This place has become a small potion workshop.

"This seems to be two-eared grass." Hermione first used her index finger to apply some powder to the grinding rod, and then gently rubbed it with her thumb. "This thing is not strict about the soil, it can grow anywhere, and it can be used in many potion recipes."

But Nietzsche opened the drawer and found some withered sprouts inside.

"But if it is an ordinary potion, it won't take so much." He called Hermione.

"This is slug grass, which can only be used in polyjuice potion." The girl's mind immediately emerged with the hand-painted illustrations in the textbook. She continued, "But two-horned horns and African tree snake skins are hard to get."

That's right, those ordinary materials, Malfoy took the opportunity to grab a lot of them when he went to the first Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Draco can easily get into his office through the relationship between Lucius and Snape."

"The content of the OWLs exam... Although each production takes a month, the steps in different stages are not complicated." Hermione said, "But who will Draco become?"

The Polyjuice Potion can change the age, appearance, gender and skin color of the drinker. Its duration is related to the purity of the brewing.

Nietzsche shook his head slightly. In his opinion, it doesn't matter who Draco becomes, but what he does when he becomes someone else.

Looking at the clean crucible and the sliced ​​leeches, it is obvious that he has practiced in the dormitory a lot on weekdays... And Hermione can only be wary of the people around her, and she doesn't know whose things Draco Malfoy will throw into the Polyjuice Potion.

"Goyle, Crabbe, Sabini..." Nietzsche opened the textbooks on the bookshelf one by one and looked at the names.

Hermione seemed to have thought of something: in such a humid environment, the liquid should not evaporate too quickly.

The crucible was dragged out from under the bed, but Nietzsche found that it was very clean and there was no trace left inside. This was the effect of the cleansing spell. There was not even a drop of liquid, but Hermione still buried her head in it.

"The cleansing spell can't remove strong smells, especially things like Polyjuice Potion." She sniffed and continued, "It smells like a bucket of hot and sour sauce, with a hint of fermented malt."

Nietzsche thought for a while before saying, "It sounds very British. It should be a native British."

Very good, at least they can rule out Parvati and other types.

Because Polyjuice Potion does not have a fixed taste, it produces a taste based on the object of transformation and is related to personality, but this is too abstract. Who would associate personality with taste for no reason!

Could it be that the person who invented Polyjuice Potion was Hannibal Lecter?

Volume 1: Chapter 107 The Second Attack

With Nietzsche's encouragement (flattery), Lockhart still insisted on opening the duel club.

This good news prevented the heavy snow in early December, and everyone could find something to do before going to bed. In order to protect their good friends, the Hufflepuffs also joined in at Cedric's suggestion.

Now Hermione can be said to have made friends with most of the Muggle wizards in the whole school.

"I beat Goyle yesterday." Neville Longbottom boasted about his achievements in the past few days to everyone he met, "You didn't see his expression at that time... Haha, he never knew that such a simple spell could cause harm."

Those not-so-standard standard spells of Nietzsche and Hermione were surprisingly easy for Neville to use.

After all, Snape's evaluation was: Mr. Longbottom made the simplest healing potion, which could be turned into the corresponding poison.

"Harry, what is the password for this month?" Ron yawned and spoke while observing their Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Dragon scum."

"Is Granger still not up?" Ron glanced at the empty stage and asked suddenly.

"Hermione... I heard that she and Lockhart are preparing a new book." Harry looked at him strangely, "It's about magic cars and stuff... Anyway, those are all stories Lockhart made up himself."

Ron nodded and went to find Ginny.

So Harry could only continue to train with Nietzsche under the discussion. He practiced spells over and over again to make himself forget the contempt and fear of the people around him.

And Lockhart didn't deceive Nietzsche, because a few days later, Mercury, who came back late, threw a letter over his head.

The person who signed the envelope was Rita Skeeter.

From the light touch, this is a sensitive and casual person; and the strokes are similar to Lockhart, always like to put a flower or a hook at the end of the letter, all of which are the psychology of wanting to attract attention;

The traces of ink are not dragged, indicating that the writer's thinking speed and signing speed are very fast, which is in line with the work requirements of the publishing staff.

‘Thanks to Gilderoy’s recommendation, I read your book “Salazar Slytherin Speaks”… It’s quite good, but the description of Slytherin is too positive, I’m afraid it won’t attract people…’

‘If Mr. Holmes is willing, we can meet at the Leaky Cauldron during Christmas.’

As expected of a big name in the novel world, Nietzsche easily got the qualification.

“With the recommendation of Mr. Lockhart… you are also going to write a novel?” Hubble put his hand on his shoulder, his eyes wide open in surprise.

