He randomly picked out a few papers from the collected papers, but the results were not satisfactory, and when he turned over Nietzsche's paper, it was even more incredible.

"After testing Gryffindor yesterday, I changed the questions to multiple-choice questions, but I didn't expect that even so, someone among you could get zero points!" Lockhart stuffed the paper under the table. His expression was very strange.

Some people got zero points for multiple-choice questions, which is a good joke.

"Mr. Holmes, how can you perfectly miss all the correct answers?"

"I don't know." Nietzsche's facial muscles twitched slightly.

"In a sense, it should be full marks... because you deliberately excluded the correct answers, right?" Lockhart said, "My ideal gift should be 'people with magic and those without magic live in peace'."

Nietzsche did not speak, but just listened to the other party's exaggerated performance in silence.

He suddenly wondered if he should change his plan, after all, this professor did not look like a person with rich experience.

However, Lockhart was not at a loss. He did remember the contents of the book, but deliberately not choosing the correct option was his way of expressing his protest... If it was a multiple-choice question, he would deliberately write the opposite.

"I know this method can indeed attract my attention, but next time... it's better not to use it again, okay? Okay, our first class is about the Forbidden Forest!"

Lockhart patted Nietzsche's shoulder and said a few words earnestly.

This is a good seedling, maybe he doesn't want to waste time... Lockhart thought so in his heart.

"Forbidden Forest?" Theodore jumped up from his chair, "Isn't it the Cornish elves?!"

He only felt his eyes black. You know, after hearing the news from Gryffindor, he immediately started looking for information and planned to perform well in front of the new professor, but...


The smile on Lockhart's face froze for a moment, and then he stood up to explain.

"I originally thought so, but last time there was only one Miss Granger in the whole classroom who could handle it, so I changed my mind... How about this, I just happen to know what dark creatures are in the Forbidden Forest."

This is a lie~

Nietzsche and other little snakes who play well with Gryffindor all know that his wand was thrown out of the window by the elves.

In fact, Lockhart planned to change to another method because he couldn't deal with the Cornish elves, and at the same time he wanted to appear "different".

"What's wrong, are you afraid?" Draco stood at the door and mocked.

He didn't seem to remember what he had encountered in the Forbidden Forest. On the contrary, Daphne remembered some of it, so she seemed to resist this proposal.

"Great, I'll give you a signed photo, you're welcome." Lockhart took out a photo from his arms, ignored Draco's disgusted eyes, and put it directly in his pocket.

So, the content of Slytherin's first Defense Against the Dark Arts changed from Cornwall to a trip to the Forbidden Forest.

Volume 1: Chapter 90 Lockhart Wants to Cooperate

Sometimes, Nietzsche seriously doubted whether Smaug often harassed these eight-eyed giant spiders.

So much so that these giant spiders could shout out its name with a similar sound, as if these giant spiders were strictly guarding their "Lonely Mountain"... Although Nietzsche did not see any gold buried here.

But from Quirrell's perspective, he was lucky because the fire dragon just burned down the hunting ground and left.

"This is really a good adventure. We rescued a flying car from the group attack of the eight-eyed giant spiders," Professor Lockhart wiped the sweat and dust on his face with his sleeve, "Don't worry, everyone will be recorded by me."

Of course, it was the great Lockhart who turned the tide.

And Nietzsche saw the huge phantom through the flames-in just one year, Smaug's body was as tall as an adult fire dragon.

The other little wizards ignored Lockhart's laughter. They were already scared silly, just a little bit... After the squeezed bodies of the eight-eyed giant spiders were burned into charcoal ash, they were not as disgusting as they were at the beginning.

"Here...Okay, let's go back." Lockhart stood at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and waved to the others.

Malfoy held his pockets tightly and left first. The wizards planned to take a shower first, or tell their friends about today's trip to the Forbidden Forest.

"Anything else?" Lockhart found that one student had no intention of leaving at all.

"Professor, this is what you planned." Nietzsche sat on the trunk of the car, swinging his legs, "You found the traces of the car in advance, and brought us to the Forbidden Forest just to help you..."

And the road Lockhart took was actually the product of the magic car running rampant.

Lockhart turned his back to him, touched his wand with his right hand, lowered his head and thought for a while before putting it back to his waist. When he turned around again, his face once again put on his signature smile.

