Mrs. Pince: Wink~

She didn't care what Hermione did. After pushing her out, she closed the door and turned away.

"The afternoon is over. I can't move the books now."

"Then leave it for next time."

Bats fluttered their wings and flew around the hideous pumpkin lanterns. The shadows they cast made the light source flicker. Nietzsche stood below and looked at the stiff Hermione. His chest trembled.

The feeling of a heart attack was not only not painful, but also brought a strong sense of pleasure.

He coughed several times but couldn't calm down.

"I'm actually quite curious about this festival..."

"Aha! You want to play!" Hermione seized the opportunity, and her voice also trembled a little, "There's really no way. If you really want to experience this childishness, I can accompany you."

But in fact, she was the one who performed the worst and most childish.

"Yes, Granger." Nietzsche pulled up her arm helplessly, "So - please - accompany me to observe."

At this point, two lonely souls who could not communicate on the same channel among their peers collided with each other.

While the two were still walking slowly down from the fifth floor, Quirrell had already searched all the rooms on the first floor. The banquet had begun, and everyone gathered in the auditorium to celebrate.

No student left behind the food and the dark clouds that kept changing over the auditorium.

Even Filch was reluctant to leave.

"Professor Quirrell?" Madam Pince came out from the bottom of the stairs, "Why are you still standing here?"

"I'm just patrolling. Go in quickly. The banquet has started for a while."

He breathed a sigh of relief. This should be the last person.

Quickly muttered a few spells, and suddenly there were several knocks on the door in the corridor on the left side of the hall. As the wooden boards broke, the moonlight shone a huge shadow in.

"Repel quickly!"

He took out his wand and rushed over, but the spell just bounced back from inside.

Then, with a few roars, a huge stick flew out from the end of the corridor. The speed was not fast, but he watched the stick, which was like a big tree, gradually grow bigger in front of his eyes.

This kind of solid wood and weight would definitely kill or cripple a person.

"Armor protection."

Although he blocked a certain amount of force, Quirrell still felt a pain in his chest. He propped himself up and staggered to open the door of the auditorium, breaking the originally cheerful atmosphere.

He walked all the way to the guest of honor seat, then leaned against the table.

"Giant... Giant..." He first glanced at the four long tables full of people, and then panted in fear, "He was walking to the basement... I thought you should know that you came in from the corridor of classroom No. 11."

After saying that, he fell to the ground and fainted.

His face was down, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

But Quirrell neglected a little. Although he started his patrol from the office on the third floor and didn't see any figures in the hall, he missed Hermione and Nietzsche who just came down from the library on the fifth floor.

What greeted them was not friends, nor the laughter from the hall, but...

As soon as Nietzsche walked into the hall, he saw a huge monster, about seven meters tall, with dull skin, as gray as rock, and a small head like a bump on the body like a hill.

No wonder... No wonder Snape always likes to scold people with trolls, because his brain is really small.

But it also saw Nietzsche and Hermione who just came down from upstairs. The troll walked to the place where Quirrell just climbed up and picked up the wooden stick thrown out. Even with the size of the troll, it could only drag the wooden stick.

"Is this... Is this a Halloween prank?" Hermione's legs trembled, and she held the blue frog candy tightly in her hand.

"Hello?" Nietzsche tried to say hello, but the only response he got was the troll's roar, with a little sticky saliva, "It seems not, this is a real mountain troll..."

The troll glanced at the little thing under his eyelids, and when he saw the black school robe on his body, his little head immediately made a decision-this is the same clothes as the little man just now!

So he immediately rushed towards the two of them with a wooden stick.


Nietzsche and Hermione warned each other at the same time.

Volume 1: Chapter 39 Snake's Fang and Lion's Heart

Quirrell naturally couldn't watch the students in front of the four tables in the auditorium, counting one by one from the first grade to the seventh grade to see if there were any missing people.

Because of this, he could only take precautions and patrolled around the first floor several times.

"How could an adult mountain troll run into the school?"

Professor Sprout hurriedly threw down the food, ran to the unconscious Quirrell and lay down to check, and took out a small bottle of potion from his pocket and poured it into his mouth.

