"You and Nietzsche usually hang out in the library at this time, why did you bring this up with me for no reason today?" Ron put his hands on his hips, very sensitive to Hermione's arrival.

Although his words were a bit rough, he was very vivid.

"This thing can allow your father to hear every move of the Malfoy family at any time." Nietzsche pushed the black box over and introduced, "So to be precise, we want to ask your father to help each other."

"Just such a gadget? Muggle?"

"I remembered. I used to sneak into the living room to watch TV at night while Vernon was sleeping. I saw it in a movie!" Harry slapped his forehead and was very surprised. "Ron, this thing is indeed very interesting." Suitable for use against them."

With Harry's assurance, Ron gradually showed his joy, picked up a black box and played with it.

Muggle huh?

Just such a thing can monitor someone's every move... Ron thought about what his father said and realized that he was not joking. Muggles can always achieve magic in non-magical ways.

"But the wizard's magic will interfere with the signal, so we still need to improve it." Hermione said calmly.

Ron's performance did not exceed her expectations, because whether it was from 'anger at Death Eaters' or 'Gryffindor-style mischief', he would not refuse directly.

"It doesn't matter! George and Fred like to play with these things." Ron put the remaining boxes into his pockets, looked in Draco's direction and laughed sinisterly, "They won't refuse, it's up to me. On your body!"

This is really strange... Nietzsche noticed the change in Ron.

When he talks about his brother, he is much more confident than before. You must know that the wand Ron uses and the clothes he wears are leftovers from his brothers, which makes him look a bit humble. After all, he is not the kind of person who makes people happy. .

Ron didn't waste any time and immediately left Harry behind to find George and Fred.

This is a good opportunity to feel proud!

"Let's go, George and Fred alone can't do it." Nietzsche and Theodore said hello and walked out.

Harry was puzzled by this: "If George and Fred can't come up with those skipping candies and canary biscuits, then who else can do it? Do you want to bring Professor Quirrell in?"


"Hagrid? Him?!" Harry was shocked. "You can't eat the snacks he makes!"

After Harry followed Hermione and others to the stone hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, he saw Hagrid pushing aside the thick snow with a shovel. The manually formed road was wide enough for three people to walk abreast. Walk.

Hagrid, who had just finished cleaning up, looked up and saw three black spots suddenly appearing in the snow.

"Why are you here?" He took off his gloves and rubbed his rough hands on the moleskin coat twice to wipe away the sweat.

Nietzsche nudged Harry beside him with his elbow.

"We...we want to ask you a favor." Harry said honestly.

"Hahaha, if I can help." As soon as Hagrid opened the door, Yaya ran out for some air, "Come in, it's warm inside... As long as you're not breaking school rules, Harry."

The fact that this honest and honest giant wizard could maintain this character even in the darkest era was enough for Nietzsche to admire him. Sometimes he really felt that Hagrid and Mrs. Hudson were a good match.

One is rough in his work but delicate in his work, and the other is meticulous in his thoughts.

Perhaps there were very few people here at Hagrid, which caused many things to be placed in a messy manner. Nietzsche once again caught a glimpse of those metal parts.

"So, what do you want to do with me all the way from the castle?" Hagrid squatted on a wooden pier.

"Make something, transform ordinary people's tools into a magic item." Nietzsche said directly, "Don't refuse in a hurry, Hagrid, this matter is not just for fun, but it is related to the lives of many people." "

Harry's eyes widened.

What's going on? A guy like him who struggles to watch TV doesn't know what's going on in the outside world.

"This... I'm sorry, it's against the rules to modify Muggle items without permission..." Hagrid was startled by Nietzsche's words.

"But we didn't violate school rules. Besides, you actually have a magic modified car in private, right?" Hermione held the wand that slipped from her sleeve and let the parts hanging from the beams float over.

There are brake parts, springs, pedals... They were wiped shiny by Hagrid.

"Okay, okay, keep your voice down!" Hagrid stood up in a panic and accidentally hit his head.

Hell, Harry and Ron came here every once in a while and didn't find anything wrong. As a result, Nietzsche visited every corner of the room in one visit.

Hagrid first looked at Harry's emerald green eyes and squeezed them with his hands that had no place to rest.

He muttered: "No flying broomstick can bear my size. It was... Arthur... Yes, he recommended me. Only Muggle cars can bear my weight... Nietzsche, Harry, I don't want to go to Azkaban..."

