"Dobby, sir... the name of the house elf is Dobby!" It covered its nose, as if it was frightened, and suddenly sat down on the ground, "Dobby is not a thief, Dobby is here... to help. Harry's."

Dobby's eyes were slightly moist due to the burn, but he just sniffed and looked at the other party happily.

It doesn't care at all about the scar on its nose.

"Mr. Holmes is so awesome...Dobby thought Harry Potter was just exaggerating."

"I don't think he came to my dormitory in the middle of the night just to help Harry." Nietzsche did not put down his wand, and his face looked very cold under the light. "Before you give a suitable answer, you'd better be careful. "

"Dobby is used to it. Dobby hears this kind of death threat five times a day at home."

It lay on the ground nonchalantly, using the lightsaber beside its neck to carefully read the contents on the ground. From time to time, it would use its bandaged fingers to pick up its tattered clothes and blow its nose.

It seemed pathetic, but Nietzsche did not let his guard down.

"Why do you know my name?" Nietzsche was a little helpless by its appearance of not being afraid of death.

"Dobby's master and little master will always mention you." He blinked his eyes and tilted his head and said, "But Harry Potter is so disobedient that Dobby can only come to his master for help. The most hated Mr. Holmes.”


Even if Nietzsche thought about it, he would know who the person who hated him the most was.

"Yes, the master's territory is gone. I heard it was taken away by Mr. Holmes." Dobby nodded desperately, slapping his two bat ears, looking very happy.

But the next second, like a schizophrenic patient, it slammed its head on the corner of the bed.

"Bad Dobby, how can a house elf be happy because his master is unhappy?" Dobby said in horror, "Bad Dobby..."

Nietzsche heard about house elves from Quirrell's mouth. This kind of creature has the same mind as a human and has powerful abilities. Due to some historical reasons, it is now only a 'slave'.

And these special slaves can basically only be passed down by the family.

For someone who can make a house elf in his own family have a second heart, I can only say: He is worthy of Malfoy.


"Okay, don't do this useless thing in front of me." Nietzsche moved away slightly and grabbed Dobby's head with magic power.

Being able to arrive at Hogwarts quietly shows that the house elf's phantom migration can break through the school's protection. If it really wants to take action, Nietzsche thinks it will be difficult for him to win.

So he pinches the opponent's head and can strangle it at any time if something goes wrong.

"Well...Mr. Holmes is also a good man." Dobby ignored the blood on his forehead and smiled lightly.

In its heart, Nietzsche was not threatening, but preventing himself from punishing himself, so he mustered up the courage to walk closer without any resistance to the magic around his neck.

This kind of unconditional trust actually made Nietzsche a little ashamed.

"So why is Harry Potter disobedient?" He sat cross-legged opposite Dobby with a book under his butt.

"Dobby blocked the passage and had to lie down with an iron, but Mr. Potter drove the car back to school with Weasley... Dobby was surprised when he heard the news, and even told the master and his daughter The master’s rice is burnt.”

"Why did you stop Harry from coming to the school...the secret room!" Nietzsche reacted instantly, "Have you known about this for a long time?"

Dobby's head clicked as fast as a typewriter.

"That's right, Mr. Holmes is indeed the one who made his master gnash his teeth and moan at home all day long." Dobby knocked heavily on the floor before continuing, "Dobby hopes you will send Harry Potter away."

How weird.

Through Dobby's awkward look, Nietzsche saw through Dobby's contradictory heart: on the one hand, he likes Harry Potter and hates Malfoy; on the other hand, he has to follow the rules.

Finally, he removed the wand from the other's neck.

"As long as Mr. Holmes agrees to Dobby, Dobby can do anything without violating his status as a slave!"

"Even at a great price?" Nietzsche sat on the ground, as tall as Dobby who was standing.

"Mr. Holmes may not know what Harry Potter means to humble, enslaved little people like us... Sir, Dobby still answered: everything." Dobby cried.

It was burned by the energy of the lighting spell, and it didn't cry when its head was held by the lightsaber, but now it was sobbing softly and crying.

This elf who was bound in a cage, even though he knew there would be punishment, was still happy for Malfoy's defeat in his heart.

Dobby's soul was far greater than that of an ordinary wizard.

Volume 1: Chapter 104 The Malfoys are well-raised

To Dobby, Harry was like a beacon shining in the darkness.

