"We just... just walked around the castle. After all, last night was Halloween..."

"Just shopping?"

"Then...what if?"

Lavender looked at the confused Hermione and raised her hand to rub her brow. She didn't expect that such a top student would be really slow to respond in some aspects, but it didn't matter. For the sake of homework, she and Parvati would meet Take action!

So she moved her eyes to Slytherin, and happened to see Daphne showing off.

"What a snake~" Ravindra pulled Hermione's sleeve and pointed over there and said, "Aren't you worried?!"

Hermione felt strange about this and said in a daze: "What's weird? They were just chatting..."

"They will take it away. I know the virtues of those people. Think about it. One day Nietzsche will be replaced by a deskmate. Then you can only watch that Medusa take your place and let him Little by little I forget you.”

To be honest, Gryffindor's level of nicknames is really high.

But if Daphne is Medusa, who is she? Perseus?

Hermione shook her head to disperse the thoughts in her mind. According to Lavender, wouldn't she be Cinderella, and wouldn't Nietzsche become Andromeda... When she thought of this, she quickly swallowed cold water.

At this time, Harry came over with Ron, who had his head lowered, and the two of them smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry..." Harry grabbed Ron's arm and shook him a few times before he struggled to squeeze out an apology.

If he hadn't been so impulsive at the time, Hermione might not have been in danger. Looking back at that time, if it weren't for Nietzsche, Hermione might not be able to sit here and have breakfast now.

But Hermione simply nodded to show that she heard.

She looked at the cut-side sandwich on the plate and said, "As for what you said yesterday, you were actually wrong."

Ron was a little confused for a moment, but he knew that he owed Hermione, so he didn't surprisingly not refute.

"It's not that I don't have friends..." Hermione picked up her schoolbag from the ground, held it in her arms, and touched a hard object through the cloth, "In fact, my friends trust me more than you think. ”

For some reason, Harry suddenly noticed that something had changed in Hermione today.

How should I put it...it seems to be more decisive.

Is it necessary to say that Ron made Hermione angry?

In fact, no, she had known that Weasley had a hot temper, but his words yesterday made Hermione think about some things in the past, but that was all - it couldn't make her hate him so much.

Sometimes Hermione felt that only Nietzsche could repeatedly break her tolerance level.

After the weather entered November, it began to snow occasionally. The surface of the lake was covered with a thick and hard layer of ice. Frost also began to appear on the stone road outside, making it slippery when walking.

When Slytherin went to Herbology class, a group of people almost always supported each other.

"Attention, today's content is about Devil's Net." Professor Sprout's voice came from the greenhouse, "Don't touch it, and don't stay within two feet!"

After Nietzsche walked into the greenhouse, he jumped a few times to shake off the snow water and ice crystals on his body.

He didn't stop much, ignored the black tentacles lying on the shrub stand, walked straight through the No. 2 greenhouse, and opened the glass door for cultivating Bai Xian, but unfortunately, he could only smell a faint fragrance.

"One point from Slytherin!"

The professor's angry voice startled Nietzsche.

No, he just opened the door. When would a good professor from Hufflepuff lose points for something like this?


Of course it wasn't because of Nietzsche, but because Crabbe's fat arm was entangled in a group of black vines. Professor Sprout summoned some flames and flew to Crabbe to disperse the arms stretched out by the plants.

Although the professor's reaction was very quick, there were still some marks on his arm.

"Devil's nets are afraid of light and fire. They like dark and cold environments... This kind of weather is their favorite." Nietzsche clasped his hands behind his back and immediately explained to the students watching.

There are also some flowers similar to crab claws on those black vines, which look even more gorgeous against the background of the devil's net, and Crabbe is obviously deceived by its disguise.

"Very good explanation, one point for Slytherin. In this weather, the greenhouse won't let them grow too much, so I stretched out Tohaig from the Forbidden Forest and cut some back... Don't worry about the wound, five poison."

Nietzsche spoke up at the right time and made up for Slytherin's score.

This ability to adapt to changes and precise judgment impressed Daphne, and she became even more certain of her choice.

