The buzzing light began to stretch to about ten centimeters on the tip of Flitwick's wand.

"When wizards first used the Illumination Spell, they always burned their wands, so they made a 'magic lamp' instead." He patiently explained the history of the spell.

"Is it the small lantern of Hegarty?" But Nietzsche quickly refuted himself, "No, there is a flame in that lantern..."

"That is the everlasting Gubler fairy fire. You can only see magic lamps in some wizards' homes." Professor Flitwick continued, "But then wizards discovered... Do you remember the key points I mentioned last year?"

Nietzsche thought about it. When the professor was teaching this spell, he deliberately emphasized that they should retain some magic power to separate the tip of the wand to prevent the wand from spontaneous combustion.

In other words... wizards have always been restraining the Illumination Spell.

"Under the constraints of magic, the light emitted by the Illumination Spell will not ignite the wand or the surrounding objects, that is to say... it will only become like a flame when you deliberately touch the object."

Flitwick flexibly turned the wand with his fingers, as if he was playing with a ten-centimeter-long knife.

The "buzzing" sound made by the lightsaber was so pleasant to the professor's ears. He held the wand in reverse and slowly inserted it into the table. A gap was immediately cut into the tabletop, and some small flames came out from the place where it touched.

It looks pretty good...Flitwick praised the two people's ingenious ideas one after another.

"Wizards like the elegant kind, but if I knew that the Illumination Spell could be played like this, I would definitely teach those who laughed at my short stature a lesson." Flitwick said in a shrill voice.

With his flexibility when he was young, he could easily cut off the legs of the duelists and make them as tall as himself...

Wait, is this idea a bit too violent?

Flitwick extinguished his wand and patted his head... He is a Ravenclaw, why does he think like a Gryffindor? But just thinking about it is really fun! !

"What if I can raise the temperature to 4,000 degrees, or even tens of thousands?" Nietzsche excitedly wrote down the key points.

Hum, Killing Curse? Cruciatus Curse?

Sorry, really don't contact him, he is afraid of misunderstanding with standard spells.

"Let me put it this way... If you have a way to raise the temperature, the Illumination Spell can be turned into a controllable Fiendish Spell." Flitwick couldn't help but sigh, "At least wizards don't have to worry about being backlashed."

No wonder Quirinus always mentioned Nietzsche in front of him. If it were him, Flitwick would want to include him in his Ravenclaw.

But he couldn't protect Nietzsche so much, because the professor knew... It would be too wasteful and selfish for someone like Nietzsche Holmes to just be his student (personal student).

At the end of the get out of class, Flitwick seemed unusually happy. Although he was a professor, he was the first to leave the classroom.

The professor couldn't wait to share his joy with other deans.

"By the way, can you ask Miss Granger to come to my office this Saturday?" Flitwick jumped away from the students and rushed out of the classroom. "You can go visit the duel club."

Nietzsche touched the cut on the table and was so excited that he couldn't hold the pen.

Lightsaber plan - solve the structure and shape problems... completed.

The next step is to increase the temperature.

But for this kind of problem, he should write a letter honestly and ask Professor Quirrell for advice~

Volume 1: Chapter 92 Malfoy who deliberately finds fault

Harry has two more fanatical fans recently - Ginny Weasley and Colin Creevey.

But for some witches, they will not gossip about Ginny's complicated feelings for Harry, because things that can be cut out at a glance are never as interesting as exploring them personally...

In layman's terms: Nietzsche and Hermione are still more interesting when they pull each other.

On Friday afternoon, the Gryffindors who had just finished the painful Defense Against the Dark Arts were walking towards the basement.

They had spent the entire class listening to how Lockhart drove a flying car and killed seven in and seven out of the hunting ground of the Acromantula. Although he spoke very well, it was a pity that Hermione and others did not believe a word he said.

Just ask the Slytherins and you will know that it was all Nietzsche's fault that day.

"Colin, you should give Harry a breath." Hermione found that he always liked to run around with a camera, just to take a few photos of the "savior".

"Breathe? But I didn't say not to let him breathe." Colin said blankly, "My father is a milkman, so I thought... Use the camera he gave me to take pictures of those magics, after all, my father doesn't believe in "wizards"."

He was busy explaining the reason for taking pictures.

Hermione, who had just come out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, was walking towards the basement. Listening to Colin's words, she had some crooked thoughts in her mind: Yes, photos will record the existence of wizards.

