"Hell, can the monsters in the secret room also duel?" Ron said, sitting on a wooden pillar, sweating.

Because his wand was broken, he was unable to learn spells and could only run around under the siege of George and Fred over and over again.

The Weasley twins seemed to have forgotten that it was their biological brother hiding under their wands.

"But the Chamber of Secrets was opened by someone." Slytherin's Hubble was just distracted when he was hit by a petrifying spell from the opposite side, but Neville quickly helped to break the spell.

He had learned this from Hermione, as many people did.

"This is why I let you go together. No matter what, if only one person escapes, it will be considered a victory, even if there is a 'successor' to stop it..." Nietzsche shook his wand, "Don't you still have this?"

After several days of training, everyone was able to control the lightsaber skillfully.

This is not a very difficult thing, the key lies in the idea and casting skills, so on the day when the Duel Club started, the group of them gathered in the auditorium in a very flamboyant manner.

At the end of the dinner, all four long tables disappeared and were replaced by a golden stage.

"Remember?" Nietzsche pulled Harry aside and whispered, "When you show each other the duel, remember to find Draco... I want Hermione to take the opportunity to enter Slytherin to rest tonight. room."

Harry glanced at him and began to feel a little sad.

"I understand, I understand, if he didn't choose me, we would challenge him to a duel together."

"What do you know? I'm not done yet," Nietzsche said.

"Oh... you don't want Malfoy's guys to see it, right?" Harry patted him on the shoulder, thinking a lot in his mind, and finally said with relief, "Don't worry, Malfoy won't be able to come back tonight. dormitory."

In this way, two people who were not on the same channel at all reached a consensus inexplicably.

After a while, all the students in the school came. They crowded next to each other and held their wands tightly in their hands.

"Humph, Gryffindor people are here too." Malfoy, who had been sitting on his chair early, rubbed his wand with his fingertips and scoffed sharply, "I thought you would be scared to hide. Don’t dare come out in the lounge.”

But his words only made the people around him laugh, while the other little snakes looked at him with disgust.

This made Draco clenched his fists involuntarily, but then he suddenly laughed with relief and looked at the group of non-pure-blood wizards with the same disdain.

'If it weren't for Nietzsche...' he thought angrily, staring at the boy surrounded by many people.

"Look over here!" Lockhart, wearing clean, bright purple wizard robes, walked up to the stage and shouted loudly to the students, "It's best for everyone to look over. This time it's Defense Against the Dark Arts." Duel stage."

"If anyone can knock Lockhart out tonight, I'm his fan." Harry groaned.

"Are you serious?" Neville immediately stood on tiptoes and began to look around.

Unfortunately, it was not Professor Flitwick that everyone was thinking about who walked on the stage, but Snape.

With a sullen face, he took small silent steps and immediately appeared next to Lockhart. His eyes looked at Lockhart very calmly, and sometimes showed some pity, as if Lockhart was already dead. .

"Let me introduce my assistant - Severus Snape! Don't worry, I will return the Potions Professor to you intact."

The Slytherin snakes immediately understood the Dean's expression and held a second of silence for Professor Lockhart.

"Can I regret it?" Harry glanced at him, "I would rather take a book and sign Lockhart's name ten times."

And Nietzsche didn't know where Lockhart's confidence came from. How could a man who panicked when he saw the Acromantula defeat Snape?

At this time, the dean pursed his lips and stared coldly at the back of Lockhart's head. Nietzsche didn't understand how he managed to feel nothing. If it had been him, he would have found an excuse to run away.

"Can I ask Professor Snape to assist me?" he grinned.

"Of course..." Snape was also grinning, but this looked even more terrifying to the little wizards.

Lockhart and Snape bowed... if Snape's impatient shaking of his head could be considered a bow.

"one two three!"


But as Nietzsche expected, as soon as the countdown ended, Snape raised his wand over his shoulder, and a red light flashed in the air. Lockhart's wand was immediately released, and then he flew off the stage and hit the wall of the auditorium. .

This made Professor Flitwick, who was watching the show, very crazy. If it were him, he would definitely not be so embarrassed.

"It's okay...waist, my waist." Lockhart staggered up from the ground, his ceremonial robe was stained with a lot of dust, he held his hands on the wall and climbed up, "Actually, I did it on purpose, for Let you see the disarming spell clearly."

