Just when Snape was about to explain, Watson quietly came up from the corridor, took out a gun from his waist, and pressed it against the back of the other person's head.

The metal brought him only an icy chill.

"Put your charade down, or I'll risk being kicked out by Mrs. Hudson and you'll be killed on the spot."

Watson rarely showed his fierce and violent side in front of children, but as Holmes's friend and guardian, he did not care about being too particular when faced with the danger of catching up with him.

Even though Snape had a gun pointed at his head by a Muggle, he showed no emotion at all.

"If Dumbledore hadn't forced me to go out for a walk, I wouldn't have bothered to deal with this kind of thing."

As soon as they finished speaking, the Watsons saw Snape twisting his figure, and in just a blink of an eye, they saw him reappear in the corner.

The muzzle of the gun moved again, pointing straight at him.

"Reparo! (Recover as before)"

Snape indifferently drew a circle with the stick in his hand, and all the messy objects in the room began to float by themselves and returned to their original positions. The curious Sherlock lay on the ground and swept his hands back and forth around the floating objects.

Unfortunately, there wasn't anything.

"how did you do that?"

"One last time, I am a professor at Hogwarts and one of the deans. Your son is a wizard. I have to say that you are the most muggle I have ever seen..."

He wanted to say "freak", but swallowed the words in his mouth.

But that’s the truth!

He had never seen a Muggle house displaying a corpse, as well as collecting all kinds of strange drawings and dangerous weapons.

Nietzsche frowned and said, "Muggle?"

"The wizard's name for ordinary people." Snape watched Watson pick up the revolver with his stick and handed it to Sherlock. The corner of his eye twitched, "This is already the most kind, without any malice."

"Tell me, what trick did you use just now? Duke Blackwood, whom I once captured, also talked about magic, so what kind of blind trick or electromagnetic device did you just use?"

In Nietzsche's eyes, Shylock's exploration of new things suddenly overlapped somewhat with the Stark in his dream.

"What is that in your hands?"


"Attack me...like I just walked in, Protego"

Watson protected Nietzsche behind him and looked at Sherlock with confused eyes. He suddenly became a little uncertain.

Suddenly, Nietzsche's adoptive mother Mary grabbed the gun and calmly shot Snape in the left leg. The bullet hit the white transparent wall.

But the huge shock also made Snape shrink his legs.

Now everyone could see clearly that this indifferent uninvited guest was unharmed by the cold bullets, only a thin film could block it.

Mystery...this is the only thing in Sherlock's eyes.

"Nietzsche cannot be a wizard."

"Hmm... It seems that he still has some secrets. How about you use the same operation just now?" Snape's hooked nose pointed towards the boy behind the Watsons and remembered his appearance. .

"I don't know what you're talking about, let alone wizards, and I can't follow you to any magic school."

Nietzsche defined himself very clearly.

His future path should be to enter the Royal Academy of the United Kingdom, rely on excellent grades and thinking in dreams, enter a research institute, and make some contributions to mankind in this world.

Of course... if you are an ordinary child, you may aspire to become an omnipotent superman and a magician.

But Nietzsche's bedtime stories are all about Sherlock and Watson talking about various murder cases and the changes in human nature under different circumstances.


Even Watson could easily sense his adopted son's calmness towards all strange phenomena.

"Of course he can, and he has surpassed many wizard students... But I would like to remind you that using magic power at will will lead to the occurrence of Obscurus."

Nietzsche corrected: "That's called the Force."

"We are wizards, that's called magic."

He couldn't stand being looked at by the Watsons, so he raised his hand and waved towards Snape.

The chair under the opponent flew away at an extremely fast speed, and finally fell heavily to the ceiling, breaking into several pieces.

At this time, Professor Snape, because he lost his bearing body and was affected by gravity, his buttocks and the floor were closely attached to each other. His hands were shrunk in the black sleeves and clenched into fists.

"Why did you never tell us?!"

"Oh... I thought Aunt Eileen would tell Dad. It seems that she really values ​​the agreement."

At this time, Sherlock couldn't sit still. He withdrew his probing eyes from Snape and said with resentment, "So you were a part of my two precious failures?"

Nietzsche stuck out his tongue.

The Bohemian Scandal only happened because Irene took the governor's intimate photos.

At that time, she thought she would become a victim in politics, so the sincerity she showed was what Nietzsche remembered most.

"I needed this photo just to save my own skin."

And these were also the last words she left for Sherlock Holmes when she left.

Volume 1: Chapter 4 The Real World

"You have to go to school and learn."

"You don't understand how many people want to enter Hogwarts and experience magic, but as Muggles they can only give up!"

Snape tried his best to persuade Nietzsche, but he could not sway him.

If it weren't for the law and the school rules of Hogwarts, he would even want to kidnap the other party.

Nietzsche had only one reply.

"That's very well said, but...I refuse!"

"You can use your own advantages to expand infinitely, and you can easily do things that Muggles can't!" Snape couldn't understand, and just said expressionlessly, "This world can become what you want."

With a flick of his wand, the candlestick transformed into a snake.

With a heavy shake, the withered flowers next to it began to bloom again.

