Parvati snorted, and all the words were included in it: That's it, and you still say they are friends.

The stadium is oval, and the audience seats are divided into four by the students themselves. Each college has its own banner. With so many people, it is not easy to find a high platform second only to the teacher's seat and the lecture room.

But Nietzsche soon didn't need to worry, because he saw Daphne secretly waving at this side.

"Granger, right?" After seeing the two people coming, she carefully looked at the girl in front of her, "If you don't worry about being gossiped, then this is the best position."

Very good looking?

At least it's not as good as her... Daphne is very confident in her appearance.

"Why should you worry? You know, there are many freshmen in your college who like to learn something from us."

This is not the first time Hermione has seen Daphne. As early as the previous confrontation with Malfoy, she always saw the other party's figure. Obviously, Daphne is a member of the small group of pure blood.

But the strange thing is---why is she so polite?

"I've heard about it a long time ago." Although Daphne was watching the small gate where the players came out, her mind never left the two of them, "So how much did you ask those people to pay for joining..." Hermione looked at him with an idiotic look, and then said, "No fees, it's all based on interest... If you find it troublesome, you can leave at any time." There is such a good thing? ! Daphne heard this rule for the first time. "Don't you worry about other things? For example, leaving after learning something, traitors and the like..." Her voice was very light, and she always maintained aristocratic etiquette, "If you want to achieve great things, you can't be so open-minded." "If you want to ridicule, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush." ​​"No, no, no, you misunderstood, I'm just... curious, that's all, after all, freedom without constraints is just a pile of loose sand." Nietzsche was too lazy to join this topic, just stopped beside Hermione, looking around every corner. But he also understood Daphne's purpose. Obviously, the other party intended to use the topic of "study group" to ease the relationship. This is a mature approach of a smart person. Even Nietzsche sometimes admires her...

Because Daphne can really let go of anything in order to achieve her goal.

"No constraints are the biggest constraints, and free things are the most expensive." Hermione's mouth curled up, very proud.

Daphne didn't understand for a moment, and could only keep this sentence in mind.

She glanced at Nietzsche without leaving a trace, and after seeing the other party's wandering look, she breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that her guess is not a problem for the time being-if she wants to ease the relationship, she can only start from Granger.

"Not enough...far from enough..."


"No common interests will last long." Daphne suddenly said in a proud tone, "Purebloods are always more united than you look...Oh, they are out, so just concentrate on watching the game."

Nietzsche's fingers followed the shouts of the crowd and tapped the bottom of the bottle rhythmically.

It seems to be threatening and showing off, but in fact, Daphne is reminding that although her behavior is not yet a team, she is at least taking it seriously...or in other words, she is looking for a way out for herself.

Hermione was not a foolish person, and gradually understood what she wanted to express.

She looked at the players who came out one by one, and thought: 'Yes, they are only at the stage of learning from each other. If they take breaking through the barriers between the colleges as their ultimate goal, they will definitely not go far. '

Hermione knew that her sense of politics was not very sensitive, so she couldn't think of any good ideas for a while.

"Okay, audience friends... Oh, please ask the friends from Gryffindor to raise the flag of 'Potter Must Win' higher." A bright and cheerful voice came from above, "Yes! I heard that this is the secret weapon of the Gryffindor team this year!"

"The first to come out is Wood, followed by the chasers Angelina and Alia... They are not only excellent in skills, but also very charming~"

"Lee Jordan!!"

Hearing the frivolous whistles in the audience, Professor McGonagall immediately got angry.

And the audience sighed in disappointment.

"Sorry, Professor." Jordan pouted and became serious under the professor's supervision, "Okay, okay...Everyone, save your whistle energy, because...Harry Potter is on the court!"

As Madam Hooch blew the whistle in the middle of the field, the game officially began.

Hermione and Daphne didn't say anything else, just watched the game with their own thoughts.

More than a dozen brooms carried the players into the air, the Quaffle flew back and forth between the chasers, and the Bludgers were hit by the beaters of both sides, each time hitting the opponent's main players.

But the problem can you watch the game like this!

