Speaking of which, it is indeed surprising that Harry Potter, a wizard who grew up in an ordinary family, has such a high talent in this area.

Under the gaze and cheers, Harry rushed towards Malfoy, but the latter dodged flexibly.

Finally, Malfoy threw the glass ball hard, and Harry leaned down and leaned outward, holding the broom with his left hand to prevent himself from falling, and caught the memory ball with his right hand when it was only 0.6 meters from the ground.

The people of Gryffindor hugged him and celebrated loudly.

And some people in Slytherin looked at Harry enviously and fell into deep thought.

"Harry Potter!"

Looking at the voice, Professor McGonagall hurried over from the castle tower. She had just seen Harry's series of flying postures in the office.

"How dare you..." An angry fire flashed behind the glasses. But his words were full of fear and concern, "Do you know that if you do that just now, you will break your neck if you are not careful!"

"It's not his fault, it's Malfoy..."

"Shut up! Miss Parvati."

Professor McGonagall dragged Harry out by the collar before Madam Hooch came back, and strode towards the castle.

But it was obviously Malfoy's fault, so Gryffindor, led by Parvati and Ron, vented their anger towards Slytherin, but Slytherin was so proud that they would not tolerate it.

Gryffindor's good impression of Slytherin, which was mentioned by Nietzsche, fell to zero again because of Malfoy.

And Harry didn't know that the two groups started to compete with each other as soon as he left.

"If Harry will be expelled from the school, why don't we catch Malfoy and take him to the professor? There were two people flying in the sky just now. You don't need to lose your own interests because of Malfoy."

Hermione didn't want to divert the conflict, so she pulled out the proud Malfoy hiding behind the crowd.

The little snakes of Slytherin thought about it and realized that this was right.

This matter had nothing to do with them...It was Malfoy who bullied Neville, and it was also Malfoy who provoked Potter, so why should they stand in front of him?

Although they had a bad relationship with Gryffindor, they were not fools, and it was obvious who was looking for trouble.

Whether it was because he had figured it out or because he didn't want to get involved in unnecessary trouble, Theodore was the first to make way, followed by Hubble, and then some people made way from the left and right.

Nietzsche whistled briskly.

"Everyone, Slytherins are all resourceful people, and they can still distinguish the pros and cons."

Volume 1: Chapter 33 Slytherin's Choice

The headmaster of Hogwarts is Albus Dumbledore.

As the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and also the greatest wizard of this century, he is very busy!

He was either eating the latest desserts or walking around the castle with his hands behind his back, humming to himself. Besides that, he also had to chat with the Sorting Hat after it woke up... naturally, he couldn't pay attention to all the students at the first time.

"Minerva?" He looked at the old professor who pushed the door in, a little surprised, "I don't remember if I had anything for you to do recently..."

Professor McGonagall, who was originally in a good mood, immediately pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows.

"I'm not here for this kind of thing, and - you can't push all the duties of the headmaster to me again!" She severely rebuked the other party's shameless behavior, "There won't be a next time!!"

Huh? This sentence sounds so familiar.

McGonagall conjured a wooden chair, and after sitting down, she found that there was a bat hidden behind Dumbledore.

"Okay, okay, I'll pay attention." Dumbledore grabbed a handful of crawling cockroaches from the bowl beside him and nodded perfunctorily, "So you climbed to the eighth floor just to get me a raise?"

"It's about the Gryffindor Quidditch team. You know---ever since Charlie graduated and went to Romania to study dragons, the team's strength has been declining. They can't even beat Slytherin."

Snape cleared his throat.

Although this was to praise the Slytherin team as being better than the Gryffindor team, it sounded a bit strange.

"Ah--yes, that's right." Dumbledore licked the chocolate syrup on his lips and temporarily focused his attention on McGonagall. "You were also a chaser back then. If there is a suitable candidate..."

"Harry Potter."

"You decide for yourself... What? Harry? Isn't he just a first-year student!"

Hearing this name, Snape frowned instinctively, and his dark eyes turned to McGonagall in a green wizard robe.

