Dreams...dreams and the like can't be eaten~

But how can Nietzsche get 500 gold galleons?

Ask Watson? Forget it, he is about to marry Mary, and three thousand pounds is not a small amount.

Should he go to Moriarty and say "I have a good idea"? If Sherlock knew about it, he would be scolded to death. He found his father's number one rival and got on the other's pirate ship... It's unreliable no matter how you think about it.

As for Sherlock, Nietzsche didn't think that a person who was idle all day and went to the underground boxing ring every day to earn extra money could save much.

"Great, I will let you know as soon as I have news." Rita stood up and used her wand to clean the dust on her clothes. "I hope we can go to the tavern in Hogsmeade next year."

She finally didn't have to endure it anymore.

This shop was as dirty as the Hog's Head Pub. Rita had already exhausted her patience just sitting here, and the way she behaved made Hannah even more unhappy.

If Nietzsche wasn't a Muggle wizard, she wouldn't want to come to the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley.

"By the way, Hannah, has she paid?" Nietzsche looked at the table with only two glasses, and his heart tightened.

"A total of thirteen silver Sickles and five knuts." The girl with two ponytails shook her head, and then whispered, "Don't deal with such a shady person. My father always said that such people are willing to do anything for money."

Nietzsche watched Rita hurried into the backyard of the tavern, and silently told himself not to be angry.

It doesn't matter.

This little money will be deducted from the five hundred gold galleons.

Volume 1: Chapter 110 Hermione: I found the point

Lucius Malfoy has been too happy recently.

Good things keep happening!

His plan has not deviated from the track. Now he only needs to wait quietly for the attack on the Chamber of Secrets at Hogwarts to intensify, and he can successfully put Arthur Weasley into an irreparable situation.

Secondly, he has already pulled Dumbledore down.

"Okay, okay, who made Dumbledore stand on the side of the Muggles, who made him support those two little mudbloods?" Lucius paced back and forth in the living room happily after reading the daily newspaper a while ago.

It's really satisfying!

Sitting on the sofa next to Lucius was a woman with thin cheeks but still revealing some charm. She was wearing a silk violet wizard robe, and her eyes followed his steps all the time.

"But will our son..." she said worriedly.

"Narcissa, I didn't let Xiaolong open the secret room, I just asked him to report it in the end, don't worry." Lucius immediately threw down the newspaper, held his wife's hand and comforted her.

"That's good."

Narcissa's first concern was not whether there were any students who died in Hogwarts, nor did she care about the open and secret struggles between her husband and Dumbledore's faction. Her only hope was that her son would not be harmed.

But she looked at her husband's proud look, and she was always a little worried.

"Dobby... Dobby!" Lucius shouted to the air several times, "Is dinner ready?"

With the sound of explosion in the air, Dobby appeared in front of them with his head down. The clothes on his body were just a hole cut from the pillowcase, and the original color could not be seen clearly.

Looking at the timid look of the house elf, Lucius's good mood was immediately half gone.

"Where's dinner?!" he asked with a gloomy face.

"Dobby accidentally...burned it again." Dobby held his ears with both hands and stood in front of him, swaying listlessly.

"Waste, come here." Lucius waited until Dobby walked next to him and kicked him, "You can't do a small thing well, look at the elf of the Black family, and then look at you! You really lost face."

He didn't yell, but this calmness was even more terrifying in Malfoy Manor.

Dobby, who could enter and exit Hogwarts Castle freely, collided with his thin body and hard leather shoes, and he didn't resist, but just kept hitting the floor with his head.

"Dobby punishes himself, Dobby punishes himself..."

"If it happens a third time, your head is not worthy of being hung in the Malfoy family. Let's go, dear~"

Narcissa looked at it expressionlessly, then took her husband out to enjoy dinner and celebrate a little.

Dobby could only kneel on the ground, staring at his master and mistress walking away, and waited until their figures suddenly disappeared before he got up. The numerous wounds on his forehead did not make him blink.

Dobby crawled on the ground, picked up the newspaper thrown on the sofa by Lucius, and finally sobbed after seeing the second student who was attacked.

"Harry must live... Dobby can't die yet, the master needs Dobby to help Harry." It sat on the cold floor and muttered to itself, "But why doesn't the master call Dobby?"

Dobby didn't understand any great principles. The reason why he regarded Nietzsche as a master was just because he played the Malfoy family around.

