"Maybe wizards can find more new ideas if they go out..." He glanced at the window behind the professor quickly, "Is that an owl?"

"Aha, a letter from my friend."

The owl used its beak to pick up a letter from the package and stuffed it directly through the gap in the window. From the moment it fell on the windowsill, Nietzsche found the mimeographed badge on it.

It was an open book with a crown on each page, which looked like two fortresses.

If Nietzsche remembered correctly, this was a letter from Oxford University...It sounded ridiculous, a professor sitting in a magic school seemed to have dealings with a Muggle school.


"No...Yes, it's indeed a letter from a Muggle." Quirrell hesitated for a moment and continued, "This is a friend I met from outside when I was traveling. It is said that he is more knowledgeable than most people."

The attitude of the magic world towards Muggles has always been overbearing.

Unless they are family members of wizards, as long as Muggles know about magic, they need to have their memories erased. This is clearly written in the book introducing the magic world.

Then there are two possibilities: either Quirrell concealed his identity, or the other party knew the existence of the wizard.

Nietzsche sighed in his heart. To be honest, he really didn't want Professor Quirrell to be the one he was looking for, because he had finally made the professor's changes better, so he seemed very "self-deceiving".

"It seems that every genius wizard is not so pure-blooded~" he said in a joking tone.

The firelight of the fireplace illuminated the sweat on the professor's forehead clearly, but Quirrell didn't feel hot and wrapped his clothes tightly.

He opened the envelope and said, "Why do you say that?"

"After all, the more you see, the more you understand. Naturally, you won't be like those pure-bloods, staring at the theory of bloodline in a daze. All powerful wizards are also for surpassing themselves~"

Only a mind that is not shackled will have more choices.

"Maybe... there are still some exceptions." Quirrell lowered his voice, "Wasn't that mysterious man also a pure-blood?"

"Maybe he's not? Maybe... that person who can't even be named is actually just a pure-blood who makes him think he is a pure-blood?"

Quirrel opened his mouth and was about to say something when he suddenly frowned and put his hands on both sides of his head and began to rub. This is an old problem. Every time at a certain time, the professor will feel a headache.

At this time, he became more panicked, and didn't care about the Muggle letter. He immediately pushed away Nietzsche who came forward to show concern.

"Let me... rest, go, wait until you practice the new spell, but we still have a lot of things to study."

"Is it the curse of Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Nietzsche's movements were very stiff, and he didn't want to leave just like that, "I've heard about this course, professor... professor?!"

"Yes, it's a curse. I'm not worried about this, but I don't want you to be infected too much."

Quirrel was stunned for a while, and then immediately admitted it.

It seemed that the reason for his weakness was this invisible and intangible curse, and every time the curse took effect on him, Quirrell just wanted his students to stay away.

Only after pushing Nietzsche out of the door did Quirrell cling to the door frame, and his whole body lay on the ground like a puddle of mud.

"Master... Master?"

"Quirinus, I want you to kill him! Kill... that dirty mudblood! No, I want him to feel the pain himself..."

"No, it's not time yet." Quirrell's voice was much clearer, but a little intermittent, "I'm worried that Dumbledore will find out... Master, you can do it yourself after the matter is done."

But his thoughts have been discovered.

"Heart-breaking... bone-cutting! You useless thing, you can't kill a... Potter... You dare not kill a mudblood, take off your turban, take it off!"

Quirrel was like in the Quidditch game, his left hand tightly grasping his chest, he didn't have the confidence before, just in the empty room, like a dead dog, slowly crawling towards the mirror in the room.

After untying the turban a little bit, the scalp without any hair was exposed.

"Do you think that the great Voldemort is... not going to have much time now?" said the hoarse voice, "'Look, he is now... even struggling to talk to people', Quirrell, you think so, right?"

Quirrell turned his head with lifeless eyes, and there was a wrinkled face on the back of his head.

The hoarse voice, the one he called 'master' was Voldemort, the dark wizard whose name could not even be mentioned, just like he excused Snape---maybe he had something to hide?

But now Quirrell did not dare to make any sound, and could only fill himself with fear and terror.

"Ah... That's it, keep... your respect." Voldemort looked at himself in the mirror, "Choosing you as a container... Maybe it was a mistake in itself, that damn mudblood..."

What a horrible scene.

Two faces were born on one head, and Voldemort's entire face seemed to be squeezed out of Quirrell's original skin.