"Albus, I saw him catch a small ball from a height of more than ten meters with one hand hanging upside down!" When she talked about Quidditch, her eyes lit up, "He is a genius chaser!"

The only drawback is that Harry Potter is only a first-year student.

And first-year students are not allowed to participate in Quidditch, at least they must be second or third years.

Even Headmaster Dumbledore, who came from Gryffindor College, needs to consider carefully, and he needs to take into account the impact of professors making exceptions to school rules.

"Mr. Potter always gets more favoritism." Snape felt disgusted by this, "In the past, Gryffindor students took the lead in ignoring discipline without punishment, and now? They can even be praised."

"Severus..." Dumbledore felt a little headache.

McGonagall said expressionlessly: "I have worked hard for this school all my life, and I don't need any material rewards. Albus... Of course, after I was injured in the game, I have always wanted someone to make up for it. My life."

In the end, Dumbledore couldn't bear it anymore and could only sigh and nodded slightly.

Now that the vice-principal has talked about this, if he doesn't let him go, he will be living up to Professor McGonagall's hard work for the school.

"By the way." He shifted his thoughts back to the topic between them, and did not avoid Minerva who was present. "Severus, the child you are talking about has been very close to Quirrell recently?"

He knew Quirinus Quirrell, a good graduate.

The reason why Dumbledore gave him the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was because he had taught Muggle Studies before and had qualifications and solid theories. The only drawback was that he had no background.

But in his opinion, this shortcoming is harmless.

But since Quirrell came back, things have changed drastically. Such a strong contrast makes it difficult for Snape to question.

"Close?" Snape glanced at him quickly with a cold gaze, "The curse that broke Malfoy's arms last time was a new trick created by Nietzsche and Quirrell."

Professor McGonagall glanced back and forth between the two of them in confusion.

She knew about the duel and could see the changes in Quirrell, but what did this have to do with Nietzsche's child?

"It's possible that Quirrell taught him, Albus, you can't doubt an eleven-year-old child without reason!"

"But that's just a floating spell..." Dumbledore's words gave her a big blow, "I know Quirinus very well. For some reason when he was a student, he didn't study the standard spells deeply. "

"That's really just a floating spell?!"

If this were said by anyone else, Professor McGonagall would only think it would be a cursed joke.

"How young, how smart, and unwavering even when he is isolated by his classmates. He... I'm sorry." Dumbledore's apologetic eyes flashed behind his half-moon lenses, "I'm worried that he is because of some people in Slytherin. And go astray.”

"Is that the person you're talking about?"

Professor McGonagall only thought his last words were nonsense.

As a professor and dean, she must never think that a college is bad or even makes people go astray.

"No! Of course not!" Dumbledore was stunned, then smiled easily and rolled his eyes to the side, "He is very similar to Severus, but he is much better than him, so I am just worried That’s all.”

"His Potions class is a mess."

There always seemed to be only sarcastic malice in Snape's words.

"But you can't think that just because he is in Slytherin, he will be a bad learner. Albus, your idea is wrong in education... Besides, isn't Snape still standing in the principal's office intact? ”

Although Nietzsche was not her student, Professor McGonagall still treated every student as equally as possible.

Dumbledore naturally knew what was wrong, but as the headmaster who ended the First World Magic War and the First Magic War in Britain, he naturally had special observations.

"Actually, in addition to shrewdness, cunning, ambition, and self-interest, Slytherin's selection criteria also include the most important one - contempt for certain legal regulations."

"Is it because of this?" McGonagall twitched the corner of her mouth, "Do you think I haven't taught those Slytherins? From that group of people, I haven't seen a few who really have these qualities. The Sorting Hat is just talking crazy words. ”

Let’s not talk about Malfoy and the Slytherin prefects for the moment.

Speaking of ambition and pursuit of achievement, she seemed to see it most in Ravenclaw.

But Snape said calmly: "Pure bloods will not be automatically sorted into Slytherin. The reason why those idiots can get in is because they have no other qualities except blood."

He seemed to have forgotten that he was the Head of Slytherin.

"And according to Severus's observations, this Mr. Holmes is obviously the opposite extreme of him."