Look! Harry Potter couldn't defeat the sinister Malfoy, but Nietzsche could, so he was willing to believe Mr. Holmes' plan. After all, in terms of IQ: Harry \u003c Lucius \u003c Nietzsche.


On the other side, Hermione Granger was helping her mother clear the snow in the garden.

She had been thinking about the basilisk while at home. Unfortunately, there is too little recorded information on this XXXXX-level magical creature, and no obvious weaknesses of the basilisk are mentioned.

Hermione looked at the footprints on the street in the community and was a little annoyed, because there were no traces left by Nietzsche.

That bastard, he disappeared right after the Christmas holiday...

"Bring me a box!" Mr. Granger leaned on the wooden fence and shouted to his daughter.

"We'll have dinner later, and we'll be fooling around every day." Mrs. Granger stood in the living room, raised the window and shouted, "It's going to make us look dirty again. We'll have to go out to meet people later... .”

But Mr. Granger just smiled stupidly.

"I was just shoveling a road next to the car, and I found this!" He bent down and picked up a squirrel from the ground. Its fur was balled up, and it was hibernating with its tail curled up. "It ran to my It's in the tailpipe."

This is very common. Some stray animals like to get into places where they won't be hit by snowflakes.

And Mr. Granger would check it before going out every winter.

"The little fluffy thing is really good at drilling holes..." Hermione's shoveling movements gradually slowed down.

Wait...drill a hole?

Hogwarts is an old castle, and some flexible animals can get in and out through some secret doors and holes, such as Mrs. Norris, who gives the Weasley twins the biggest headache.

Hermione couldn't help but think of the places where Myrtle and Penello were killed, which happened to be in the girls' bathroom.

The hall is a patrol armor, the second floor is where professors hold classes, and the basilisk cannot run out openly, and the corridors on the third floor only have a few roads, two of which are closest to the bathroom.

"Where can it go?" Hermione asked herself in confusion, "The sewer..."

By the way, every time it was able to escape immediately after the attack, of course because the entrance to the secret room was very close.

They always thought that the girls' bathroom was a closed room at first, but they forgot the entrance to the secret room when the students were attacked... The basilisk couldn't appear and disappear out of thin air.

Hermione threw down the shovel, and the crunching sound of her plush snow boots compacting the snow made Mr. Granger turn around. He found that his daughter was running out without looking back, raising her hands. I don’t know what to shout.

Maybe it's saying: I won't come back for dinner today.

"She...this child..." Mr. Granger felt a few years older.

"Where else can Hermione go? She must be looking for Nietzsche." Mrs. Granger said with a strange expression, "Forget it, let's go first. We'll sit together later anyway..."

Right! Apart from the kid from the Holmes family, Hermione didn't find anyone else.

Volume One: Chapter 111 The dust-settled secret room case

After about half an hour's journey, Hermione, wearing newly bought gloves, arrived at the door of Quirrell's house.

When Quirinas Quirrell saw her coming, he found an excuse to "purchase materials" and went out, and thoughtfully hung a "no disturbing" label on the door handle.

"The Chamber of Secrets... I know where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is." Hermione casually took a cup from the table, poured tea into her dry mouth, and said intermittently, "I'm so stupid, I should have thought of connecting to the room." Castle water pipes!”

Hogwarts Castle has eight floors not counting various towers, and the most important thing is naturally the drainage system.

Nietzsche raised his hand and wanted to stop him, because the cup was the one he had just drank from, but...seeing that Hermione had finished drinking, Nietzsche finally swallowed the words in his throat, but silently changed A tea cup.

Hermione ignored his embarrassment and stopped taking off her gloves: "I ran here, can't I even drink saliva?"

"Think about it carefully, Myrtle was killed in the bathroom... She heard someone talking to a snake! And this year Penello also couldn't find my trace because of the basilisk, so she returned I just met her on the road.”

It can be said that Penello just became Hermione's scapegoat.

So Hermione had a guess. She said: "Is it possible that someone turned into Harry through Polyjuice and opened the Chamber of Secrets in Parseltongue..."

"Impossible." Nietzsche said decisively. "Language is not something you are born with. It requires systematic learning. Polyjuice can only achieve a perfect disguise effect, but it cannot change the soul."

Obviously, someone wanted to put the blame on Harry Potter.

