other, then suddenly realized, "Is there any difference?"

"He... is... the person I'm dueling!!!"

But these first-year little snakes don't care about this. As Slytherins, they are naturally cunning.

"Hubble, should we take it back?" The little snake who was shaking hands with Malfoy asked his companion.

"Idiot, how can you give it away and then take it back..." Hubble cleared his throat and immediately explained, "Draco, we will give it to you again when you are hospitalized next time."

Hearing these words like a curse, Draco almost turned his face.

Of course it will be next time. Who cares about Malfoy? They came here to meet Nietzsche Holmes, who stepped on the head of pure blood, according to the retelling of senior Warrington.

Those who met Nietzsche did not stay, but just chatted with Malfoy casually and left without looking back.

Shame... It's really a shame... When has the Malfoy family ever suffered such a setback?

"So, are you really going to fulfill that bet?" Pansy crossed her arms, staring at Hermione and Nietzsche angrily, "We are the Holy Twenty-Eight Pure Bloods, we must not bow to those things!"

"It's just him, I didn't say to shut up about others..."

But even if he explained it this way, Malfoy was still very upset.

The only heir of the most powerful Malfoy family in the magic world had to bow to a Muggle wizard.

Nietzsche suddenly felt that the future Slytherin should not be too peaceful, and hoped that Dean Snape could continue to be a good duel referee. After all...some things will happen the first time, and there will be a second time.

Looking at those who secretly glanced at him, he thought: Come on, come and learn some skills from me.

Slytherin is the cold black lake, and he feels like the giant squid in it, but he is not so quiet and often stirs up a whirlpool in the lake.

Although Nietzsche couldn't leave the infirmary, he wasn't bored. No matter how bad it was, he could do homework with Hermione...

"Wait, do you need to do homework in a magic school?" Nietzsche became alert, "Isn't it enough to just wave your wand and cast some magic you've learned..."

Hermione threw a pile of kraft paper into his arms and grabbed some food.

"What are you dreaming about? The first week is just for us to adapt to the new environment. Let me see...'Silver Needle Transfiguration Essentials' in Transfiguration, 'Differences between Standard Spells and Hexes' in Charms."

"Each paper should be no less than two sheets of kraft paper. Great! Finally, there's something to do!"

Neville, who brought her homework, looked at Hermione as if he had seen a ghost.

Nietzsche just waved his hand. He was used to it. You know, Hermione used to be famous for being stubborn. She loved homework so much that she reminded the teacher who forgot to assign homework.

Of course, she might have reminded him on purpose to retaliate against her classmates who isolated her?

Neville flipped through his schoolbag and took out a glass ball that glowed red. He immediately became sad.

"What is this?"

Nietzsche waved his wand, moved the bed under him to the side of Hermione, and moved over curiously.

"Memory ball, my grandma saw that I always lost things, so she gave me this. As long as it emits red light, it means I forgot something." But Neville just couldn't remember what he forgot.

He locked up Leif before going out, and the homework was here... What else could it be?

"Maybe you forgot the content of the class."

"How is it possible... Huh?" Neville's face suddenly stretched long, "But for me, it is possible."

If this is true, it is really a comforting thing. After all, if you forget it, you may not be able to get it back immediately.

Hermione was startled by him and pushed Nietzsche away in a panic.

"What are you doing! You... why are you putting the beds together!"

"Doing homework? Are you planning to write three papers by yourself? The Defense Against the Dark Arts paper is "What is the connection between emotions and magic?" Believe me, you can't find a more complete one except my notebook."

Neville didn't understand the quarrel between the two, but just silently stepped back two steps, away from the battlefield.

"Is your notebook better than the entire library?" Hermione pushed the other's bed in disdain, "Go away, go away, I don't care."

She seemed to have forgotten how to use the spell, and just pretended to pull it a few times.

The beds of the two people were moved by the floating spell, and they were spliced ​​together like two quilts on one bed. Neville, who was only eleven years old, could also discover the secrets of the "study group leader" and the "Slytherin Viper".

No wonder... No wonder Lavender and Parvati always asked him about some things about Nietzsche.

Neville's eyes became sharp!

Volume 1: Chapter 32 I Hate Flying Brooms

Thursday was really an exciting day.

Of course, it was not only because their injuries were all healed, but mainly because of the last flying class in the afternoon.

When it was half past three, they immediately rushed out of the spells classroom, only Nietzsche was still deliberately slowing down, as if he was hit by an obstacle spell when cleaning his schoolbag.

"Flying class..." Professor Flitwick couldn't stand his slow pace, so he urged, "Aren't you going to touch the flying broom first?"

Nietzsche, who saw the books automatically return to their places, put on a grateful smile on his face.

But when he turned around, his face suddenly fell. To be honest, flying class was the most unacceptable. He would rather be caught by Snape and memorize "Advanced Potion Making" in the basement.

Outside the castle wall, the grass on the flat ground rippled with the breeze. They could see the dark trees and the stone cottage in the distance.

Nietzsche looked at the shabby broom on the ground and never put it away with disgust.

"Okay, what are you waiting for?" Madam Hooch, with white hair, waited until the Gryffindor students arrived, and shouted with eagle-like yellow eyes, "One broom per person, hurry up!"

Slytherin and Gryffindor stood side by side.

So the next door to Nietzsche, the last one to arrive in Slytherin, was Hermione, the first one to arrive in Gryffindor.

Madam Hooch understood their eagerness to try. In the first flying lesson, she did not waste time and walked to the front of the 45 people.

"Stretch out your dominant hand, place it above the broom, and say: Get up! Be as firm as if you were holding a wand!"

Everyone did so.