It was the existence of that boy that broke the myth of the Dark Lord's invincibility. Therefore, many house elves were no longer regarded as pests, and their quality of life was greatly improved.

And this is why Dobby is willing to sacrifice everything to help Harry... No, to be precise, it wants him to live.

"Mr. Holmes..." Dobby's tears reflected silver light under the moonlight that parted the clouds, "Harry Potter must live. History is repeating itself now. Dobby begs you to send him away."

"I can't do this." Nietzsche said calmly.

"What...what should I do?" Its eyes were as big as two copper bells, and its ears drooped weakly. "Harry Potter will definitely believe you. He trusts his friends very much!"

In order to get Harry to leave school, Dobby ran to Nietzsche's dormitory to seek help.

But it was too naive. Not to mention whether Nietzsche would agree to a strange house elf suddenly coming to the door, and it seemed to have forgotten one thing-the secret room would not stop because of Harry Potter's departure.

"You still don't understand, Dobby." Nietzsche sacrificed his rest time to explain, "Harry will not abandon anyone in Hogwarts and take refuge alone."

"Dobby knows, Dobby knows, but now Harry Potter must save himself first!"

"Tsk... Let's put it this way, since you are willing to do everything you can to stop and hurt Harry so that he can leave school, why can't you help Harry Potter solve the problem of the Chamber of Secrets?" Nietzsche said with a bewitching meaning.

What an admirable house elf.

Nietzsche couldn't wait to remove the shackles on it. Seeing Dobby standing up - when Lucius Malfoy found that his ancestral elf suddenly turned against him, that expression must be very interesting.

But Dobby found his fanatical eyes and was frightened and shrank back.

"This..." Dobby seemed to be thinking seriously, "Dobby can't betray the master..."

"No, no, no, you didn't betray Lucius." Nietzsche sorted out the logic for it personally, and said slowly, "Did Lucius order it like this: 'Dobby, you are not allowed to kill the monster in the Chamber of Secrets'?"

"No." It held its head and shook it seriously, "The master didn't even know that Dobby would protect Harry Potter."

Maybe another house elf would start cursing Nietzsche immediately, but Dobby wouldn't.

It was hostile to Malfoy, so Nietzsche just followed the logic in Dobby's mind to find an excuse it wanted.

"Mr. Holmes is really smart!" Dobby's eyes turned in the moonlight, and he said seriously, "Dobby doesn't know what's in the Chamber of Secrets, and this matter has nothing to do with the man who can't even be named."

Good, good~

Nietzsche almost clapped his hands on the spot.

Lucius Malfoy is unique in being able to train his servants like this.

It is not difficult to hear Dobby's sarcasm: it does not know what monsters are, but it will take action at a critical moment; and this matter is indeed related to Voldemort... The first secret chamber was probably opened by the snake-nosed face.

And Dobby wanted to hit the wall twice more, just because he felt that he was too stupid...

Yes, it did so much, even causing Harry Potter to be seriously injured, just to keep him alive. Since the purpose is to "keep Harry alive", the method can naturally be changed.

"Regarding "betrayal"... I don't think that the respected Mr. Malfoy will think that his servants can solve the secret chamber with a few wizards when they go out to buy groceries." Nietzsche said with a smile.

"Dobby hopes that Mr. Holmes can solve it as soon as possible. As long as Mr. Holmes needs it, just call Dobby."

The elf snapped his fingers, and with a burst in the air, Nietzsche was the only one left in the dormitory, but he couldn't sleep at all. He just fell back lazily and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

At noon the next day, Harry's reaction completely dispelled his last bit of suspicion.

"Didn't you see an elf last night?" He asked hurriedly while lying on the bed before anyone else came.

"Which one are you talking about?" Nietzsche said.

"Who else could it be? It's... Dobby!" Harry grabbed his sleeve and said nervously, "It was it that made me miss the train, and it controlled the Bludger to break my hand. Last night it said it was going to find you."

Nietzsche found that he felt guilty, as if he mentioned himself in front of a strange elf.

But Nietzsche did not show any surprise or other emotions, just nodded quietly and told the other party that nothing else happened... But in fact, he was already thinking about how to give Malfoy another hard blow.

As the treatment time went on, Harry's arm began to grow bones, and now he just had to wait for the healing.

In addition to celebrating the discharge of the Gryffindor Seeker, there was another thing that deserved everyone's attention - the duel club for all grades was about to begin.

