"Come on, let's go to Hagrid. I'll just give him the telescope."

Hermione turned back, took one last look, and apologized to the cheering crowd behind her on behalf of Nietzsche... everyone was led by the nose.

Especially poor Marcus, his position as captain might not be guaranteed.

Volume 1: Chapter 46 The locked suspect

Hagrid's hut is on the other side of the campus. After passing the owl wigwam, you can see the pumpkin patch on the edge of the lake and the smoke-emitting stone hut.

This was the first time Nietzsche saw Hagrid's residence. After pushing the door open and going in, he found that the inside was even more spacious than it looked from the outside, and Harry, Ron and Neville were talking around the stove.

"Hagrid!" Hermione shouted jumping up and down.

She seemed to know the giant, maybe because of Harry Potter.

"Are there guests again?" Hagrid took the kettle from the iron stand above the stove and made strong tea for several people. "Sit in, it's very warm in there... Ouch, my head."

However, the house was still too small for Hagrid. As soon as he stood up straight, he hit his head on the beam above his head.

Nietzsche was a new face to him, so Hagrid acted very nervous. When he saw the tie the boy had retied, his hands and feet became even more frantic. He almost threw a piece of bread into the stove as firewood.

"Nietzsche? John Holmes."

"Sorry...this is rock biscuit, I...you are from Slytherin, right? I know your head of house, he is very...very..."

"He is very arrogant and indulges in everything that happens in his college. You want to say this, right?" Nietzsche complained calmly, "Don't worry, I understand that he has that kind of virtue."

Hagrid nodded subconsciously, and then hit his head in embarrassment.

"Actually, he helped me make a lot of potions..." The giant changed the subject and pointed at the hunting dog at the door. "Stop talking about this, Yaya! He is a new guest, so don't bark!"

Nietzsche fiddled with the things called biscuits on the plate. Each piece was as big as his face. The sound they made when they collided with the porcelain plate made him feel helpless... For Hagrid, they were indeed biscuits.

Maybe even compressed biscuits.

"We have just been talking about Harry." Neville explained to the two of them, "It was about the flying broom that went out of control. What happened?"

"Someone has placed a curse. Only powerful black magic can interfere with magic items..."

Hagrid put the teapot filled with cold water back on the fire stand and said in a dull voice: "Who would harm Harry on the Quidditch field? I mean...other than those people, who would think about a child?" Go to hell.”

This is true, the only people in the whole school who have problems with Harry are Draco and his gang.

As for Snape, he did this to every Gryffindor.

"Those people?" Nietzsche asked insinuatingly, "Are they the people who followed the mysterious man in the first magic war?"

"Yes, it's those dark wizards!" But Hagrid immediately changed his words and said proudly, "But this is Hogwarts, they can't come in, and Dumbledore won't let them interfere. "

It sounds like Principal Dumbledore has a lot of conflicts with purebloods.

"But I heard from Draco that there are more of them. His father is not only the school director here, but also the consultant of the Ministry of Magic." Nietzsche quietly glanced at Hermione, "Dumbledore can't do it alone. Come on."

Watson, it's time for you to record it!

Hagrid obviously didn't know that he was being tricked, and said proudly: "One person is enough, and Principal Dumbledore's friends are everywhere, and one of them is... Nick Flamel."

"The legendary Nigel Flamel?" Neville was shocked.

"No...that's right." Hagrid hesitated.

He probably didn't say much, he just gave these young wizards a brief introduction to Professor Dumbledore, whom he respected most.

But Hermione didn't want to care about this. You know, the big movement on the Quidditch pitch was just to find some clues, so she took the rock cake from Nietzsche's hand and threw it into the middle of the table.

"This thing doesn't look that good, so have you noticed it?"

"Of course, dear Miss Granger, it's really difficult for you to cooperate with me..." Nietzsche sighed, "When Slytherin and Hufflepuff started, I had already gone to the teacher's chair to call the professor. "

In order to prevent the farce from spreading, Nietzsche disguised himself as a student from another college and went to the teachers' chair to call the professor.

He lowered his head, hunched over, and covered half of his face with someone's scarf. No one could immediately recognize that he was a Slytherin student, let alone the students in the audience who were having a big fight at that time. .