Is there anything else that Nietzsche doesn’t know?

Oh, there are still some… For example, some things about emotions.

"It's a biography." Nietzsche corrected him, "I don't want Salazar Slytherin to continue to be smeared by those bad people and become a shield for them to cause trouble everywhere."

At this time, George and Fred ran over.

"Someone was attacked again..."


"Penelope Crevat of Ravenclaw, she was attacked at the door of the girls' bathroom on the third floor."

"Didn't I tell you not to leave alone?" Nietzsche frowned, and then said to Theodore, "Take Hubble and Warrington to the dean and principal, quickly! Get your wand ready! "

He couldn't help feeling depressed, as if he had been gored by a goat, and he was out of breath.

Nietzsche couldn't help but suspect that the attack was deliberately aimed at Hermione, because the location of the attack was not much different from her. Obviously his decision was correct. At least the basilisk would not deliberately offend a professor.

"Yes... it's my fault." Percy's voice was very low, and he said with a sad face, "I originally planned to send Penello back to the dormitory, but she said she wanted to write a face, and then I left first."

Filch also came this time, and he didn't seem to be afraid of the monster in the secret room at all.

The squib dragged the chain and squinted at every wizard who stepped on the steps. He just wanted to find the wizard who killed Mrs. Norris. After seeing Nietzsche coming, he started to lick his fingers and scolded which student. There is suspicion.

When Nietzsche rushed over, he found Prefect Penello lying on the ground, surrounded by broken glass shards.

Hermione was the first to arrive. Professor Lockhart was still pretending to look around, as if he thought he could find some clues, followed by Harry and Nietzsche.

"Where is Myrtle?" Nietzsche said.

"She was also petrified." Hermione opened the bathroom door, and everyone saw the ghost exuding black gas, sitting on the toilet with his mouth open, and the scream stayed in his mouth forever. .

Unfortunately, the basilisk did not forget to spare the ghost.

"Why didn't you wait for her?" George blamed his brother.

"I...I...because I don't want to be seen by others." Percy drooped his head. This time he didn't get angry because of his brothers' accusations. "I didn't let Ginny tell you about this, just because of you." It will definitely be said everywhere..."

The Ravenclaws were the angriest, as they seemed to have never thought that their own house would be poisoned.

Because the eaglets have always been solitary, they retain some indifference towards many things. However, when the butcher knife is raised above their heads, they will still cry out in pain.

"Potter?" Senior Roger Davis took out his wand and pointed behind Nietzsche and shouted.

"I've been in the Great Hall the whole time!" Harry shouted angrily, "From the moment you started to doubt me because I was a Parseltongue, I have been in the Great Hall the rest of the time except for classes. Why do you think I have to endure those eye-rolls! "

He strode over the girls on the ground, grabbed the Ravenclaw senior's wrist, and pressed the tip of the wand with his chest.

"If you think I am the murderer, knock me unconscious and see if the next person will be killed!"

Roger Davis couldn't make up his mind, so he turned his attention to the real dueling club member-Nietzsche.

"I can testify to this." Nietzsche waved his magic wand and pulled the two people apart. "If it was really Harry Potter who did it, he would rather be bitten that day than reveal his Parseltongue. And he was in Malacca." I grew up in the world of melon.”

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed like this was the case, plus Harry had never left their sight, so he couldn't open the secret room.

"What a pity. If I had known that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets was passing by my door, I could have stopped it." Lockhart kept tutting, as if he had really defeated Snape that day.

Hermione felt scared and helpless at the same time.

What she was afraid of was that the basilisk was indeed coming for her, because it had been wandering on the third floor; but what was helpless was that people in the dark seemed to be watching, and once they showed their weakness, they would bite her without hesitation.

But the third floor is a winding corridor, and the way out is only a few stairs.

However, no abnormalities were found in those portraits. Where else could such a huge basilisk hide?

Because of Penello's incident, the whole school began to be filled with a suspicious atmosphere. When Professor Flitwick came over, he was in a trance and almost fainted on the ground.

"She's not dead yet." Minerva picked up Penello.

"That's good...that's good..." Flitwick's whole body was trembling, "Minerva, I almost thought we were going to have more Myrtles."

But this matter was eventually spread outside, because the latest "Daily Prophet" published the recent secret room incident, and wrote the news that made him numb - the school board will turn the blame on Dumbledore headmaster.

That's right, the Hogwarts school board, which had done almost nothing, applied for a suspension order from the Ministry of Magic.

"That little brat." Nietzsche cursed through gritted teeth.