Malfoy was the fastest. He turned his head and looked around proudly, saying, "Look, I have ridden it before coming to school. It's so easy."

Then it was Harry, and his broom immediately jumped from the ground into his hand.

However, only a few could do it so smoothly. Most of them were like Hermione and Neville, either just rolling on the ground or not moving at all.

Except Nietzsche... He didn't even stretch out his hand.

"It's rare that there is something you don't know how to do." Harry blinked and smiled mischievously, "You won't break this poor broom because it's disobedient, will you?"

Seeing Nietzsche's indifference, Harry's smile slowly stiffened.

" won't really do that..."

"Of course not, do I look like a irritable goldfish like Flint?" Nietzsche waved his right hand over the broom, then hid his left hand back in his wizard robe, "I just...don't like dangerous things like this."


It was the first time Hermione heard this word used to describe a flying broom, it was really ridiculous.

"I hate things that move between your legs according to your heart." He said unconvinced, "It's already the 20th century, why can't we have some flying carpets or flying bicycles."

Just like pure-blood wizards laugh at Muggle steam trains, he, a Slytherin, despises wizards' flying brooms as a Muggle.

In fact, his riding skills have always been very bad.

When Watson took him to ride a horse before, he fell off several times.

Hearing Nietzsche's rebuttal, the wizards around him all lowered their heads and laughed secretly, and Theodore Nott, the nearest half-blood wizard on his left, leaned his head over.

"Because flying brooms are a unique history of wizards, and they are also the least secret among Muggles. My mother is a Muggle, and many of the books she brought me when I was a child described wizards with flying brooms."

But this is also a reminder.

For many centuries, wizards have been too relaxed in protecting secrets, which has led to the fact that Muggles have linked brooms with magic, which has been passed down for so long that it has even become a correct stereotype.

Malfoy wanted to mock him, but when he thought of his arm that was aching a few days ago, he changed his target.

"Longbottom, look at you silly, I hope you won't be standing on the ground when we fly up!"

"Don't be in a daze, kid, stretch out your hand... Isn't this very good~" Madam Hooch saw that the broom finally swayed and flew into Nietzsche's hands, and then she started the next step of teaching.

But Hermione heard the sound of him reciting the levitation spell.


The professor walked back and forth three times before correcting the student's grip posture.

"Get on now and wait for my command!"

Perhaps Neville wanted to prove himself too much because of Draco's ridicule. Madam Hooch had just put the whistle to her lips, but before she could blow it, Neville kicked his legs in advance and rushed out.

He rushed straight to a height of seven meters, about the height of two or three floors, like a lit rocket firework.

But after Neville flew up, he panicked. He didn't know what to do next. The broom between his legs was out of control and shook him down from the other side.

"Oh my God!"

Seven meters is not too high, so the time of descent and the sudden situation made Madam Hooch unable to draw out her wand. In just one second, Neville in the air subconsciously raised his arm and fell to the ground.

Madam Hooch ran to him in a state of collapse to check.

"The wrist is broken, it's fine... don't worry." Something happened in the first class. She had no time to scold him. She could only carry him horizontally and run towards the castle, turning back from time to time to issue a huge warning.

"Don't move, otherwise you will be kicked out of school before you even see what Quidditch is! Put your flying brooms on the ground!"

Thank God, Nietzsche quickly threw the broom in his hand, which looked like a dead branch, to the ground.

But this warning was like a false alarm to Malfoy. Who could expel him... When Madam Hooch's back disappeared at the gate of the wall, he immediately laughed out loud.

"Hey! Did you see that big fool?"

The other Slytherins didn't find it funny, but just followed suit.

"Shut up!" Parvati also got some of Little McGreg's temperament and shouted harshly.

"Aha, Parvati, why are you protecting Neville Longbottom?" Pansy scolded back, "It seems that you like that stupid fat guy who can only cry."

She seemed to know how to use public opinion to shut others up.

This kind of emotional speech is a taboo for girls, so Parvati could only clench her fists and stare at the ugly lion head in a sullen voice.

"I don't understand what's so funny about this. Are all Slytherins such low-taste people?" Harry replied unyieldingly, "Maybe you should learn from Nietzsche what a real Slytherin is like."

So those Slytherins shut up.

Nietzsche, Nietzsche, Nietzsche...It's always him, and his name again!

Draco immediately saw the place where Neville had just fallen. There was a golden memory ball, and he ran over and raised it.

"It seems that Potter is very noble. How about you return the memory ball that his grandmother sent to him in person!" His face became ugly because of his grim smile, and he vented all his emotions on others.

He held up the memory ball and rode on the flying broom.

"Give it to me, or I will let you taste the punch on the train." Harry said gloomily.

Blood rushed to Malfoy's head, hitting his ears and making a buzzing sound. He rode on the broken broom, kicked his legs, and rose into the air, looking down at the people on the ground.

Maybe Nietzsche started a good example, so that those Gryffindors thought he was easy to bully?

Harry, who was full of blood, also rose into the air, but when he was on the same level with Malfoy, he realized how wonderful it was to have the ability to learn without a teacher and to be very handy.

He suddenly understood Nietzsche and Hermione, why they were keen on learning.

Hermione wanted to stop him, but Nietzsche grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"It's still class time!" She whispered, "Madame Hooch will come back and deduct Gryffindor points and punish Harry Potter. Do you think I don't want to teach Malfoy a lesson?"

"You know Malfoy won't give up this opportunity. If no one stops him, Neville's memory ball will definitely be thrown away. Someone has to stand up... Can you ride a broom? I can't anyway."

Harry didn't go there because he was a Gryffindor. He regarded Neville as a friend. Maybe he knew that he would end up like Neville... but at least someone would remember his efforts.

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