This is where Hagrid temporarily adopted magical animals.

"Hey, hey, hey?" Fred on the side shouted, holding a black box.

"I can't hear it very clearly." The voice coming from the other end was intermittent. It was Ron who was sitting at the door of the shed basking in the sun.

"Roger that Ronnie, hey! George! Add another amplifying charm!"

None of them knew that their father had already walked behind them, they were just immersed in studying, and Arthur was already a little eager to try it just by watching them carve a lot of charms on the pile of small equipment.

What is this? Why has he never seen it?

"Well... George, don't tear out the Muggle wires." Arthur couldn't help but said.

"Shut up Fred, it's just a wire..." George cursed subconsciously without raising his head, "You are so capable, why don't you try it yourself, now we just need to let the magic circulate. ”

Fred turned to look at him inexplicably.

But who is Arthur?

He is the person who specializes in handling magic items at the Ministry of Magic, so when he sees George being careless, he feels like there are ants crawling in his heart. In his opinion, George has not learned anything from himself.

"Just wires?" Arthur stood on tiptoe and raised his voice while looking out. "The basis of making magic items is to find a carrier for the magic power. How can you continue after tearing away the original thing used to circulate energy!"

It's no wonder that this 'portable radio' made Ron's voice intermittent. In Muggle terms, it was a poor contact.

George had a lot of semi-finished products on hand, and he was already in a very irritable mood. Now that he was urged like this, he simply thrust the bug into Fred's hand, which shocked Fred.

"Come on, come on, do it..."

"George, are you hallucinating because you stayed up late? I didn't speak just now."

"Who else is it if it's not you?" George said angrily, "Ron is outside, you can't say it's Hermione, right? I can still tell the difference between a male voice and a female voice!"

The smile on Arthur's face gradually solidified, and then he tapped one of the two on the head with his wand.

"You can't even tell me apart?" he said angrily, "Be careful, I will arrest you two and take you two to the Ministry of Magic for interrogation right now, brat... tell me where you got these Muggle items from. Come on!"

"It turns out it's dad. I didn't tell you earlier."

George and Fred, who originally planned to have a fight on the spot, turned around and immediately had playful smiles on their faces.

They lowered their heads slightly, and while admitting their mistake, they also winked at Nietzsche, as if blaming him for not notifying him in advance, which made their embarrassed appearance visible to Arthur.

"Please allow us to make a grand introduction!"

"Magic bug, with this you can hear the suspect's every move while sitting at home."

George and Fred sang along and pulled their father into a chair.

This thing was originally tailor-made for Arthur Weasley, so the two of them did not hide it, and excitedly announced to their father about the creation of the magical bugging device.

Nietzsche sat across from the three of them, adding supplements from time to time.

"So these things are given to me?" Arthur smiled a few times at first, and then his expression suddenly changed, "Ahem... Your father works in the Department of Muggle Abuse and Abuse, and he wants to drag me along to break the law, right? ”

"Wrong~" George raised his eyebrows at Nietzsche, "We didn't use it on Muggles, so it's not illegal~"

In fact, the Weasley brothers were introducing Nietzsche to certain legal loopholes in the wizarding world.

For example, the law prohibiting the misuse of Muggle items actually distinguishes between Muggles and wizards. This law will only officially take effect when magical items fall into the hands of Muggles.

In terms of knowing the law and breaking the law, their father Arthur Williams was the first to be arrested.

"How's the progress?" Nietzsche was as calm as their immediate boss.

"The good news is that the magic bug is successful." George said proudly. "To be honest, this is easier than us directly inventing magic props. The wonderful ideas of Muggles are a ready-made blueprint."

"But the bad news is that once the distance is too far, the sound will be like what you just heard..." Fred shrugged helplessly.

Nietzsche found that Arthur was not like the kind of parent who had strict demands on his children. In other words, he was actually more like a child than George and Fred. He stared at the exquisite black box in front of him and swallowed his saliva, his eyes shining.

Just listening to the introductions from my sons is exciting enough.

"You know too little about Muggles, children." Arthur's words aroused their curiosity. "Do you know why the magic items you make have poor signal reception due to slow magic circulation?"

George and Fred shook their heads. Their father was the expert at this.

Just listen to what he said: "Electricity is magic controlled by Muggles, and these copper wires are channels. You can't break a gap in the channel. This will cause... um... very uncoordinated."

"That's it." George wiped away the spell and re-divided the corresponding areas.

