Everything in the world was interconnected, he was lost in the information, and Hermione could only do the rest.

Hermione? Watson? Granger~

"We are just tired." After she saw Lady Gray of Ravenclaw floating over, she pointed to the blood left on the ground, "The troll... went there, I don't know if it is still alive."

Bloody Barrow looked deeply at the two of them, nodded towards Ms. Gray and said, "Let's go and notify the principal."

The second floor finally became lively. As soon as Professor McGonagall's head jumped over the last step, her vision was already filled with blood, stone walls cracked with sticks, and jack-o-lanterns turned into pies.

Behind Professor McGonagall was Snape, followed by Professor Quirrell, who was shivering.

"I...I didn't know there were people out there..." He clutched his chest and let out a burst of sobs.

While Mag was repairing the broken parts, she was looking for the two students, and trying her best to comfort the mentally fragile Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"You've done your best, Quirinus. If you hadn't insisted on welcoming every student into the auditorium tonight, I'm afraid more than just the two of them would have been lost... This is not a dereliction of duty on your part."

Maybe Quirrell really loved this place, and he was willing to stand at the door of the auditorium to greet the students instead of Flitwick.

Even Snape couldn't help but be surprised.

Quirrell should be unaware of this matter, otherwise he does not need to patrol the halls. If he is related to this matter, then the more students who are harmed tonight, the more the professors' attention will be distracted...

Snape thought about it, temporarily letting go of his doubts, but only temporarily.

"Here! Professor!" Barrow led the way above them.

"Are you okay?" When Mag saw the two people sitting on the ground, his first reaction was to step forward, hold their hands, and help them up, "It's okay... My kids, you are safe now... "

This professor, who was always stern, actually showed a touch of tenderness at this time.

She had already guessed from Mrs. Pince that the two of them must have happened to encounter the giant monster when they were going downstairs. If they had walked faster at that time, such a thing might not have happened.

But Professor McGonagall could figure it out with her fingers - how could these two children, who had known each other since the Muggle world, miss the opportunity to be alone?

Of course, this is just her idea.

"But Mr. Holmes, it's best for students not to fall in love prematurely. Next time, you won't be so lucky." Then she immediately changed her face and warned Nietzsche.

Like a frightened rabbit, Hermione suddenly raised her head and looked at the professor in surprise.

She and Nietzsche just wanted to feel the festive atmosphere they missed on weekdays, but apparently the professors had other ideas.

Snape followed the blood stains and found the body of the mountain troll at another corner of the circular corridor. There was a blood hole as big as a bowl on the eye, half of the ears were cut off, and half of the nose was missing.

No wonder the trolls are making so much noise...

"Is it dead?" Quirrell was shocked by the unexpected sight, "This... what kind of black magic is this kind of wound?"

"Even if the two first-year students used the Death Curse, they would only make the troll cough a few times." Snape knelt down on one knee and endured the stench to take a closer look. "If you want to destroy the troll's skin with brute force, , but we need the sharpest weapons.”

Even if Hermione and Nie used perfect transfiguration to create a sword, they could only barely scratch it, and they would not be able to achieve this kind of power at all.

But Snape suddenly thought of something. Regardless of the filthiness of the blood, he stretched out his fingers to poke around in its eyes, and his fingertips finally touched a small piece of hard stuff inside the rotten flesh.

When you pinch it out, it looks like a small flower made of metal.

"Muggle weapons..."

Snape admitted the fear in his heart. If his attitude at Holmes's house had been tougher, the hole in his head might have been bigger than the troll's.

He ignored Quirrell, who looked confused, and strode back with the hollow-point bullet in hand.

"Nietzsche, I think you need to explain this!"

Volume 1: Chapter 40 The Principal’s Office

The skin of the troll is indeed very hard, but this is only for wizards.

The .357 hollow-point bullet can increase the muzzle velocity and tear all the internal tissues after drilling into the monster's eyes. This is the wound that caused the monster's death, not the small gap that was barely opened on the face.

Although the creature's skin is as hard as granite, the facial skin must be the weakest.

So Snape stopped the two people who were protected by Professor McGonagall.

"You actually... actually brought that kind of thing into school?!"

