"This... this is different. I thought you would find a way to become stronger, so that my father would be willing to let me be your subordinate." Daphne chased after him, "If my family has a few more people now, it will be almost the same as Weasley."

By then, she might have to go to a second-hand bookstore to buy a used book by someone else.

"How can you think that one person can surpass a family that has been passed down for thousands of years in a short period of time." Nietzsche spoke the truth straightforwardly, "I just pulled everyone to the same starting line... This is fair."

He couldn't help but give a thumbs up to his wit.

Although Hermione's trick didn't work on him, it was very suitable for counterattacking others.

Daphne pondered over and over what he meant by this sentence, and didn't know what Nietzsche meant by the starting line... freedom... Is this to make her prepare to completely leave the family?

Thinking over and over again, she still couldn't predict Nietzsche's next step.

"So you have a solution?"

"I think the flying car made by Ron's father is quite interesting, what do you think?" Nietzsche replied.

"Wait...wait a minute, this violates the Statute of Secrecy and the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Act." Daphne didn't expect him to be so bold, "Don't forget the relationship between the Ministry of Magic and the pure blood, they won't let it go..."

However, what she thought of, would Nietzsche not think of it?

"Yes, if it were me alone, of course I would ban it, but what if most people like flying cars?"

The Ministry of Magic is ultimately a government belonging to wizards. In order to maintain the stability of the wizarding world, sometimes it is inevitable to make some concessions and sacrifices, and things like laws are meant to be constantly improved.

For example, the magic telephones and magic radios in the wizarding world...

Of course, Nietzsche would believe that Professor Lockhart's next book would sell well.

He has prepared the name, but it will be called "My Journey with Flying Cars".

(Hehehe, thank you all for your strong support, Fox found that he was inexplicably on some best-selling list)

Volume 1: Chapter 89 He is actually a coward

(The order of this chapter and the next one is reversed... sorry)

Hagrid was confused.

When did the Forbidden Forest become a classroom?

He looked at the dozen little wizards and the leader Lockhart, feeling very confused, his mind was empty, and he didn't know what to say for a while... Although the school rules forbid students from entering the Forbidden Forest, what if it is part of the class content?

"Okay, I'm very familiar with the Forbidden Forest..." Lockhart patted his chest and assured.

"Really?" Hagrid confirmed repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, I know the way, just take them to see little things like Hinkpunk."

Then, without waiting for Hagrid's reply, Lockhart threw a sentence "It's class time" and led the students into the Forbidden Forest.

This place is still quite unfamiliar to most people, and Nietzsche looked around and found that many small branches were broken, and some bushes were also crushed by something.

But this time, Nietzsche did not find as many cattails as last year.

"This reminds me of the days of "Wandering with Werewolves"..." He panted, holding a vine as he passed through a swamp area, saying, "This is the residential area of ​​​​Hinkpunk."

Draco ignored him, just squatted down and dug some plants under the roots of some trees.

Nietzsche noticed that there was some dirt on the edge of his clothes pocket, but soon, he stopped staring at Draco, because as Professor Lockhart went deeper, the original path became gradually wider.

The ground began to appear pale white, and it was a bit sticky to walk on, and the surrounding trees began to become charred, as if they were burned by fire.

There were several explosions and rumbles not far away.

'He is the one who is most afraid. 'Nietzsche suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Lockhart's purpose was not to let students see some dangerous creatures in the Forbidden Forest, but to find flying cars safely.

Of course, the Forbidden Forest is so dangerous, how can he solve it alone?

"Aha, a surprise!" Lockhart made a surprised look and shouted loudly.

He asked the students to pull away the bushes and found a Muggle car in a white depression. Its engine was emitting black smoke, and the wheels were spinning on the ground. There were many spider webs and transparent mucus on the car door.

Under the wheels of the car, there were several huge spiders.

"Those spiders are eight-eyed giant spiders. It seems that the venom has no effect on Muggle cars." Lockhart's eyes were shining, and he felt very safe just by looking at it.

The headlights were flashing, and it was like a knight standing on the corpse of the enemy.

"Professor... Professor, are we leaving?" Goyle hid behind a tree and trembled.

"Don't be so scared, look! Aren't those spiders dead?" Lockhart smiled happily and walked proudly on the white land.