But she immediately pinched her face and hid her thoughts for the time being.

"I heard from George and Fred that wizards' developing potion can make photos 'live'... By the way, do you know any good jobs?" Colin turned his eyes to Hermione, "I used all my money to buy books."

Because of Harry, he got closer to the Weasley brothers.

So they learned about Gryffindor's 'encyclopedia' - Hermione Granger. If you don't understand anything or need help, just ask her.

"Lockhart's personal photographer?" Hermione said perfunctorily.

"No!" Colin refused with a sharp voice, "Take a picture of him, I'd rather clean Filch's trophy, please... Do you want to take a picture with him? Only 5 Knuts is enough. "

He pointed at Nietzsche who had just walked out of the Transfiguration classroom.

What's wrong with poor Colin? He just wants his parents to understand the magical world, and the developing potion is so expensive, which makes Colin Creevey from a proletarian family have to find a way to earn some pocket money.

"Then you might as well put up a notice and take photos of couples who are about to graduate or couples..." Hermione held her forehead and quickened her pace.

She could take Harry's punishment.

Just dealing with Lavender and Parvati in his dormitory was annoying enough.

After dismissing Colin casually, Hermione walked down from the second floor with a stack of Transformation Curse papers and Nietzsche. But as soon as she reached the moving stairs, she heard several curses, which sounded like Draco and Ron. There was a quarrel.

"You Weasleys would rather use Muggle things to frame us... We are wizards! Why are you trying to help an outsider!!"

Draco was seen holding Ron's collar with his left hand and punching him in the face with his right fist.

Just as he was about to pursue the victory, he caught a glimpse of Nietzsche squeezing into the front of the crowd, so he hesitated for a second punch.

"Who the hell is with you, bah!"

Taking advantage of this slowness, Ron pushed the other person away and spat blood on his shoes. Ron's right eye was a little bruised, but even so, he didn't cry. He just sniffed and revealed A contemptuous smile.

The rat Banban jumped out of his pocket and hid between the legs of the crowd and looked out.

"You let those greedy Muggles take away my family's land and money... Weasley, look at you, you help them, but you can't even buy a new wand!"

Draco limped up to him, knelt down, took the wand from his hand and shook it vigorously.

In fact, Draco was not much better, but he was already red-eyed. He completely ignored Ron's tearing and twisted hard, tore off the magic tape wrapped around it, and threw the two wand pieces on the ground.

Ron wiped his nosebleed with his sleeve and put away the two wands.

"Haha, who knows if Malfoy's ancestors used dark magic to defraud the land from the Muggle king." He licked his lips, pointed at Draco's nose and smiled, "Draco, don't even think about it. Clean yourself up."

"What, you want your father who is only a school director to expel me? Come on!"

After saying that, he hit Draco's stomach with his head, held his waist with both hands, and threw him to the ground.

Only the school governor was left...Draco was angered by this statement.

Ron opened his mouth and bit his hand, and then took the opportunity to kick the other's wand aside. Then, the two wizards struggled like Muggles in front of dozens of people.

Both parties tore at hair and clothes, occasionally biting with teeth and pushing with knees...

"Get out of the way!" Harry took out his wand and wanted to step forward to help.

"Don't come, Harry, this is Weasley's lesson to Malfoy!" Ron gasped and endured the pain.

"Professor, they are still fighting." Filch's voice came from the dungeon. "They are Weasley and Malfoy children. They ignored my warning and first openly used magic in the corridor, and then started fighting. "

At this time, Nietzsche saw Filch, the castle administrator, hunched over, guiding Snape the way and speaking enthusiastically.

I saw Snape with a cold face, looking at the two people who were fighting hard to separate on the ground, and just raised his wand, and then Ron and Draco were lifted up by invisible hands and hung upside down from the ceiling.

But even if the two of them couldn't touch each other, they still stared at each other fiercely.

"Ten points each from Gryffindor and Slytherin...who made the first move?" Snape asked the onlookers.

"It was Malfoy who started the trouble!" Neville mustered up the courage to say.

But Snape ignored Neville and Harry and just stared at the remaining Slytherins.

Everyone knew that the dean was trying to deduct more points from Gryffindor, but the people led by Theodore and Hubble saw Nietzsche behind the crowd, so after discussing it in a low voice, they raised their hands. .

"We saw with our own eyes that it was Draco who made the first move," Theodore said.