His mouth is really tough.

If a strong fire burns through it, there may still be a mouth left open and closed in the dust.

"Actually, Professor Snape's intention is too obvious. I really want to stop you, but..." He noticed Snape raising the wand again and immediately changed his words, "The demonstration is over. Now it's your turn." "

They stood on the stage and assigned different combinations to the students below.

Except for Hermione and Nietzsche, the two of them were temporarily forgotten by Snape. But when he walked in front of Draco, he obviously spent more time - Snape was hesitating about what kind of match he would give him. opponent.

But he couldn't figure it out, so he asked Draco to choose one of the second-year students...except for the first and second-year students.

"Malfoy, why don't you let me see what kind of person you can mold Mr. Longbottom into." He picked out suitable candidates from the crowd slowly, as if he didn't want his students to suffer.

But Neville was not afraid, but walked out excitedly amidst the cheers of his friends.

He took off his wizard robe, revealing a body shape similar to that of Goyle and Crabbe. He was holding a wand in both hands, muttering "sunlight shines" in his mouth, and a sword made of light rose from his wand.

"Ahem...Professor, why don't you let Potter do it?" Draco's hateful gaze sent shivers down his spine.

"No problem, the famous Potter, come here quickly." Snape put away the evil smile on his face, "Let us see how much you have learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

He sensed something was wrong.

Every one of those Gryffindors was unafraid and even wished they could fight against Draco Malfoy.

"Neville, you go and have a good chat with Goyle...Miss Brown, then please have a friendly chat with Pansy." Nietzsche stood next to Lockhart and designated the duel partner for them.

Snape thought quickly. After he noticed the lightsaber waving in the auditorium, he immediately knew that Nietzsche was up to something. Obviously, he wanted to take this opportunity to clean up Draco and the others.

On the Slytherin side, there are also people holding lightsabers high, waving and casting spells, but who are their opponents?

Either George and Fred, or Ron with the broken wand.

"What about Miss Granger?" Snape's black eyes flashed coldly, and he said through gritted teeth, "I think Mr. Holmes is too familiar with her, so he won't be able to learn anything new, right?"

Just when he was about to say something, Daphne stood up from the side.

"I want to see how powerful she is." She stood behind the professor and secretly blinked towards the opposite side.

"No problem! Second year vs. second year, it makes sense." Lockhart said first, "Okay, come to me... I will make a place for you to practice."

Snape took Nietzsche's arm and lifted him to the edge of the auditorium.

He didn't understand...or he was a little afraid, and from the dean's eyes, Nietzsche actually saw that unexpected look: an angry, but surprised look.

And Nietzsche knew the reason for this, because in Snape's view, his tricks were similar to the Muggle's 'coup'.

"What are you going to do...do you think of Slytherin as your own place?" the dean warned, "This is Hogwarts, don't think of this as your previous Muggle school."

"Professor, I don't understand what you are talking about," Nietzsche said calmly.

"Don't you still think those families are miserable enough?"

"I have nothing to say about this." Nietzsche pointed to the wizards who were huddled together behind him, "Besides, they were the ones who threatened us first...so we are just protecting ourselves, Snape - teach --Professor."

Hmm... I've been a little wet recently. Fox will speed up the development of the plot tomorrow.

Volume One: Chapter 106 Draco’s Small Workshop

Draco didn't think he could beat Harry Potter.

This was indeed the case, after all, he was a good student taught by Snape himself.

But others are not so lucky:

Goyle and Crabbe were pinned to the ground by Neville and others, and Pansy's hair was cut in half by Lavender Brown. Daphne was knocked down in less than three rounds by Hermione... But Granger was just showing up.

Draco looked around, suddenly feeling as if he had a mission.

"Hang the golden bell!" He responded before the countdown ended.

Harry seemed to be hanging upside down with his feet tied by ropes. Many people had never seen this spell. Lockhart turned the wand in his hand over and over, but could not break it.

But Harry just waved his wand randomly, preventing Draco from getting closer.

"Wait until I finish shouting, you're in violation!" Lockhart shouted, looking at the two of them in horror.

