Generally speaking, Hermione hated going out for parties, especially those where her parents took her to visit relatives. For Hermione, this was really boring, and it would be more interesting to watch a few at home.

But today was different... At least she could see Nietzsche's shy look under Mary's clutches.

Mrs. Granger was the first to attack: "My dear, your hat is very suitable today~ I don't remember you wearing such a hat at home."

The sharp-eyed Mary also noticed the clues. She looked at the two people who came in together and said: "Nietzsche, I didn't buy you warm gloves... You have good taste, but they are a bit more feminine..."

Nietzsche and Hermione did not dare to say a word, so they could only sit down between their parents in embarrassment.

Volume 1: Chapter 112 Family gathering?

"So what do you plan to do after graduation?"

Parents of Hogwarts students gathered around a meal of pheasant, oysters and house white wine and began grilling the two newly minted second years.

And Hermione always kept silent about this kind of 'diplomacy'.

What can be said? Is it possible to tell your parents and the Watsons: 'Oh, we saved a professor from terrorists last year, and we are planning to catch a basilisk this year, and we will serve as a detective in the wizarding world in the future? ’

It sounds good, but if the Grangers heard their daughter doing these things, they would definitely drop themselves out of school.

"You solve it..." Hermione winked at Nietzsche.

"Mr. Granger, we are only in the second year." Nietzsche looked at the bottle of wine and swallowed, "But after five years, we should be able to work in the government."

"Really?" Mr. Granger continued after swallowing the juicy chicken breast, "But didn't Hermione say that wizards can't have contact with ordinary people?"

Not wrong, after all, that was before.

"There are still some. After all, I know a wizard who works in the government department." He said with a smile, "Don't worry, wizards are still very popular here... Maybe Hermione will become a friend of the Prime Minister one day. "

These words made the drunken Mr. Granger very happy, and he messed up his daughter's curly hair.

But Wendell Granger just regarded this as a joke. He had no idea that his daughter could be so charming... If she was really so powerful, she wouldn't have been bullied every day in school.

As for the British government, he still believes in it.

"But it's not bad to be a teacher." Mary rolled her eyes at her fiancé and complained, "At least you won't be idle with friends all day long, and you will also gamble a few times from time to time."


Nietzsche and Hermione lowered their heads at the same time and concentrated on their meals.

Seeing Watson's helpless look, Mr. Granger filled a glass for him... They are all men, it's not easy...

"But why have I never heard of this?" Mrs. Granger asked curiously, "If there are wizards in the British government, then we should know about it, instead of saying that contact between Muggles and wizards is forbidden. "

She had a vivid memory of Professor McGonagall's first visit.

After all, Mrs. Granger had pulled her husband to prepare for Hermione to live in the magical world in the future, and was even ready to open a trumpet... But now Nietzsche's words suddenly gave her hope again.

"Because it's not yet time, the Ministry of Magic doesn't want wizards to have too much contact with us, but after that, wizards will slowly appear in everyone's field of vision, but in another way..."

Although the Grangers did not understand what Nietzsche meant, Hermione understood it immediately.

Wizards will not suddenly appear in front of people immediately, but their works will appear in people's daily lives... Only by allowing them to enter human society will they not be excluded by the government.

"Great, I thought Hermione would leave us in the future and live in some wizarding gathering place." Mrs. Granger said happily.

"But does this really not violate the laws of the Ministry of Magic?" Mr. Granger seized on a linguistic loophole and said vaguely, "Because you said that the Ministry of Magic does not want wizards to be exposed to ordinary people like us. In people’s eyes.”

And listening to what Nietzsche said, he always felt that the policies between the two worlds were completely opposite.

And opposition means contradiction. Mr. Granger does not want his daughter to be suddenly caught by the unreasonable Ministry of Magic one day...

If it doesn't work, the professor is pretty good and he believes that his daughter can do it.

Watson, who was sitting on the side, noticed Nietzsche's silence, as if he was swallowing something unspeakable, so he straightened his tie and calmly smoothed things over.

"But who knows the future, maybe those laws will disappear one day." He made Nietzsche's meaning clear with a polite smile.


Watson saw his little thoughts and couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart. He was about to pour himself another glass of white wine, but Mary stopped him.

"Three cups a day, you promised." She said with a smile.

After the banquet, when Mary went to see the Grangers off, Watson immediately took the opportunity to remove the cork from the bottle and took two swigs. The violent drinking method made his face, which had not changed at all, immediately start to turn red.

Then he stuffed it back in, put it back in place, and pretended nothing happened.

"Don't say you have nothing to do with this..." Watson's intuition was very sharp.