Nietzsche realized at this time that the land was not naturally white. The soft and sticky ground was because the spiders laid two layers of fallen leaves on the hard ground, and then wove webs in the gaps between the fallen leaves.

He used his wand to pick up the leaves, and many spiders immediately emerged from the bottom, causing some witches to scream.

"Professor, danger!" Nietzsche shouted.

"Mr. Holmes, don't make such a fuss. You should be familiar with Muggle cars." Lockhart thought the student was talking about flying cars, so he slowly approached the car.

What about the charred trees Nietzsche saw before? Did Hagrid use fire to prevent the spiders from spreading?

It's possible.

"No, this is a trap for the giant spider, and the car is the prey!" Nietzsche spat on the ground and shouted at the edge of the bushes.

"But they are already dead."

"But the sound of the engine and the vibration of the spider web will attract other spiders... Lower your head! Get out of here!" Nietzsche immediately threw out a red light, "Tear into pieces!"

Lockhart was a little confused. As soon as he opened his mouth, some transparent mucus with a fishy smell dripped on his head. Then, he saw the body of the spider falling from the air and falling to the ground.

To be precise, it should be half... because its body was cut in half by Nietzsche with the Cutting Curse.

The professor raised his head stiffly and found that the remaining half of the giant spider was still hanging in the air, which was very strange. The internal organs and mucus made him lie on the ground and vomit out the food he had eaten at noon.

The sky darkened, not because it was dark, but because the gaps in the treetops were covered.

Countless spiders crawled over from all directions. It was hard to imagine how many prey could be caught in such a large pit. This was their hunting ground.

"Repaired~" Nietzsche restored more than half of the car's "injury".

The uneven doors and hood were repaired, and then returned to their original places with those tiny screws. Although it could not be completely repaired due to the lack of parts, it at least made people see that this was an old Ford.

It honked a few times, then increased its horsepower and rushed out from the slope of the pit.

"Thank you... you..." The car adjusted the sound system and composed a thank you with different voices.

"Wuhu, get out of here!" Lockhart took a few deep breaths and got into the car as soon as possible. He was accompanied by Goyle and Crabbe. When they saw the one-meter-high spider, they could no longer walk.

Those giant spiders hung down from the top of the woods, hanging on spider silk, with bloody mouths.

"Okay, okay... Protect yourself with the Spider Repellent Charm, follow my lead." Lockhart immediately rolled down the car window and stuck his head out after seeing the students' disdainful expressions. "Arania ExumaI (Spiders make way)!"

A stream of light blue energy spurted out from the tip of the wand, but it only made the giant spiders step back a few steps.

But at least it was teaching, so Theodore, Daphne and others followed the professor's example. Unfortunately, only a few people succeeded...

Nietzsche looked at the stripes of hair on the giant spider's abdomen, raised his wand, and concentrated his mind---you know what to do, increase the output of magic power, and expand the range of influence of the spell.

"What kind of spell is this..." Daphne was shocked.

They saw that all the giant spiders within a radius of two feet were crushed, but that was not the end. Then the eight-eyed giant spiders turned into a pool of meat paste, so the car saved the collision and just followed Nietzsche slowly forward.

Maybe the claws of the eight-eyed giant spiders were as sharp as knives, and maybe their strength could lift boulders, but all flesh was useless in front of magic.

The giant spider on the treetop jumped down from the air, trying to kill Nietzsche with the venom on its fangs.

But he just shook his wand, chanted a spell and raised his right hand, and then the giant spider stopped in the air, and was crushed to death by Nietzsche's fist.

Apparently, thanks to Quirrell, his practical experience was not lost during the summer vacation.

"That's it, go!" Lockhart's body shook up and down as the car ran over the giant spider. "Remember, don't be anxious when you encounter danger, and know how to use everything around you."

He looked at Nietzsche in front of the car and nodded with satisfaction.

Hey, we are so strong!

But there were too many spiders, and Nietzsche's magic power was almost exhausted. The car had only traveled half the distance. Just when Nietzsche was thinking of a way, a roar came from the sky.

The sound was accompanied by a dry north wind that swept across the entire forbidden forest, and flames fell from the sky, burning the giant spiders to ashes.

And this flame is the life-saving straw. Nietzsche does not need to summon it, he only needs to control the burning fire to open a path.