In just a few seconds, Quirrell's slightly sunken chest immediately returned to normal.

Everyone talked to each other in panic, looking at the door of the auditorium nervously, and the noise was noisy. Dumbledore shouted several times in a row but failed to suppress the students' voices.

Finally, Dumbledore put his wand against his throat.

"Quiet!" The amplification spell amplified his low voice infinitely, shaking the students below to feel the trembling of the cup, "Prefects of each college, count the number of people and take everyone back to the dormitory immediately!!"

This news was really disappointing.

The banquet had just begun, and the pumpkin pie in my hand was not cold yet, but all the food on the table had been removed.

"Don't worry, everything will be the same when we return to the lounge."

But as soon as Professor McGonagall finished comforting, bad news came out one after another. She saw Gryffindor's prefect, Percy Weasley, hurriedly pushed through the crowd and ran to her to announce that one person was missing.

At the same time, Snape on the other side also heard the news about Gemma Farley...

The deans of Slytherin and Gryffindor seemed to have a telepathic connection. They turned their heads at the same time and saw the worry and irritability in each other's eyes.

"Hermione Granger and Nietzsche Holmes are not here?" Professor McGonagall immediately made a judgment and issued a new order to them, "Prefects take the rest away, Filius and Severus follow me!"

The deputy headmaster's voice was not loud, but the news still spread from the front row of students to the back.

Today is Halloween, how could the two of them... Well, a man and a woman stayed away from the banquet, and it was no wonder that the group of snakes, lions, eagles and badgers inevitably made associations.

Draco sneered. This was simply God's will.

"Oh my God, I just came down from up there not long ago. If they didn't go back to their respective lounges immediately..." Pince took a breath, but despite this, he still thought positively.

"I should have gone with them if I had known."

Although she knew very well that Nietzsche and Hermione would not go back to their respective lounges immediately after coming out of the library, she couldn't help but deceive herself.

The news that Nietzsche and Hermione were in danger soon reached Harry's mouth.

"Wait a minute, Severus, go to the fourth floor first." Dumbledore raised his head and just glanced at it. The four ghosts floating in the air came to him, "What are you waiting for? Find Nietzsche's location!"

Ms. Grey, Bloody Baron, Headless Nick and Fat Friar quickly passed through the wall. They were the ones who were responsible for finding people.

An adult mountain troll doesn't run fast, but it has big feet. After discovering Nietzsche and others, it chased them all the way from the marble stairs in the hall to the corridor on the second floor.

This narrow passage is not so friendly to Nietzsche and Hermione.

"Why can't any of the classroom doors be opened directly!" Hermione had to pull it every time she passed a door. This area that was only for students to enter and exit was very suitable as a temporary shelter for the two.

Nietzsche panted and pushed Hermione away impatiently. A chair flew over their heads with a whistling sound.

"My legs and feet are soft!"

"My shoes are sticky!"

The two fought back at the same time, but those spells that could make life lose its ability to move only made it reach out and scratch its granite-like skin under the moonlight.

Just like what was introduced in the book---it has super high magic resistance.

"I remember that in "Hogwarts: A History of the School", it was introduced that the security guard of this castle is a troll." Hermione's strength was completely gone, and Nietzsche could only pull her arm with his backhand.

"Hermione! Although I'm glad you're giving me science now,... the troll won't give you extra points!!"

Several spells in a row didn't work to stop him. Rather, the troll became even angrier. He was more and more certain that Nietzsche was the attacker, and Hermione... must be his companion.

Since she was a companion, she must be an attacker!

So it threw the stick in its hand out with force. This kind of corridor couldn't allow the two to hide. If they bent over and fell, the troll would take the opportunity to catch up.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

Hermione subconsciously stood in front of Nietzsche, and the stick like a giant tree floated up.

Then, she waved her wand like a performer, raised her hands above her head, and slowly clenched her left hand into a fist. Just like that, a solid piece of wood broke due to the squeeze of magic.

When the troll stared at his weapon being destroyed in amazement, Nietzsche thought of a good idea:

There must be a weakest point.

