"The younger ones go first."

Nietzsche cleared his throat and brought everyone's thoughts back to the moment when Snape first entered.

"Snape is a person who extremely suppresses his own desires. From the first moment he entered the door, his target was me. In other words...he is not what a stalker should be."

No matter how smart a person is, when he comes to a new place, he always starts by observing the people or places.

"The desire to practice is very high. There is no mud or dust on the bottom of the black robe, which means that I didn't come all the way."

"Yes, I saw it." Watson nodded, "The 'biu' just disappeared, but that doesn't mean he is a normal person. It is possible that he is related to the murder!"

Nietzsche glanced at Watson approvingly.

Although his father's reasoning ability is much worse than the other, his intuition is very sharp.

"The problem lies in the content of the letter. He acted very surprised when he knew there was no owl. In other words, he may not know about it and is just a professor informing students."

The most important thing is that when being pointed at a gun, the sense of resistance is not strong.

He didn't come across as confident, like "I know you won't kill me," but rather a blank observation.

"And--we have been exposed now, and we know nothing about the enemy in the dark. I must provide you with information!"

"I...I can't accept that."

Watson paused and shook his head.

"Dad, I just went to school, wrote a letter, and collected information for you. I didn't go to die."

"Did you hear what that man said? Dark wizard!" Watson bulged his eyes, as if he saw his adopted son jumping into the fire pit, "And you are going to a place full of wizards."

Mary took his arm, which calmed Watson's heaving heart.

"Well, maybe we can let Nietzsche protect ourselves." Then he glared at Nietzsche and said angrily, "Also, you must explain clearly what magic and force matters tonight!"

Nietzsche could only agree.

He had a hunch that this case was definitely Sherlock's father's most brilliant case.

It is also a stepping stone to open the door to a new world.

Volume 1: Chapter 5 Why do you refuse too?

The same thing happened to Hermione on the same day that Snape visited Holmes' house.

The person who rang the doorbell was a tabby cat, and in front of her and her parents, the cat transformed into an old woman wearing dark green robes. She said that she was a professor at some magic school and that she was here to inform Muggles. wizard.

Muggle...a term used by wizards for ordinary people.

To be honest, she didn't really like it.

When the man named Professor McGonagall saw his mother's distrust and his father's frown, he even turned a single sofa at home into a lion...

But Hermione resisted a little, telling the truth that even she didn't want to admit: she had just walked out of the book and was about to move to a strange place again.

"So...can I not go?"

Professor McGonagall, who was originally full of confidence, did not hear the little girl excitedly shouting "I want to become a wizard", but instead heard a rejection.

"Why, dear, don't you want to learn what I show you?"

"Actually, I don't want to learn magic." Hermione thought of Nietzsche. She plucked up the courage, pouted, and whispered, "In the future, I will go to the medical school where my parents graduated and become an excellent medical expert. , make some contribution to mankind.”

"Sorry, if you don't study, your life may be in danger, and the magic power accumulated in your body will burst out."

The Grangers fell silent.

They naturally knew their daughter's 'secret'. On one birthday, Hermione came home after a depressing day at school. She was so excited that the whole living room floated.

On that day, the Grangers experienced a "space odyssey" feeling.

"My parents can take me to the hospital!"

"First of all, Muggles don't know magic; secondly, Miss Granger, if you are discovered by Muggles, what will happen to you? Will it be regarded as a miracle of God, or will it be a pagan?"

Professor McGonagall used the gentlest and kindest voice to tell the cruelest truth.

It's not that Hermione doesn't know this truth, but she just doesn't want to face it. In order not to go back to the time when she was once dismissed as a 'nerd', she didn't even tell Nietzsche this secret...

No, no, it’s normal not to tell him!

Hermione shook her head to herself, and continued to ask under the gaze of Professor McGonagall: "Can ordinary people also study with you?"

It felt so familiar. Professor McGonagall always felt like she had heard this sentence before.

"Why do you ask that? It's because your parents..."

Mrs. Granger raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at her daughter's suppressed blushing face, and smiled: "No, it's the friend she met in school...the only friend."


Professor McGonagall's eyes changed.

From shock, to curiosity, and finally looking at the teasing look in Mrs. Granger's eyes, she finally realized.

As for why it was so familiar, McGonagall's mind was drawn to a summer more than ten years ago, when not long after she became a professor, she went to visit a girl's home in a Muggle village.

It's just that the girl did it for her sister, and the Hermione in front of her did it for her friends.

"I'm afraid...it's unlikely. My dear, you should think about it this way. Even if your Muggle friend goes to school with you, he will only feel more lonely if he is alone in a group of wizards."

"It doesn't matter, isn't it me?"

Hermione frowned slightly and answered her question as a matter of course.

When he was in school, although he was the only one willing to talk to a nerd like himself and discuss various aspects, but! Hermione Granger felt a mission after seeing Nietzsche's heart:

This guy has some big psychological problems.

So gradually, she told herself in her heart that she, Hermione Granger, was here to prevent Nietzsche from being expelled for beating someone else.

Although she sometimes felt that the people Nietzsche wanted to beat up somewhat deserved it.

"Ahem...kid, how could you think so?"

"It doesn't matter. He helped me when I didn't fit in with others, so I think loneliness and the like are acceptable."