The two old professors Flitwick and Sprout's first reaction was surprise and a little panic - this was almost a school-level fight.

So after hearing Nietzsche's announcement, they immediately took action to first protect the students closest to them.

Quirrell's first reaction was to look to both sides of the teacher's chair. When he found that several other professors had already started to stop him, he stood up and took out his wand.

Snape, on the other hand, stared at the sky without blinking, and could only use his peripheral vision to confirm the danger around him.

Ron couldn't wait to shout, "Then it's Professor Snape who is chanting the spell on Harry's broomstick, haha! I knew that old bat had no good intentions! He was cheating off the field!"

"But he has no reason... Just for this reason..." Hermione hesitated.

"Why not Professor Quirrell?" Neville tried to bite a hole in the rock cake, and said incoherently, "Didn't Nietzsche see two professors watching the sky game?"

"Quirrel? The professor who stuttered?" Ron slapped his thigh and laughed, "Impossible, he might have been scared by the situation at that time. Don't you know what he is like normally?"

Quirinus didn't give a good impression.

He stuttered and looked timid, what reason did he have to do this?

"You don't know him at all!" Hermione was very disgusted with this disrespectful attitude towards professors, "Professor Quirrell was the first professor who ran to the center of the crowd to stop this farce!"

As he said this, he glared at Nietzsche.

Ron smiled awkwardly, picked up the teacup, and quieted down with Neville.

But Nietzsche reacted immediately, and Ron's laughter reminded him.

"He was the first to come to the center of the crowd?" He seemed to be confirming with Hermione, "How is his performance? Hurry up, I need you to observe all the details...every second change after he came over."

"I heard from Professor Flitwick that he used a new spell..."

Hermione described how Quirrell overwhelmed dozens of students by himself under the circumstances at the time, and even Harry opened his mouth. They thought that this professor was just bragging in class.

Did Quirrell really expel those vampires?

"I suddenly remembered something." Nietzsche suddenly stood up, and then showed Hagrid a reassuring smile, "Thank you for your hospitality, Professor Quirrell's new spell may be related to the experiment, I'm leaving first."

Too abnormal.

If Snape cast a small curse or curse on Harry for the victory of the Quidditch game, he could fully understand it, because this has always been his style.

And Professor Quirrell has always disliked the limelight. He is the kind of wizard who will run away if he is laughed at in person, and he will not even speak out to deduct points, as if he has forgotten that he is a professor.

During the normal classes, most of the discipline had to be maintained by Nietzsche.

When facing an emergency, a person's behavior is impossible to be the opposite of his daily personality, because this is a reflection of the subconscious.

"It can't be Snape, he has been a professor here for decades..."

Hermione chased out of the stone house in the cold wind.

"Let them doubt, Hermione." Nietzsche looked at the Hogwarts Castle in the distance, stretched out his hand and patted his stiff face, "Don't alarm the snake, Professor Quirrell is too abnormal, as if... he did it on purpose."

"But what if Snape is just for the game?" She didn't dare to think about it, "Nietzsche, you must be sure, this is an accusation involving student safety!"

"So I'm going to confirm it now!" Nietzsche raised his hand and wiped the rain off her shoulders, "Believe me."

Hermione could only stand there and watch Nietzsche turn around and leave.

Believe him...

In fact, Nietzsche didn't say it all: if Snape wanted to win the game, he could just interfere occasionally instead of keeping Harry Potter on the edge of danger.

Snape is a rational potion master, and it is impossible for him to expose himself completely, even if he does not care about his reputation.

So Quirrell looked around at first, perhaps worried... He thought it was his own problem, and he stood up to clear his suspicion immediately.

Nietzsche was observing in the crowd at the time and found that after seeing the farce subsided, the dean shifted his gaze to the sky again, but Harry regained control of the broom and lowered it, and then he came out.

"Snape may be chanting a counter-spell, but why did Quirrell do this..."

This seemingly reasonable phenomenon is so abnormal when it comes to Quirrell. Just a small flaw allowed Nietzsche to clear the fog and see the road ahead.

So that's it, it turns out that Sherlock saw through those cases in this way.

Nietzsche tidied his clothes, and on the day when Gryffindor toasted to celebrate, he came to the office of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, looking at the closed oak door, he had only one thought in his mind:

'He is a curious student, he came to ask about new spells...'