Apparently Hagrid had misunderstood something. He thought this Slytherin would take advantage of this to threaten him.

"As long as you are not a dark wizard, I don't care how many laws you have broken. We just want to find out how you let magic replace engine oil and make it work." Nietzsche directed the kettle to make a cup of tea.

Hagrid's thick hands were clasped around the water glass, as if he couldn't feel the scalding temperature.

He relaxed after confirming the purpose of several people's visit, thinking: Great, the people who can be friends with Harry are good people, at least I don't have to worry about going to Azkaban.

Hermione, on the other hand, held her head high and looked studious, which made Hagrid a little embarrassed.

"Then you also have to tell me what you are going to do." He picked up Yaya, his movements as gentle as a girl's.

"There are dark wizards outside who have committed murders. We suspect that this matter is related to certain families." Nietzsche said, "Ron's father should know something about this matter. If you don't believe it, you can ask him."

Ron's father is Arthur Weasley, whom Hagrid just mentioned.

Now working in the Ministry of Magic's Department for Prohibiting the Misuse of Muggle Items. According to Ron himself, it was a very boring position, but Nietzsche sensed an opportunity - this was a rare talent in the wizarding world.

In fact, Hagrid didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Let him do some hard work, feed some magical creatures, okay, let him give lectures... let's forget it.

"Well, actually, wizards can use magic spells to replace some of the properties of Muggle items to form a...kind of thing." Hagrid racked his brains to explain the process of making magic items, "Probably like an hourglass. cycle.”

Although he speaks in general terms, Nietzsche is still understandable.

The reason why the broomstick can move is because of the braking spell. Each different spell is used to complete the original plug-in functions of the motorcycle, allowing it to complete the magic cycle, and the Muggle thing is the basic model for the experiment.

The cushioning springs combined with the shock-absorbing spell can even have better shock-absorbing effects than the original ones...

Nietzsche saw the future.

Then Ron and his two brothers ran over after asking Slytherin's Theodore Nott.

"Hagrid! You never said you could do this!" George and Fred suddenly pushed the door open. They seemed to have been eavesdropping at the door for a while. "Come on, let me see your flying car, my dad." We were never allowed to touch it.”

"How many people still know?!" Hagrid looked at the three Weasley brothers who came in and collapsed.

"No, we are here to help you." Through the difference in the outline of the ears, Nietzsche identified the man as George. He shouted excitedly, "Let us send those wizards who are talking about pure blood to Az Caban!”

"Arthur won't allow this, it... it's against the law..."

"Not necessarily. Sometimes many laws are pure-blooded assistants." Hermione suddenly said something that was very contrary to her character in the eyes of Ron and others, "It is enough to collect evidence secretly. You only have one chance."

If Arthur takes the bug recording as evidence, then even if the dark wizard related to the case is captured, the remaining wizards will be on guard.

It's likely that these gizmos will lead them to develop other preventive measures.

"Fred! Don't lose my parts!" Hagrid stopped the Weasley twins and said helplessly, "I will help you, but I will also tell Arthur about this, and don't mess with it. Turn items into dark magic items."

Dark magic items?

That thing is simply a waste of the wizard's talents!

Hagrid said he wanted to tell Arthur the whole thing, and Nietzsche didn't stop him. This was a good thing, and the magic bug itself was intended for use by Arthur Weasley, the 'Inspector' of the Ministry of Magic. .

Ron's father responded very quickly and got a reply the next day.

The letter reads:

'I already know about the murder of Muggles. It just so happens that I will visit Hogwarts this Saturday to discuss the matter with Dumbledore and come to see you...

Because of the Muggle items, Molly has made my ears tingle with thoughts, so please don’t spread the word that I am not making magic items, I am just studying how Muggles can live without magic. ’

This is also a disguised promise.

"Then let's get started and get everything in Mr. Weasley's hands before Saturday."

Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table and gave the order with a smile.

Volume One: Chapter 58: Searching for the Great and Free Quirrell

There was still bad news for Harry before Saturday: Snape became the Quidditch referee.

So now he has less time to play with his friends because of Quidditch training. If it were before, Ron would definitely be annoyed by this, but now he has also found something to do---help George and Ferdinand. Red struck out.

After Nietzsche returned to school, it was not long before he naturally went to Chilo's cram school.

"Professor, how about a Christmas gift?" Nietzsche said impatiently after arriving in the office.