He couldn't believe that if Nietzsche had not calmed down during the duel and did not know the severity of his attacks, then Draco and Marcus would have been half disabled even if they had not died.

On the other hand, Snape had a new understanding of Muggle weapons.

"What happened to you?" Mag frowned impatiently, "They met the troll when they came down and killed it. It was that simple... Maybe they used magic spells to defeat the troll's weakness. ”

She was completely dissatisfied with Snape's sudden attitude.

These two children almost died. Even if they used some bad spells to kill the troll, they should wait for them to rest for a while instead of immediately starting to interrogate them like prisoners.

But Snape bypassed her and walked straight to Nietzsche, ignoring the other person's confusion and innocence.

"I've seen people who are better at acting than you..."

"Why don't you strengthen your defense?" Dumbledore suddenly interrupted him, and stretched out his hand to wrap around the shoulders of Nietzsche and Hermione, "Severus, if you want to ask anything, we will wait in the office. you."

"Quirinas, you should go to bed early tonight."

Snape knew he was talking too much, so he closed his eyes and took several deep breaths.

After Dumbledore left with the professor, Harry and Ron appeared on the other side. They originally wanted to find Hermione and Nietzsche, but in the end they watched the troll fall with their own eyes.

"It seems they are fine, let's go back..." Ron pouted and whispered.

He glanced at the troll's little head again, made a few retching sounds, and drummed in his heart - hoping that Hermione would forgive him for what he said before, and make up his mind to go up and say sorry when he saw her. .

But Harry had no intention of going back.

"Snape didn't follow Dumbledore here the first time. He planned to go to the fourth floor."


Harry suddenly thought of that night - Hermione, who followed Filch to avoid Filch and feared they would be injured, opened the lock of the room where the treasure was hidden.

The entrance to the Headmaster's Office is on the third floor, as is the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

Hermione lowered her head and held her sleeves in her hands. Perhaps Professor McGonagall behind her noticed her nervousness, so she rubbed the messy and fluffy curly hair on the students' heads to reassure them that they would be fine.

Finally, Dumbledore stopped in front of an extremely ugly gargoyle.

He faced the stone statue and suddenly said a word about dessert: "Lemon ice cream!"

Obviously this was a command, because Nietzsche saw the gargoyle come to life, twist its stiff body, and jump nimbly to the side, while the wall behind it cracked, revealing a spiral staircase.

After stepping on, the escalator automatically rose with several people. After a while, Nietzsche and Hermione saw a shiny oak door with a griffon knocker on it.

Behind the door is the principal's office.

The principal's office... But Nietzsche obviously came to places like this often, and he didn't have the slightest worry in his heart.

"Don't worry, Miss Granger, sit down and rest for a while."

Dumbledore led several people through the Roman pillars in the center of the office. As soon as he finished speaking, several soft chairs appeared in front of the desk in the center of the room. The chair legs and table legs were both in the shape of lion's claws.

Nietzsche, who came to the new principal's office for the first time, looked around curiously.

It was a spacious circular room with a tall black cabinet on the left. The wall on the right was covered with portraits of principals from various periods. Above the door they entered, there was a sycamore branch with a fiery red bird squatting on it.

The order in which the objects are placed is haphazard, and Nietzsche can discover a lot of information at a casual glance.

But this is not a good thing... because there is too much information, it will take longer for him to sort out his thoughts.

"Considering your mood, I kind of recommend it."

Dumbledore crossed his fingers and placed them on the table. The four conjured cups were automatically filled with yellow liquid, with white foam on them, overflowing from the mouth of the cup. Nietzsche sniffed and smelled a milky fragrance.

"Butterbeer...but just for once, we don't have them in school."

Perhaps Nietzsche was too thirsty and was not polite. He quickly poured a sip into his mouth. When the empty glass was placed on the table, it was immediately filled again.

Dumbledore's observation skills were also very strong. He immediately discovered that Nietzsche was holding the cup with both hands and was trembling slightly. The child's heart was not as calm as he showed.

Something seemed to fall to the ground in his heart.

"I...we can't drink beer, we're still underage..."

Hermione listened to the deliberate purring in her ears, shook her right leg, and bumped Nietzsche's leg under the table.

"It doesn't smell of alcohol." Nietzsche turned his head. The foam on his face looked like a completely white beard, which looked very funny. "It's sweet, and the drink... is a bit greasy, but overall it's pretty good."