There was only a pair of red pupils in the dark eye sockets, and where the nose should have been, there were two cuts on the back of Quirrell's head as if someone had used a dagger to cut... This was the great Voldemort.

"Slytherin's Mudblood, huh? If he wasn't kept... there would still be some use... Master, I'm willing to help you get rid of him."

"Idiot!" Voldemort drooped his eyes and cursed, "Forget it, you'd better help me get a body before your vitality is exhausted... I really... there is really nothing that can make me worry."

This is the curse of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Quirrell's weakness was not a lie. Voldemort was indeed a curse to him, and he was tortured all the time.

Fortunately, his goal had been achieved, because Nietzsche had seen his extremely abnormal behavior, and Quirrell did not cover himself up, just casually exposed everything.

After Nietzsche came out of the office, he did not immediately return to the lounge, but found an empty classroom with no one to sort out his thoughts.

"How could a wizard who is used to solving problems with magic make such a mistake... No, no, no, he is deliberately letting people find out, but that reckless look doesn't seem to be pretended."

"But what does Quirrell want me to see... Think about it carefully, Holmes..."

By the way, Hagrid said that the only wizards who want to harm Harry in the magic world now are dark wizards, because this involves the first magic war-the mysterious man died because of Harry Potter, so they want revenge.

Could Quirrell be the dark wizard?

Nietzsche didn't think so. To know why Quirrell was afraid of his position, this might be because of the curse, and this "curse" might be the "unspeakable secret".

In the empty classroom, Nietzsche moved all the tables and chairs to the edge and walked back and forth in the center of the classroom alone.

"This is a revenge, a revenge that was directed." Nietzsche seemed to be standing in front of another self, and he said to "him" seriously in his fantasy.

"If he was the knife in the Quidditch incident, then who was the thief?"

"Good question!" Nietzsche waved his wand, moved two chairs, and placed the other empty chair opposite him. "In fact, the thief is the hand that drives the professor's knife."

How could a thoughtful professor tolerate the stench of the troll? This is obviously a signal.

Nietzsche later distinguished the difference between dragon dung and trolls in the Herbology class. Quirrell was indeed lying that day, or he was deliberately reminding others in a way.

So now the most dangerous person is Quirrell...

"You can try to communicate with him."

"There is no way to communicate. Professor Quirrell doesn't want me to be contaminated by the curse. This shows that the curse is contagious in his view, and the spread means that he may be monitored. Once there is direct communication, the curse will spread."

He was deliberately avoiding it, and the so-called physical weakness should be the side effect of some control method.

"The perfect answer is in front of you! Everything is still in time!"

The next day, Nietzsche ran to the third floor with a note.

The above list is the desserts he asked from others. Nietzsche said dozens of names to the ugly gargoyle statue, and the statue did not give way until he said "cockroach pile".

Nietzsche rubbed his eyes, but his spirit was unusually excited.


"Huh? Why are you here?" Dumbledore didn't even have time to change his pajamas. "If I remember correctly, today is Sunday, and Slytherin doesn't have early classes on weekends."

"It's Professor Quirrell, he's in danger now!"

Nietzsche walked straight over and grabbed the water on the table and took a sip.

And he repeated the whole reasoning process at a very fast speed, from the abnormal behavior of the professor at the beginning to the triple relationship between the dark wizard and Gringotts and Quirrell.

Dumbledore's lips were slightly open, like a trance old man, and he groaned in his throat. Nietzsche once thought that the principal fell asleep while standing.

"So, you think there is a dark wizard left over from the magic war, threatening Quirrell with some kind of curse." Dumbledore suddenly said, "That makes sense... No wonder he wants to steal that thing."

But the principal's focus is completely different from what Nietzsche saw.

This made Nietzsche feel depressed. He was already irritable because he hadn't slept all night, and he didn't care about his identity as a student, and spoke a little louder.

"I think what we should pay attention to now is Quirrell, sir! I don't care what gold galleons are buried there, or what are the relics of Nick Flamel, these things are not as important as a life!"

"Mr. Holmes... Although I don't know how you know, what I am protecting is life. Strictly speaking, it should be a precious opportunity."

This is why Nietzsche is tired, the old principal just likes to tell riddles.

The Riddler gets out of Hogwarts... Ah, no, Hogwarts is originally this Riddler.