"But this is just a side trip..." He said, "Look, haven't the students learned how to deal with the eight-eyed giant spider?"

As for whether anyone has learned the spider repellent spell, Nietzsche doesn't know, but he can guarantee that the students will definitely not step into the land that looks like white cotton wool again.

For example, they will learn that such places are usually the territories of the eight-eyed giant spiders.

"Based on your performance and outstanding abilities, I decided to promote you to my assistant...how about it?" Lockhart showed a very generous look and continued, "I also know that you are very fond of this guy. ”

He patted the roof of the car, but the magic car unceremoniously popped out the door, knocking Lockhart to the ground.

"Really?" Nietzsche pretended to be very happy. "That's great. I've always wanted to make a flying car."

Unexpectedly, Professor Lockhart himself came to the door.

As a result, the two temporarily became partners, at least until they repaired the Feitian car.

Lockhart was secretly rejoicing in his heart. He had no idea that he would come to Hogwarts and become the founder of the Magic Flying Car; while Nietzsche was complaining about the professor's narcissism and stupidity...

"So you were so close to him?" At noon the next day, Hermione sat on the slope beside the Black Lake, watching Nietzsche roll up his trousers and use the flying spell to catch fish in the shallow water, "You and black magic The defense professor is really a hit with me.”

The same goes for Professor Quirrell at that time, who only had a good relationship with Nietzsche.

"Hey! What did you say to Snape...he even gave you an 'O'!" Nietzsche shouted, "Here comes the mirror carp!"

Then a mirror carp weighing nearly 61 jumped out of the black lake. Its greasy scales made it slip through Nietzsche's hands and hit him straight in the face.

And this fish hasn't even filled Hagrid's iron bucket yet. It's really a universal traceless stretching spell.

"Say 'Professor' Snape~" Hermione corrected.

"I won't, he can't hear it now."

"Who knows?" Hermione said with a bad smile, "Maybe he can hear it from the mouth of a student with excellent grades in Potions... By the way, do you think this is Professor Snape's purpose?"

"Traitor of Gryffindor!" Nietzsche controlled the iron bucket to float and walked up from the shore.

"What about you, Slytherin traitor!"

Two 'academy traitors' brought gifts to the centaur tribe deep in the Forbidden Forest.

Smaug was perched at the bottom of a huge pit. When it discovered Nietzsche, it ran over with a slight flutter of wings, and then used the ferocious horns on its head to push him over. Nietzsche also lay on the ground and stroked his neck. head.

Hermione beside her suddenly chuckled.

"It seems Miss Smaug misses you so much..." she smiled.

"Miss?" Nietzsche noticed something was wrong.

"Don't you know it yet? Smaug is a female fire dragon.".

However, Nietzsche had no idea. He just kicked over the iron bucket and poured out the fresh and fat freshwater fish. After seeing Hermione's shocked eyes, his face immediately fell.

Yes, Hermione had that look that said, 'I never thought you were this kind of person. ’

"Smaug is just a fire dragon!" Nietzsche said as he slapped the fire dragon on the head hard. "I heard that you like to burn down Acromantula's lairs? Come on... you did a good job yesterday!"

Smaug stared at the fish on the ground and feasted, and just nodded in understanding.

Although it doesn't understand much, at least it knows one thing now - Nietzsche, the little two-legged beast, like the centaur, likes to let it play in the territory of those spiders.

"Actually, their IQ is about the same as that of ponies." Hermione reminded, "So they can experience a lot, such as... pleasure and so on. I have read books about fire dragons. They are similar to dolphins."

Under such straightforward ridicule, Nietzsche took a few steps back slightly, farther away from the fire dragon.

"Your ears are red," Hermione said.

Nietzsche knew nothing, he just wanted to thank Smaug.

The two finally played with Smaug for a while before hurried back to class. Although they said they were playing, they were actually practicing controlling fire... It's just that Nietzsche was less interested today than before.

Maybe it was what Hermione said, because no matter how he looked at it, he felt that this Norwegian Ridgeback was quite...beautiful?

No, no, no, this is impossible, Hermione must be disturbing her psychologically.

In the next few days, Nietzsche began to endure Lockhart's narcissism, repairing the car in his spare time, and on the other hand, he had to continue the research of the previous semester with Professor Flitwick.

But because there were too many courses and homework, Nietzsche made suggestions to Professor Flitwick in the Friday afternoon Charms class.

