This kind of thing, as long as you shoot accurately, the troll will die.

"Schools do not allow such dangerous weapons. I will tell your parents..." He smiled confidently, as if he had already pinched the seven inches of Nietzsche's slippery snake.

"In fact... my father asked me to bring it here." Nietzsche blinked and looked at him without showing any weakness, "Why don't you let me say that their son can only stand there and wait to die next time he encounters a troll."

School + almost murder = complaint.

Yes, Snape almost forgot how weird Nietzsche's two adoptive fathers and one adoptive mother were, so weird that they looked like a wizard who forgot to use magic living among Muggles.

Dumbledore looked at the gun and his eyes twitched. Of course, he knew what Muggle weapons were, but he didn't expect that such a small thing was enough to blow up a troll's head.

"We are all very sorry for this accident. We promise... there won't be a next time. Therefore, Mr. Holmes's Muggle weapon will be kept temporarily and returned to you after the holiday."

The principal was about to reach out his hand, but Nietzsche pressed it down, like a child protecting his favorite toy.

Hermione was used to him like this. She looked around and didn't bother to remind Nietzsche. She just quietly enjoyed the warm stove and sweet butter beer.

"Mr. Holmes!" Professor McGonagall thought of the same thing as Snape.

What if this child didn't think it through that day and pointed the gun at his classmates?

"My two fathers are detectives, so I can help you find the murderer, but this gun with only three bullets left must be kept for me to use for self-defense... I promise you, I will never point it at my classmates."

Snape listened to his words and felt a little funny. Looking at Nietzsche's serious attitude, he slowly realized that the other party really thought so.

"A...student? Help us?" He laughed coldly. "This is not the world of Muggles, and it's none of your business!!"

But Nietzsche's attitude was very positive.

"Ordinary people already have a Sherlock Holmes, but there is no such thing here, Principal Dumbledore. When the murderer tried to use innocent lives to achieve his goal, and even put the lives of students behind his head, he was already related to me."

"I can find the murderer in advance, and even prevent similar things from happening next time! Do you have to see a student die in front of you before you feel regretful?!"

And Dumbledore also heard the meaning of this sentence-either give a detective identity in public, or Nietzsche investigates secretly himself.

In fact, his idea is very reasonable. When such a thing happens, everyone will be curious, especially for people like Nietzsche and Harry. The process of finding the truth is not important, but the final sense of accomplishment is important.

And Nietzsche just put his words on the surface.

Honest, open and aboveboard...

"Wait, you are not really considering it, are you?" Snape found that the principal withdrew his hand.

Hermione and Professor McGonagall drank butter beer silently and tried to lean to the side... McGonagall and Little McGonagall just wanted to go back to study quickly and didn't want to be added too much work.

Finally, Dumbledore gritted his teeth and made up his mind secretly.

"Your weapon will not be aimed at friends and classmates, but only at the most dangerous moment to protect yourself... I believe you, because you have proved it once, but you can only investigate after class."

Hermione's tongue stirred back and forth in her mouth, pushing her face up.

Unexpectedly, Nietzsche's honesty still has some effect.

"I have another small request."

Hermione rolled her eyes and buried her head lower, wishing she could stuff her whole head into the cup.

Don't say it's her, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it...

"Please say it, Mr. Holmes of Hogwarts." Dumbledore seemed to have figured something out, and threw all the worries and doubts just now behind his head, "I hope your request is really small."

Hermione thought well, but this is Murphy's Law!

As long as something can happen, it will definitely happen!

"A tacit assistant, I think Miss Granger is very suitable." Nietzsche ignored the complaints in the girl's eyes.

However, it is not impossible. Dumbledore got to know Hermione Granger through several professors.

Smart, clever, born in Muggle, without any magical background, and very observant of classroom discipline and school rules, likes to help others... This is simply a perfect Gryffindor.

He was very surprised, just like a felon who took the initiative to put his hands together and asked the police to handcuff him.

