Harry, on the other hand, was supported and stood up little by little. He mustered up the courage to open his eyes and looked at the shadows in the fire curtain. After determining the direction, he jumped down with the sword in his back hand.

"Armor protection!" Snape flashed out from the side.

The white barrier prevented Harry from feeling the burning of the dragon's flames. On the contrary, the wind as he fell was very warm.

Protected by Snape's Iron Armor Charm, he passed through the curtain of flames and inserted the silver sword straight into the basilisk's head, between the eyes, so deep that only the hilt could be seen. on top.

The basilisk twisted in pain, and Harry was immediately thrown aside and passed out.

When the smoke cleared, Voldemort could only see a fire dragon pressing its claws on the basilisk's head, while Nietzsche smiled provocatively at him and made a very 'gentleman' gesture.

"Do you know that the future Voldemort has a snake nose?" He lowered his face and mocked, "It seems you don't know, after all, you are still playing with the basilisk now."

"Ni! Tsai!" Voldemort was so angry that his face twisted. And screamed.

"Avada Kedavra!" "Heart-breaking!"

The green light symbolizing death and the red light symbolizing pain staggered in the air, said hello, and then each flew towards their target.

Volume 1: Chapter 123 You know nothing about magic

Under the cover of McGonagall and Snape, Nietzsche jumped up and down on the mudslide-like ground, jumped off the dragon's spine, and flew towards Voldemort.

"Split into pieces!" After Voldemort chopped the boulder in front of him into pieces, he attacked on both sides, "Shattered into pieces, frozen quickly!"

Nietzsche did not need to dodge. This level of magic was reflected to other places by the white barrier before it touched his body. With the blessing of the braking spell, he quickly approached the opponent.

Now Voldemort is facing attacks from both front and back.

"Avada Kedavra."

"There are many obstacles!"

Obstruction Curse... Voldemort wanted to taunt him a few words, but what made him lose his mind was seeing the Unforgivable Curse that people dared not touch and that even the Iron Armor Curse could not stop was stuck in the air.

That dazzling green light seemed to be frozen in time.

But Nietzsche simply lowered his head and slid forward, holding a sword.

There was only a flash of light, and Voldemort's hands were cut off.

"You mudblood...this is impossible!"

"You know nothing about magic."

This time, it was Nietzsche who mocked Voldemort.

The latter's eyes were red. Although he could not die, the pain he should have was still unavoidable, especially when his outline became clearer and clearer, he had all the conditions that a normal person would have.

At first, he could rely on his immortality to trade injuries with the professors, but as time went by, disadvantages began to appear.

Ni gathered his energy, and the sword flower just now was also a gesture of magic, so the powerful magic squeezed Voldemort from all sides. Maybe he will be very strong in the future, but now he is just Tom Riddle in his student days.

The wonderful combination of magic gestures and sword skills is really eye-catching.

"Where is Malfoy?" Nietzsche took a step, stepped on Ginny's wand under his foot, and then punched Voldemort in the stomach with his left fist.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Voldemort spat on the ground and said disdainfully.

"Do you like being tough?" Nietzsche inserted the lightsaber into his body and nailed it into the floor. "It doesn't matter, Voldemort... I will make you regret teaching me this spell. Hush, hold back... Crushing out the bones." !”

Voldemort only saw the lightsaber on his abdomen flashing red, and then he felt the heart-gnawing pain.

Judging from Nietzsche’s words, was he taught the Cruciatus Curse by his future self?

Even the student Voldemort had to let out a few brief screams. He was indeed unkillable, but that didn't mean his soul was intact. At this moment, Voldemort felt like he was being torn apart.

The Cruciatus Curse seemed to be acting directly on his soul.

Professor McGonagall wanted to severely criticize the spell used by the students, but after looking at the dead basilisk, she finally carried the unconscious Harry out of the secret room, ignoring Voldemort's screams that echoed in the secret room.

"How dare you... dare to do this to me..." Riddle shouted angrily, and the feeling of his soul being torn apart made his body flicker slightly.

Professor Flitwick couldn't believe it. After hearing Riddle's scream, his eyelids twitched.

When Hermione got closer, she saw Nietzsche's face reflected in the scarlet light, and instinctively warned herself to stop him, but rationally speaking, this kind of reasonable violence should be allowed.

"Didn't Ginny open the Chamber of Secrets under someone's control?" Professor Flitwick sighed.

"But who sent Voldemort in?" Nietzsche said expressionlessly, "Riddle is a memory...Lockhart!"