There was no problem with his thinking. The only shortcoming was that he didn't understand the function of each thing in Muggle items. He didn't know what those wires were for, so he simply ignored them, resulting in some loops and even series connections.

Under Arthur's guidance, George quickly corrected his mistake.

"Mr. Weasley, if you have any needs for your little hobby in the future, you can come to me." Nietzsche looked at him with burning eyes.

But at the same time, his impression of the Ministry of Magic became even worse. It was like asking Oppenheimer to engage in law, Newton to be a priest, and George Stephenson to be a train attendant...

The Ministry of Magic has indeed inherited the 'advantages' of Great Britain - use whatever is useful to death.

"Really?" Arthur grinned, "That's great. The old Ford at home was still a scrap I secretly bought from Muggles with my own money... I spent a lot of money just to renovate it. less time.”

When it came to Muggle-related matters, Arthur immediately put everything behind him.

At this time, Hermione walked in quickly from outside. Her hair was tied with a ribbon, and her hair was much smoother. It was no longer as fluffy and messy as it was in class. She held the Luohuang wool shawl on her shoulders with both hands. .

He was still holding an old book in his hand, which looked a bit old.

"I found the information about Nick Flamel. The chairs are flying!" She stood under the wooden shed and took out her wand without hesitation to summon Nietzsche to her side.

The chair tilted backwards, carrying Nietzsche hurtling backwards.

Hagrid said that Dumbledore's friends include Nick Flamel and others, and most of them are old wizards, so she borrowed a book about wizard records from the last century from the library.

"I first found Dumbledore's biography from "Outstanding Wizards of Modern Times", which mentioned that he and Nick Flamel had made achievements in alchemy, so I thought... In this case, I will read it A book about alchemy."

"Sure enough, in books introducing alchemical achievements, the one mentioned most often is Nick Flamel. He is the sole maker of the Philosopher's Stone!"

From related clues, narrowing down the scope bit by bit, this is what Hermione learned from Nietzsche Holmes.

"If Quirrell is the one who wants to steal the Sorcerer's Stone, this proves that he is dying!" Hermione anxiously paced back and forth in front of Nietzsche, muttering to herself, "Why didn't Dumbledore save him?"

Nietzsche's eyes swayed back and forth following her footsteps, and his eyes felt sore.

"Because Professor Quirrell is not the only one who wants it, and Principal Dumbledore will save him."

"Who else?" Hermione asked eagerly.

"The dark wizard in Albania, according to Principal Dumbledore's speculation, Professor Quirrell may be in a parasitic state like those animals... By the way, is Harry still observing Snape?"

Hermione got angry when she mentioned this. She didn't know what Nietzsche was selling.

"Didn't you say you can't alert the enemy in the slightest? That's why he is still worried about Snape being the referee!"

Nietzsche ignored her, just thinking... Why did Principal Dumbledore emphasize Harry in particular? Is it just because he is the 'savior'? No, a title can only bring prestige, let alone intimidate an adult wizard.

In other words, Harry is the key point.

So what is the meaning of Dumbledore saying that only he can break the curse? Obviously, it has something to do with Harry's origin... A baby killed a powerful dark wizard, which is why he was given the title of 'Savior' by the wizards.

"Hermione..." Nietzsche suddenly stopped her.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought of who the dark wizard was." Nietzsche glanced at Weasley in the distance. After making sure that their attention was still on the magic bug, he whispered, "It's the mysterious person from the last magic war."

Nietzsche wanted to use the wizard's thinking to connect the clues.

The only thing Harry could do, the only thing a first year could do, was this.

"Impossible, didn't the book say he was dead?!" Hermione couldn't believe it.

"To be precise, he is probably not dead, so he wants to use the magic stone to get a new life."

It's a pity that the chess move is one move away.

The mysterious man never expected that Quirrell had never given up on saving himself.

At this time, Hagrid came back. When he passed by the shack, he was only wearing a short-sleeved suit sewn with linen. He folded the moleskin coat and carefully put it in his arms.

It looks like he got another treasure.

(Fox updates on time around eight to nine o'clock in the evening, I am a spiritual European, I am convinced)

Volume 1: Chapter 61 Hagrid: Lady Luck is Smiling

(Sorry, QwQ was a little out of date a few days ago, but it has regained some of its status recently)


Nietzsche sat in a seat near the restricted book section of the library, with books of different sizes floating around him.

