Speaking of this, his eyes were full of yearning. In Hagrid's heart, any wizard who was interested in magical animals would always have dealings with fire dragons.

"But private breeding of fire dragons is prohibited." Hermione interrupted his fantasy.

"Don't be such a spoiler~" Ron pulled Hagrid excitedly and retorted, "Maybe Hagrid just wants to hatch the fire dragon, and he will still send it to the wild before he reaches adulthood..."

But Hagrid was unmoved, which made Ron hesitate.

"You don't really want to raise a fire dragon, do you?"

Hagrid hid a few books in his pockets and ignored him. The stubborn Hagrid could not change his mind unless Dumbledore asked him to do so. He just lowered his head and walked back.

If you say you're not interested, that's a lie... How could anyone not be interested in fire dragons? This is an important creature throughout the entire European story!

"Nice!" Hermione puffed her face, looking a little dissatisfied at his wandering state.

"Aren't you curious about the fire dragon?" Nietzsche covered the book and struggled to stand up.

"It's up to you, I'm not interested!"

"It's really strange. Those people who wrote the story may have made some mistakes in their description of the fire dragon." He muttered to himself, all deliberately for Hermione to hear, "Forget it, you are not interested anyway..."

Half an hour later, Nietzsche and the other five followed him to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Yes, Hermione still came over, but just like Nietzsche said, she just wanted to observe the fire dragon.

From the outside, the windows of the house were all blocked by things.

Outside the house was a slightly damp and cold air, but inside the house was a blazing hot summer. The fire in the fireplace burned even brighter than in winter, and between the pile of embers and firewood was a pitch-black egg.

"Where did you get it?" Neville untied his tie and used it as a tissue to wipe the sweat from his face.

"Just yesterday, I won it from playing cards with someone in the bar in Hogsmeade..." Hagrid took out a bottle of wine from the cupboard and bit off the cork with his teeth. "To be honest, that person is absolutely He's a smuggler."

Smuggling dragon eggs is illegal, so the other party used this thing as a bet and lost to Hagrid.

"Then you picked up hundreds of Galleons for nothing?!" Hermione sighed at his good luck.

"That's not a problem. Not many people are willing to buy this kind of thing. The dark wizards in Knockturn Alley don't like to be targeted by people from the Ministry of Magic." Hagrid's face turned red as he choked on the strong drink. "Look for it." Without a seller, it’s worthless.”

Dragon eggs are not like other black magic items. The benefits they bring are really low.

In terms of value, it is indeed very expensive, but in order to hatch a fire dragon, not to mention the energy and cost involved, even if the fire dragon blood is taken later, not many wizards can handle it.

Nietzsche took off his wizard's robe, squatted in front of the stove, and observed the dragon egg at close range.

"Do you know that person?" He found that the texture on the surface of the dragon egg was as rough as burnt wood, and the color was carbon black.

"How could I meet a stranger? Everyone is in the Pig's Head Bar." Hagrid added, "You third years have the opportunity to go to Hogsmeade, but I don't recommend you go there."

Hagrid explained to them that the Hog's Head Bar was mostly filled with idle wizards, thieves, thieves and the like.

Unless you have excellent skills throughout your life, you will only be remembered there.

But for Harry, this means there is a new thing to worry about - what if Hagrid's secret is known, and the family will move to the Azkaban sea view compartment.

"Do you think...could someone do this on purpose?" Harry moved his body next to Nietzsche and leaned over.

"There are too many unstable factors. Even if someone does it intentionally, there is no evidence. A bottle of polyjuice potion can easily change a person's height, appearance and voice." Nietzsche shook his head slightly, feeling wary as well.

But Hagrid didn't feel any danger. He just hummed a little tune and fiddled with the firewood in the stove with an iron hook.

Volume 1: Chapter 62: How to Train Your Dragon

A few days later, Mercury first flew to the Gryffindor table, and then flew to Nietzsche's shoulder with a note in his beak.

That was the news Hagrid sent them: it was about to be born.

Hermione only had one Herbology class on Tuesday morning, but Nietzsche had to take Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, so he had to be the last one there...hopefully Hagrid's dragon would be waiting for him inside the eggshell. .

For Nietzsche, witnessing the birth of a life was a lucky thing.