After the herbal medicine class ended, Nietzsche still did not leave with Theodore and the others. Instead, he walked back and forth in the greenhouse as if he was looking for something. It was difficult not to attract the attention of Professor Sprout.

So she finally asked: "Did you miss something?"

"No, I just found that there is no need to fertilize in winter." Nietzsche was waiting for her to take the initiative to ask, and immediately made up a reason, "I also plan to get some dragon dung... After all, I also plan to grow some plants myself."

An interest in plants is a great stepping stone.

So Sprout didn't realize anything but was happy that the students enjoyed botany.

"In fact, you only need to fertilize once. The nutritional content of dragon dung is very high. You remind me of Quirinus. He also likes botany... so I gave him all the remaining fertilizer. ”

It doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with it.

Professor Quirrell should have gone to plant herbal medicine that day, but the clue was cut off. He had no choice but to put a regretful smile on his face and turn around to leave.

This situation lasted until the start of the Hogwarts Quidditch match in early November.

There was no progress. Nietzsche spent every day in class, after class, looking for information in the library, and occasionally sent letters home to inform him about the progress of the dark wizard and what happened in the school.

The entire school seemed to have forgotten what happened on Halloween and was all excited about the Quidditch game.

"Nietzsche! Here is a letter from..." Hermione received a letter from Mercury in the auditorium during Friday's lunch break, "Down... Downing Street..."

Ron stood up and threw his Charms homework aside.

The auditorium during non-meal time is filled with students studying and playing chess.

In front of each of them was an empty jam bottle, filled with bright blue flames. It was the lily of the valley flame summoned by Hermione to keep people warm and provide light.

"No. 10 Downing Street, what's wrong? This is just a letter from home."

"That's it?" Hermione carefully placed the envelope in front of Nietzsche, fearing to make any wrinkles. "That's the address of the British Prime Minister's Office! Let's put it this way...it's equivalent to the Wizengamot here!!"

She used to watch the news with her father.

I didn't expect that what Nietzsche meant by the British warehouse manager was this.

"It's from Sherlock. I told him what happened at school recently and wanted him to help with some advice."

Nietzsche roughly tore open the letter. What he never expected was that this time, Shylock did not play his word games, but stated the recent progress and reminders seriously.

Needless to say, Watson must have written it on his behalf.

Only the last paragraph sounds like Sherlock Holmes:

'Don't miss any seemingly meaningless detail, and don't rush to be the second Sherlock. You are you, you are the Sherlock Holmes of the wizarding world. ’

"You have to think like a wizard... You are right." Nietzsche understood what he meant.

In the end, Shylock is just an ordinary detective, but when he encounters a wizard, his deduction method cannot be used. Therefore, he is reminding Nietzsche not to fall into misunderstandings.

Any details, including the wizard's lifestyle, habits, psychological characteristics...

"What are you holding in your hand? Potter! Books in the library cannot be borrowed!" Snape suddenly appeared behind them, "Also, the use of magic is prohibited in the school... A total of ten points will be deducted from Gryffindor. ”

He ignored Nietzsche on the side and just took away the "Magic Quidditch" in front of Harry.

However, the wound on Snape's right leg was still not healed. He was limping and walking very slowly. After he walked out of the auditorium, he looked back again, but this time he was not staring at Harry Potter, but at the man next to him. Hermione.

As soon as he saw Potter sitting there, he wanted to find something to do, and deliberately avoided the others and only scolded Harry and Ron.

"What happened to his leg?"

"Maybe he was injured by something in the room." Nietzsche looked at Snape's back and had some thoughts, "I know what you want to say, Harry, but unfortunately, the thief cannot be Snape. "

Ron seemed very angry because of what he had just pointed out. After confirming that the old bat had really gone away, he refuted.

"Why is it impossible?" He decided to support Harry, "You can't think of all professors as saints like Dumbledore."

"Because the order to check the room was given by Dumbledore, and he and I know everything." If Hermione had a cat's tail, it would be raised above her head now. "Besides, he has been in this school for more than ten years." ”

But Harry firmly believed in his suspicion and did not refute it.

He just said: "Maybe he was the one who released the troll and deliberately made noise, so that Dumbledore would let him go and check it out... I know what this is called, it's called 'darkness under the lamp'!"