Professor Lockhart was squatting next to the basilisk's body, pouting and kicking a few times. After hearing someone calling him, he ran over like a frightened rabbit in a panic.

He looked at Riddle on the ground in disbelief...ah no, it should be the great Voldemort.

"Let me introduce you. This is our most outstanding professor of defense against the dark arts. He is proficient in... the Oblivion Curse." Nietzsche smiled. "As for your unkillable characteristics, I think there will always be someone in Hogwarts who will be involved in these."

Lockhart wanted to resist, but after seeing Dean Flitwick's appraising eyes, he swallowed again and walked closer unconsciously.

Forget it, we have come to this point, no matter how hard we try to hide, there is nothing we can do. Perhaps thinking of the Sorting Hat's ridicule, Lockhart inquired about Riddle's situation with the feeling of being chased away.

It can't be killed, but it's also a kind of memory that connects the vitality and Ginny. It's really weird.

"Memory..." Lockhart tilted his head back slightly, away from the red lightsaber. "In fact, if the Cruciatus Curse can work, it means that there is still part of the soul that carries the memory."

Nietzsche is right, he is indeed an expert in memory, and only he can understand some of Voldemort's ways.

"This... um... Mr. Riddle seems to have completely separated his soul and memory, but the question is, if the memory is carried on the soul, then what is the carrier of the soul?"

"In fact, the body and soul are fused, and memory is the substance produced by the combination of the two, so Mr. Riddle must have one... let me look for it..."

Lockhart was like a dog that smelled food, and immediately started wandering around.

At this time, he didn't notice the complexity in Flitwick's eyes at all, because the old headmaster didn't expect that he actually looked a few times, but luckily he didn't see it, otherwise Lockhart's nose would have been raised to the ceiling of the secret room. .

Soon, Lockhart found a diary with a black cover from under the stone statue of Salazar Slytherin.

"This is it!" He raised it above his head happily, "This is like the human brain... I have always been very sensitive to the smell of memory substances. It's great. I found the Dark Lord's most fatal weakness. !”

"You... click."

Voldemort's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the person who had been huddled on the ground with his head in his hands the whole time before could actually have such ability.

But when he was about to open his mouth to curse, Hermione picked up her wand and twisted his jaw off, leaving only a tongue flipping up and down in his mouth.

At this moment, something happened that made him even more angry and humiliated: Dobby appeared between Nietzsche and Hermione.

"Harry Potter is safe." it shouted excitedly. "Dobby succeeded. Dobby freed Harry Potter from the conspiracy. Mr. Holmes...you defeated the basilisk."

"Wrong, it's not 'I', it's 'we'." Nietzsche held the wand and inserted it deeper into the ground.

A house elf and two mudbloods had made him so embarrassed, but Voldemort could only stare at them.

But the toughest question is - how do they destroy this thing?

Professor Flitwick anxiously tried several dark magic spells and universal cracking spells, but they could not make the diary fall into pieces. When the diary was blown up by the blasting spell and fell to the ground, it was only covered with dust.

"Maybe Dumbledore has a way..." Lockhart raised his hand and made a disgraced suggestion to several people.

"Is the Forgetting Curse effective?" Nietzsche said. "First find a way to cut off the relationship between him and Ginny Weasley, and then find a way to destroy it."

"Here... I'll give it a try. I hope this spell can break on its own because the Dark Lord forgets about it, because this kind of magic that absorbs the lives of others is very unusual, and we can't see any traces of magic."

"Then delete his memory." Nietzsche looked at Voldemort and began to smile evilly.

"But I have never used it on such a...strange object, because the Forgotten Curse itself is a very complicated magic. Once an accident occurs, the forgotten person will suffer from amnesia, memory loss, or even..."

But what does this have to do with them?

Hermione stretched, waved her wand, turned some rubble into a round table, and placed the diary that carried Voldemort's soul and memory on it.

"We don't care even if the Dark Lord, whose name is not even mentioned, becomes an Alzheimer's patient," she said.

Riddle was pressed down by the magic power and groaned feebly.

Wait, wait...what are they going to do to his memory!

Volume 1: Chapter 124: Being manipulated

To destroy an unknown and powerful dark magic object, you can use the Sword of Gryffindor held by Harry Potter.

But Nietzsche wanted to keep the diary as evidence.

"If Voldemort cut his soul apart and kept the memories of his school days together in this diary, how did the diary get into Ginny's hands?" Nietzsche rested his elbow on his wand.