"Smaug..." The giant spiders screamed hoarsely, shouting this name with fear, and fled in all directions. Some simply dug up the soil and spider webs and hid underground.

But this is tantamount to digging their own graves. The flames scorched the earth and directly scalded the spiders underground.

Lockhart's eyes went black. He had just passed the giant spider level and had no time to be happy. Now he encountered a giant dragon again. Judging from the burning degree of this flame, it was a well-developed fire dragon.

Nietzsche also breathed a sigh of relief. After a long time, the traces around were all made by Smaug...

Volume 1: Chapter 88 Gilderoy: Let's catch the elf~

Lockhart's first class was with Hermione.

This also led to his bad reputation and first impression. On Tuesday afternoon, Nietzsche, who had just finished Transfiguration and Charms, heard Hermione's low voice of disdain in the library.

"When he faced the Cornish elf, his first reaction was not to cast a wandless spell, but to hide under the table." Hermione's face was puffed up with anger.

She was the one who did the most yesterday.

She was the only one in the classroom who used poison and banishment spells to fight back, and this was just like what Quirrell said at home: Gilderoy Lockhart was a complete fool who wanted to attract attention.

"My wand is broken, otherwise I could help..." Ron angrily knocked on the table with his wand.

His wand broke into two pieces when the flying car crashed into the Whomping Willow. Even if he reconnected it with magic tape, it had no effect.

It's like an electric wire. If the copper wire inside is broken, it's useless to just repair the outer insulation layer.

"Then how did you do it at that time?" Nietzsche asked her.

"Didn't you attend classes during the summer vacation? Of course..." Hermione stopped in time, and then showed a fox-like cunning, "But I think this is a good practical content, it's better to rely on yourself."

Nietzsche found that his little trick didn't work.

He was a little angry at first, and then a ridiculous joy was born in his heart... as if he was happy because of Hermione's growth, but this was not the kind of emotion between friends.

Forget it... Nietzsche couldn't analyze his weird emotions for a while.

"But he failed once, maybe he won't use the Cornish elves." Nietzsche put his hand on her shoulder, "So it doesn't matter whether you say it or not."

Hermione was about to say something, but suddenly a flash of light interrupted her thoughts.

It was a boy holding a camera hanging around his neck, his arm was thinner than Crabbe and Goyle's neck. When he found the eyes of the two looking at him, his heart skipped a beat and his breathing became rapid.

"I'm Colin Creevey, a first-year Gryffindor." He said timidly, "I just took some pictures."

Who knows what he was thinking at the time...

Colin was looking for Harry Potter at the time, and he saw Nietzsche leaning leisurely next to Hermione. The ease and pleasure created by that unconscious action is something that people can never deliberately imitate.

"Be careful, if you are seen by a professor who happens to be in a bad mood, your things will be confiscated." Nietzsche said.

"It's better not Professor Snape you are talking about." Hermione pursed her lips tightly and smiled in her heart.

When the bell rang, Nietzsche kept time and ran from the library to the classroom at the last second.

Today's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was different: there was a photo frame on everyone's desk, and the walls were covered with pictures of Gilderoy Lockhart grinning with his teeth bared;

The whole classroom seemed to have turned into a new book launch for Lockhart.

"Okay, students, I see that you all bought my complete set of works, so I plan to do a small test first..." Lockhart pointed to the textbook on the table and said with satisfaction, "Don't worry, it won't affect the final grade."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it won't affect, just fill in something casually.

Before the test paper was handed to Nietzsche, he actually had some thoughts in his mind: probably about the dark creatures that appeared in the book.

But when he saw the test paper, he almost got angry... Nietzsche crumpled the corners of the test paper and resisted the urge to tear it up. He just felt that he was insulted out of thin air.

The question above is: In "A Year with the Tibetan Yeti", what color does Lockhart like, not "What color or thing does the Tibetan Yeti like?"

In "Wandering with Werewolves", what is Lockhart's ideal birthday gift, not "What gift will the werewolf not hurt people after receiving it?"

"Do you know Lockhart's birthday?"

"I don't know... It's a multiple-choice question anyway, just pick one."

After half an hour of murmurs in the classroom, Lockhart finally shouted "Stop writing."

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