After taking down the last section of Dark Magic Defense, Professor Flitwick was about to return to his office when he happened to bump into Quirrell who had just left the house.

Nietzsche, who followed closely behind, found that the two were chatting happily, but Quirrell was thinner than before, but when he saw the students in the corridor, he was still standing on tiptoes and waving his arms high to say hello.

The Slytherins passing by nodded respectfully to Professor Quirrell.

"It's going to end in a few months. By the way, do you still plan to continue teaching?" Professor Flitwick said with a smile, holding the water glass.

"Let's talk..." Quirrell leaned against the stone wall of the corridor,

"What are you talking about? There are not many people applying for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor right now." The old dean looked at his body shape and felt a little sad, "Oh, but you can take good care of yourself first."

Quirrell tightened his clothes and smiled reluctantly.

Looking at him like this, Professor Flitwick couldn't help but doubt the legend in the school---who knows, that person really cast a curse.

"There will always be someone else to take over my job..."

"It won't be some crooked melons and cracked dates." Flitwick said angrily, "You don't know who submitted applications to the principal at the beginning... Even the guy who liked to brag wanted to come!"

Quirrell was very surprised when he heard it, but he just laughed with the dean.

At this time, he found Nietzsche, so he waved his hand, causing the other's clothes to fly into his palm with his owner.

"Maybe he can take over in the future and continue to teach me the knowledge I haven't finished teaching."

"Professor, you haven't asked me for tutoring for a long time." Nietzsche forced a smile and said jokingly in a blaming tone.

"I have nothing to teach anymore, let me go." Quirrell laughed and patted his head, "You can still study with the dean in the future, he really likes my Christmas present."

This gift is naturally his research on the nature of standard spells.

As the two of them were talking and laughing in the crowd, Nietzsche wanted time to stop. He lowered his presence, buried his head, and listened to them talking about their youth.

Flitwick was helpless.

He said, "I don't know your little thoughts yet. You just want to travel around a few more times outside. What's the big deal? Just remember that there will always be a seat for you here."

The headmaster of Ravenclaw seemed like a parent. When facing a playful child, he just said: Play, play, and remember to come back and eat early when you are tired.

Nietzsche could feel that Professor Quirrell's hand rubbing his hair stopped.

"It's okay, headmaster." Quirrell suddenly changed his address, "Let's talk about the future later."

He lowered his head, and the reflection of his eyes included Nietzsche and the short Flitwick.

This was a kind of recognition, and this recognition and respect was not because of the help of the master, nor did it come from black magic, but because of the efforts he had made in Muggle Studies and what he picked up again.

"I'll go back and rest first, Nietzsche. I'll test you at the end of the term."

Looking at Professor Quirrell and Professor Flitwick slowly leaving with the help of the wall, he felt a little uneasy, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only ask him to have a good rest.

When Nietzsche arrived at Hagrid's hut, he was standing at the door and sorting out his awkward emotions, and the wooden door suddenly opened.

"Hurry up, I heard your footsteps a long time ago." Hermione saw that he was still dawdling there, and grabbed Nietzsche and pulled him into the house, "If you come a little later, you will miss the day when the dragon is born."

"Aren't you not interested?" Nietzsche deliberately provoked her.

Hermione looked at him blankly, and then said, "Then I'll leave?"

"Just kidding... Look! There's already a crack!" Nietzsche pulled her to sit down with a playful smile, coaxing her, "I heard that there will be an elective course in magical zoology in the third grade, this is a real example of extra points."

"That's a good reason." The girl raised her chin and snorted.

The carbon black eggshell made a cracking sound, and then the inside began to make a rustling and harsh friction sound. A claw broke out of the shell, and then a black head pushed open the upper part of the eggshell.

The broken eggshell was like a hat, covering the head and covering the little dragon's eyes.

It rolled over and staggered out of the eggshell, belly up.

"So cute~" Hagrid used his fingernails to pick up the eggshell fragments.

The little dragon lay on the table, looking backwards at Nietzsche, and his nose shot some sparks at him.

It was black all over, with a little soft thorns on its back and wings. When the orange eyes stared at him curiously, Nietzsche seemed to have something in his heart shouting, driving his hand to move towards it little by little.

The index finger was close to the table, carefully touching the stratum corneum bumps on the head of the dragon.