The young Voldemort closed his mouth tightly and stared blankly at the ceiling of the chamber.

The only thing he could do now was to wait quietly for time...waiting for Ginny's life force to run out.

But Lockhart on the other side was extremely busy. When he penetrated into Voldemort's soul, the diary used as his brain would show various 'illusions' - false memories used to deceive intruders.

"I need your help," the professor said to them.

"How?" Nietzsche looked away from Voldemort's eyes very carefully.

"Ahem... Just let his mind have some fluctuations, and don't let him continue to have retrospective memories."

Lockhart glanced at Professor Flitwick, who was standing next to him. He had already expressed it very tactfully. After all, a magical genius like him who hopes for world peace does not know those unforgivable curses.

It is hard to imagine that such words came out of a harmless smile.

And Nietzsche was willing to do so, as this was a rare opportunity to torture Voldemort.

"Crucio--Bone--" He held the wand in reverse, looking at Voldemort's handsome face, but what he thought of was what he suffered in the Forbidden Forest last year.

Revenge is the best fertilizer for the Unforgivable Curse.

The white lightsaber flashed red again. The Cruciatus Curse did not weaken its power because the wand core was made of unicorn hair. When the lightsaber that pierced Voldemort's abdomen turned into scarlet blood, even Hermione felt a threat.

She couldn't imagine how much disgust for Voldemort was contained in Nietzsche's calm chanting.

At the moment when Voldemort's limbs began to twitch, Hermione's memory was pulled back to the days of recuperation in St. Mungo's Hospital...

"That's it... Hold on." Lockhart raised his wand and pointed it at the old diary.

Now Flitwick and Hermione could see that several silver-white spider-web-like threads began to appear between the tip of his wand and the book.

Lockhart carefully extracted the lines, and then cut a section of them, matching Voldemort's slight twitching, as if they were doing some unknown experiments in the secret room.

Lockhart stared at the silver thread intently, and the sweat on his forehead left a trail of water marks on his face covered by dust.

Finally, Voldemort's body stopped flickering.

It also means that the magic power and vitality have stopped growing.

"Success?" Hermione turned her head away, not looking at the miserable Voldemort.

"Of course! I said I'm a good forgetfulness spell... Guess what, I made Mr. Riddle forget some details of the spell. You know, this kind of complex black magic must be kept in mind all the time."

Lockhart wiped his face with his sleeves with sweat.

He couldn't make Voldemort forget the whole thing, forget the whole magic, but he could change some details of the spell in those memories when he was mentally weakest.

For the entire magic ritual, one wrong step will lead to all the wrong steps.

Fortunately, Voldemort attached the memories of his school days. As long as he had a complete personality, Lockhart could do something with it.

"I'll go up to see Ginny." Professor Flitwick breathed a sigh of relief, and after picking up the wand that did not belong to Voldemort, he turned and left, "If there is anything, come to Minerva's office to find us."

Now the young Voldemort is forever stuck in the moment before his resurrection... Hey, history is always surprisingly similar.

"Tell me, Tom Riddle." Nietzsche straightened his jaw and said calmly, "A soul container came to a girl through the hands of the Malfoy family... How about this story."

"That's not my name. What flows in my blood is what Salazar passed on to me through his daughter!" Voldemort growled.

A descendant of Salazar Slytherin was defeated by a few mudbloods and a house elf. For Voldemort, there is nothing more unlucky and cowardly than this.

Perhaps he saw the reality clearly, and he began to empty his eyes.

Often, I didn't expect that I would have a chance to revive because of a piece of memory, and also fail because of this piece of memory.

"Nietzsche... Holmes, huh~" Voldemort laughed self-deprecatingly, "Why do you think you can catch their braids? In fact, I asked the son of Abraxas to do this."

Abraxas is Lucius's father.

Dobby, who was standing by, trembled nervously when he heard this. He had indeed heard about the conspiracy about the Chamber of Secrets a few months before school started.

"Lucius thought I was the key to the Chamber of Secrets. Of course... when I was sixteen, he hadn't been born yet, so he naturally didn't know these things, so he only knew that I could ensure that the Chamber of Secrets could be opened."

"As for the method, who knows how he did it."

Hermione's mood fell to the bottom.

If this is the case, then Malfoy can completely escape the pursuit by shouting the flag of "I am also a victim" as he did at the end of the First Magical War, because they are indeed the deceived party.

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