"I can set aside half a class time in the Charms class to conduct experiments on 'standard spells and the essence of magic'." He whispered to the professor sitting on the podium in front of him.

"But...but what about your class content?" Flitwick said.

He has always been relatively lenient with students, and even Malfoy rarely speaks ill of the half-blood goblin.

"Forgive me for saying this, but this is the truth... In fact, I have already mastered most of the standard spells, and the second half of the class is completely our free practice time, and it does not delay our experiments."

Flitwick thought about it and realized that this was the case.

Every time he taught the spells and precautions, he would leave plenty of time for the students to practice.

And all he needs to do is correct the students' mistakes, which is not a troublesome thing for Flitwick. He can complete the theories left by Quirrell with Nietzsche while instructing others...

"But you must use the magic spells you have learned in front of me." Flitwick nodded and agreed.

Looking at the eager-to-learn student in front of him, he sighed. Who could have thought that the timid and cowardly student would give him such a great gift on Christmas?

Perhaps he had already thought that day would come.

The heavy notebook automatically flipped in front of the professor. He glanced at the research content after the levitation spell, which was probably related to the illumination spell.

It said - burning, light and lightsaber.

Volume 1: Chapter 91 Lightsaber Project

Professor Flitwick certainly didn't know that Quirrell was still alive.

And Quirrell gave Flitwick his research results last year for two reasons:

First, if anything happened to him later, his and Nietzsche's path in magic would not be disturbed; second, because Flitwick was once a duel champion and could use standard spells to the extreme.

And this shortcoming was caused by age and experience, and had nothing to do with talent.

"Illumination spell?" Professor Flitwick quickly grasped the key point, "So your starting point is the precautions of the Illumination spell---be careful not to burn the wand when using it."

When it comes to spells, he is a real expert, a walking textbook.

When it comes to the Illumination spell, we have to mention its danger---simple, but requires concentration. If the wand is accidentally ignited, it will cause permanent damage.

"Yes, now we can confirm that the light source produced by the Illumination spell is the product of energy movement..." Nietzsche explained, "You can understand it as the magic power that makes us rub things that we can't see with our naked eyes."

"Then why don't you change the object to the Fire Spell?"

"Because the essence of the Fire Spell is a summoning spell... Just like the Fiery Spell, we are just summoning, which is far less convenient than the Illumination Spell---what we need is a lightsaber, not a fire sword."

Flitwick glanced at his students who were practicing spells, and after confirming that no one of them needed help at the moment, he immediately took out his wand.


"Sunlight shines!"

The professor first placed his palm on the tip of the wand and swept it back and forth. He could clearly feel the heat. When he moved closer to the tip of the wand, his palm was actually stung.

Incredible... a very novel feeling.

"Waste paper is flying."

Nietzsche carefully lifted the brown paper and approached the buzzing light ball. As he expected, the paper immediately turned into a ball of ash due to the heat released by the light ball.

It's hard to imagine that this was caused by the illumination spell... Flitwick jumped up from the chair made of books.

"I'm so stupid! Really... I should have thought that if the illumination spell was not controlled well, the wand would be ignited!" The professor shook his wrist and quickly recited the wand extinguishing spell, "So you want to turn this into a weapon?"

"Using magic to constrain the shape of plasma requires very subtle control." Nietzsche nodded.

The relationship between the wand and the wizard is a 'tool', but it is not the kind that can be ignored.

To put it in terms that wizards can understand, the wand is an amplifier or transformer, and it is the "industrial revolution" of the wizarding world.

The effect of a powerful wizard casting a spell without a wand and casting a spell with a wand on the same spell is completely different.

"I understand, you want to use magic to constrain... that... the movement space of plasma." Flitwick glanced at the notebook and said with a bumpy voice, "But I can't guarantee whether it can achieve the expected period."

It's not difficult for Professor Flitwick to just change the shape of "light".

But he only cares about practicality - if it can only reach the strength of the fire spell, it will at most give wizards an additional means of close protection.

"There is no need to worry about this. As long as it succeeds, I guarantee that there is a way to increase the temperature." Nietzsche vowed.

You have to know that there is also Professor Quirrell as a consultant outside. If the wizard does not know this problem, he can go to Cambridge University to ask some professors. I believe those professional bigwigs will be interested in it.

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