However, in McGonagall's eyes, Hermione was the most abnormal one.

She said patiently: "But how do you know if he is willing to accept the wizard? How about... next time I take you to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies, how about taking him for a walk."

Professor McGonagall only thinks that he is a genius.

Isn't this gentle approach more reasonable than the principal of the school who does nothing and leaves everything to the vice principal? !

"Oh well."

Hermione couldn't think of any other good way but to follow Professor McGonagall's advice.

It wasn't until the professor went out that her originally serious face finally collapsed, and she fell on the sofa dejectedly, holding a doll pillow and twisting around like an earthworm.

There was an uneasy feeling all over his body.

"Say something." Mrs. Granger kicked her husband.

Mr. Granger was helpless and could only put down the newspaper temporarily and clear his throat.

"Hermine, think about it, what if your friends can accept that you are a wizard? Besides... you don't look like that kind of person who has to recite a few words about Nietzsche every day when you go home for dinner."

"No, I just...just..." Hermione shrank her feet, buried her face between her knees, and said dullly, "I just don't want to go to a place that I don't understand."

"No matter what, we can always see each other when we go shopping together in a few days."

Hermione didn't speak, just drooped her arms, ran upstairs listlessly, and locked herself in the room.

Mr. Granger slapped his thigh, suddenly thought of something, and quickly pulled his wife over from the restaurant.


One word flashed through her mind.

In the era when superhero comics were popular, Hermione naturally saw Nietzsche frequently reading them. On the afternoon after the exam, Hermione held a letter sent by an owl and sat next to him.

The girl looked at each other's cartoons and said nervously: 'Nietzsche, I mean what if...if we were supermen, what would you do? ’

But his answer stuck with Hermione.

'If we were supermen, you could become a greater doctor of medicine, and I could research more powerful weapons... machines. ’

Unfortunately, just as Hermione had some dreams, she was shot down by reality again.

When she thought that she couldn't keep an eye on Nietzsche, wouldn't he become even more lawless when he went to high school? Then next time she came back, she hoped it wouldn't be in a prison or detention center in England.

So, she and Nietzsche are not friends!

Enemies are more or less...

In the past few days, Nietzsche did not come to ask her to go to the library to read, so Hermione could only stay at home and punch her pillow one after another.

As for Nietzsche at 221 Baker Street, he has been taught by Watson "not to be shocked by the back seat" and "a crash course in fighting" by Sherlock Holmes.

As a military doctor, Watson was extremely strict in this regard, but in order to prevent Nietzsche from getting bored, he commissioned retired Captain Philips to customize a cane of the same style, which was slightly shorter than his own.

"There is a sword inside...that can fire a round of 9mm caliber ammunition." He suddenly turned around and looked at his fiancée, "Am I a little... neurotic, with a little bit of madness?"

Mary didn't even bother to raise her head and kept touching up her makeup in front of the mirror.

"Is there any?" She felt that the firepower was too small.

When I think about the little cub I have raised for ten years running into a bunch of wizards, I feel a little panicked.

That's a wizard!

What does a wizard represent...evil enough to poison an apple.

"Just last year, you even thought it was dangerous for Sherlock's father to shoot at home." Nietzsche greedily inhaled the smell of gunpowder smoke in the room. "And today, the vests you changed into are military bulletproof vests."

Watson patted him on the head and said resentfully: "But you would rather tell Irene Adler the secret than tell it to us."

Holmes on the side took a puff of cigarette and looked very proud.

What he had in his hands was an analysis of Snape's character, as well as a compilation of the case.

"Watson, come with me to the Diogenes Club later. We are going to meet someone."

"Uncle Mycroft?"

"Uncle...can you please stop calling me so affectionately?" Sherlock glanced at his adopted son, "He only praised you for your 'sensitive intuition' a few times, and he also said the same thing to Watson."

"Dad, you just don't want to admit that Uncle Mycroft is smarter than you."

"Very good! Extra training tonight!"


Nietzsche looked at the weapons hanging in his clothes. He had reached his limit just by walking from the door to the stairs.

Superman Nietzsche had not taken the first step before he was crushed by the burden of life.

Volume 1: Chapter 6 Diagon Alley

Snape always left the impression of coming uninvited to the Holmes family.

Saturday, a holiday in England, is the legal rest time for most workers.

When they had just gotten up and were ready to have a leisurely meal, he sat in the middle of the dining table like the owner of the house in his black robe and thick black hair.

Snape's hair was finally done. He looked at Sherlock with his nose like a victorious rooster.

"Fortunately, we don't have to worry about excess oil in breakfast. It's better to eat light in the morning."

This was the first sentence Sherlock Holmes said when he saw him sitting there.

Watson shook his head and covered his face with a newspaper. He didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, especially with Sherlock's physique, he would always get into all kinds of trouble.

Nietzsche liked to watch the confrontation between Sherlock and Snape.

"How about we take a car later?" Sherlock ignored the cold gaze and said as if no one was around, "After all, the wizard's broom may not be able to seat four people."

Humph, give this fanged venomous snake a little Muggle shock.

"Broom?" Snape thought he had heard it wrong.

"Don't show that expression, there are obvious friction marks on your robe on your buttocks. Of course... the arrogant wizard will definitely not notice that there are still some wooden thorns on the buttocks. With some Muggle legends, this is not difficult to infer."

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