"No problem, but you have to give her your gun for safekeeping."

Nietzsche put the Colt on Hermione's legs, and the latter just grinded her teeth and stared at him.

But who would understand poor Hermione Granger?

There are still some, at least Professor McGonagall can empathize with her, she can only put her hand on Hermione's head again and scratch it... Huh? After getting used to it, this fluffy feel is pretty good.

"Then next, let's talk about the whole process and details."

Volume 1: Chapter 41 Classic Combination

The situation is reversed.

Now in the office, sitting in a row with Headmaster Dumbledore are two deans. The three of them, Nietzsche and Hermione are looking at each other across a table. The only things that have not changed are the five beer glasses that are never empty.

"Think about it, why would a magic school dedicated to learning emphasize the room at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor? This has never happened before. Obviously, it is related to the theft at Gringotts."

Nietzsche did not expose Harry and Ron. This was his duty as a friend.

He himself did not have the habit of night walks, so he naturally used some special plots to connect them, and he did not even need Sherlock's basic deduction method.

"These two things are unrelated." Snape said coldly, and he argued hard beside him.

"The person in charge of Gringotts said that the thieves went to an empty vault. Obviously, someone did not expect the owner of the vault to take it away in advance. As a result, there is an extra room in the castle that is forbidden to enter this year. What did Principal Dumbledore say before the start of school?"

Now it is the turn of Nietzsche Holmes' assistant---Hermione Granger to make supplements.

"If you don't want to die miserably or get hurt, don't get close to that..."

"Aha, how can there be such a place in a school? Doesn't Headmaster Dumbledore really worry about curious people taking a look?" Nietzsche snapped his fingers, "No one would deliberately stand in the place where gold is buried and shout 'There's nothing here'."

The words spoken by the two of them convinced Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

The headmaster pushed his half-moon glasses and said softly: "As you said, that is indeed where the treasures in the vault are stored, but I made that room in a hurry, after all, I haven't found a good place to hide it."

"What is hidden there?" Hermione was a little curious.

"My friend's relics are probably targeted by someone with ulterior motives."

From this, it can be concluded that Headmaster Dumbledore's friends are very rich, and the friends made by people like him are not bad, otherwise they would not be targeted.

Nietzsche turned his head and put his lips next to Hermione's ear. He seemed to forget that this was in front of the deans and the headmaster.

"Are there any recent news of the death of wizard stars?"

"No..." Hermione felt her ears getting hot, and leaned to the side.

The fog was thicker now.

The alchemical gadgets on the table were steaming and making a 'puff' sound. Nietzsche turned his gaze to the headmaster again, and the two pairs of gray-blue eyes met, but one pair was slightly cloudy.

"And I don't plan to move away. I just need to wait quietly for the thief to show his hand again."

On the question of what the treasure was, Headmaster Dumbledore didn't intend to reveal too much, so all Nietzsche and the others knew was that the thief wanted to steal something, and stole it into the school at all costs.

Hermione had some plans---Hogwarts, as a magic school, would not easily let outsiders in.

So the scope was narrowed down a little.

"In addition, we also have new news about some dark wizards in the Muggle world. I think your father may need this information..."

As soon as the voice fell, Dean Snape on the side immediately took over the conversation, with a very reluctant expression.

"I found out what I found in your house last time. It's the raw material of undetectable poison and throat-locking poison. I tried it and found that a dark wizard combined these two poisons together."

The professor's voice was cold and ruthless, like a machine.

Undetectable poison means that it cannot be detected, leaves no trace, and can be completely absorbed, just like ricin, which needs to be taken orally, inhaled or injected, and wizards cannot detect it with magic.

And throat-locking poison will suffocate the inhaler and has no color.

"It's simply a poison genius. Undetectable poison is colorless and gaseous... It can be directly absorbed by human skin!"


Hearing Snape getting more and more excited about potions, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and pulled him back. Now they are talking about serious things. No one wants to hear you praise a poisoner for being a genius.