Nietzsche admired Muggles even more, and his contempt for purebloods was exactly the same as purebloods' contempt for non-purebloods, perhaps even deeper.

"Who said that? A principal who always leaves work to the vice principal?"

"It's me!" A loud roar came from behind Snape, "I never make a mistake! Believe me, Slytherin is definitely the best choice for that child!"

But Professor McGonagall has left.

She always felt that as a professor, one should not maintain a deep inquiring mind. It seemed that Dumbledore was really confused. Didn't he remember that he had already made a mistake?

"Even if the students really go the wrong way, it's the teacher's fault..." She walked downstairs and murmured to herself in the darkness.

(PS: In the original "Deathly Hallows", Slytherin had Muggle wizards, it was not a second creation)

Volume One: Chapter 34 Warrington Wants Revenge

Malfoy never dreamed that one day he would be betrayed by his classmates.

Maybe those in Slytherin felt that his behavior was too cheap and simply didn't bother to play with him. After Mrs. Hooch deducted 20 points from Malfoy, the little snakes after class unknowingly left with Nietzsche.

"That's it, I was roped into the Quidditch team by Professor McGonagall, and training will start next week."

"You are definitely the youngest player in the history of Hogwarts. You have a bright future!"

Malfoy, who had just returned to the auditorium from the lawn, immediately heard the conversation of several people.

If looks could kill, Nietzsche felt that he had been cut to pieces by Malfoy. In the eyes of the opponent, he was the thief who stole his status and respect in the academy.

I saw Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe striding towards Harry.

"Why did our score suddenly drop so much?" Warrington, who had just discussed the team configuration with Prefect Gemma, suddenly found that there were a lot fewer emeralds in the hourglass than in the morning.

"Not to mention the trouble Malfoy caused during flying lessons."

Hubble spat, but because of the professors at the guest table, he did not dare to speak too loudly.

Except for Slytherin's Muggle wizards, some mixed-bloods have increasingly lowered their perception of pure-bloods. They subconsciously compared Nietzsche and Malfoy together, only to find that the latter did not have the qualities of Slytherin.

When it comes to deducting points, it's definitely Draco Malfoy's clique.

"What trouble did Malfoy get into again?"

"He relied on his background to bully Neville. That's all he can do."

Warrington saw that some freshmen were beginning to feel dissatisfied, and an idea immediately came to his mind.

Since Marcus relies on Malfoy, why can't they, the scattered half-bloods and Muggles, find a place to condense?

It is a normal phenomenon to put interests first, but it is the most difficult to make sure that one's own interests do not conflict with the interests of others and that everyone has a share, so he cannot use Nietzsche as a tool.

It cannot and cannot be done.

"But even so, he still has many supporters in Slytherin. Finding a job in the future will be troublesome, but it is not difficult for Malfoy, who has a big family and a big business."

As soon as Warrington's burly body sat down, the freshmen around him immediately fell silent.

This seemed like a tough move. The freshmen didn't know who Warrington was and thought he was a pro-pure-blood wizard.

"But what others give belongs to others after all. Just like a slave taking charity from his master, it will only make him more deeply identify with his slave status."

Nietzsche slowly cut the beef patty into pieces. The outside was crispy and all the juice and butter inside were locked in. The chef at Hogwarts was really a first-class expert.

If you put it outside, I'm afraid those royal restaurants will all compete for it.

Warrington suddenly smiled, lightening the atmosphere.

"Yes, as long as the master leaves, the things left behind will naturally belong to the slaves, but...the wealth was originally created by the slaves."

"Senior Warrington, I cannot buy a slave and set him free." Nietzsche said directly and decisively, "Only when the slave stands up on his own can he be truly free."

Of course he knew what Warrington meant.

The other party wanted to be the captain of the Quidditch team, but he was not convinced by Flint, so he wanted to win over him. But the problem was that Nietzsche didn't want to be anyone's master.

"Do you know about the American Civil War?"

"Is it the wizarding America, or..."

"The backward slavery in the South seriously affected the trade and industrial development of the North, and the conflicts between the two sides intensified. In the end, the Southerners died under the slavery they promoted."

Muggles and half-blood wizards are the North, while half-bloods are the backward South.

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