After hearing this, Hermione took a cautious sip.

The aroma and sweetness of butter exploded on her taste buds. When the liquid slid down her esophagus and into her stomach, she could feel a warmth immediately filling her body.

The atmosphere was a bit subtle... The principal, vice-principal and two students gathered around a table, drinking butterbeer quietly, with only the snoozing sounds coming from the principal's portrait and the melodious chirping of birds.

Hermione didn't dare to speak, and Nietzsche was temporarily confused about the principal's purpose.

"How does it feel when you take the life of an intelligent creature with your own hands?"

It's as simple as asking if they've had dinner.

Facing the principal's question, Hermione answered honestly: "It's not very good. We...we can even hear it crying."

After the excitement of the aftermath of the disaster passed, only confusion and regret were left, especially the cry of pain that could not echo in their ears for a long time, as if...she had killed someone.

"I can understand." Principal Dumbledore nodded slightly and looked at Nietzsche.

He finally understood. It turned out that he was just giving the two of them a psychological treatment.

"Principal, we are human beings with complex and rich emotions and thoughts. In fact, I have never even killed a chicken with my own hands... There is a difference between watching others kill people and killing people with my own hands."

The thought of that cry made him feel uneasy.

Maybe the troll is innocent, maybe it doesn't know what happened, maybe... maybe it thought of its mother before it died?

Once his thoughts diverged, Nietzsche could not stop them. He could only hide his hands under the table, twisting his pants hard, and rubbing them back and forth from time to time, even if his palms were rubbed hot and painful, he could not stop.

But this time, Hermione, who was lowering her head, noticed his change.

His left hand, which had nowhere to go, was held.

"You just have no choice." Dumbledore cleared his throat to make his voice more kind, "I'm just worried that you will leave a shadow, so... don't blame me too much."

Life is very beautiful.

Even a goldfish as small as a finger can make the whole space very lively when it is placed in a lifeless stone pool. This is a feeling that cannot be described in words.

At least, Dumbledore did not find any arrogance in the two of them.

"How did the troll run out of the Forbidden Forest?" Professor McGonagall looked at the headmaster and gradually became serious.

"I don't know, maybe it's controlled by someone..." Dumbledore twisted his gray beard and continued, "The trolls in the Forbidden Forest are the security guards of Hogwarts. Generally, they just prevent intrusion."

It was discovered very early that trolls have their own language and can understand simple human language.

Therefore, with a little training, you can see troll security guards. Their brains can perfectly play this role, because they only need to understand what they are protecting and they can stand there unswervingly.

So to some extent, Nietzsche was right---it is indeed innocent.

"But the troll's brain is a stubborn one, so if you have to control it, it must be..." McGonagall looked at the students around her, and seemed not to want to say it, so she hesitated for a moment, "The Imperius Curse."

Hermione fell back, and everything she experienced tonight made her unable to figure it out in an instant.

That is one of the three unforgivable curses in the magic world, an extremely evil curse! It can twist a person's mind and make people controlled like a zombie.


"Confusion spell." Nietzsche narrowed his eyes, and because of Hermione's comfort, he slowly pulled himself out of his thoughts, "The troll is simple-minded, it is enough to confuse the purpose of the action."

"Don't you understand? No matter what you do, you will definitely not use the dark magic of the Imperius Curse!"

Nietzsche's words make sense, but the question is, the reason why the other party let the troll in is to play a very dangerous prank on Halloween?

This is obviously impossible.

At this time, Snape came in angrily, he walked with a limp, nodded to Dumbledore, immediately took out the bullet fragment from his pocket and threw it on the table, leaning against the table and standing opposite Nietzsche.

"Why don't you tell them how a student messed up the troll's mind?"

The person who came to ask for the blame came.

"It's... two people, Dean Snape." Nietzsche took a sip of butter beer and pretended not to see anything, "If Hermione didn't create opportunities for me, I couldn't do anything alone."

"Take it out!!"

Snape knocked on the table viciously.

Nietzsche could no longer hide it, so, under the suspicion of McGonagall and Dumbledore, he pulled out a Colt Python revolver from his waist and ejected the rotating magazine. Now there were only three rounds left.

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