The books were not only rotating around the two of them, but they were also rotating on their own. It seemed that he was using everything around him to imitate the movement of the planets in the universe.

"There are only ten weeks until the final exam. I really don't know what the exam will be like here..." Hermione sat in the library and prepared a preview plan in advance. "No, I have to practice magic again."

"There are still three months to go, take it easy." Nietzsche said calmly, feeling the flow of magic quietly.

He also thought about the connection between Harry and You-Know-Who.

Perhaps because winter has passed, there are many wizards walking together on the walkway beside the Black Lake. Thinking of Hagrid's high spirits yesterday afternoon, it is speculated that he may have secretly hidden some contraband.

Based on Hagrid's hobbies, even Hermione could guess that it must be about some kind of dangerous magical creature.

Everyone was enjoying this class-less afternoon. Under a dead tree on the edge of the black lake, she also saw Draco Malfoy and Pansy coming together through the window next to them, holding each other's hands. Get started.

"If the mysterious man is really not dead, then I suggest... you'd better not get involved in this muddy water."

Hermione stared blankly at the little man downstairs.

In her opinion, Nietzsche has done enough. From the initial collection of information on the magical world to the theft of the Sorcerer's Stone, he seems to be always in endless trouble.

"This is not the best choice." Nietzsche dropped eye drops into his dry eyes.

"This matter is no longer something you can interfere with!" Hermione raised her wand and stopped the surrounding books. "That's the mysterious man. This is not a little fight between you and Malfoy!" "

Hermione grabbed Nietzsche's sleeve and attracted his attention.

When the sleepy eyes and the warning eyes collided, the former began to wander. Nietzsche knew that she was worried... worried that she would become a tool for the mysterious man to create panic.

However, he currently wants to help Quirrell.

"Don't worry, my background is Principal Dumbledore." Nietzsche pretended to smile calmly.

"I'm just reminding you!" Hermione couldn't control him, so she had to give up, but she still kept an extra thought in mind.

The last few rows of bookshelves suddenly shook, and many books fell to the ground from the middle. The person who caused this behavior that made Mrs. Pince furious was not Nietzsche, but a rare guest in the library - Rubeus Hay. grid.

He turned sideways and looked at both sides of the aisle. When he found that Mrs. Pingsi had not arrived yet, he immediately lay down on the ground and carefully picked up the books on the ground with his index finger and thumb.

But then, he didn't need to worry---because those books returned to their original flavor on their own.

"Thank you... thank you. I just wanted to find some books to read." Hagrid followed the sound of the curse and found Hermione. "The aisles in the library are also...too narrow for me."

He held the book he planned to borrow and put it on his chest with his arm.

"What book are you looking for?" Hermione asked kindly.

"You don't need to bother me. I... I can do it myself." But Hagrid walked out from the middle of the bookshelf, but before he could take two steps, he lowered his head and headed back home, "Well... I'm worried about knocking the bookshelf. turn..."

It seems that Hagrid still has a certain degree of self-awareness about his body shape.

He seemed helpless. When the books fell and the pages were wrinkled, Mrs. Pince would be furious and kick him out.

"Let me must be related to magical animals." Hermione raised her right arm and flew out dozens of related books from the designated area. "This is the most complete one, and there is also a separate encyclopedia of magical animals." "

The covers of dozens of books passed in front of Hagrid.

"Thanks! This is what I want!" He happily took out a few books.

The keen-eyed Nietzsche discovered that what Hagrid needed was "Classification of Irish Dragons", "A Guide to Dragon Hunting" and "A Manual for Hatching Dragon Eggs", all of which were related to knowledge about fire dragons, combined with Hagrid's cover-up that day.

Hogwarts never raises idlers, not even the keepers of the Forbidden Forest.

Before Hagrid could thank him, several more people followed from the aisle behind him. It was difficult for Harry, Ron and Neville not to notice Hagrid's huge size.

"Hagrid, when will you take us to see your dragon egg?" Harry glanced at the other person's book, then clasped his hands behind his back and leaned forward.

Hagrid, who looked grateful just now, immediately became alert after hearing the familiar voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Harry."

"This is the first time I've seen you come to the library." Ron looked at him doubtfully, "Did you suddenly want to learn more about fire dragons on a whim? Come on, you said you wanted a fire dragon. "

"Keep your voice down!" Hagrid lowered his head and looked around, "I have never raised a fire dragon..."

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