"No, our original intention is to let students learn how to protect themselves..." Snape took over the power, pointed at the Slytherins who fell to the ground and said, "After all, in a real battle, it can be No one will count down.”

He looked at Harry Potter who was hanging upside down in the air and sneered.

Nietzsche looked at the dean's back and guessed where Draco's magic came from. He was a little hesitant - hesitating whether Professor Snape should be included in the category of 'enemy'.

Of course, if it were Harry, he would definitely make his choice without hesitation.

At the same time, Draco planned to pursue the victory: "The black snake comes out of the hole!"

He said the summoning spell several times in succession.

Long black snakes sprang out from the smoke of the wand's explosion, then opened their fangs and prepared to attack. The wizards around them all stepped back and gave way to the open space. After all, no one wanted to be bitten by a poisonous snake.

Harry cut off one with his hand, but the other two scarlet snakes attacked from behind.

"Give up, Potter!" Draco shouted arrogantly.

"Don't act rashly." Snape ignored Nietzsche's gaze and walked over lazily. He was happy to see Potter in such a mess, "Let me get them away..."

Snape's look made Harry angry: What does he mean? Help Draco first, and then pretend to save me?

No, he doesn't need Snape's help!

So, Nietzsche saw Harry Potter turn his head hard and hiss at the two venomous snakes, and the most frightening thing was that the two summoned snakes crawled towards Draco.

At the same time, Draco showed a cunning smile.

"Serpentespeak!" He deliberately shouted loudly, "Harry Potter is a serpentespeaker!!"

Ron, who was pretending to wrestle with Theodore, didn't care about anything else, and immediately pulled Harry out, and Neville was also very surprised at this time, but he could only vent his anger on Goyle.

Obviously, Draco was deliberately leading Harry to make a mistake.

"Is it worth it?" Nietzsche said softly.

"What?" Snape was obviously surprised by what had just happened.

"I say... Is it worth helping them?" He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked directly at the other party and said, "Do you have to see Slytherin become the most disgusting existence, or do you just dislike Potter?"

But Snape's face was full of "I don't care".

He felt uncomfortable just looking at those gray-blue eyes, so he turned his head and said nothing.

"It seems that Draco has learned a lot from Dean Snape, and there are still people willing to challenge..." Nietzsche continued to ask with his hands behind his back, hiding at the edge of the crowd.

"His father and I know each other." Snape pulled his sleeve.

But Nietzsche didn't intend to tell him about the matter between Malfoy and the Chamber of Secrets, because of the relationship between Snape and Lucius, there are risks... He was not worried about himself, but worried that Dobby would be suspected.

Lucius Malfoy didn't tell anyone else about this, so he could only suspect Dobby.

"Let me do it." Neville was already furious. He pushed through the crowd and walked to where Harry had just been.


But Nietzsche ignored Snape's questioning and left the hall directly.

Hermione looked at Draco, who couldn't get away for the time being, so she helped Daphne up and asked, "What's the password for your lounge?"

"What do you want to say... Oh~ Yes, I forgot." Daphne covered her mouth and understood everything after looking at the boy who left, "But we can't tell others the password casually, so do you have paper and pen?"

She took a magic feather pen, then wrote the password 'pure blood' on a piece of paper and threw it on the ground immediately.

"Oh, my memory is not very good, so I wrote the password on paper... But I seem to have accidentally lost it."

"Thanks." Hermione understood and ran out.

This was her first time visiting, not to mention coming to the Slytherin lounge.

After saying the correct password, the wall behind the dungeon began to flip. When he walked in carefully, he found the mystery here: it was like an underwater palace, which was particularly depressing at night.

She looked at the windows and couldn't help imagining the scene of broken glass and the black lake flooding the lounge.

"What exactly are you going to do when you call me here?" Hermione tore off her red and yellow tie in advance to prevent others from seeing it.

Nietzsche was secretly opening a dormitory door at this time.

"This is Draco Malfoy's bedroom, look here." He rushed into the room and shouted loudly.

Although there were four beds in it, it was cleaner than Nietzsche's bedroom. The quilts were neatly stacked on the beds, and the desk by the window was piled with all kinds of bottles and jars.

Nietzsche immediately squatted down... Sure enough, there was a crucible hidden under the bed.

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