But Harry had never thought about why Snape had been teaching in schools for so many years.

If it was really Snape, then as long as any clues were revealed, all previous efforts would be undone and the credibility established over the past ten years would be ruined. Moreover, he would need to have predicted the inheritance of Dumbledore's friend more than ten years in advance.

Nietzsche shook his head, holding a licorice wand in his mouth.

"Snape is not a thief because his behavior and habits do not lead to clues pointing to him."

So what's hidden underneath?

What kind of relic was it that Dumbledore would not reveal easily?

Volume 1: Remarks on the launch

OK, it’s on sale...

But I can't be happy, after all, the fox still knows that putting it on the shelves = losing it.

But the only thing that can be guaranteed is that there will not be a sudden eunuch. If you don't believe it, you can go to the post or leave a message in the comment area to find the previous books about Fox. The only difference between the pen name and the current one is "hui".

Well~ I don’t have much to say. It’s the first time it’s been put on the shelves, so I can only beg you all who have passed by it to find it interesting and understandable, so please give me your support.

Not asking for rewards, just subscribing is enough QwQ

Actually, the elements of Fox are quite mixed. I wrote it for fun at first, mixing Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Marvel. When I found that some people read it, I continued to write novels.

I also planned to write a Hogwarts fan version of "Breaking Bad" (Gusenberg is of course our Professor Snape)

But later I found that I didn't control the plot very well, so I could only write about interesting settings. So sometimes, I still like your complaints and corrections... At least it's not a stand-alone.

The last book was completed with about 1.4 million, so it won't be abandoned~

As for future development, the sugar may be less than the first book, but there will be many classic characters, such as Irene and Sherlock's nemesis ( ̄ ̄)

What will be the fate of Quirrell? (Guess?)


Please again, it will be on the shelves on Friday, and it will never be abandoned. After all, I am a dead loser who only has full attendance, so... Let's go!

Volume 1: Chapter 43: Dangerous Quidditch

For ordinary people, what is worth stealing is nothing more than material things that are within reach, including but not limited to money, jewelry, and food.

For the powerful class, what is worth stealing is the fruits of victory of others, but that is an ideological battle.

What about wizards?

Maybe gold galleons, but a powerful wizard like Dumbledore will definitely not deliberately protect these, so it is likely to be some kind of magic...similar to the sword in the stone and Merlin's scepter in the legend of King Arthur.

Nietzsche suddenly realized that he had to start with wizard culture.

"It's time to go, the Quidditch game is about to start!" Theodore hurriedly said hello and immediately ran away with his friends, "If you walk slowly, there will be no good position."

"You go first, I..."

In fact, Nietzsche didn't want to stand in the freezing cold wind just to watch an aerial olive-style football.

Harry patted his shoulder and walked out with a hot dog coated with ketchup by Seamus in his mouth. He actually hoped that Nietzsche would come to see his first game.

After all, there are not many areas where he can surpass his opponent.

"Today is the match anyway, so why not tell me that I am the new seeker of the Gryffindor team."

"Let's go. I will ask Professor Binns about wizard culture during the next history of magic class. It doesn't matter if I have this little time." Hermione teased, "You don't want to go because you are envious, do you?"

Envy? Him?

Nietzsche turned his head and looked at Harry, who was talking and laughing with his friends. The joy and nervousness on his face were rare. He shrugged his nose and finally walked out of the castle under Hermione's pull.

Crossing the courtyard and walking out of the gate along the cobblestone road, you can see a huge stadium in the distance.

On the match day, the whole school is on holiday. No wonder the wizards are so happy. The cold wind mixed with snowflakes and rain made Nietzsche's face hurt. He reluctantly freed his hands and pulled the wizard hat to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

"Take it..." Hermione suddenly stuffed the jam bottle with bluebell flames in her arms into his hands.

The frozen hands gradually felt the pain again, and only when they regained consciousness did they feel warm.

Nietzsche pursed his lips tightly and held the bottom of the bottle with his left hand, while Hermione covered the bottle cap with her right hand. The two of them held the warm bottle and headed towards the Quidditch field with the others.

But what the two didn't know was that the little lions behind them were still secretly talking about them.

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