Draco, disguised as Ron Weasley, used the experience before Christmas to summon the diary with the flying spell.

He got angry when he thought of this. In order to know the whereabouts of the diary, he needed to pretend to be Ron Weasley to comfort Ginny, and he had to choose the time when he was sleeping late or going to the library.

He lay behind the sofa and glanced at the former owner of the diary: TM. Riddle.

The magical thing was that before Draco wrote anything on it with a feather pen, lines of beautiful words began to appear on the originally blank paper.

"Something went wrong."

"What's the problem?" Draco was a little puzzled and continued to write, "Everything is going according to your and father's plan... We only need to use the basilisk to attack a few more times, and we can really drive Dumbledore away."

The words he wrote were like black ships, slowly sinking into the yellow ocean.

After a few pauses, Riddle, who had been in contact with Draco, began to display the next sentence on the brown paper.

"Ginny Weasley wants to get out of my control."

"I said... I suggested to you that you must kill Granger, the mudblood, first." Draco was so anxious that he made several mistakes. "As long as he is dealt with, everything will go much more smoothly."

Riddle was speechless: "...."

If it had a physical body, it would definitely want to grab Draco, a brainless thing, and throw it into the Black Lake. Now Slytherin has started to accept everyone?

Thinking back then, who could enter Slytherin was not a genius, and at the very least, he was a pure-blood family head with vision.

"What do you think the professor's office is for?" Riddle's handwriting began to look very stiff, as if he was engraving it with a pen, "That Holmes is deliberately protecting her."

What bad luck.

Riddle looked at Draco and really admitted defeat. Why couldn't his partner be like Nietzsche Holmes?

Every move they made was completely hidden in the dark and unpredictable, but the other party could always predict their next step.

"But there are only two people... not enough!" Draco stopped writing halfway and listened to the surroundings. "Now the Gryffindor Dean is the acting headmaster, we must also get her out of office..."

"Then I only have one idea." Riddle wrote.


"Get rid of Ginny, this unstable factor... I'm tired of her asking me all day about how to get Harry Potter's attention. Of course... I just want to fulfill my promise to Lucius as soon as possible."

Draco became nervous.

It's not because he was afraid of hearing that Ginny was going to be killed, but because if Ginny died, then Malfoy's plan to overthrow Arthur would be over.

So he told Riddle: "No, if she dies, then there will be no scapegoat... These things are all done by her, but it has nothing to do with me. I still need to catch her red-handed."

"..." Riddle paused and continued to write, "Sorry, I'm just very upset with people like her."

His handwriting was a little trembling, as if a person who was so angry that his hands were shaking was writing.

"How about killing Nietzsche?" Draco wrote tremblingly.

When he thought of the declining Malfoy family, hatred began to appear in his heart, and those negative emotions made him feel sick like nausea - if it weren't for him, the Malfoy family would not be so miserable that they only had one manor.

It was all because of him, the mudblood who was sorted into Slytherin.

"Crazy?" But this sentence disappeared before Draco could see it clearly.

Then he changed to another sentence: "I can understand your feelings, but we are passive now... Believe me, I will take the girl to the secret room, and besides, playing with fire and getting burned can make Weasley the funniest joke."

Draco frowned, and the current plan seemed to be different from his father's.

Originally, they could continue the attack until the new headmaster arrived, and then Draco, disguised as Ron Weasley, could find the diary from Ginny and "capture" her.

But now it's not possible.

Riddle said one thing that was very good:

If the Weasley family, who likes Muggles, becomes the murderer of Muggle wizards, and Ginny Weasley opens the Chamber of Secrets with a dark magic item, and then loses control and burns herself, wouldn't that be a bigger joke?

At that time, no one will sympathize with the Weasley family or the wizards who favor Muggles...

"But I still want to..."

"Okay, since you want to kill those mudbloods so much, you should listen to me, okay?" Riddle's handwriting was full of coaxing, "They will definitely come to the Chamber of Secrets to find Ginny."

"But what should I do in the end?"

Draco made up his mind.

For the revival of the Malfoy family, he decided to do something big.

"You will disguise yourself as Ron and follow them down. After I kill them, you can pretend to be the 'discoverer'. I can even make you a hero...like Potter."