Secondly, if Nietzsche knows Lucius Malfoy's motives, he can deduce Draco's intention - in order to bring down the Dumbledore faction in the Ministry of Magic, he needs to blame the entire attack on Arthur. .

"Think about it, Minn." Nietzsche lowered his head and buried his reddish face in the wool blanket. "Malfoy wants to take over Hogwarts and repeal the Muggle Protection Act, which means that Della Coe was the whistleblower."

Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic have always been hands-off.

The parents of those who were attacked were all Muggles and had no knowledge of the magical world. They had no way of petitioning the Ministry of Magic to ask what happened at the school.

"But if you want to be sure that Weasley did this, then..." Hermione's eyes widened, "The person Malfoy turned into is Ron Weasley!"

If you want to become someone, then after the Polyjuice Potion is made, you need to add something of the object, anything, it can be skin scraps, fingernails, blood or hair...

But what kind of person is Draco? He would never contact Gryffindor people on weekdays, let alone Weasley, who he called a "pure blood traitor".

Hermione's thoughts turned faster under the impetus of Nietzsche:

Fighting... He knew that Ron's wand was broken, and he could have an unfair duel at that time, but he had to use the most brutal way just to get Ron Weasley's hair.

"So, Draco turned into Weasley to open the Chamber of Secrets, and then reported himself?"

But the truth will always come out one day, so the best way is to make this matter a fact.

In other words: The Chamber of Secrets is really related to Weasley.

"It's possible, but based on the history of the Malfoy family and Parseltongue, they may not have this tradition of speaking Parseltongue."

But Nietzsche didn't finish his words. After putting on his windbreaker, he glanced at Hermione and turned downstairs to get a gift box.

Inside was a dark red women's hat, and then he put it on Hermione's head while she was still thinking. Hermione raised her head belatedly and looked at the mirror in confusion.

The reddish-brown windbreaker and the hat matched very well, and by lowering her head slightly, she could cover her face, which was mysterious.

"Your Christmas gift...I bought it at Madam Malkin's store in Diagon Alley." Nietzsche sneaked a peek at the complex and changing expressions on her face.

The other party blushed, smiled, frowned, and occasionally looked suspicious.

"Let's go." Nietzsche crossed his arms and said contemptuously, "It doesn't matter, I won't be like you who didn't prepare a gift."

"Where are we going?"

"To eat, your parents invited us..." He looked puzzled, "No, didn't you come here because it was time?"

Hermione seemed to have forgotten about it.

But it must be Nietzsche's fault, who told him not to come here for a day after the holiday!

"Who said I didn't bring you a gift!" Hermione puffed up her face, took off her gloves angrily, and threw them in his face, "I was thinking of giving it to you when you came, but when I went out, I helped you try it by the way."

Well, no wonder she didn't take off her warm gloves all the time, it turned out that she was deliberately hiding them because she was interrupted.

"Are you sure it's not...your own?" Nietzsche put it on and found that it was quite suitable.

It was already full of Hermione's body temperature, but the problem was that this made Nietzsche very uncomfortable. He even sweated on his forehead because of the warm gloves.

This was a good opportunity. Hermione put her hands in her pockets and walked to his side.

"Excuse me?" She said with a suppressed smile, "Or... did you think wrong? Don't worry... My parents are medical students, so I can understand that adolescent students have some inappropriate fantasies..."

"No, you misunderstood. I never let sand mix into exquisite instruments." Nietzsche turned his head and walked out of the room.

Hermione ignored his stubbornness and followed him out with the joy of a winner.

Before leaving, she caught a glimpse of something wrapped in dustproof oil paper piled next to the sofa. She could feel that it was a magical item, but she didn't think much about it... After all, this was still Professor Quirrell's residence.

Nietzsche took Hermione into a 'Florence' restaurant.

The Grangers and Watsons had already arrived at the round table early, and the two men, both doctors, had already started communicating with Bonn wine.

This feeling made Nietzsche a little... He couldn't think of a good way to describe it.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but I'm just curious." Mr. Granger was immersed in the expensive Bonn wine, and said with a dazed look, "If Nietzsche is your son, why is his last name... you know?"

"Because when I adopted him, Mary and I didn't know each other." Watson spoke clearly.

At this time, Hermione found that her mother looked at them with some pity and love, and when she sat over, Monica held her arm.

Hermione didn't understand what happened between them before, making Nietzsche look like a princess who was about to marry.

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