"Professor, what is your ideal?" Nietzsche said to the professor who was in high spirits but looked weak.

Nietzsche would never let Quirrell, a wizard who violated the unspoken rules of wizard society and was willing to listen to the voices of the outside world, disappear just to satisfy the selfish desires of the black wizard behind the scenes.

But it was not enough for him alone.

"People like me don't have... no lofty ideals. I just want to make my own... decisions and go my own way." Quirrell coughed twice, lowered his head, and blinked his slightly moist eyes.

He wanted to make a choice and be a free wizard as Nietzsche said.

No one could control him, and he didn't want to be afraid all day long.


"No, professor, that's a great ideal." Nietzsche took a sip of red tea and grasped his stiff fingers, "No one can force us to do anything. Every step we take can only be our own choice."

Quirrell raised his head in astonishment, and a plan gradually emerged in his heart.

(Fox changed Chapter 57 after readers found a plot error about Hagrid's motorcycle)

Volume 1: Chapter 59 The Honest Man of the Weasley Family

It's really strange that after Christmas, Snape didn't force Nietzsche to learn how to refine potions.

The only time he stopped him was on Saturday night.

Perhaps because the Slytherin team suddenly lost an "excellent" chaser, Snape's face became even more ugly;

After all, other teams, Vice Principal McGonagall, and Madam Hooch had publicly stated Marcus Flint's various misdeeds on the field, causing Snape to be forced to temporarily replace Marcus under pressure.

But...what does this have to do with him, Nietzsche?

"Professor, how was your Christmas vacation? Is there anyone to accompany you?" Nietzsche smiled politely and greeted, "Smile, you see...Slytherin is a few points closer to the House Cup."

The professor gritted his teeth, and the veins on his head popped out.

Nietzsche was like a fly, observing the details of Snape's clothes on the left, and then going to the right to greet people passing by. People who didn't know Nietzsche thought that another Gryffindor was caught by the old bat.

"I'm having a bad time! Do you know why?" Snape stretched out his hand and pressed his shoulder.

He opened his mouth full of yellow teeth in anger, and saliva splashed from the tip of his tongue.

"Because of you! I should have thought of it earlier... Less than a year after the start of school, you were warned by the Ministry of Magic for using magic outside the school. Also, don't think I don't know that Flint's matter has something to do with you!"

"Professor, that was a discussion between other colleges, and it has nothing to do with me." Nietzsche just calmly raised his wand and let the venom stay in front of him.

It doesn't matter?

If Snape didn't know him, he would almost believe it.

It's really hell, a first-year freshman has the ability to split Slytherin, to the extent that even the dean like him can't stop it, and can only barely stand in the middle.

And that Warrington, he actually dared to unite the other three Quidditch teams to put pressure on the professor...

"You should be sorted into Gryffindor!" Snape was so angry that he couldn't deduct points from students of his own college, so what could he do? After calming down his anger, he continued, "Also, I warn you not to get too close to Quirrell."

"That's the plan of me and Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Bibi strange beans." Snape pouted disdainfully, grabbed Nietzsche's collar and stuffed him into the stairs, "Huh, plan..."

The door of the headmaster's office on the eighth floor was not closed. Nietzsche heard several people talking in a whisper as soon as he reached the top of the tower.

One of them was a tall, thin, middle-aged man with glasses and red hair and a bald head. He seemed very restrained when facing Headmaster Dumbledore, and even took a sip of water.

The clothes were very wrinkled and worn, indicating that the middle-aged man was not wealthy;

The sparse hair represented the other party's upside-down work and rest schedule. The position of the Ministry of Magic must be sparse or very busy... Of course, it is possible that both are true.

"Mr. Weasley?" Nietzsche blinked.

Arthur Weasley turned around and saw that the gray-blue eyes were a little absent-minded. When he noticed Nietzsche's inquiring gaze, he subconsciously put his legs together and sat upright like a student who was randomly checked.

Until he saw Nietzsche's tender hand stretched out in front of him, he stepped forward and held it blankly.

"Albus, what does this mean?" Arthur looked at Snape and Nietzsche standing in front of him and turned his head blankly.

"About the case of the dark wizard, he is the person you are looking for." Dumbledore put his hands in his pockets and threw a strange-tasting bean into his mouth, "This is Arthur Weasley, temporarily attending the Ministry of Magic..."

But Arthur just slapped his thigh and rubbed it a few times.