Nietzsche squinted his eyes and looked at the sky. Without a telescope, it was difficult for him to see what the players were doing. He just saw Harry circling the court close to the ground, and the next second he flew into the clouds.

"Angelina caught the ball, good...Slytherin goalkeeper Bletchley rushed towards her! But missed! Gryffindor scored!!"

Well, he could only listen to Jordan's commentary to imagine the scene.

Hermione clenched her palms and squinted her eyes to look under the Gryffindor banner. She found the tall giant holding a few telescopes and waving at her.

"Hagrid is looking for me. I'll go over first..."

Then she smiled politely at Daphne, left the bottle of fire, and got up and left.

Half an hour into the game, Harry and Slytherin Seeker Terence Higgs both found the Golden Snitch, but the former's reaction was faster. The crowd whispered as they watched the two fight.

"Foul! He fouled!" Warrington hit his thigh hard.

It was Flint who deliberately knocked Harry almost off. This behavior made everyone very angry. Slytherin just frowned and looked very unhappy, while Gryffindor had already started to yell.

At halftime, Slytherin's Marcus was blamed by Madam Hooch, and then the Gryffindor team took a free kick.

"Isn't there a red card?"

"What is a red card?" Warrington stopped yelling after hearing Nietzsche's words.

"It's just... send him off the field, and replace him."

"It would be nice if there was such a rule. Unless you are injured, you can't leave the field." He crossed his arms and showed disdain. "This is why Slytherin won. Marcus likes to play this kind of trick."

Although it is disgusting, it is really useful.

These people have learned how to expand their advantages within the scope allowed by the rules since childhood, and at all costs.

Lucian Boll, the Slytherin prefect, disagreed with these ideas. Instead, he thought that Marcus Flint played the quality of Slytherin very well---using all means.

He leaned against the steps of the teacher's seat and said with a smile: "But Slytherin's Quidditch matches are just like the House Cup, and they have never lost."

"Senior Warrington, don't you want Slytherin to win?" Draco also interrupted and said.

"At least I don't want it this way!" Warrington clenched his fists, completely disregarding etiquette, and roared like a Quidditch hooligan, "Flint doesn't deserve to be a chaser!!"

Nietzsche found that Warrington had a good sportsmanship, no wonder he could chat with Gryffindor's Wood.

Suddenly, many people in the stands raised their hands, as if pointing at the same thing, and even Draco, who was wrapped in a scarf, found something wrong...

Harry's broom began to flip randomly, and after a while it began to swing back and forth. Nietzsche saw that Harry was almost thrown off several times, and the whole person was hanging on the flying broom.

"Haha, Potter is going to be in big trouble~"

(PS: There is another chapter being baked...)

Volume 1: Chapter 44 Blind Spot Discovered Nietzsche

This incident caused a discussion among the Slytherins.

"Harry's broom was damaged?"

"Impossible, a broom cannot be damaged unless it is broken." Warrington explained, "It is made by wizards with spells, not Muggle carriages, and the braking spells of each company are different!"

Yes, each wizard has different standards for casting spells, so the quality of magic items varies.

There are even patented spells on the brooms produced by trading companies such as Comet and Nimbus, such as the unbreakable braking spell and Holden Cage's braking spell, so the broom itself is a tradable magic commodity.

Nietzsche already knows the reason, and now... he can be sure that the loss of control of the broom must be related to the spell.

"Only spells can affect objects that are cast with spells." Nietzsche lowered his head and looked down at Draco on the steps.

"What do you mean?!" Draco laughed, "Is it me, Nietzsche? If I had this ability, I would have used it against you secretly!"

"I don't think you have this ability either, I just think... he must be the one who hates Harry Potter the most to choose to take action in this situation." Nietzsche instructed, "Take out your wands first."

Calling Warrington and Theodore to prepare their wands is to prevent the worst plan.

Now Harry's broom is completely out of control, with only one hand hanging on it, and those who discovered these things only saw them with telescopes because they flew too high.

"Put away your wands..." Lucien's face turned cold.

"Who dares!" Nietzsche strode in front of him, ignoring the other party's identity, "Get your wands ready, as long as Potter falls, you use the Levitation Charm and the Obstruction Charm together."