This is all what he and Sherlock developed when they were together day and night. Just from Nietzsche's attitude and words, you can tell his connection with certain things... But the most important thing is that he understands Nietzsche? John Holmes.

Wait, why didn't he let Nietzsche's last name be "Watson" before he met Mary?

"I thought you were most concerned about why I didn't move in with you." Nietzsche was surprised.

"Don't be funny, I never thought I could beat Holmes." Watson collapsed in the chair in frustration, completely without any gentlemanly etiquette, "I shouldn't have let you register in Holmes's family back then."

He was trying to save trouble at the time. After all, he was penniless and retired from the battlefield. The government would conduct a series of checks on him to ensure whether he was eligible for adoption.

But Holmes is different. He has a clean background and a family, which can save a lot of trouble.

"We will always support you, but you must at least give Mary a reliable explanation... I don't want to wait until one day when you are engaged in some kind of struggle, and Mary will be dragged into it without any defense." Watson said.

"Someone almost died in the school." Nietzsche said suddenly.

"Um... ah? What?!" Watson widened his eyes and immediately straightened up, "You never mentioned it in the letter!"

"What? Some people use the lives of Muggle students to achieve their own political goals?" Nietzsche rubbed his face fiercely, "Think about Mary, she will definitely point a gun at the professor's nose and ask me to drop out of school."

Speaking of this mother who is a tutor, he only has admiration in his heart.

When he was a child, he was really taught a lesson and almost had a psychological shadow, because Mary really had a way to deal with children.

Watson didn't expect his son to experience such a thing in a school. He thought that Nietzsche was blessed by Merlin and King Arthur for not bullying others.

"I can't get away because someone is going after Hermione." Nietzsche began to shake his legs. "In fact, things in the wizarding world are no cleaner than outside, and even worse..."

What's even more uncomfortable is that Dumbledore is still restricted everywhere.

Afterwards, Nietzsche went home and wrote a letter, and took a lot of dried meat, and then asked Mercury, who was temporarily deposited at Holmes's house, to start working and deliver the letter to Harry Potter.

Volume 1: Chapter 113 Harry and Nietzsche's conspiracy

One night before returning to school, Harry did not fall asleep, but secretly got up from the bed, ran to the Gryffindor common room, and sat in front of the stove to read the letter.

From the tone and handwriting above, he seemed to have seen Nietzsche, who was playing with a liquorice stick as a pipe, briefly explaining to him the conspiracy of Malfoy around Weasley.

"It's so mysterious, I thought they were really targeting me." Harry covered his mouth and turned his head back halfway through his sentence.

"When we return to school, we can't guarantee whether Ron is real or not." Nietzsche said clearly in the letter, "We now need to find out how Lucius ensures that the Chamber of Secrets can be opened."

Talking in school is not as easy as talking in the outside world.

Harry sat on the warm carpet with his back against the wall. The faintly flickering fire in the fireplace was particularly eye-catching in the dark night of the holiday. Harry rubbed his hands, then grabbed a snowball from the windowsill and threw it outside.

Meeting with friends late at night made him very happy. The freezing cold wind blew away the worries about friends and the fear of the Chamber of Secrets.

"Speaking of this..." Harry tried hard to recall things related to Lucius, "I do remember that the day I went to Diagon Alley with the Weasley family before school started... At that time, I ran to Knockturn Alley through Floo powder."

Knockturn Alley? .

That's right, Hagrid said that Diagon Alley was a gathering place for dark wizards. Harry dipped some snow water and applied it on his eyelids. He saw with his own eyes that Lucius was dealing with the remaining dark magic items at that time. "

Harry then showed a difficult look, as if recalling was a very painful thing for him.

He thought: 'Boggin...Burke? Maybe because of last year's recording and this year's big search, Lucius was very anxious to clean up those dark magic items...Haha, there should be other people to see his face at that time.'

Lucius Malfoy was of course very anxious, and he was also very anxious to retaliate.

After he finished reading the letter, it automatically caught fire and burned the kraft paper into a pile of ashes. Harry could only clap his hands in the stove.

But on second thought, he now needs to keep an eye on who Ron usually contacts...and if there is anything suspicious...You know, it is difficult for him to monitor a person, not to mention that the target is his best friend.

But fortunately, the next night, Nietzsche finally returned to school.

"I didn't see Ron do anything." Harry waited for him to get off the carriage, and immediately pulled him aside impatiently, "He either sleeps all day, plays chess with others, or stays with me. "

Nietzsche gave the brown-haired girl behind him an apologetic smile and motioned her to go first.

Then the two walked under the withered ivy curtain and looked up at the densely packed wizards holding wands.