So he knocked on the door.

"Come in~"

After Nietzsche opened the door, he found that Quirrell had prepared a chair in front of the desk. He seemed to have been waiting for a long time. He supported the table with both hands, motioning the other party to sit down and talk, with a smile on his pale face.

"Let me guess, you are here for...for our spell experiment."

"Yes, professor, Halloween is over."

Nietzsche did not deliberately pretend to be an identity to cover up his purpose, but honestly showed his attitude-he was here to learn.

The only thing he needed to do was to wait for the other party to reveal a flaw during the conversation.

(Wuhu, 7,000 big updates, I am almost exhausted, readers' subscriptions are the motivation of the fox!)

Volume 1: Chapter 47 Crushing and strangling

It looks like the same as usual-professor and students explore the magical magic.

Nietzsche is the curious student, and Quirinus Quirrell is the research madman. At present, everything seems to be the same, and Quirrell also knows that he will definitely come to find him.

He is very confident about this...

"Today's Quidditch match was really thrilling. I heard that Professor Snape placed a curse on Harry Potter's broomstick for the match."

"Snape?" Quirrell's eyes widened and his voice trembled with fear. "I thought he was just a little mean to others. Maybe he has something to hide?"

Nietzsche narrowed his eyes and immediately sat on the chair.

"But fortunately, the commotion was big enough. Speaking of which...I saw your new magic spell in the audience today. It was so coooo."

Quirrell snapped his fingers, and two cups of brewed tea appeared on their table. He raised his head slightly, very proudly.

"The core of the floating spell is that the magic power follows the wizard's thoughts to lift the target. In the final analysis, it is actually the function of magic power and objects, so... my new... new magic spell can be said to be related to floating The exact opposite."

"Gravity! Pressure! Whatever you want to describe it."

Still so naughty, but fortunately Nietzsche has become accustomed to the other party's way of speaking.

"It sounds pretty much what I thought..." He took notes while paying attention to the surroundings with his peripheral vision. "The talisman of the floating spell was taken apart and the spell was recited in a completely opposite way. It's incredible."

"I borrowed your...your inspiration."

At Chilo's signal, Nietzsche couldn't wait to draw out his magic wand and recited the spell several times in his mind.

To concentrate, first divide the steps into several parts - first try to control the object with the levitating spell, but do not cancel the spell, but continue to output the magic power to feel the interaction between the magic power and the object.

"Cadi Crush"

No, he didn't want magic to lift objects up and fly high... He wanted things to behave the exact opposite of how they were now.

First, the water glass on the table began to slowly fall to the ground, but it was not over yet. The invisible hands that originally lifted it began to apply pressure, and the glass screamed and began to crack.

The root of the floating spell lies in the interaction between magic power and objects, because magic power attracts, squeezes and collides objects with the table.

As the water glass shattered, the liquid inside splashed onto Quirrell's body. He seemed to be frightened and leaned back.

"Sorry, I didn't control it well." Nietzsche looked at the other party's crimson wizard robe and showed some apology.

"Clean up~" Quirrell waved his wand subconsciously, "It doesn't matter, everyone's first time is always very frizzy... Regarding the issue of spells and magic, I think you should have read about it in the forbidden book area. ”

"I've also finished reading your notes."

Nietzsche acted very modestly, so he stood up and walked to the bookshelf on the left, took out Quirrell's notes from his youth and put them back.

Interestingly, wizards rely heavily on magic spells, and Professor Quirrell is no exception, and he uses them more maturely. However, Quirrell's after-school hobby is flower pressing, and his thoughts are definitely more delicate.

In other words, on Halloween, he was not allowed to carry a stink around with him.

No matter how you perform, you can never fool people with their subconscious reactions.

"It seems that the standard curse has broader development potential." Nietzsche smiled, turned around again, looked at the professor's clean clothes and said, "We are really lucky, at least our predecessors did not take away the credit in advance. "

"Lucky? I can't see it. Maybe... it's because they are... arrogant."

Quirrell was quite satisfied with the whole experiment. In fact, he may have had similar thoughts at first, but after seeing the dark magic, he threw it away.

If I have to say lucky...it should be him.

He was lucky enough to meet Nietzsche, lucky enough to find like-minded students, and lucky enough to find a new path.

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