"But there are so many of them, and you only have one basilisk..." Draco was a little worried.

"Dear Draco, do you think a blind man is still a threat?" Riddle said with ease, "Now that Dumbledore has resigned, it's a good opportunity to take action."

Draco closed the notebook and then tiptoed back to return it.

This was a very careful plan. Of course, there was no way to disguise as Ron Weasley, and he had to get into the smelly girls' bathroom. This kind of work should be left to Weasley, who loved Muggles.

He didn't want Malfoy to have any strange reputation.

Finally, as his father planned, he could ruin the reputation of the Weasley family and destroy an important activated black magic stolen goods, killing two birds with one stone.

Speaking of which, he was a little reluctant. Every word this guy named Riddle said could hit his heart.

Volume 1: Chapter 115 Busy Professor Cat

"Others will finish class at five o'clock. After dinner, they must return to the lounge...Except for the students of the Dueling Club, they can study in the auditorium. We will wait here until eight o'clock."

This is the next rule made by the acting headmaster Minerva McGonagall, and it is also support for Hermione and Nietzsche.

At the same time, Riddle and Draco could not find a breakthrough point.

Because every night after Christmas, Hermione summoned the wizard group under the guise of the dueling club, and divided them into four teams to go back to the lounge together.

"We need to block the girls' bathroom on the third floor..." Professor Flitwick sat in his seat, nagging.

"Maybe it has run away." Lockhart shook his head and pointed at the students below, "Maybe just like more than 50 years ago... Who would have thought that Hagrid, the big fool, would raise a basilisk?"

The only one who did not participate in the discussion was Snape, who was wandering among everyone, just to pick on a few people.

"You two... Weasley! If you throw stinky eggs again during the duel, I will let you eat them!"

"Miss Susan, it turns out that the way to defend against the Disarming Spell is to lie on the ground. It really opened my eyes."

Everyone was scolded by this greasy old bat, even Nietzsche, who was practicing with Granger, was not spared. This really opened the eyes of other little snakes...

If it were Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, it would definitely be Gryffindor who was scolded.

"I don't know what you are so proud of. A wizard duel was turned into a Muggle knight duel by you." Snape pointed to the scars on the ground and taunted, "Your head is full of Muggle thinking."

Nietzsche put away his wand and secretly stuck out his tongue at the girl at an angle that the dean could not see.

"Professor, I'm just not as good as you..." Hermione said with a heavy breath.

"If Granger had used the Obstacle Spell when you jumped up and slashed with the Levitation Spell, followed by the Armor Spell and the Repulse Spell, you would have lost!" Snape continued to nitpick.

This seems to be criticizing Nietzsche, but actually... it is actually criticizing, but it also gives some pointers to Hermione.

Obviously, whenever Snape stands between the two, Nietzsche will always be the one who gets hurt... I don't know why, but Snape gets angry when he sees his careless look.

"Okay, Poter~ It's your turn." Snape waved to the other side with a sinister smile, "You come and practice with Granger."

Although Draco is not here, he has a lot of ways.

So Nietzsche went off to rest, and let Harry take over to practice with Hermione, but before he could catch his breath or even warm up his chair, he was pulled to the guest of honor by Professor McGonagall, and the professors were all staring at him.

"Do you know how to open the Chamber of Secrets?"

Professor Lockhart swallowed his saliva, very nervous, and after seeing the other party's puzzled eyes, he hurriedly explained.

"Of course, after discussion, we unanimously decided... to... eliminate the threat of the basilisk." He hesitated, his eyes dodged, and he seemed very afraid, which was completely unlike the style of a qualified professor of dark magic defense.

"I remember a book recorded that the basilisk was very afraid of the sound of the rooster." Professor Flitwick said, "It's really strange... Many of these books left over from the past do not have the author's name written on them."

It seems that it was intentionally preserved.

After all, ordinary wizards would not raise basilisks, even those dark wizards who inherited the Parseltongue.

But this is another difficult problem, because now Rubeus Hagrid has been captured, and there are not many professors who know how to raise animals. At this time, Professor Sprout stood up and was willing to divide an area.

"There needs to be one every ten meters in each corridor..." She knew the structure of the castle very well.