"There is no such thing as diplomacy... Minister Fudge just saw that I am friendly to Muggles, so he asked me to take on this responsibility temporarily." He raised his head again and asked carefully, "But why is this related to students?"

Dumbledore waited until Snape turned around and locked the office door before shaking off the debris in his hand and adjusting his glasses.

The headmasters on the wall didn't dare to breathe, but just kept leaning on the edge of the photo frame, listening sideways to hear some secret news...What kind of big event could make the Ministry of Magic cautious enough to send someone to negotiate with Dumbledore first.

"Mr. Weasley, don't you know what the dark wizard did?" Nietzsche's heart skipped a beat.

"What did you do...killed a few Muggles, I know about that..." Arthur looked at the serious expressions of the three people around him and began to panic, "What's wrong, aren't we here to find out the murderer?"

Well, the diplomat who was kicked out didn't even know the specific details.

Nietzsche stood beside Snape and narrowed his eyes slightly. The two Slytherin deans and students began to reveal a sarcastic smile in their eyes.

Finally, Snape grinned, as if he was pleased with Arthur's panic: "It seems that this is an unlucky guy, Weasley, go home and eat well...at least he won't suffer too much when he is sent to Azkaban."

"Snape, don't try this!" Arthur cursed tremblingly.

"The dead are officials of the Muggle government, including the United States...You should know what the attitude of the other side of the sea is towards the Muggle government. The current situation is more serious than you think. You are just a poor... scapegoat."

Snape can even imagine the headlines of the news later: "The culprit who almost caused the wizards and Muggles to have an incident."

Although the logic is indeed correct, Snape's words are too much. Look at how he scared Arthur. He was sweating all over before he even started.

"Are there any special ways to treat American wizards?" Nietzsche tried to divert the other party's attention.

"Over there... they are more conservative towards Muggles than the British Ministry of Magic. The American Muggle government is completely unaware of wizards." Arthur slumped in the chair and quickly told everything he knew.

Nietzsche pondered for a while. It was obvious that the man behind the scenes hiding in Oxford University had planned it.

So the man behind the scenes learned about the situation in the magic world through Quirrell, and then let the black wizard's knife ignite the powder keg in the magic world, not only provoking the relationship between the British mainland and wizards, but also directly dragging the United States into the water.

"The one in charge of this diplomacy is Sherlock Holmes, and I happen to be a Sherlock Holmes, so you don't have to worry." Nietzsche comforted, "You only need to consider the disposal of the prisoners, this is the key point."

Some things are matters of principle.

From Mycroft's point of view, the British government must show a tough side, so the criminals will not be dealt with by the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, Ron also said that after the last magic war, most of the Death Eaters escaped by relying on the excuse of "being controlled by the Imperius Curse", so Nietzsche did not want the Ministry of Magic to judge them in the end.

"You mean, the Muggles want to judge the dark wizards themselves?" Arthur grabbed this life-saving straw and said quickly, "So, do you know who the criminal is?"

Nietzsche shook his head slightly, interrupting his wild thoughts.

"I don't know who it is, but I know who it is related to... Who are the beneficiaries of the last magic war, so this time is the same."

Think about it, Arthur, the responsibility you bear is not an ordinary case of Muggles being harmed by dark magic.

Did anyone benefit from the last magic war?

Yes, they made money by burning, killing and looting, suppressed the arrogance of Muggles and half-blood wizards, and finally finished the job perfectly... Dumbledore quickly sorted out his thoughts.

"Those Death Eaters." The headmaster reminded.

"It's them again!" Arthur clenched his rough pants, "That's right, they always like to bully Muggles, I'll go back and apply for a search warrant!"

Snape fell silent and stood against the wall.

Nietzsche stopped the anxious Arthur Weasley and coaxed him, "How can you arrest people without evidence? Okay, Mr. Weasley, why don't you go visit Ron and the others first."

The effect was there. Now Arthur, with anxiety and anger, would be attracted by the eavesdropping plan after finding his sons.

He continued, "They will tell you about the way to deal with it."

Arthur opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after seeing Dumbledore nod, he made up his mind.

The tall and thin man then tidied his clothes, hid his emotions just now, and smiled kindly again. His identity was no longer an official of the Ministry of Magic after he walked out of the office later.

The oak door creaked, and there were only three of them left in the headmaster's office.

Headmaster Dumbledore, Nietzsche and Dean Snape were all lost in thought, and this matter could not afford any mistakes.

"How is Quirinus?" Dumbledore was the first to break the silence.