"What do you mean?"

"Let me be frank. If what you said is true, then Professor Quirrell's situation is not just dangerous."

Dumbledore figured out what happened after listening to Nietzsche's description, so his expression was full of sadness, and the meaning was self-evident---he was powerless.

"Principal, if you still admit the relationship between us, you might as well make it clear."

Nietzsche's heartbeat accelerated because of staying up all night and his emotions. He supported himself on the table with both hands to prevent himself from falling. His questioning also woke up the portraits on the wall, and many principals opened their eyes cursing.

But now all his attention was focused on Dumbledore.

"Wrong time, wrong place, meeting the wrong person, this is the birth of tragedy."

"My purpose in handling cases is never to uncover tragedies, but to prevent them!"

Volume 1: Chapter 48 He will compete with the God of Death

Holmes family members and friends are somewhat stubborn about certain things.

Nietzsche is no exception. He is not the director who stubbornly wants to catch the tragedy, but wants to prevent the tragedy that is about to happen. In this regard, Nietzsche is very different from Shylock, especially after he discovered the 'magic'.

This eleven-year-old student was staring directly at Dumbledore, ignoring the blame and invisible rules of other portraits.

In the end, the old principal became discouraged and lost to Nietzsche in terms of ‘persistence’.

"Okay, your reasoning completely agrees, but due to the lack of some information, it is not completely correct, but the two of us need to put together a conclusion."

Dumbledore walked up to him and helped him sit in his chair, with more love and admiration in his eyes.

"Hey! That's the principal's chair!" shouted one of the portraits.

Nietzsche looked over there and found that the gloomy old man sitting on the luxurious soft chair was Phineas Nigellus Black.

Opposite the principal's portrait, there is a huge mirror next to the black cabinet, but it is temporarily covered by gauze, only the corners and the golden top are exposed.

Engraved on it:

‘Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohs i’

Turn it upside down and it would be a complete sentence: What I show is not your face, but your desire.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore's voice attracted him.

"When did it start... Let's start with Quirinus quitting Muggle Studies and heading to the Albanian forest." Dumbledore waved his hand and lowered the curtain to block the portrait, "Relax, just listen carefully. "

That was when Quirrell was full of theories and planned to obtain first-hand practical information on black magic for his new position.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore pulled out a Muggle newspaper from the drawer. It was the Tirana Daily News in southeastern Europe. The time was around 1990. The news above described the sudden appearance of a large number of dead animals in the forest.

Nietzsche had seen this report before, and because of this, a law to protect wildlife was launched for a while.

"And Quirinas was originally an expert in Muggle studies, so he naturally saw the news. He planned to go there to deal with some dark creatures or... dark wizards who sucked life."

"So he was threatened at that time?" Nietzsche responded quickly.

"Yes, and that person is just as you reasoned---the dark wizard from the last war is far more dangerous than ordinary dark wizards."

In the magical world, the only people who are more feared and hated than the dark wizards are the Death Eaters in Ron Weasley's mouth. They mainly believe in the creed of absolute pure blood and high and low, so most of them are pure blood and big families. of mixed race.

The members of the Death Eaters were almost all Slytherins, which also led to the extremely poor reputation of Slytherin before Nietzsche came.

"As I said, we all have no choice but to let fate push us forward, child." Dumbledore took off his glasses and wiped them with his sleeves, "And Quirinus is now with those Animals are no different."

The old man lowered his head and his eyelashes trembled slightly, but he still did not show any vulnerability.

It was as if he had seen too much in his life, which made Nietzsche feel a little indifferent. It was a self-protection mechanism when people were faced with helpless situations, a short-term escape.

"Hagrid is an honest man. He is just showing off to me how many great people he knows and the elders he knows... Principal Dumbledore, if the treasure left by Nick Flamel is a second chance, then there is still a way. "

Nietzsche suddenly calmed down, contrary to his previous agitation.

In the principal's description, what Nick Flamel left behind was a chance for a second life. That kind of puzzle is already very simple. No matter what it is, this is the goal of the dark wizard and also Quirrell's own opportunity. .

"you mean...

"If you wish, you can leave this opportunity to him."

"Actually, it is not entirely accurate to say that it is a relic, because the owner of the treasure is not dead yet, but it is almost there." Dumbledore thought for a moment, "I need to discuss it with Nick Flamel."

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