"But Muggles who can't do anything can at least keep their hair clean." Sherlock said coldly.

He looked at the other party arrogantly with a joking look.

So Snape's fists in his sleeves clenched tighter. He tried hard to calm down, but Sherlock saw the trembling sleeves.

"So..." The only reason he came this time was Nietzsche.

"Just because ordinary people can't do all this, I want them to do it even more... primitive people couldn't imagine that today's humans can hear voices on the other side of the earth."

Snape was silent.

To be honest, it was the most shocking answer he had ever heard.

Not because of the content, but because of Nietzsche's age. Looking at that firm look, he understood that all the words he prepared were futile and powerless. If he had also...

Snape stood up and accidentally caught a glimpse of a drawing under his butt.

It recorded a strange pattern and some toxic substances that needed to be extracted from living organisms. He couldn't help but pick it up and scanned a few lines roughly.

"How do you know how potions are made?"

"What?" Watson thought he heard wrongly.

"Potion!" Snape said to himself, "Damn it...the memory cancellation team of the Ministry of Magic is not working. It is impossible for Muggles to know these things about wizards!!"

Sherlock and Nietzsche looked at each other in understanding.

Appeared! The telepathy unique to the Holmes family!

"Many people died in the murder case, but there are no clues. In fact, I can't send you a letter because I don't have an owl... Also, the clothes you are wearing are really..."

Nietzsche is too lazy to complain.

"The owl came with the letter, how could it not be there?"

The problem was the postman.

Snape, who was also aroused with doubts, began to take the information they handed over. Perhaps it was not enough, and even walked to the dining table, opened the mouth of the deceased, and inserted the wand.

Mary returned the pistol to her fiancé and whispered, "Why are you guys so weird when you come here?"

"This is one of the reasons why I want to marry you and move away as soon as possible." Watson leaned over and replied in a very low voice, "At least it can make Sherlock calm down a little bit now."

Over there, Sherlock stood opposite Snape, and Nietzsche stood beside the professor.

"There are traces of dark magic that Muggles can't detect."

"So this matter has something to do with... wizards like you?" Sherlock struggled to say these words, and said very stingily, "Forget it, after all, there is one hidden next to me."

Nietzsche did not dare to refute.

Just keep silent. As long as he doesn't speak, he won't say the wrong thing.

"Most likely, but what is hydrocyanic acid?"

"The toxin extracted from the apple core, but Watson checked it and there was no sign of poisoning."

Snape opened the dead man's eyelids, paused, and simply said: "Interesting."

"Why, it turns out that what Muggles can do, wizards can't do?" Sherlock said lightly and sarcastically, "Nietzsche, next time you can't say 'God is dead', say wizards are dead."

The inspection process progressed very quickly with Snape's help, and some special terms were recorded.

Such as "Undetectable Poison", "Imperius Curse" and "Unforgivable Curse"

In the end, Snape felt that this matter was a bit dangerous. He saw that the deceased were all Muggle religious figures and felt a little troublesome, so he prepared to leave quickly.

"I have to tell Headmaster Dumbledore about this."

Sherlock always sensed something in his mind, but what stopped him was only an unclear fog. What was in front of him was another world...or, in other words, the true face of the world.

And Nietzsche also became interested.

"Dad, I think I need to go to that magic school."

"Nietzsche?" Watson was a little serious, contrary to his usual humor, "You can't go there because of the murder. I would rather you learn some...magic...at least it can help us save housework."

Snape was also very thoughtful, and he immediately sensed the opportunity.

"This matter is related to dark wizards. According to the laws of the wizarding world, Muggles cannot be informed. Even if they are known, Muggles must clear their memories...unless you are family members of wizards."

And Nietzsche was thinking of the owl that never came.

He understood that the adoptive parents had been involved in a whirlpool, and that this murder case was different from those in the past.

Just what the potions professor showed just now is enough to make people curious. He must help Holmes and Watson open a way.

"With great power comes great responsibility...that's what you told me."

Nietzsche took out a pen from his chest pocket, pulled out a piece of waste paper, wrote a simple reply on the spot, and stuffed it into Snape's hand.

"That is the responsibility of Holmes and me, not yours."

"But I will eventually become you and surpass you."

Watson understood his son. To some extent, Nietzsche was just as stubborn as Sherlock, and he also had his yearning for adventure.

Some birds are born not to be caged.

"Then, in a week, I will take you to Diagon Alley to buy things...if your Muggle parents are willing."

Finally, Snape took this reply letter and "whoosh" in front of everyone's eyes. The whole person seemed to be sucked into a pipe, twisted into a point at a very fast speed and disappeared.

"Okay, I think we should talk about how you helped Irene Adler leave Bohemia."

"Oh! I suddenly remembered that I had an appointment with Hermione to go out and catch frogs today. Everyone, see you at the Royal Restaurant tonight!"

"Wait." Watson knocked on the floor with his cane, stopping the two people who were joking, "Nietzsche, you can't get involved... Sherlock! Say something!"

Okay, John Watson is getting excited.

Holmes had no choice but to shake his arms, and his bones creaked.

Nietzsche looked at his father and said eagerly: "You or me?"

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