"It's still the same, but he's been very active recently." Snape said reluctantly with a nasal voice, "I want to mention that Nietzsche, who is well-known in Slytherin, is a little too close to him."

He didn't know what Dumbledore's plan was, but the important thing was not to involve certain people.

"Professor, if you want, I can also give you a gift next Christmas." Nietzsche interrupted out of the blue.

"How come you didn't see anything with your detective brain?" Snape sneered, "Do you think I would be jealous of a Muggle thing? What a joke..."

"Did I ever say you were jealous?"


Nietzsche could swear that if wizards had the opportunity to transfer to other colleges, Snape would have wanted to be sent to other colleges, and then find an opportunity to severely deduct points, and then be punished to go to the basement to manually scrub piles of crucibles.

But unfortunately, there is no if.

"What do you want to say, Severus." Dumbledore also felt a little puzzled, "Did you drink too much Dragon Whiskey this morning?"

"What I want is---you guys stop playing dumb here!" Snape waved his hand to move the snack bowl on the table away, "Didn't you tell Nietzsche about what happened to Quirrell? Curse? Dark magic?"

Nietzsche noticed the headmaster's gaze and immediately turned his head away.

He found that the relationship between Dean Snape and Headmaster Dumbledore was not ordinary bad, so Nietzsche planned to imitate Hermione: play dead.

"We discussed it thoroughly, and the conclusion is... Quirinus can be helped." Dumbledore pondered for a moment and continued, "And your task is: to ensure that he can complete the task smoothly."

"This is the solution that the greatest wizard of the day and the most self-proclaimed wizard have come up with together." Snape nodded and said, "It's perfect."

A thief runs to the owner's house to steal things, not only will he not be caught, but the owner will have to open the safe with his own hands, and even have to watch the property being taken away by the thief with his own eyes.

He wanted to use his magic wand to pull out the strange ideas in the two people's minds.

However, Headmaster Dumbledore didn't care about Snape's sarcasm at all. Maybe he was used to it, but more because only in this office would he show these emotions...even if they were bad.

Snape issued a final warning.

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure." Dumbledore said with absolute certainty, "Based on Quirinus' recent situation, I can be sure that he can't hold on for much longer now. You know who ordered him to do this."

Nietzsche knew that it was a form of curse. The headmaster said that it was a kind of parasitic method, that is, his conversation with Quirrell was probably monitored.

But it didn't matter. He just went to class normally.

"He has a way to deal with that kind of large creature. I almost had my leg bitten off!"

No matter how reluctant Snape was, how he doubted the secrets of the old and the young in front of him, he finally chose to compromise.

His facial muscles began to relax, and he returned to his cold look in class, saying, "I will only ensure that Quirrell will get the things in the end, but you! Don't drag Potter down!"

Roar, it seems that the head of Slytherin has some secrets about the famous Potter.

Nietzsche took the snack bowl taken away by Snape and stuffed a few strange-tasting beans into his mouth in front of the headmaster. The first one he took in tasted pineapple, but the second one immediately had a hot and spicy taste that rushed straight into his nose.

But the gambler's mentality drove him to continue trying.

"Sorry, Severus." Dumbledore looked at his fingers tapping his thighs and smiled, "If you are unhappy, I am willing to let you burn my beard."

But he did not agree to Snape's request.

"Why let Harry in?" Nietzsche also frowned.

"This is a long story, I can't lie, so I can only tell you part of it truthfully... About Harry, he has an ancient magic that can temporarily force out the curse on Quirrell."

Nietzsche knew that no matter how much he said, the headmaster would not reveal too much.

Helpless, Snape could only glare at Dumbledore with his eyes, obviously he cared about Harry Potter.

Targeting is also a way of paying attention, but that was between Snape and Harry, and Nietzsche also knew that the professor was not the kind of person who would tell everything.

"What are you still standing here for?" Snape opened the door of the office and found Arthur still standing there in a daze, so he shouted unhappily, "Why, it seems that you miss the days when you were caught by the administrator and punished!"

Arthur waved at Nietzsche inside.

"I don't know where Ron and the others are now..." He smiled awkwardly.

Volume 1: Chapter 60 Arthur's Attack

Under the leadership of Nietzsche, Arthur finally found his three sons in an abandoned shed on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

They seemed to be tinkering with something, and the magic radio on the table was dismantled, while George was holding a telescope for watching football games in one hand and a magic wand in the other hand, muttering to the parts.

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