This matter must have been spread by Draco, and Malfoy wanted to take this opportunity to interfere in Hogwarts...

Of course, they are in a hurry. After all, their home is almost gone. No, they are now trying to find a new place to stay.

Fox's Book Friends: Winning prizes in various competitions and going abroad.

The fox himself: a pure code word treasure (good, good, good, it turns out that among a bunch of big guys, I am the only one who is messing around)

Volume One: Chapter 108 The Intervention of the Ministry of Magic

When Penello was hospitalized, Percy would always visit her.

In the days before the Christmas holiday, no one was willing to sit and wait for death. Nietzsche was a little grateful to the basilisk - because the indiscriminate terrorist attacks would only make the entire Hogwarts more united.

This also turned the group meeting that Hermione originally used for communication and learning into a larger wizard group.

"If Principal Dumbledore leaves, won't the attacks become more frequent?" Hannah Abbott said angrily, "How can the board of directors apply for a suspension order at this time?!"

The pure blood in Hufflepuff College is a rare thing. This college is the cornerstone of the British wizarding world.

Therefore, they firmly believe that the target of the next attack will definitely be a Muggle in Hufflepuff. They try their best to participate in the group... At least psychologically, they will be more relaxed.

"Malfoy is also a school director. They must know something..."

"Do they want to occupy Hogwarts?"

The little wizards chirped and cursed the injustice of the wizarding world, and wrote their signatures of "going home" on the Christmas stay-at-school list.

Nietzsche knew that this matter was definitely related to Lucius Malfoy. When he heard Ron's cynical talk, an inspiration suddenly flashed through his mind, just like lightning breaking through the dark night sky.

That's right, he wanted to overthrow Mr. Weasley in the Ministry of Magic, and a "magic car" alone was not enough.

Nietzsche questioned himself in his heart: Think about it... Think about what Dobby said, it knew that the Chamber of Secrets could be opened by Lucius, so it came to "protect" Harry Potter.

He looked at the heated discussion on the long table, so he planned to throw another can of incendiary agent into it.

"Who knows, he opposes the "Muggle Protection Act" advocated by Mr. Weasley, and maybe he wants Hogwarts to ban the admission of Muggle students." Nietzsche mentioned it casually.

Cedric's character made the Ravenclaw Quidditch team members admire him. He is a student who can distinguish right from wrong.

So he clenched his fists, stood up and pushed the atmosphere of the whole banquet to a climax. Everyone pounded the table and looked at the guest of honor in front.

Even Headmaster Dumbledore did not expect that these students would be so excited. He looked at Nietzsche meaningfully.

"Okay, quiet down!" Dumbledore pressed his palms and gradually suppressed the voices below. "The Ministry of Magic has not responded to the suspension order. My first priority is to protect your safety."

He didn't think that Cedric and those Gryffindors could infer the purpose based on Lucius Malfoy's statement in the daily newspaper.

There is no need to think about it. It must be the anger provoked by Nietzsche Holmes.

"So is this true?" Cedric stood up and shouted with courage, "Do they really want to drive us out?"

"I can guarantee that even if the suspension order is really recognized by the Ministry of Magic, those conspiracies will not succeed... Then Vice Principal McGonagall will replace me as the interim principal." Dumbledore did not refute, but just comforted them.

Nietzsche put on his windbreaker and gave Draco a provocative smile.

In a way, his attitude towards them was more like Moriarty who had not yet lost his morals, but he was more unscrupulous than Sherlock.

"I'll ask my father to protest to Minister Fudge!" Cedric said angrily.

"Really?" Draco didn't take him seriously at all and sneered, "I remember Mr. Diggory was only in charge of magical animals... Oh, don't worry, maybe he can replace Hagrid and work here for free."

"What do you mean by that?"

Ron picked up an unfinished pudding and threw it at the Slytherin table.

This move made Professor McGonagall very angry. She scolded before Dean Snape could speak: "Five points from Gryffindor... Mr. Weasley, if you are full, leave the hall!"

Dumbledore's face was full of fatigue. He sighed as he looked at Nietzsche who was expressionless on the side.

After the banquet, he wanted to call Nietzsche to the courtyard outside the entrance hall alone, but suddenly felt that it was not safe, so he asked Vice Principal McGonagall to call Hermione over.

"Hagrid is going to be taken away." The principal stood by the fountain and suddenly told the two people who came over and said something not so good.

"Why?" Hermione was shocked, "What does Hagrid have to do with this... I mean, although he likes to raise some magical creatures, how can the Ministry of Magic casually use such a false accusation to accuse him?"

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