"He can't be in two places at the same time. I mean...who else is there besides you?"

"Let me think... Ginny?" Harry said nonchalantly, "You know that girl encountered this kind of thing when she just entered school, so she must be a little scared. Not only Ron, but her three brothers are comforting her."

Harry looked up, not knowing whether he was looking at the classmates climbing up the stairs or looking at the stars.

But Nietzsche thought he should be looking for classmates, because Harry's eyes revealed a kind of envy... He envied Ginny's family.

But something happened that made Harry's neck goosebumps---Nietzsche did not take over the conversation, but fell into deep thought. This was not a good sign, because it showed that he had discovered something related.

So Harry took a few steps back and said in disbelief: "You are not thinking about Ginny, are you?! But...but what if it is someone else? For example, George, Percy and others..."

"Don't be silly, don't you know the tacit understanding between George and Fred?" Nietzsche only felt that he had found a hint of the answer by following the clues, "Malfoy's potion can't support him to spend energy to deceive two people."

He didn't say that possibility.

Nietzsche had an almost intuitive feeling---yes, taking care of a sick sister is indeed a good reason to get close to Weasley.

In the next few days, Nietzsche has been observing the relationship between Ron and Ginny intentionally or unintentionally... Fortunately, this little girl is always taken care of by Hermione, because Ginny looks too... too docile?

At least compared with his four brothers, it gives people such a feeling.

"Smile, okay?" Lockhart waved his hands in the hall, "I have good news to tell everyone... Yes, the murderer was caught during your holidays!"

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw looked confused, they had never heard of this.

"Who? Is it those pure bloods who hate Muggles?" Hannah looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"That's impossible. I saw them on the stairs this morning." Anthony from Ravenclaw said, "Could there be someone else?"

"It's Rubeus Hagrid!" Lockhart felt relieved. He stood in front of the guest of honor and said happily, "Who would have thought that the big guy had opened the Chamber of Secrets more than fifty years ago..."

But no one could laugh.

Because everyone has heard about Hagrid's boasting and admiration for Headmaster Dumbledore. The former was just arrested by the Ministry of Magic, and the latter was suspended by the school board the next second.

"That's impossible!" Neville said angrily, clenching his fist.

"Dear Mr. Longbottom, if the Ministry of Magic didn't have solid evidence to prove Hagrid's guilt, it would not take him away." Lockhart's tone sounded very firm, and he had no doubt about the Ministry of Magic.

He also reached out and flicked the Order of Merlin, Class 3, on his chest. This was his position-the Ministry of Magic did everything right.

At this time, Draco made his faction more Hogwarts, which was surrounded by worry and fear.

"Believe me, look... I didn't even go back for Christmas, but I'm still alive and well, right?" Draco opened his arms and boasted, "If you can come in, maybe I can give you a place."

His words shook some of the centrists, but in the end no one reacted.

In this life-threatening situation, even the most self-protective Slytherins can see Draco's true face. They believe in themselves more than others' charity.

"This matter should have been handed over to me a long time ago...Okay, everyone, if you want to forget the unpleasant things this year, I can help you." Lockhart said happily, "I'm good at helping people forget their troubles."

No one believed Gilderoy Lockhart's unreliable look.

Forget troubles...They would rather drink a whole bottle of forgetfulness potion! Look at Harry Potter's arm, they don't want to lose their brains because of Lockhart's mistake.

"This matter is not over yet, right?" Ginny sat next to Hermione, twisting her fingers together on the diary in her arms.

"It's not over yet!" Hermione knocked on the table and said angrily, "Don't think the murderer can get away. This has nothing to do with Dumbledore and Hagrid. I just want to make him look bad... Don't worry, I already know who it is."

Ginny shook her body and turned pale. She looked at Hermione's profile in horror, as if something was blocked in her heart.

But she didn't speak again, and quickly stuffed a mouthful of mashed potatoes into her mouth.

Volume 1: Chapter 114 Brainless and Unhappy

In fact, Nietzsche and Hermione's discovery was correct.

The person Malfoy turned into was Ron Weasley. He never thought that he would turn into such an ugly thing... Not to mention the taste of the potion.

It tasted like a bottle of hot and sour sauce after being brewed with water, but the spicy taste was not diluted at all. Draco only felt that every time he pinched his nose and drank it, his throat would be a little hoarse... Although he knew it was an illusion.

And what opened the secret room was not a key or a password, but an ordinary-looking diary.

But Draco had seen his father always writing and drawing in his diary at home, and interestingly, he also left this dark magic item to the Weasley family.

"Dragon scum."

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