"No, it's not necessary." Nietzsche immediately rejected the proposal, "The entrance to the lounge is enough, we need to lead it out... No one knows whether Salazar has left defensive magic in the secret room."

Finally, the plan was finalized under the acting principal.

Hogwarts has returned to its old atmosphere, except that the courses have been adjusted and are almost all scheduled before 3 pm. This is nothing for students, but the professors are busy enough.

What is even more surprising is that there are several roosters placed at the entrance of the four college lounges, and you can hear their crowing every day.

"It's a pity that the Quidditch game is temporarily cancelled now." Warrington sat cross-legged in the courtyard, wiping the flying broom in his hand, sighing all day, "I was planning to compete with Cedric."

And those Quidditch players sat beside him with nothing to do.

Originally, they should have been training on the Quidditch field at this time, but now they can only learn some new spells in duels to pass the time.

But the Hufflepuffs on the side didn't have those thoughts.

"Hey, do you think we should have a midnight snack every few days?" Justin Finch-Fletchley rubbed his hands, and he had a crooked idea about the roosters at the door, "I'm so greedy... I can't see meat every midnight snack."

"What are you thinking about?" Ron said, "Are you going to use the stove in the lounge to roast it?"

"Although our lounge is next to the kitchen, but... your suggestion seems more convenient..." Justin covered his head and screamed like venting, "My friends have driven me crazy, they think I will definitely be killed."

Ron:? ?

Listening to the conversation getting more and more crooked, Harry glanced at Ron who was eager to try and Neville who was a little moved, and stopped them out loud. Those roosters are not just a matter of spending money, they may need points to "buy" them.

Fifty points for one... If it is the serious Headmistress McGonagall, it is not impossible.

At this time, Draco, who had just finished class, happened to come over from the greenhouse. He glared at Warrington who was with Hufflepuff.

When they set their sights on the roosters, Nietzsche had already run deep into the Forbidden Forest. He planned to have a fair duel with the basilisk - in the way of magical creatures.

When he looked at the huge body of Smaug, he became more determined.

"It's decided to be you, Smaug!" Nietzsche touched its hideous head and ignored the sturgeon with sticky saliva in its mouth, leaving only half of its body.

Looking at the interaction between Nietzsche and the dragon, Hermione couldn't help but blame the centaurs: What kind of dragons have they raised? !

"But the basilisk can't be looked at directly." Hermione said.

"Smaug doesn't need to look at it. How can a crawling one beat a flying one?" Nietzsche said proudly, "Don't forget, Smaug is a dragon...it can breathe fire!"

Hermione glanced at him and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

In fact, when Nietzsche first came to the Forbidden Forest, he was looking for the help of the centaurs, but because the centaurs such as Bane and Ronan refused to participate in the fight between wizards, he finally remembered this... lazy dragon.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to add the "troublemaker".

Because after Smaug was full, he relied on the skills trained by the centaurs. He would catch those eight-eyed giant spiders and bully them every now and then.

Hermione watched him control the flames of the dragon and roast the wet half sturgeon, and she began to recall Lockhart's "teaching" in the office when they had just repaired the magic car.

"People like him will definitely receive a lot of greeting cards on Valentine's Day on February 14th." Lockhart said so.

Of course, what the professor said may not be wrong, because Hermione knew Daphne Greengrass, who was also very concerned about Nietzsche, and almost said "marriage for the purpose of binding interests".

But... no, what does this have to do with her, anyway, doesn't Nietzsche like to die alone?

Just let him be~

Hermione thought so in her heart.

Volume 1: Chapter 116 The Broken Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day.

How boring it was for Nietzsche, it was simply boring to the extreme.

The first thing he did when he woke up every day was to listen to a group of people holding a few greeting cards and comparing them. This person said that he had a few girls' greeting cards and blessings, and that person had a date...

Even the big fool Warrington had a girl he loved.

Nietzsche sighed and shook his head. He thought that this group of pythons would devote all their time to Quidditch. It seems that they are not as loyal as Gryffindor in this regard.

When he was about to enjoy breakfast and prepare to go to class later, he was shocked by the changes in the hall.

The walls were covered with pink flowers, and the ceiling showed rainbow-like clouds, and stars were raining from above, which forced the Hufflepuff students to protect the bowls with clothes to prevent paper scraps from falling into the porridge.

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