"I'm very satisfied, I'm determined..." Quirrell spread his arms to both sides, exposing his wrists. "For this reason, I...I even changed into a new set of clothes. The cuffs are shorter than ordinary wizard robes."

There is an exquisite watch on his left wrist.

Mechanical watches, therefore, will not be affected by the magic of wizards and do not require any extra decoration. Just by looking at the gears operating underneath through the hollow dial, you can discover the simplest mechanical beauty.

"I don't think wizards... know what Muggles are capable of. They can control a part to the size of a hair, and the precision of every... gear is so perfect." Quirrell laughed, "At least I can't. Late for work."

This kind of cold, regular rational beauty is very suitable for Ravenclaws like Quirrell.

As for the price... Nietzsche himself didn't know. He asked Mycroft to bring it from the Diogenes Club and just said he wanted to give it to a professor.

"Ordinary people don't have magic, so they will devote their life's energy to one of the industries." Nietzsche's words were meaningful, "Because they are not controlled by their own hearts, they are free."

Quirrell looked up at the sky outside the window with longing, and seemed to be touched.

Freedom means being out of control, which is a very expensive thing for Quirinus.

Now his master, Voldemort, doesn't even have the strength to talk to people in person. He can only shrink in this body and do everything through instructions and mental supervision.

"Then... How should wizards gain freedom?" Quirrell asked melancholy.

Or, how can he escape from this hopeless situation, being controlled by Voldemort because he wants respect, and wanting to regain freedom because of the answer that has always been at his fingertips.

But he had to maintain his emotions...

"Wizards have always been free, but they choose to close their eyes." Nietzsche whispered in a tentative tone, "Look! Look at our research, this is a strong proof!"

What black magic.

Standard spells act directly on objects, because of this principle, standard spells are very convenient.

"Oh?" Quirrell said with interest, "Another branch besides black magic?"

Nietzsche never fights an unprepared battle, he vowed:

"I have finished reading "The Most Toxic Magic". The core of black magic requires us wizards to convey malice to others... We want people to die, we want people to be controlled by ourselves, we want people to be stung by wasps."

"But the standard spells are the ones that best reflect the essence of magic---we let magic produce light and heat, we let magic move objects to other places... It is magic that makes us wizards, not emotions."

The most difficult magic to learn today is Transfiguration.

Because this involves the wizard's imagination and cognition of things, it is the wizard himself, not the subject, that prevents Transfiguration from being further improved.

"Just like... what if I strike first?" Nietzsche's hand trembled, took out his wand, and twisted Quirrell's arm with the strangulation curse, "I don't need to transmit the magic with malicious intent to you."

He only needs the magic to directly act on the target.

Straightforward, this is what Nietzsche compared in several battles. Some evil curses and poisonous curses need to hit... strangulation does not need it, because magic exists between everything.

"Not... good thinking." Quirrell snapped his fingers with his other hand to offset the magic acting on himself.

"Look, this is magic! It exists between everything!" Nietzsche summoned a feather pen casually, "I'm afraid that the use of the flying curse is not just to take things back, right?"

Quirrell listened very seriously, staring at the student in front of him intently.

Those quills, vellum, and ink bottles were like planets, slowly rotating around Nietzsche, each keeping a relative distance.

"You remind me of a professor I met while traveling. Muggles call that course..." Quirrell stammered and smiled, "Asteroid Dynamics."

Accio, one of the oldest spells of wizards.

When Muggles' things suddenly fall and disappear, they can only reissue or repurchase them, but wizards only need to concentrate to make the things they remember fly in front of them.

"Sorry, I haven't studied astronomy yet." Nietzsche found that the professor was looking at him, so he said awkwardly.

"If... I remember correctly... I mentioned a word in that class - singularity." Quirrell smiled, "From the perspective of Muggles... we are... connecting the anchored object with the gravitational singularity of magic."

Is there something Nietzsche doesn't know?

Quirrel seemed very satisfied with his idea, and was showing off the knowledge he had gained with his age. As a Ravenclaw, he was too keen on every fantasy of magic.

Of course, this was only from the perspective of Muggles,

and magic is indeed as Nietzsche said - invisible, without a fixed shape or volume.

That afternoon, Nietzsche was taught by a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts what asteroid dynamics is. It sounds too... No wonder Quirrell was excluded by other wizards when he was young.

A genius who transcends his time is perfectly presented in him.

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