"I'm the prefect, I said... no one is allowed to move!"

While several Gryffindor players were trying to protect Harry, Flint took the Quaffle and hit the goal frame five times in a row, winning 50 points, but... this time there was no cheering from Slytherin.

One group of people held up telescopes and stared at the black spot above in horror, while the other group drew their wands and confronted each other.

"I don't care what you are. If you insist, I can also ask the professor to stop the game later." Nietzsche subconsciously reached behind him, but unfortunately, his weapon had already been given to Hermione.

Nietzsche stood on the tip of his shoe and looked up.

His temperament was different from before. Perhaps it was because of the blood of the troll that Malfoy and Boll could feel his ferocity---as if he would really start to cause bloodshed regardless of the occasion.

"This is a rule of the game. You have no evidence to prove that his broom was cursed. It is the operator's fault that the broom is out of control..."

Draco tried to maintain his courage.

"Potter just can't control his broom, huh~"

Yes, losing control of your broom seems to be a common occurrence at competitions! This is luck! It shows that Slytherin’s champion is a must!

"Harry cannot be controlled in the middle of the game. If he were such a rookie, he would have been exposed during training!"

Nietzsche's words made the originally hesitant Slytherin firm up, which made Draco even more gloomy. He originally wanted to put everyone at ease, but found that no one thought his comfort was reasonable.

Many Slytherins began to admire Harry for being able to firmly hold on to a broom that suddenly lost control and persist in the game.

At this moment, Hermione pushed through the crowd and ran over, holding a telescope in her hand.

"The only thing that can affect the broomstick is some black magic. Someone wants to harm him!" Hermione's breathing turned into balls of white air. "I read in the book that if you want to use this kind of curse, you must use your eyes. Always in touch for advice.”

Nietzsche looked around. Except for the Slytherins around him, everyone else was watching the game.

Every corner, every deep breath and shout of the wizards... His eyes circled the entire Quidditch pitch, taking in all the subtle changes.

"What should I do?!" Hermione just wanted to find a way.

"Maybe someone is pretending, but the subconscious mind cannot be changed." Nietzsche pulled out the pistol from her bag and turned on the safety. "Help me pay attention to other people's eyes."

The noise got louder and louder, as if Slytherin was now divided and fighting.

Seeing the gadget that Nietzsche took out from Hermione's schoolbag, some Muggle wizards behind Warrington immediately took two steps back. This action made the pro-pure-blood wizards laugh, and they felt that the opposite party was shrinking.

"I would be happier if Potter broke his brain! Whatever tricks you want to play, just give it to me..."


The sudden crack made Lucian tremble, and the sound echoed across the empty Quidditch pitch.

Many people's eyes moved over, and Nietzsche immediately returned Colt to Hermione, then took out his wand, and at the moment when Lucian had not recovered from the gunshot, the magic spell was emitted from the tip of the wand.


Lucian Bol, the poor prefect, before he had time to recover, his legs softened and he fell from the highest platform, rolling all the way to the bottom.

In fact, Nietzsche remembered all of his blindness before school started.

"Go! Catch him!"

"Go and see how the prefect is doing..."

"I'm fine, catch him, I want him to learn what respect is! Give me everything!!"

Dozens of people stepped on the seats and climbed up from underneath, but Nietzsche was not one to act foolishly, so he ran along the edge of the court. This scene was much more fun than Marcus Flint scoring a dead ball.

Nietzsche pulled off his tie and ran towards a crowded place. The curses behind him made him run away, but they also accidentally injured other people.

"Sorry, excuse me..." He shot back quickly and shouted, "They did it. Those are the fifth and sixth grade Slytherin students! They think Harry Potter deserves this!"

One of the little badgers stood up angrily.

"Prefect Gabrielle Truman?"

"It's Slytherin again, brothers, you really think we are easy to bully..." the Hufflepuff prefect yelled harshly, "show them some color, it's too arrogant to win a game!"

Nietzsche pinched his nose, hid behind them and shouted, "Yes, that's too arrogant!"

Ever since the Slytherin pure-blood faction accidentally injured the first Hufflepuff, the battlefield has not been limited to the Slytherin audience stage...

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