Around the notice board in the entrance hall, a group of prefects gathered there, reading the parchment that had just been nailed by Lockhart.

"It will start the day after tomorrow!" Cedric was heard saying excitedly, "Let me see... It says it was proposed by students... When something like this happened in the school, I knew they would not sit idle!"

Hermione was hurrying on her way, which made her bump into Percy.

Percy Weasley, as the head of Gryffindor, should have been happy for Hermione, but the smile on his face was very twisted, and he greeted the two dryly.

"Well... You did a good job, everyone really needs to protect themselves." Percy said and left.

"Have I offended him recently?" Hermione shrugged her nose, a little unhappy.

"If you mean 'prestige', then it is indeed an offense." Nietzsche held a licorice stick in his mouth and looked around boredly, "But compared to this matter, I just want Harry to learn something."

Hermione was very depressed about this. To be honest, Percy attaches great importance to rules.

For example, the prefect should maintain order and stability, but Professor McGonagall asked Percy to only guard the lounge and prevent people from slipping out, while Hermione directly began to lead students across levels.

Therefore, she also took over Percy's responsibilities...but he was too rigid.

"Come on, what do you want Harry Potter to do?" Hermione warned, "Don't forget the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets."

"Will I harm him?" Nietzsche remembered Dobby's appearance and immediately stared innocently, "I just want to find an opportunity to take you to the Slytherin common room."

"I see... So what do you want to do to me?"

The girl crossed her arms and protected her chest, and dodged outside vigilantly.

The two walked through the courtyard outside the entrance hall and came to a lawn, where more than 20 students were standing, most of them were Muggle wizards, and some were even first-year students, who were hiding behind the crowd.

In fact, these people were looking for a place to protect themselves... After all, they didn't know who the next target of the monster in the Chamber of Secrets would be.

"Is it all here?" Hermione suddenly put away her smile and immediately became serious.

Lavender and Parvati looked at her and stuck out their tongues. It seems that their academic roommate is also very talented in changing faces.

The previous second was still laughing with Nietzsche, and the next second was like a professor.

"Almost all of them are here, some of them are first-year students..." Neville whispered, "You won't teach particularly difficult spells, right? Don't forget, we haven't learned that yet."

He had to admit that there was still a little gap between people.

But Neville thought that since wizards like Nietzsche and Hermione were liked by professors, they would definitely practice difficult magic such as the Existence Charm or the Apparition Charm, so he was a little hesitant.

However, Nietzsche dispelled their concerns.

He said, "Don't you even know how to learn the Illumination Charm?"

Illumination Charm?

Isn't that thing used for lighting?

"It seems you misunderstood." Nietzsche looked at their puzzled expressions and said as if he had suddenly realized something, "Please allow me to reintroduce the Illumination Charm - while providing light, it can also burn the enemy~"

Volume 1: Chapter 105 Duel Competition at Hogwarts

The Illumination Charm is the foundation, and it is a must-learn content for first-year students.

Therefore, Nietzsche skipped the teaching and started to explain the characteristics of the Illumination Spell. The reason was very simple. It was nothing more than using high temperature to burn. So the wizards discovered a new world:

It turns out that the Illumination Spell can not only be used to illuminate, but also to cut people...

"Pay attention to your steps. In the absence of the Armor Spell, most wizards will die if they are approached by a lightsaber, so you need to focus on "avoiding" rather than attacking."

Hermione put her hands behind her back and imitated Flitwick's style, which made Nietzsche laugh more than once.

And Nietzsche asked them to divide into two groups: one group dodges, and the other group attacks with the Petrification Spell, and they switch back and forth.

The most surprising one among them was Neville, who seemed to be particularly keen on holding the wand with both hands...This posture was the first time he tried it, but it was quite suitable for him because Neville was strong and belonged to the power type.

"What is the difference between the petrification of the monster and the Petrification Spell?" Harry said panting.

Because of the Quidditch training, he was much stronger than before. Ron, who was standing opposite him, was almost lying on the ground after several rounds of dodging.

"Its eyes." Nietzsche walked among the crowd and said carefully, "You need to avoid its eyes, which means you are forbidden to look at each other... So I hope you will learn how to escape first."

More than a month has passed since Colin's incident.

But due to the command of Hermione and the professors, the person who released the basilisk in the dark never found a second chance.

Nietzsche felt that the other party had no patience.

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