"Run!" He shouted at Hermione, "Wait for me in the circular the corner of the school infirmary!"

The girl didn't ask why. At this critical moment, she always maintained her trust in the other party, so she ran away.

And Nietzsche pulled his school robe back and took out a modern crystal from his left waist.

Collt, the Rolls-Royce of pistols, Nietzsche didn't want to wait for the troll to come out of his astonishment, just raised his hand, roughly aimed at the position of the head, put his thumb on the double-action mode, and pulled the trigger three times in a row.

.357 Magnum may be late, but it will never jam.

"Where did you get it...Transfiguration?" Hermione was startled by the three loud noises behind her, and she didn't know why her face turned pale, "Impossible, Transfiguration can't create gunpowder out of thin air..."

Even if Nietzsche remembered the structure of the entire gun, he couldn't change the original properties.

Nietzsche carefully stretched out his head and saw the troll behind him violently beating everything around him and rushing forward arrogantly.

"My dad gave it to me. It's not electronic, so it won't be detected."

"So you just..." Hermione pointed at the Colt in his left hand in disbelief, hesitating, "walking around the school with a gun?"

Hermione saw that Nietzsche was just dealing with her with silence, so she could only remember this in her heart, and then supported his body - black dumplings and brown dumplings appeared one after another at the corner of the corridor.

The troll covered his face, blood flowed from his fingers, and he cried incoherently.

"Is this your plan, to have an angry mountain troll beat two powerless wizards to death on the spot?" Hermione praised, "That's great. If you're lucky, maybe you can still leave a whole body to teach. Discover."

Nietzsche nudged her with his elbow, lowered his head and said in her ear: "Here we come."

The jack-o-lantern with blue flames flashing on the ceiling stretched the shadow of the troll very long. It seemed to be tired, so it could only cover its face and move forward subconsciously.

When they stood close to the troll's feet, Hermione's heart was in her throat and she covered her mouth with her hands. The pile of smelly socks that seemed to have been there for two years made her almost vomit out her lunch.

The troll finally turned its head, but it didn't find the two of them?

It wasn't until it left that Nietzsche breathed a sigh of relief and slowly sat on the stone slab with his back against the wall.

"We are in the blind spot of its vision... Magnum hollow-point bullets, even if it doesn't blow out the back of its head, can at least drill a hole. It's just... it's just too resistant to the wizard's magic."

The blood on the floor washed through Hermione's brain, and the blood and stench irritated her nose. After the distant sound of the troll falling to the ground appeared in her ears, she heard nothing else.

Only then did she lie on the ground and vomit.

"Is it---dead?"

"Maybe he just fainted from exhaustion, but most likely he's dead." Nietzsche closed the safety switch with trembling hands and inserted it back into his lower back.

Is Hermione the only one who's scared?

No, even though Nietzsche had seen too many dead people and heard about various murder cases, when life really flowed from his hands, the feeling was completely different. This time, he was no longer a bystander.

Nietzsche took a breath and frowned when the smell of blood and sourness mixed together.

This smell...he seemed to have smelled it somewhere.

"If the troll is a castle security guard, why...attack us?" Hermione took Nietzsche's handkerchief, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and then put it in her pocket.

"Do you think a creature that can be used by an old bat to curse people would be very smart."

Nietzsche's joke was inappropriate, but they needed to relax now, so Hermione crawled back to him and sat against the wall as he did, eyes glazed over and hair caked with dust.

After several minutes, the two of them laughed one after another.

"It's a good opportunity." Hermione licked her dry lips, feeling excited after the crisis.

It was as if she and Nietzsche were born to be good at it. When Hermione made a move, Nietzsche could quickly find the next opportunity. They could always connect so seamlessly, as if everything had been practiced in advance.

Hermione looked down, but still didn't accuse anything. After all, without this gun, their innocuous spells were completely useless.

"What happened here?" Bloody Barrow was the first to dare to come over. The mess in the corridor shocked him. "Holmes? Granger? I just heard a few violent noises."

But Nietzsche just put the hood of his school uniform on his head and said nothing.

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