"Do you have teeth? Hmm?" Nietzsche nodded its head, "Toothless?"

The dragon opened its mouth and showed its small fangs.

"No, I should be its mother!" Hagrid also tried to tease the dragon with his fingers, but it turned over and bit his fingers hard.

"It seems that it doesn't like you." Harry laughed.

"But I heard that dragons grow very fast. What will you do then?" Neville hid behind Harry, only showing his head. "You can't keep it here forever."

"I won it!" Hagrid said stubbornly, "Besides, it's so small now, it will die outside."

The six of them surrounded the round table. It was a rare thing to observe the dragon so closely, so Hermione had already recorded the characteristics of the Norwegian Ridgeback in its infancy.

The wings of the young dragon were not fully opened yet, so it could only wave its teeth and claws at the big head in front of it.

"Who?!" Hermione heard footsteps that didn't belong to the house, and immediately turned around and opened the door. There was only a figure on the hillside in the distance. After a while, the other person turned over the hill and disappeared.

"What's going on?" Hagrid's face turned pale, "Didn't I tell you not to talk nonsense everywhere!"

"My fault, Malfoy must have heard it on the way to the Herbology class this morning." Ron pounded the table regretfully.

Now, once the other party reports Hagrid, this dragon will not be able to stay here anyway. Hagrid walked aside and mixed brandy and chicken blood to make a bowl of food for the young dragon.

Hagrid looked at the dragon that staggered to the bowl and drank chicken blood brandy in big gulps, and his eyes suddenly became hazy.

"There must be a way."

He bit his finger and looked at Nietzsche, the person who could come up with the best solution here.

"I hope you can learn a lesson." Hermione closed the curtains again and scolded, "Can't you be a little more careful? Malfoy can hear this kind of thing!!"

Ron walked back and forth irritably, he was trying to make up for it.

"Don't just criticize me and Harry, wait... maybe we can catch Malfoy and tell him not to tell anyone!"

"Threats are useless. It's Malfoy's choice to say or not." Nietzsche refuted his point of view and suggested, "If Hagrid still wants to keep this dragon, he can only move the place himself."

Besides, Ron didn't have any handle to check Malfoy.

The other party was a nobleman, how could he be willing to be threatened? He was grateful to Merlin for not throwing more stones at him.

"But where else can I go?" Hagrid begged.

"Release it in the Forbidden Forest." Nietzsche pointed out the window, "You are the only Forbidden Forest keeper in Hogwarts, and the entire hunting ground is your work area... If you put a dragon in there and you don't admit it, who can find it?"

Harry and Neville's eyes lit up. Yes, Hagrid should use his advantages.

New skills learned.

"Wait a minute, I... I seem to have a few friends in the Forbidden Forest. They should be able to help me make a temporary venue." Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief and gave Nietzsche a grateful smile.

Hermione: ? ?

Why is Nietzsche also making trouble?

"Hagrid, you can't keep it for long. My brother Charlie said that it only takes a few months for a young dragon to grow to the size of an adult dragon." Ron then suggested, "You still have to let it return to the protected area."

Hermione took a sip of tea slowly.

"What about food?" She was not optimistic about this plan.

"There is no shortage of animals in the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake."

Nietzsche used magic to hold the little dragon, so that it could experience the taste of flying as soon as it was hatched.

"If you fly out of the Forbidden Forest, you will be discovered."

"Then train."

The question and answer between Hermione and Nietzsche made the whole plan of raising Norwegian Ridgeback more perfect. Hermione's purpose was never to make things difficult, but to fill any loopholes.

If you don't know her, you might really think that Hermione is deliberately undermining their confidence.

"But what if Malfoy tells Dumbledore?" This is the only thing Hagrid is worried about.

But what he is most worried about is the least worrying thing in the eyes of Nietzsche and Hermione. Compared with Headmaster Dumbledore, the probability of Malfoy telling Snape is probably greater.

Because Malfoy never knows that the password to the headmaster's office is the name of a bunch of food.

Volume 1: Chapter 63 Daily Life in the Forbidden Forest

Perhaps Malfoy told Dean Snape about this, because he looked at Nietzsche in a strange way in the next few days, and more often with a kind of pride after revenge.

And in a Potions class, Snape's reaction was indeed very intriguing.

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