"Mr. Nott, are you sure?"

"Pretty sure...Draco had a fight with Ron first, and then he used magic in the corridor first."

(Nietzsche: So what do you see me doing?)

"Draco, after class, I will write a review in my office. Okay... come into the classroom." Snape put the two of them down and glanced at the little snakes at the same time, "Weasley, what are you still doing? No need to go to the school infirmary!”

But what else can be done? Because of Snape's intervention, this matter can only be left alone.

It's a pity that Filch could only find Snape in order to be nearby. If it were any other professor, it would not be possible to end it with just a review.

"Are you okay?" Harry stepped forward to help his friend up the second Snape turned around.

"That lunatic... Humph, as long as those two followers don't help, his light fists..." Ron covered his head with one hand and hooked Harry's shoulder with the other hand, "He actually pulled my hair like a girl!"

Hermione lowered her head, feeling a little guilty.

Obviously, Draco turned his anger to the Weasley family. In the eyes of those pure-bloods, Weasley's behavior was tantamount to joining forces with Muggles to bully wizards, not even their own people.

But Nietzsche could understand Ron's disdain.

"Do you think they will jump off the wall when they are desperate?" Hermione looked at Draco's gloomy face and felt uneasy, "I mean... Although they can't do anything to us, our parents are ordinary people."

"If there is a situation, Professor Quirrell will write a letter."

Draco looked down at the red hair on his fingers. He had just pulled it off Weasley's stinky head. If it were normal, he would have washed his hands with disgust...

But he couldn't, because he needed these hairs.

In this class, Snape rarely tortured Nietzsche and other Gryffindors. Instead, he stood beside Draco and let Pansy and Daphne sit together. The two of them whispered something from time to time.

But Ron didn't care about that. He was bragging about how he fought back at that time.

"We found out about the bug so late, otherwise we would have done it long ago." He stuffed a ball of paper into his nostrils, and his voice was very dull, "Damn Death Eaters... They really think they are innocent, huh."

When Hermione was stirring the crucible, she accidentally knocked over other glass bottles because of her great strength.

Fortunately, Nietzsche had been paying attention to her and quickly caught those bottles and jars with magic.

He knew that Hermione was caught in a vulgar humanitarian vortex-maybe she felt that the dirty things of the Malfoy family had little to do with Draco as a student, so she was a little... pitiful?

"How many more rounds do you want to stir?" Nietzsche pushed her a few times.

"Ah? Oh... Help me grind it, I'll make a new one." Hermione said with a frown.

But he was too lazy to say too much.

When bullying ordinary wizards, they usually say "bloodline". When they usually call Weasley a "pure-blood traitor", they never call him "one of us".

Volume 1: Chapter 93 So their style began to change drastically

"Dueling is an art!"

"This art can train the mind and improve ability... Whether it is Muggles or wizards, the honor brought by dueling will never fade. Here, your goal is the future National Wizard Duel Competition."

On Saturday noon, Hermione and Nietzsche were taken to a lawn behind the Owl Shed by Professor Flitwick.

Almost every dean has his own club, and Flitwick's duel club is never open to the public. No one doubted whether his ability was as short as his body, because all those who doubted it lay down.

Hermione and Nietzsche stood behind the professor, and in front of them were several other senior students.

"They are just here to watch, you continue to train..." Flitwick waved to them.

Although they said so, the Ravenclaws did not despise it - the fact that two junior students knew about the club that was not open to the public was enough to explain everything.

They nodded slightly to the two, and then began a one-on-one duel on the lawn.

The students first put a layer of Shield Charm on themselves before the duel began.

Although the judging rule of the real duel competition is "one person lying and one person standing", Flitwick has his own teaching plan.

"In order to prevent accidents, the Shield Charm is considered a failure if it is broken." Flitwick said, "This can improve their concentration and adaptability, instead of waiting stupidly until the Shield Charm is broken before reacting."

Hermione found that everyone's fighting style is different, which is related to their body shape and agility.

"Roger Davis, the chaser of the Quidditch team, so he usually regards those spells as bludgers... Very good simulation ability, but sometimes he also does the opposite during Quidditch games."

Flitwick was depressed when he mentioned this.

It would be fine if Davis regarded the Bludger as a curse, but he also regarded the Quaffle as a curse, which caused him to always deliberately avoid his teammates' passes during the game, making it look like he was playing a fake game.

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