Tonight is full of surprises...

After a brief chat, Nietzsche made a promise to Hermione in front of the professors for the last time, and handed the gun belt to the girl, and then they were invited out.

McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, rubbing her trouser legs back and forth with both hands.

"How could you agree to this?" Sometimes, she and Snape really wanted to open Dumbledore's brain and see what was inside.

"Isn't this good? We need him." Dumbledore looked a few years older, and his expression was depressed. "I don't want to make the same mistake again. This is an opportunity... Severus, he has something you don't have."

This sentence seemed to remind Snape of some unbearable past, and his eyes were full of hatred.

The coldness was just to cover up the anger in his heart, but now he couldn't suppress it at all, or he didn't want to be rational with Dumbledore at all, and didn't even want to give him a little respect.

"If you had what you have now, I could have had it!"

"Severus, calm down!"

In Snape's eyes, the person sitting here was not a powerful wizard who was high above, but a shameless old man.

But Dumbledore stopped McGonagall. He would rather play this role... because he knew that a person who climbed to the top of the mountain could not see the people climbing below, which would lead to many irreparable mistakes.


"You'd better be sorry." Snape limped and slammed the door.

On the second day, the stories of Hermione and Nietzsche were spread again. You know, the descriptions of adult trolls in books are very shocking. For example, an adult troll is enough to destroy an unprepared village.

So the two of them were portrayed as wizards with special skills.

And the three loud noises in Harry's mouth were imagined by Slytherin as some kind of black magic.

"War magic... must be this." Miles Blackie boasted loudly, "How did that Weasley tell Potter that it must be some kind of lightning-like war magic."

Nietzsche, who was eating breakfast on the side, was too lazy to refute.

War magic?

It's not wrong to describe it this way, it's just the Muggle's'war magic'.

But Draco didn't believe it. He tried to destroy the prestige that Nietzsche had established in Slytherin, so he told them: "Impossible! He is just a... uh... Muggle wizard. I didn't see him use it on the day of the duel!"

But they didn't care so much.

What qualifications does a loser who dueled with a senior have to say these things? They just want to hear what they want to hear.

Across from Daphne was Nietzsche, but she ignored the prettiest first-year Slytherin girl. She crossed her legs like a retired old man, tore open the Daily Prophet, and stood between the two of them.

"Do you really know how to use ancient magic?"

Nietzsche didn't reply, and the only action he took was to drink a sip of hot black tea.

"Hey! Where did you learn war magic from?!"

"Are you purebloods who marry close relatives really mentally ill?" Nietzsche pulled the newspaper down, revealing only a pair of blue-gray eyes, "If I really knew how to do it, Marcus should have been lying in bed that day."

People were just listening for fun, why did someone take it seriously?

"I'm really curious about how a first-year student killed an adult mountain troll.~" She blinked and lifted the golden hair by her ears.

"Sorry, I don't like you. After a few decades, you will be no different from an old lady on the street." Nietzsche raised the newspaper very gentlemanly and covered his face again, "Why don't you ask Miss Granger what's new in her bag today."

But it doesn't matter, his cane still has an emergency bullet.

It is said that no girl wants a boy to compare her with an old lady, and Daphne's change fully proves this.

She slapped the cup hard, and the rise and fall of her chest made the chattering snakes around her start to lose focus.

"So you like her type, I understand..."

Granger? Granger!

Every day, she talked to Hermione Granger less than half a sentence. Daphne turned her head and was thinking about what other topics she could talk about. this a reminder?

So, the mature and steady Daphne Greengris changed the target of her wooing.

Hermione, who finally had a good night's sleep, just listened to her friends' discussions, but not about how to fight the troll... because Lavender and her group were interested in why she and Nietzsche were together.

"It's strange, why did you come out of the library with him?"

Volume 1: Chapter 42 Don't ignore every detail

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